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Design Notes on Kotlin Value Classes

  • Type: Design notes
  • Author: Roman Elizarov
  • Contributors: Alexander Udalov, Andrey Breslav, Dmitry Petrov, Ilmir Usmanov, Ilya Gorbunov, Marat Akhin, Maxim Shafirov, Mikhail Zarechenskiy, Stanislav Erokhin
  • Status: Under consideration
  • Discussion and feedback: KEEP-237

This is not a design document, but an exploratory description of the current state of value classes in Kotlin and potential ways for their future evolution. The purpose of this document is to define a common terminology, provide some insight into potential avenues for features that are based on value classes, and thus establish a channel for discussion with the Kotlin community on use-cases for these features, their potential syntax, impact on existing Kotlin code, etc.

We, in the Kotlin team, are aware of and try to follow minus 100 points language design rule. Any new feature in the language has to clear a high bar on utility it brings to compensate for the complexity it will entail. This document lists a lot of ideas that are complex both conceptually and in terms of implementing them in the compiler. The decision on whether they are that much useful to be added into the language is still to be made.

Table of contents


Instances of all user-defined classes in Kotlin have an identity, the corresponding referential equality operator (===), and are passed around by reference. Identity is a vital concept for mutable classes. When you have two references that point to the same instance, then modification that had happened through one reference is visible through the other reference because, in fact, the single underlying object instance is being modified (playground):

data class Project(val name: String, var stars: Int = 0)

fun main() {
    val a = Project("Kotlin")
    val b = a // reference to the same instance
    println("b = $b") // b = Project(name=Kotlin, stars=0)
    a.stars += 9000 // modify through a
    println("b = $b") // b = Project(name=Kotlin, stars=9000)
    println(a == b) // true -- same value
    println(a === b) // true -- same instance

For immutable classes though, the concept of identity does not have much use. Take a String class for example. String instances are immutable, so you cannot pull the same trick as with the mutable Project class above. Any operation that modifies a string returns a new instance of a string and cannot have any effect on the original one. Even though a String has an identity, it is passed around by value. Moreover, to modify an immutable class like String we have to declare the corresponding reference to it as var (playground):

fun main() {
    var a = "Kotlin" // must be var to modify it
    val b = a // reference to the same instance
    println("b = $b") // b = Kotlin
    a += "!" // modify a
    println("b = $b") // b = Kotlin
    println(a == b) // false -- different value
    println(a === b) // false -- different instance

However, these immutable classes in Kotlin still have an identity, so, one can write code that depends on the identity of individual String instances and distinguishes two String instances that are structurally equal, but have a different identity (playground):

fun main() {
    val a = "Kotlin"
    val b = a.filter { it != ' ' } // Still "Kotlin"
    println(a == b) // true -- same value
    println(a === b) // false -- different instance

The above code is fragile. The implementation of String.filter in the Kotlin standard library does not specify its behavior with respect to returning the same or different instance and can be changed in the future. Relying on a specific identity of an immutable class like String is a bad programming practice.

There are a number of legitimate cases for using identity of immutable classes, though. If identities of two immutable classes are the same, they must represent the same value, so a typical implementation of the equals (value comparison) method for immutable classes (like String) compares their identities first, as a fast-path performance optimization. Also, some operations on immutable classes (unlike the above example with filter) might provide an additional guarantee that the result of the operation has the same identity if the operation did not do anything and with such an operation an identity comparison can be used to see if the operations had made any changes.

Built-in primitive value classes

Since its inception, Kotlin has a number of primitive built-in standard library classes Int, Long, Double, etc that don’t have a stable identity at all. They behave like regular classes for all the purposes with the exception that they don’t have the very concept of identity, and the reference equality operator (===) for them is deprecated (and will be removed in the future). They are prime examples of value classes. To see that they don’t have a stable identity you can coerce them to a reference-based Any type. This forces a value class to be boxed, creating a temporary identity object. Having done that, you can apply a reference equality operation to the result (playground):

fun main() {
    val a = 2021
    val b = a
    val aRef: Any = a // coerce a value to Any
    val bRef: Any = b // coerce b value to Any
    println(aRef == bRef) // true -- same value
    println(aRef === bRef) // false -- different instance

Values classes are immutable classes that disavow the concept of identity for their instances. Two instances of a value class with the same contents (fields) are indistinguishable for all purposes.

This allows the compiler and runtime to freely choose their actual representation. If their instances are small enough, they can be directly stored inside other objects and passed between functions by embedding their value. If they occupy a lot of memory then it is more efficient to pass around a reference to a memory location that contains their value (aka a box). Moreover, when a value class is boxed, a compiler is free to copy it at any time and create a box with a new identity as needed.

Inline classes are user-defined value classes

Inline classes (see the corresponding Inline Classes KEEP) were experimentally implemented in Kotlin since 1.2.30 and are, in fact, user-defined value classes. Their primary feature is that they explicitly disavow the identity and reference equality operator (===). For them,this is not available (produces a compilation error). This allows a compiler to optimize representation of Kotlin inline classes, storing their underlying value instead of a box in many cases.

The umbrella issue for Kotlin inline value classes is KT-23338.

The original proposal was to use the inline modifier before the class keyword. That was discovered to be confusing, because users who are familiar with inline functions in Kotlin find that inline class is quite a different concept. In particular:

  • The functions of inline class are not inline.
  • Inline classes do not provide any additional semantic benefits to the programmer like inline functions do (providing ability to do non-local returns).
  • Unlike inline function, which is always inlined by the Kotlin compiler, the inline class is not actually “inlined” in all cases. Just like built-in value classes in Kotlin (Int, Long, etc), there are many cases when inline class must be boxed and passed by reference to the resulting identity object.

Inline modifier for a class essentially just takes away its identity and brings additional restrictions.

The very meaning of the word “inline” seems to indicate that the developer intent was to avoid boxing those classes. However, Kotlin is not a systems programming language. Even though performance is very important for Kotlin, it does not feel right to have this kind of purely performance-oriented mental model in an application programming language.

In an ideal world, a compiler should be capable of figuring out that an immutable class with a single underlying field would be more efficiently passed around without boxing it, simply passing its underlying value around. This optimization is sometimes knows as boxing elimination, allocation elimination, stack allocation, or scalar replacement. The potential for this compiler optimization is hindered by the fact that objects have an identity. Modern compilers/VMs perform escape analysis to figure out when a reference to an instance does not escape some scope and optimize away the corresponding box if possible. However, for large code-bases and big data-structures this escape analysis does not work, because there is always a chance that there is a piece of code lurking somewhere that would rely on the identity of the particular object. The compiler is rarely capable of proving that it can drop this particular object’s identity and optimize away boxing.

A good mental model for Kotlin is:

  • Step 1: I, as a developer, declare that this is a value class, and I’m not going to rely on a stable identity of its objects.
  • Step 2: Now the compiler can safely optimize away boxing whenever it can.

Combining all of that, the decision was reached to rename the inline modifier to value.

Deep immutability vs shallow immutability

When we say that “value classes are immutable”, we mean a shallow immutability where we only guarantee in the language that direct fields of the corresponding value class cannot be mutated. When we want to highlight this difference and bring attention to the fact that value class immutability is only shallow, we can say they are read-only classes. However, Kotlin value classes are designed to be used to represent truly deeply immutable data-structures. We expect that developers will be usually writing value classes that only contain other immutable classes in their fields, and so we would be calling them simply immutable classes most of the time.

It is important though, to always refer to Kotlin collection interface types like List as read-only collections. They are different from immutable collections. See a separate section on “Read-only collections vs immutable collections”.

The ability to write a value class that is still mutable (because it references some mutable class) is pragmatic. For example, if we need to lazily store a result of some computation, we can just add Lazy<T> field to a value class. This is allowed, despite the fact that Lazy is technically a mutable class.

There are certain domains where there needs to be a guarantee of deep immutability for a data structure rooted at a specific object. This recursive requirement on a data structure arises in many domains, especially when different parts of code are executed in different contexts and there are constraints on what kinds of classes can be transferred or shared between these execution contexts. There can be a recursive requirement of serializability or a recursive requirement for some other domain-specific constraint. For example, only certain classes of objects can be transferred to JS workers, only limited classes of objects can be shared with GPU, etc. Language support for such recursive data-structure requirements will cover the case of deeply immutable objects, too, but it is outside the scope of this document.

Compiling value classes: the single-field restriction

Kotlin is multiplatform and has different compiler backends with different compilation models.

Kotlin/Native has closed world compilation. In the closed world, the compiler knows all the classes that will be run at runtime and is free to choose the underlying ABI (application binary interface) for objects of value classes (whether they should be boxed or not) based on the whole-program analysis, without having to get any hints from the developer. Kotlin/Native can support value classes with multiple fields. Moreover, Kotlin/Native being based on LLVM, could be passing around and storing value objects with multiple underlying fields without boxing them with relative ease.

Kotlin/JS is moving to a closed-world model too, with a new IR-based backend, and has quite a number of compilation strategies to choose from, but returning multiple values from a JS function will still require boxing.

However, with Kotlin/JVM the story is different. First, Kotlin/JVM compiles code in an open world model. Every public Kotlin/JVM function can be called by an arbitrary separately-compiled JVM code that is known only at run-time, so public Kotlin/JVM functions must have a stable ABI which has to be statically selected based on the signature of the function that is being compiled.

Second, on JVM there is no efficient way (yet) to support value classes with more than one underlying field, because they will have to be boxed every time they are returned from a function. Value classes with a single underlying field can be compiled efficiently, and we have designed a stable JVM ABI for them with function name mangling (that is covered in the inline classes KEEP) to fit the calling convention for Kotlin inline value classes into the constraints of JVM.

These are the basic reasons that user-defined value classes are currently restricted to just one underlying field, but we will be lifting those restrictions in the future. More on it follows below.

Project Valhalla

Java Project Valhalla (see The State of Valhalla by Brian Goetz) is promising to bring user-defined primitive classes to JVM (see also the draft JEP for primitive classes by Dan Smith).

The state of Valhalla document still calls them “inline classes”, but JEP draft is calling them “primitive classes”. It looks like the JVM design team is inclined to name them primitive classes in the end. This name has changed multiple times (the original name was “value classes”), and the name may still change again before the final release.

In the future, in a Valhalla-capable JVM, JVM primitive classes will enable efficient representation of Kotlin value classes with an arbitrary number of underlying fields on JVM. However, the existing, limited implementation of Kotlin value classes with a single underlying field has a lot of use-cases and an enormous community demand. We cannot wait to make it stable until Valhalla becomes available in some unclear future. That was a motivation to require a @JvmInline annotation on all Kotlin/JVM value classes even as we currently have only a single compilation strategy for them on JVM. It means that in Kotlin 1.5 value classes for Kotlin/JVM are declared like this:

value class Color(val rgb: Int)

The @JvmInline annotation makes it explicit that something special with this class is going on in JVM, and it enables us to support non-annotated value class in the future Valhalla JVM by compiling them using the capabilities of the Project Valhalla.

The key design driver to naming the annotation @JvmInline was conceptual continuity for early adopters of Kotlin value/inline classes. This naming move is still risky, since it assumes that the corresponding Valhalla concept will indeed get named a “primitive class”. If Valhalla matures to a release with “inline class” naming, then we’ll have to deprecate Kotlin @JvmInline annotation and find another name for it to avoid confusion with a stable Valhalla JVM release.

Why not the reverse? Why not a use a plain value class now, and add some @Valhalla value class in the future? The answer is that, so far, Valhalla promises to be the right way to implement value classes on JVM and Kotlin’s key design principle in choosing defaults is such that “the right thing”, the thing that developers will be using most of the time, should correspond to the shorter code. Ultimately, with the Project Valhalla, it will be the right thing to compile a default (non-annotated) value class with Valhalla, so it means that we must require an annotation now, with pre-Valhalla value classes, to avoid breaking changes for stable Kotlin libraries in the future.

Multifield value classes before Valhalla

Even when Valhalla-capable JVM becomes available, it will not be widely adopted very fast. At what point and under what conditions the Kotlin language should support user-defined value classes with more than one underlying field?

The issue for multifield value classes is KT-1179.

It is not right to make an important Kotlin language feature like “support for value class with multiple fields” dependent on a specific backend. The Kotlin’s multiplatform philosophy is that all Kotlin language features (with as few exceptions as possible) should be supported by all its backends. The compilation strategy and performance on different backends could be different (and is different for many existing Kotlin features), so it is fine if multi-field value classes work for all Kotlin platforms (JVM, JS, Native), but might not be as efficiently compiled when targeting pre-Valhalla JVM.

The motivation to have some backend-specific features, like dynamic type in Kotlin/JS, is typically driven by the specific platform integration needs.

In fact, there are legitimate use-cases for “inlined” multi-field value classes support on pre-Valhalla JVM. Consider the following example:

value class Complex(val re: Double, val im: Double)

On a pre-Valhalla JVM all operations returning Complex values will have to return a box. However, in tight computation loops the JVM should be able to eliminate those boxes after performing escape analysis. This is not going to be 100% reliable optimization, but a typical mathematical code that does a lot of complex computation should still perform faster with it.

What is important, is that passing Complex values into functions and storing them as fields inside other objects can be done directly without boxing even before Valhalla. This can lead to significant overall improvements and is an improvement direction that is worth considering in the future before Valhalla takes shape.

At this point, this is all theoretical. A performance benefit (if any) will have to be measured for specific use-cases before making a decision to actually implement support for @JvmInline value class with multiple fields on a pre-Valhalla JVM.

Value classes vs structs

A number of languages like C++, C#, Rust, Go, Swift, and others have a concept of a struct.

C++ struct is just a class that defaults to public visibility for its members, so the discussion below is also relevant to C++ classes. However, modern languages that have both class and struct keywords tend to give them quite different semantics unlike C++.

A struct is a similar, but a slightly different concept than a value class in Kotlin. First, some of those languages support mutable structs that have an identity (even if they are stack-allocated), can be referenced and modified in place. For this discussion, we’ll limit ourselves to immutable structs. The conceptual model of a struct in those languages is that a struct is a composite bunch of values that is always directly embedded into another struct/class when used as a field and is typically always “passed by value” into functions, copying their contents, unless some other explicit language mechanism is used to pass the corresponding struct by reference or to explicitly box it into an object with identity. It means that structs are not always the right choice for modelling business entities, which tend to be complex, contain lots of fields, and may quickly become very big. Copying structs to pass them around may become very expensive.

The conceptual model behind value classes is different. A developer’s intent of writing a value class is to explicitly disavow its identity and to declare, upfront, its immutability. This declaration enables compiler optimization such as passing those values directly, but it does not guarantee them.

Kotlin is multiplatform, and some platforms may be simply incapable of supporting such optimizations. Moreover, even on platforms that are capable of such optimization, it is more efficient to represent big value classes as references to the corresponding boxes, and the compiler is often in good position to make these decisions. In cases where storing and passing the values directly is important and where compiler heuristics do not give the optimal result, we can support additional annotations in the source code, allowing developer to give a hint to the compiler with the desired strategy.

Primitive class in JVM Project Valhalla is conceptually similar to a Kotlin value class in this respect. JVM will allocate instances of big primitive classes on the heap and will pass around a reference to the corresponding memory using its own heuristics on what to consider a “big value”.

Immutability and value classes

The concept of a value class serves as a solid basis to embrace immutable data. Immutability is important for design of modern systems. Notably, immutable data is often used for asynchronous programming to make it less error-prone. Immutability is not cheap, but in a modern application development we can often afford it (see more discussion in Immutability We can Afford by Roman Elizarov). The story of immutability ties especially well into Kotlin coroutines.

However, Kotlin still treats immutable classes as somewhat second-class. Kotlin has symmetric support for mutable var and read-only val properties, but this symmetry is skin-deep. Consider the following code that maintains a mutable state and periodically distributes updates to it.

data class State(
    var lastUpdate: Instant,
    var tags: List<String>,
    // ...

class Repository {
    private val state = State(/*...*/)

    fun addTag(tag: String) {
       state.lastUpdate = now()
       state.tags += tag
       notifyOnChange(state.copy()) // BE CAREFUL HERE !   

Now, since the current state is modeled by the mutable State class, the challenge becomes to correctly implement call to the notifyOnChange function whenever any kind of asynchronous pipeline is involved (as it often happens in UIs, for example). The Kotlin data class feature helps in this particular example, as we can use copy(). In general, it is quite error-prone with a deeply mutable data structure since copy() is only shallow.

Immutability saves us here as we don’t need to use copy(). There’s no risk of accidentally forgetting to copy an immutable object. The code with immutable state will look like this:

data class State(
    val lastUpdate: Instant, // var -> val
    val tags: List<String>,  // var -> val
    // ...

class Repository {
    private var state = State(/*...*/) // val -> var

    fun addTag(tag: String) {
       state = state.copy(
           lastUpdate = now(), 
           tags = state.tags + tag
       notifyOnChange(state) // NO NEED TO COPY HERE !    

As you can see, what we’ve gained in copy-avoidance in the call to notifyOnChange we’ve more than lost with inconvenient updates of immutable state:

  • We cannot use compound assignments like += with immutable properties.
  • We cannot as easily use arbitrary logic in our update code (ifs, loops, etc) as copy has to be called once or calls to copy have to be repeated over and over.
  • It is hard to modify deeply nested immutable structures, as it produces hard-to-understand nested copy calls.

Updating immutable classes

In order for immutability to shine in Kotlin, updates to immutable structures should not be more verbose in source code than updates of mutable data. Otherwise there’s always going to be a desire to cut corners and introduce mutability just for the sake of writing more concise code with less boilerplate. That is undesirable, since immutability makes code safer. Writing “the right code” should not require more effort than writing “the wrong code”.

The idea follows from a total analogy with coroutines that hid callback-hell from the source code. With coroutines the source looks elegant. Most of the time application developers don’t care what target code the compiler produces behind the scenes to implement it as long as the source code clearly expresses the developer’s intent with respect to the business logic of the code.

Thus, the ultimate Kotlin syntax for working with immutable classes is the same as for working with mutable classes, but without the need to ever worry about copy():

fun addTag(tag: String) {
    state.lastUpdate = now()
    state.tags += tag

The above syntax is conceptually a sugar for the explicit state = state.copy(...) invocation in the previous version. For the purpose of this section you can think of this version of addTag function as being compiled to the code that uses copy under the hood.

This looks scary at the first sight just like design for calls of suspend functions looked scary first without the explicit await keyword in the source. Let us see what this syntax entails.

First, enabling this syntax for regular classes or data classes would be confusing. state.field = value syntax already has a specific (different) meaning in the world of mutable classes. Moreover, regular classes have identity. When you write state = state.copy(lastUpdate = now()) it is quite clear to the reader that the identity of the current state object is going to change, since there is a clear assignment to a state variable, but if you write state.lastUpdate = now() that is not so immediately clear that state identity is being updated. It could create a puzzler when State is a mutable class itself and can, essentially, be updated in two separate ways — by mutating an object or by creating a different object.

Things like var list: MutableList<T> (where you have a mutable property storing a reference to an instance of a mutable type) are allowed in Kotlin now, but are quite error-prone and are generally considered bad code style. We don’t want to make it worse by adding new ways to create a copy of a mutable type.

That is where the concept of immutable identity-less value class comes into play. For a value class like State the statement state.lastUpdate = now() cannot have any other meaning, but to create a copy with a different value for lastUpdate. If a state is declared as val, then this code will not compile at all. It is safe to allow this short-hand updating syntax for value types as there will be no confusion on what it does. The style of this code fits the Kotlin vision for fun in development — we can work with immutable classes without any ceremony.

Copyable properties of immutable types

To support state.lastUpdate = now() syntax for value types, we need to be able to declare lastUpdate property of the immutable value class State as a copyable property. We designate such properties as copy var — the var path highlights that the property can be updated, the copy modifier signifies that it works similarly to the copy() function.

We can also invent a new keyword, in addition to val and var that means “immutable property that can be updated by creating a new copy of the containing class behind the scenes”. We might end up adding a such new keyword in the future. The best candidate for now is cov (a shortening of copy var). For now, in this document, we will be using a longer and more explicit copy var form.

value class State(
    copy var lastUpdate: Instant,
    // ...

The meaning of this copy var is that you can use state.lastUpdate = now() statement when state itself is var (mutable). For the reasons described in the previous section (to avoid implicit identity changes), the copy var is limited to value class declarations, that is, you cannot declare a copy var inside a regular class declaration.

The original idea was to reuse the var keyword, so that a var inside the value class is implicitly interpreted as copy var. The reasoning was that a regular var with a backing field is not allowed on a value class anyway, so it will cause no harm. However, it turns out to be problematic for extension properties and for member properties without backing fields (properties with getters and setters). There are a perfectly valid use-cases when a value class represents an immutable handle into the underlying mutable data structure with regular var properties that mutate this underlying data structure. In this case = value syntax has its usual mutating (non-copying) meaning. So, a value class can end having both copyable properties and regular (mutable) properties and the same time. Under this light, the context-dependent nature of var would be confusing. We're also realized that the concept of the copy var itself is quite novel, so it makes total sense, at least initially, to be verbose and explicit about it, explicitly writing copy var even when declaring primary constructor properties of a value class.

Note, that struct in the Swift programming language is a very similar concept. Swift has var (mutable) and let (immutable) properties and uses var to denote properties of structs that produce the new copy of the struct on update.
This Swift’s feature is the main inspiration for looking into the similar syntactic feature in Kotlin. However, extension properties are unique to Kotlin and their presence had motivated us to prefer a more explicit copy var syntax in Kotlin.

On the surface, this looks like a stretch for the usual meaning of var property, but if you take a closer look at the example of how these copyable properties are updated in the source code (just like mutable var properties of mutable classes), then this does not look like a stretch anymore.

The corresponding issue for convenient update convention for immutable value classes is KT-44653.

Compiling copyable properties on JVM

The simple implementation for copyable properties of immutable value classes on JVM could be done via existing approach like copy(...) function for data classes. However, the copy function has a problem with respect to separate compilation and stable ABI. Adding more properties to a class breaks ABI of the copy function for all its previously compiled clients.

See a detailed explanation in Public API challenges in Kotlin by Jake Wharton.

Mutable classes do not have a similar problem. You don’t have to use copy function with mutable classes and usually you don’t. Properties of mutable classes are compiled to a pair of getXxx and setXxx methods on JVM and are stable with respect to the natural evolution of the corresponding mutable classes. New properties can be added to mutable classes while preserving binary compatibility with respect to the clients that were compiled against an older version of the corresponding class. The goal of 1st-class support for immutable classes (on par with mutable classes) motivates us to look for a better solution.

A copyable property copy var lastUpdate: Instant of a value class State can be desugared for Java/JVM into the following two methods:

class State {
    Instant getLastUpdate(); // a usual Kotlin getter
    State withLastUpdate(Instant value); // a "wither" to copy an immutable class with new lastUpdate value

With this compilation strategy state.lastUpdate = now() statement would get desugared during compilation into state = state.withLastUpdate(now()).

The seeming downside of this strategy is that a sequence of updates like this:

state.lastUpdate = now()
state.tags += tag

Would be compiled using two withXxx calls, allocating an intermediate State object:

state = state.withLastUpdate(now())
state = state.withTags(state.tags + tag)

The intermediate State object does not escape the local scope and would be optimized away by an advanced JVM. However, these kinds of optimization that are based on escape analysis are not reliable. Fortunately, we can further optimize such code in Kotlin/JVM if it is written inside the State class itself (or maybe even in the same module). A Kotlin compiler can analyze what combination of State properties are being updated together in this module, generate a specialized internal updating method, and compile this code into something like:

state = state.with$LastUpdate$Tags$internal(now(), state.tags + tag)

Here we explicitly use the identityless-ness of value classes. Because an identity of a value class is not important the compiler is free to split or combine sequence of updates to value classes in any way. It is even possible to temporarily keep updated properties of value classes in local variables up to the moment when an instance of a value class is needed to pass it to some other function and only then create an actual, updated, value class instance.

Even the basic variant of this optimization would provide efficient and reliable mass-update for value classes. For cases when such update should be performed from another class or module, abstraction updates into functions will help. See the next section.

For a closed-world compilation (like in Kotlin/Native) we can make sure that chained updates of value classes are always optimized and do not perform unnecessary allocations.

Abstracting updates into functions

It is not enough just to support short-hand copying convention like state.lastUpdate = now(). You should be able to abstract these kinds of operations on value classes into functions without losing syntactic convenience, just like you do for mutable classes. Let us see how you can write an updating method for an immutable class State in the current version of Kotlin:

fun State.updatedNow(): State =
    state.copy(lastUpdate = now())

We have to write functions that update immutable classes in a “wither style”. Sometimes a convention of naming such functions as withXxx may be used, but we don’t follow it here. Instead, in this example we follow Kotlin naming convention that is used to distinguish two kind of methods on mutable classes (see sort() vs sorted(), etc). Anyway, the very declaration of such a function is a boilerplate:

  • A type has to be mentioned twice: as a receiver type and as a return type.
  • The intent of writing a function that returns an updated receiver is not immediately clear and can get lost in the boilerplate, especially for more complex functions with many parameters.

It is not that bad if you have few such functions, but for a big data model it quickly becomes tenuous without some kind of code generation or without a language feature that we will be talking about here.

With support for copyable properties in value classes the body of this function might be changed to:

fun State.updatedNow(): State {
    var result = this // must declare as var ...
    result.lastUpdate = now() // to perform update of immutable state
    return result

This gives no improvement and is still far cry from the simplicity of working with mutable classes. So, members and extensions of value classes should support a mechanism to declare a function with a copyable receiver, that is, a function that exposes this receiver reference as copy var and implicitly returns the updated value of this. The best way to achieve it is via a modifier for a function declaration:

copy fun State.updateNow() { // implicitly returns new State
    lastUpdate = now() // this.lastUpdate = is possible because of var this

Swift uses mutating modifier for this purpose. However, we've found that using the term "mutation" for such a feature is confusing, because it rings similarity to mutable classes and regular in-place mutation of their properties. We are striving here for the same syntactic concision, but the underlying mechanics are quite different, as the State object is being copied with this function, not being mutated in place, hence the choice of the copy modifier.

A copying function for an immutable value class returns new value behind the scenes, without having to explicitly repeat the receiver type as the result type in the signature of the function declaration.

As you can see, this way we start a conceptual process of flipping defaults in favor of immutability for user-defined classes. This is not novel in Kotlin. In the standard library the shorter-named List is read-only (hence immutable if its element type is immutable), and a longer name of MutableList is explicitly used when mutability is needed. This implicitly makes immutability a default choice, which is great, since immutability is safer. In the same fashion, it is consistent and safe to forbid regular functions from updating objects of value classes unless they explicitly opt-in with the dedicated copy keyword.

Copying functions also bring small niceties to other corners of the language with the appropriate support from the standard library. E.g. this kind repetitive code:

myVeryLongBooleanFlag = !myVeryLongBooleanFlag

could become straightforward and repetition-avoiding withcopy fun Boolean.toggle() that might be added to the standard library in the future:


The name of Boolean.toggle() copying extension function is inspired by the corresponding function from Swift.

Copyable this as a ref (inout) parameter in disguise

One can argue that copying functions essentially bring C#-style ref parameters to Kotlin, also known as inout parameters in Swift.

A ref parameter is a way to declare a function parameter such that you can only pass a var property argument which the function can modify. If the Kotlin had ref parameters, then it would be fitting to mark it on a call-side with some kind of modifier to make it explicit.

For example, in C# the call to a method with an ref parameter looks like toggle(ref myVeryLongBooleanFlag). while in Swift the syntax for calling a function with an inout parameter is toggle(&myVeryLongBooleanFlag).

So a copying function can be seen as a function with a ref this. Does support for copying functions mean Kotlin starts on the road of adding ref parameters in the future? Let us see.

From day one Kotlin was designed to encourage good programming practices. Drawing its inspiration from Java, Kotlin had added common idioms and widely accepted design patterns as language features as well as removed features and capabilities that often serve as source of bugs or otherwise produce hard to understand code.

In a world of mutable classes it is considered normal to write methods that are called with a receiver of a certain mutable class and mutate the corresponding instance they are called for. It is also a good practice to name such method with a verb that brings attention to their mutating nature, for example:


However, it is considered a bad practice to mutate objects that were passed to a method as its arguments, even when it references an instance of a mutable class. A programmer reading the above code naturally expects that transferDetails object is not changed. If it does change, that would be surprising.

It makes sense to codify this practice into the language itself, by only allowing mutation on the function receiver. In this case, when both account and transferDetails are represented with immutable value classes, then above call can only update the account instance. There will be no way to write surprising code that updates its immutable parameter.

However, even in the Kotlin standard library we can find exceptions to the “no parameter mutation” rule. Consider the following function signature (a simplified version of the actual Kotlin stdlib function):

fun <T> Iterable<T>.filterTo(
    destination: MutableCollection<in T>,
    predicate: (T) -> Boolean

It filters its receiver into the first parameter, which has a type of a mutable collection, mutating the object that the parameter references to. Why does this function even exists? It exists to enable writing efficient code with mutable collections. It does make sense in the world of immutable collections, too, but let us see how it would be actually used here. For example, with kotlinx.collections.immutable library you can write something like this:

val result = persistentList.update { dest ->
    otherCollection.fiterTo(dest) { /* predicate */ }

Here, when updating a PersistentCollection (which is an immutable data structure) we perform its update in a batch for efficiency reasons using its update function. It represents its updatable view inside the update function block with a MutableList interface. Here, again, a mutable interface is used. So, there seems to be no compelling need for ref parameters beyond a special case of copying functions that update their receiver.

There is a fringe case of functions like C#-style swap(ref x, ref y) that flips two variables, which is indeed useful when writing certain low-level algorithms. However, designing a ref parameters language feature just for the sake of few such functions is not prudent.

Updating properties with copying setters

In light of copying functions, the special support for copyable properties (copy var) of value classes can be seen as support for copying setters. A regular mutable property of a regular mutable class has a getter and a setter:

class State { // mutable
    var lastUpdate: Instant
        get() { /* getter returning Instant */ }
        set(value: Instant) { /* setter updating State */ }

An immutable class instance cannot be modified, but we can still write setters for it if the setters are marked as copying:

value class State { // immutable
    copy var lastUpdate: Instant
        get() { /* getter returning Instant */ }
        /*copy*/ set(value: Instant) { /* setter updates State */ }

We don’t have to require explicitly writing this copy modifier on a copying setter. The setter is copying (copy set) because the corresponding property is copyable (copy var).

This way, it becomes possible to declare updatable properties on value classes without having a backing field for them. For example, a State class can expose its lastUpdate: Instant property as a string and support its update.

value class State { // immutable value class
    copy var lastUpdate: Instant // copyable property with a backing field

    copy var lastUpdateString: String // computed copyable property
        get() = lastUpdate.toString()
        set(s: String) { // This is copying function with copyable var this
            lastUpdated = Instant.parse(s);

Extension receiver vs dispatch receiver

Kotlin functions can have two receivers and there is work in progress to introduce ability to add more receivers (see KT-10468 Multiple receivers on extension functions/properties). Let us see how they interact with copying functions.

class Dispatch {
    copy fun Extension.doSomething()

The doSomething function has an extension receiver Extension and a dispatch receiver Dispatch. The intent of this declaration is to enable extension.doSomething() call in the context of a Dispatch receiver instance. Here the extension receiver is the indented object of an action explicitly specified in the call-site usage of this function:

with(dispatch) { // dispatch receiver must be in the call context
    extension.doSomething() // extension receiver can be specified before the dot

From the section on ref parameters we can see that modifying the dispatch context from the doSomething function is a bad style. It is not even explicitly passed as an argument to the function. In the rare case when it might be needed, it can be achieved using a mutable dispatch receiver class. This leads us to conclude that the copy modifier should apply only to the extension receiver of the function in this case. We can use the same analysis when Kotlin gets support for more receivers.

Deep mutations

As was noted in the beginning of this section on immutability, the whole extent of convenience when working with mutable vs immutable data shows when you start to model nested business domain entities with them. Updating a deeply nested property in a mutable business object is as easy as writing: = updatedMessage

An equivalent update in the immutable data model currently requires writing something like the following code:

order = order.copy(
    delivery =
        status =
            message = updatedMessage

It is critical for acceptance of immutable data structures in Kotlin to make writing this kind of update as simple as the code for mutable classes: = updatedMessage

The difference between the code for an immutable value and the syntactically-same code for a mutable class, is that this code will not compile for an immutable value unless the order, delivery, status, and message properties are all declared as var, while the same code for a mutable business data model needs only the message property to be var.

The same consideration applies to invocation of mutation function in the deep chain of accesses as in

Call-site syntactic indicator of copying

The previous example with deep mutations serves as a good illustration that it is not very helpful to try to add some kind of call-site indication as to which variable in this chain is “actually mutated” and which part “is copied”. From the viewpoint of the developer who writes this kind of business code it is irrelevant. As long as the domain model that the developer is working with is mostly immutable (which is a common practice, for example, in highly asynchronous systems), object identity is not used, there is no reason to bring attention to this difference.

However, mutating regular mutable classes is dangerous and is a source of countless bugs. That is why IntelliJ IDEA brings extra attention to all mutable state in an application by underlining mutable variables by default. So, in fact, when working with var order: Order, then example from the previous section will be rendered like this: = updatedMessage

An order, being a variable, will be underlined in this code. This brings attention to the fact that any other code that works with this var order will see its change.

There is no need to underline any of the delivery, status, or message properties if they are copy var properties of the immutable value classes. Updating a copyable property of a value class is safe. It cannot affect any other piece of code that might have kept a reference to the same object. An update of a copyable property of a value class produces a new value object copy, previous value object, which other code could have potentially referenced, remains intact.

Likewise, there is no immediate benefit in requiring extra call-side syntax for calls to copying functions on value classes. They are just as safe as assignments. They are less error-prone than regular mutating methods on mutable classes.

It would be great if we can figure out a way to distinguish (and, at least, underline in an IDE) mutating methods of regular, mutable classes. However, unlike value classes, where read-only methods and copying methods are clearly distinct (by the virtue of the copy modifier), there is no such clear distinction in the world of mutable classes. Developers can only rely on naming conventions and deep knowledge of libraries they use to avoid various mutation-related pitfalls.

We’d also like to explore potential approaches to explicitly marking mutating methods of mutable classes in the future, so they are distinct from read-only methods of mutable classes. It is a simple concept, that C++, for example, supports in the form of const methods. However, from a standpoint of modern software development practices, it is quite clear that C++ had chosen the wrong default. The default should be for the absence of mutation, while the ability to mutate an object should be explicit. Anyway, this thought avenue is out of the scope of this document that is focused on immutable value classes.

Value interfaces

As value classes with copyable properties and copying functions become used the need for further abstractions will quickly arise. For example, one would like to have multiple implementations of immutable lists sharing a common ImmutableList<T> interface. However, as we saw before, copying functions and copyable properties will be supported only on value classes. It means that while value classes can implement interfaces, working with those interfaces will not be as syntactically convenient when they need to be updated. For example, if an ImmutableList is declared like this:

interface ImmutableList<T> {
    fun add(element: T): ImmutableList<T> // note: boilerplate return type    

Then working with it is quite verbose and repetitive as in myListOfItems = myListOfItems.add(newItem). To bring the power of value classes to interfaces we can introduce the concept of value interfaces. They will support copying functions and can declare copy var properties.

value interface ImmutableList<T> {
    copy fun add(element: T) // no more return-type boilerplate

var myListOfItems: ImmutableList<Item>
myListOfItems.add(newItems) // now without repetition

The value interface declaration will guarantee that all its implementing classes are value classes that have no identity and thus creating copies of their instances whenever needed for updating operations is fine.

Copying functions on interfaces implicitly return the "self" type — a new value of the same type that the operation was called for. They can be applied to var properties of any type that extends or implements the corresponding value interface. This is more restricted than the general-purpose KT-6494 Self types supports.

A standard library will need to define some root interface, which we can tentatively call AnyValue that will be implemented by all value classes and extended by value interfaces. This would allow using AnyValue interface in generic parameter constraints to define functions that can be only applied to value classes. Thus, generic copying extension functions can be defined. Some use-cases for such functions will be shown later.

JVM Project Valhalla plans to introduce a similar JVM PrimitiveObject interface that can be used to enforce the requirement for being implemented only by JVM primitive classes. However, for Kotlin we’ll need to support a migration strategy where some legacy values are compiled before Valhalla, while newer ones use Valhalla, so the actual design must be more complicated than simply making AnyValue interface extend JVM PrimitiveObject.

Note, that marking an interface or class as value adds additional restrictions to how it can be used and thus it is not, in general, neither a binary-compatible change, nor a source-compatible change for a stable library. See a separate section on migration.

Read-only collections vs immutable collections

Kotlin has mutable collection types (e.g. MutableList) and read-only collection types (e.g. List), and we always make a point of calling them read-only as opposed to immutable collections (e.g. like the ones provided by kotlinx.collections.immutable library). The difference is subtle, but an important one.

Consider an instance of the ArrayList class. This object can be referenced both via a MutableList interface and via a read-only List interface. Thus, any pieces of code that holds a reference via a read-only List type cannot be sure that it will not be mutated at the next moment through some other reference of a mutable type. It simply cannot happen with immutable values. An object of an immutable value class cannot be mutated. An immutable collection cannot meaningfully implement MutableList interface. A code holding an instance reference via an ImmutableList interface type cannot see it change.

This potential 3rd-party mutation of a read-only List is usually not a concern in simple single-threaded synchronous code. A code that creates a mutable ArrayList instance passes it around into other functions via a read-only List interface and does not try to modify it while other functions use it. Yet, as code become more complex, collection references get stored somewhere, shared, passed around, it becomes important to carefully follow the practice of defensive copying to avoid sharing/storing a mutable collection that will be later modified. Immutable collections, just like all immutable data, free developers from all these defensive copying concerns.

We cannot reuse the read-only List type from the Kotlin standard library in the meaning of an immutable list, we cannot declare List as a value interface, since List interface can be and is implemented by mutable, non-value classes. We’ll have to introduce a separate set of interfaces, like value interface ImmutableList<T>, to be implemented by immutable value classes for the purpose of their use in immutable data structures. This explosion of collection interfaces (List, MutableList, ImmutableList) with a lot of duplication in the utility functions that are available for those interfaces, can be addressed by introducing a separate language feature to perform mutability-projection of types. The MutableList interface can become a mutable projection of a List interface, written as mutable List (here mutable becomes a modifier for a type, not a part of its name anymore), while ImmutableList can likewise become an immutable projection of a List interface, written as immutable List. All the methods and functions declared on a List will be marked with appropriate modifiers, allowing compiler to figure out which mutability type projection gives access to which functions. However, further elaboration of this potential scheme is outside the scope of this document, since these kinds of tagged projections are useful outside the world of mutability/immutability and should be undertaken in separate design effort.

It is also worth noting, that there is a lot of existing research into this kind of type-lattices with mutable, read-only, and immutable types, including a number of research and experimental languages supporting them. Some of those systems provide means that allow creation of mutable instances in the limited scope of construction and, somehow ensuring those instance did not escape the construction code via a mutable type, upgrade those instances to an immutable type without having to copy them. We might be able to adapt some of that research for Kotlin, too, further narrowing the gap between mutable and immutable data types, but that’s a separate topic. Here we focus on enhancing the story of immutable value types in Kotlin.

Copying functions returning a value

There are compelling use-cases to support copying functions that return a value in addition to modifying their receiver. In particular, there are operations on collections that will benefit from such a feature. For example, it is helpful for a remove operation on persistent (immutable) set to return a Boolean value indicating if the element was present (and likewise for add):

copy fun <T> ImmutableList<T>.remove(value: T): Boolean

This makes an immutable-collection API that is based on copying functions more efficient and more pleasant to use than “wither style” functions that are chained with dot-call. You can naturally use and update immutable collections that are stored as fields in value classes:

value class State(
    copy var tags: ImmutableList<String>, // copyable property
    copy var madePendingAt: Instant?,
    // ...

copy fun State.makePending() {
    if (tags.add("pending")) {
        madePendingAt = now()

Support for writing this kind of business logic in a direct imperative style, provides a seamless transition for developers from working with mutable data structures to working with immutable ones.

You can see clear parallels here with how Kotlin coroutines, that enabled writing asynchronous code in direct imperative style, lowered entry barrier into otherwise challenging field.

It will not be possible to efficiently compile copying functions returning a value on a pre-Valhalla JVM. Behind the scenes the corresponding JVM function will have to return a pair with its result and an updated receiver value. However, this pair will be a temporary object that does not escape outside the caller context, so we can expect that the existing JVM escape analysis will perform quite well to optimize the corresponding code and eliminate temporary allocations.

Copying operators

Kotlin has a number of conventions for operator overloading and they need to take into account immutable value classes.

Unary prefix operators (unaryPlus, unaryMinus, not), increment and decrement operators (inc, dec) , binary arithmetic operators (plus, minus, times, div, rem, rangeTo), in operator (in), are already designed to work on immutable values and don’t need any special treatment.

Augmented assignments (plusAssign, etc) mutate their receiver, but are supported via the corresponding binary operations and work for immutable values via them, so they need no special treatment either.

Indexed access operator (get) does not perform any mutation, but indexed assignment operator (set) will have to be tweaked to support ergonomic operation on immutable collections. A copying indexed assignment operator can be supported:

copy operator fun ImmutableList<T>.set(index: Int, value: T)

With this operator, update even deeply nested immutable data structures with collections becomes easier:[0] = updatedFirstLine

Delegate convention (by) will need to be likewise tweaked to support copying setters (“withers”).

Copying function types and lambdas

To make a language feature complete, every new kind of function shall have the corresponding functional type, so that any piece of code can be property extracted into a lambda and repeating pieces of boilerplate code can be refactored into higher-order functions. This motivates support for copying functional type copy R.(P1, P2, ... ) -> T.

Copying functional types allow extraction of common logic over value classes. For example, consider the following code:

copy fun State.addTag(tag: String) {
    tags += tag
    // ... some other business-driven updates here
    lastUpdate = now()    

When updating Status class like this we might want to ensure that its lastUpdate is set to now() only when the state was actually changed:

copy fun State.addTag(tag: String) {
    val prevState = this
    tags += tag
    // ... some other business-driven updates here
    if (this != prevState) lastUpdate = now()

If this logic is needed in different functions that update State, it can be extracted to a higher-order function with the help of copying functional type:

inline copy fun State.update(block: copy State.() -> Unit) {
    val prevState = this
    if (this != prevState) lastUpdate = now()    

Which is used like this:

copy fun State.addTag(tag: String) = update {
    tags += tag
    // ... some other business-driven updates here

Copying scope functions

A copying function does not explicitly return a new value, so, just like mutating functions on mutable classes they cannot be directly chained. If you perform a sequence of updates on some mutable val state: MutableState, or on some immutable var state: State, you could write them in imperative do-style:

val outcome = state.getResult()

When state is mutable we can use Kotlin scope function run to avoid repetition of the common state. prefix:

val outcome = { // this = state here

However, for a value class State this code will not compile. Inside the run { ... } block the reference to this is not modifiable and copying functions cannot be called on it. With the help of copying functional types we can define a dedicated scope function runUpdate for this case in the standard library:

copy inline fun <T : AnyValue, R> T.runUpdate(block: copy T.() -> R): R {
    return block() // updates this and returns block's result

Now, changing { ... } to state.runUpdate { ... } in the above code will make it work as expected for an immutable value class State. The downside of this approach is that developer will have to take an extra effort to use immutable classes and various standard library functions will have to come in separate copying versions.

As you can see, the actual code of this runUpdate function is the same as its run cousin, with the only difference that it is restricted to work on AnyValue and has a copy modifier both for itself and for its lambda. We can use a different approach. We can allow marking inline generic functions with copy modifier even when they are defined as extensions on an arbitrary type T, which is not necessarily a value class:

copy inline fun <T, R> copy T.() -> R): R {
    return block() // can update this if T is a value class

This is roughly analogous with how inline functions can be implicitly used in suspending context.

The meaning of this copy function and the corresponding functional type of its parameter is that it is allowed to update its receiver when T is a value class (and thus can have copying functions) and is not allowed to update it when T is a regular (non-value) class. So, in a sense, it is conditionally copying depending on valueness of its receiver. With this feature all the appropriate scope functions from the standard library will simply be marked as copy and will work in a familiar way without having to invent new names for them.

In particular, this would also allow us to retrofit apply function so that it serves a double-duty of chaining updates. Let’s modify apply function from the standard library so that it can have copying operations in its body and will return an updated version of the value, without being copying function itself. Unlike run, we’ll have to change the body of its code a bit, too (but it will not affect its semantics for regular mutable classes):

// Note that it is not copying itself, it returns updated result instead
inline fun <T> T.apply(block: copy T.() -> Unit): T {
    var receiver = this // save receiver into a variable
    receiver.block() // call potentially coping block on the receiver
    return receiver // return updated receiver

Now consider, for example, a states: Flow<State>. If we have State.updatedNow(): State function written in a “wither style” that modifies a state and returns a new state, then we can use .map { ... } operator on it to get a flow of updated states:

val updatedStates = { it.updatedNow() }

When we start modelling our domain using copying functions we no longer define updatedNow() function, we have copying updateNow() function instead (note how the verb in the name changed its form). So we cannot just call it.updateNow(), since it property is read-only inside the map. Here is where the copying-supporting version of apply can be used to adapt the world of copying functions to the world of “functions that expect a new value to be returned from a wither-style function” (like map) so that we can use copying functions with them:

val updatedStates = { it.apply { updateNow() } }

However, if this combination becomes popular, we might consider providing a specially-named version of map to capture this pattern. In the end, we can straighten the road from mutable classes to immutable classes only so far. There will be some rough edges between the chaining code style of a.withFirst().withSecond() and an imperative code style of a.doFirst(); a.doSecond().

Note, that updateNow is still a function without side effects, even though its call is written in imperative style. updateNow() returns an updated copy of the State and the combination of apply { updateNow() } makes its result explicit, so that it can be used with map { ... } operator.

Legacy and migration

While the goal of first-class support for immutable value classes is noble, the challenge is that there is a lot of existing code that either uses mutable classes or is based on immutable classes that are written and are used in chaining code style, with functions that are declared to return updated values.

Migrating built-in primitive types to value classes

As noted in the introduction, primitive built-in classes like Int, Long, Double, etc from the Kotlin standard library are already value-like and don’t support identity. We could declare them as value classes in the standard library.

Moreover, we can start introducing new copying properties for the old value classes. For example, with migration of Int class to become a value class, its Int.sign extension can be upgraded from a read-only property (val) to copying property (copy var):

copy var Int.sign: Int
    get() = when {
        this < 0 -> -1
        this > 0 -> 1
        else -> 0
    set(value: Int) = when {
        value > 0 && this < 0 || value < 0 && this > 0 -> this = -this
        value == 0 && this != 0 -> this = 0

Now, it would become possible not only to read x.sign of an integer, but also update it with a statement like x.sign = desiredSign.

Strings and other value-based classes

Kotlin standard library contains a lot of other immutable classes: String, Regex, Pair, etc. All these immutable classes conceptually represent values and would benefit from being explicitly declared as such, as value classes, too. However, we cannot declare them as being value classes right away, and there is one more reason, beyond mutating properties that were discussed in the previous section.

These immutable classes, like String, don’t protect identities of their instances in any way. Conceivably, there could be code that somehow depends on it. We would need to introduce @DeprecatedIdentity annotation for the purpose of migrating them to value classes.

Why is this important? Getting rid of identity enables optimizations. Take a String class, for example. Even if JVM is not yet planning to turn string instances into JVM primitive classes, Kotlin/Native might benefit from being able to get rid of string identities. For example, short strings can be optimized and packed into values, which could be beneficial for some applications.

The same is true for all other immutable classes. Because these classes are immutable, it really makes no sense to maintain their identity. The identity is only conceptually important for mutable classes.

Unfortunately, getting rid of identity is not an easy process with respect to the legacy code that might depend on it. Once a value type like String gets upcast to a reference type like Any, it acquires some identity. In Kotlin today, this identity is stable. If the same instance of a string “A” gets upcast to Any multiple times, the result is the reference to the same object with the same identity, which we can confirm using a reference equality operator (playground):

fun main() {
    val a = "A" // a string
    val b: Any = a // upcast to Any
    val c: Any = a // upcast to Any again
    println(b === c) // true result is guaranteed now

If, for example, Kotlin/Native starts optimizing short strings as values and strips them of stable identity, then the above code might start producing false result of comparison. However, there is no way we can detect this kind of code and start warning that its behavior will be changing in the future, since this code performs an allowed reference comparison of two instances of type Any and the actual comparison can be buried deeply in the library code (as in the case of IdentityHashMap).

There are two approaches to this breaking change. One is to just make it in a major Kotlin version and live with it, while trying a combination of heuristics to identify and warn on as much potentially broken code as possible in advance. We can start marking all identity-dependent types (like IdentityHashMap) and functions with a special annotation and warn on all attempts to pass a @DeprecatedIdentity classes to them. Given relatively rare use of identity-sensitive operations in the general Kotlin code, this approach could be fruitful in cleaning up Kotlin code of potentially-broken-in-future identity-sensitive operations without producing too much false negative noise.

The other is to use the approach of JVM Project Valhalla to reference comparisons. Valhalla plans to implement reference comparisons between JVM primitives by comparing the underlying values. This way, the actual identity of the boxed value classes will never be visible to the user code. With Valhalla, JVM will be free to optimize allocations and copies of its primitive (value) classes without affecting runtime semantics of any kind of user code. However, the Valhalla approach still does not support non-breaking migration of plain immutable classes to Valhalla primitive (value) classes. The nature of a breaking change is different, though. Modifying a bit the code that was shown in the introduction, this code today sees two strings with the same value but having different identity (playground):

fun main() {
    val a = "Kotlin"
    val b: Any = a.filter { it != ' ' } // Still "Kotlin"
    val c: Any = a // reference to a
    println(b == c) // true -- same value
    println(b === c) // false -- different instance

If String is turned into a value class and runtime system strips away its identity (as we can do in Kotlin/Native without waiting for Valhalla), then Valhalla-like approach to a reference comparison operator (===) will change the behavior of this code to return true.

So, it seems that turning existing immutable classes into value classes to enable their performance optimization will necessitate acceptance of some form of a breaking change in behavior for the existing code that relies on the identity of those existing immutable classes. Don’t write this kind of code.

Augmented updating assignment operator

Without 1st-class support for copying functions, working with immutable data requires some boilerplate code. Today, a typical updating operation on an immutable data structure, like copy() function in a data class, is declared to return an updated version of the data. Lots of operations on collections and other values are declared like that. Some of them, like arithmetic operators (plus, minus, etc), enjoy the benefits of Kotlin operator overloading. For example BigInteger instances (which are immutable) can be conveniently updated like this:

myBigValue += increment // DRY shortcut to myBigValue = myBigValue + increment

However, when a function on an immutable value does not have a corresponding operator, it can be only used for mutation in a verbose and repetitive way, like this:

myBigValue = myBigValue.and(mask)

Repetitiveness in such code can be reduced by introducing a special context-specific call operator that would be available only in certain context (here - in assignment context) and would allow dropping repeated mentioning of the receiver:

myBigValue = .and(mask)

See KT-44585 Augmented updating assignment operator (call context convention).

This syntax is also consistent with KT-21661 Allow calling Boolean functions and properties in 'when' branches syntax that likewise proposes syntactic shorting from full form of when { -> ... } to a shorter version of when(x) { .name() -> ... }.

Copying functions naming convention

Kotlin coding conventions have the following advice on choosing good names:

The name of a method is usually a verb or a verb phrase saying what the method does: close, readPersons. The name should also suggest if the method is mutating the object or returning a new one. For instance sort is sorting a collection in place, while sorted is returning a sorted copy of the collection.

Kotlin standard library generally follows this naming convention that allows to distinguish functions mutating their receiver and functions returning updated version of the data. Sometimes it is achieved by putting verbs in different form (sort/sorted), sometimes different verbs are used, like filter (for read-only collections) and retainAll (for mutable collections).

This makes it easy to figure a naming convention for immutable collections. We can take functions for mutable collections and declare the corresponding mutating functions with the same name on immutable collections, making learning curve for switching from mutable to immutable collections as straightforward as possible. A collection.sort() call would do conceptually the same thing both for mutable and for immutable collections.

However, this naming convention is not consistent. Fully-immutable classes, like String, that could not have any kind of mutating methods now, do not usually follow it. For example, String.replace(...) uses quite an imperative verb in its name, but it does not mutate the string it is called on. Instead, it is returning a copy of the string with replacement. If we were designing the String class from scratch, we might have called the corresponding function replaced(), reserving the name replace() for a copying function that updates its receiver. However, this ship has sailed. Changing these names would be too big of a breakage for Kotlin ecosystem to swallow. We’ll have to live with it and find some other approach to naming helpful copying functions in those cases.

There’s always a backup plan of not introducing copying functions for the legacy immutable classes at all, but to rely on updating assignment operator from the previous section. Instead of repetitive myString = myString.replace('-', '_') we can write myString = .replace('-', '_') to avoid repetition, thus alleviating the need for copying functions.

Shall class immutability be the default?

In light of addition of the value class concept we run into the conundrum of picking the defaults in the language. Originally, Kotlin was designed with a slight tint into immutability where it matters:

  • val and var keywords in Kotlin are equally short and conceptually close, too, which makes it easy for developers to express intent on not modifying the values they declare in their functions, but does not put a penalty on having to work with mutable variable in all kinds of contexts, since a substantial fraction of modern industry-scale code (of the kind the Kotlin is designed to support well) is written around mutable data structures.
  • For collections, for example, MutableList, is longer and more explicit, by design, than a read-only List, since typical code usually passes read-only collections around.

However, times change. As distributed backends, asynchronous code, and reactive UIs become widespread, modelling user-defined business-related data-structures with immutable value classes becomes more popular. We often find ourselves in a situation where we’d rather see a short name, for example, a User, referring to an immutable class that we can safely pass around without risk of it being accidentally mutated by mistake. Support for value classes gives us that, while support for copying functions and copyable properties on them still allows convenient updates of those values in the isolated pieces of code that need to do it, without any concessions in convenience compared to mutable classes.

However, declaring those immutable classes is going to require extra thought. By default, the class keyword means “a potentially mutable thing with identity”, while opting out of identity with the value class requires an extra effort from a developer. Is this the right choice? It is not clear without an extra research. If we see evidence that immutable value classes are increasingly dominating in the design of real-life Kotlin code, then we can gradually flip the default by asking developers to add an identity modifier before regular classes. Existing data class could be implicitly treated as identity class, easing this migration process. This explicitness in declaring an identity-capable class would open a road to flipping the default and making value modifier optional for immutable classes in the far away future. Anyway, right now it is all too early to speculate about.

Value classes and arrays

Interaction of arrays and value classes in Kotlin is a complicated one. It has its roots in the way arrays work on JVM and the need for Kotlin to interoperate with Java ecosystem. For a value type Int Kotlin has two arrays types.

  • Array<Int> maps to Java type Integer[] and stores references to boxes (not an efficient memory representation).
  • IntArray maps to Java type int[] and stores primitive integers without boxing (efficient memory representation).

From a standpoint of the Kotlin developer, the way API looks and what kind of values can be stored in those arrays, they are essentially the same type. It is always more efficient to use IntArray than Array<Int>. However, because of the way reification of types and JVM interoperability in Kotlin, the following code produces non-efficient Array<Int>:

val a = listOf(1, 2, 3).toTypedArray() // Array<Int>

There is no straightforward way on JVM to have a generic method that produces an efficient array type (int[]) for primitives. These array types on primitives are not assignment-compatible to arrays of reference types (Object[]).

In order to get an efficient IntArray, one has to explicitly use a special function toIntArray(). These functions are specialized for all the 8 primitive array types in JVM: BooleanArray, CharArray, ByteArray, ShortArray, IntArray, LongArray, FloatArray, DoubleArray using a source-code-generator as a part of the standard library build process. Moreover, since these arrays are all mutually incompatible in JVM method signatures, all the extensions for various operations on those arrays have to be generated in 8 copies — one for each of those arrays, in addition to a generic version that works for any Array<T> (the one that inefficiently stores JVM primitive types).

Arrays of inline value classes

For a user-defined inline value class like @JvmInline value class Color(val rgb: Int) the Array<Color> type on JVM can only store boxes, since it has to be compatible with all the generic functions that are defined as working on the generic Array<T> type.

For an efficient storage of arrays of an inline value class Color on JVM an underlying type of int[] shall be used. However, it cannot be operated upon by generic JVM methods. One can define a @JvmInline value class ColorArray(private val a: IntArray) and implement various operation for it.

That is the actual approach that is currently taken by the standard library to support four unsigned integers UByte, UShort, UInt, and ULong that are implemented as inline value classes. Their corresponding array types are source-code-generated in the standard library. Moreover, the Kotlin compiler comes with a hard-coded mapping between the corresponding unsigned types and their array types for use with varargs, so that foo(vararg a: UByte) actually uses UByteArray as the type of a value in the function code, just like foo(vavarg a: Int) is hard-coded to map to an efficient IntArray.

Obviously, this approach to arrays of value classes does not scale to user-defined types. Even support for the unsigned integer types this way is already a stretch, since it expands the number of additional function copies that the standard library has to have for various functions that work on arrays. So, for now, arrays of unsigned integer types will be experimental until a better way to support them is implemented.

The issue for varargs of inline value classes is KT-33565.

Valhalla arrays

Project Valhalla promises to unify arrays of JVM primitives (both built-in and user-defined ones) so that they can be used in a generic fashion by generic code. However, at the time of writing, the plan on how exactly this will be achieved and, more importantly, what exactly will happen to legacy int[] types with respect to their unification with Valhalla arrays of primitives is not clear. The other challenge is that the timeline for Valhalla is not clear either, but the problem with arrays needs to be solved for value classes in Kotlin regardless of Valhalla.

Reified value arrays

A potential solution is to rethink the approach of arrays of values in Kotlin. Instead of separate, unrelated, primitive array types like IntArray, LongArray, etc we can introduce of a new unified type for storing arrays of values VArray<T>. The goal of this type is to efficiently store values (unlike Array<T> that uses inefficient storage for values). This type will have the following key constraint: T can only refer to a reified type. It means you can only use it with a concrete type like VArray<Int> or in the context of an inline function with a reified type parameter. This is quite a serious constraint, meaning that you cannot use VArray<T> as a field in a class, yet it still solves many important use-cases.

The issue for reified value arrays is KT-44654.

During compilation on JVM VArray<Int> gets represented as int[], VArray<Long> as long[], etc. Moreover, value arrays of user-defined inline value classes get represented as primitive arrays of the corresponding carrier types, so VArray<Color> compiles to int[]. For reference types VArray<T> gets mapped to Array<T>.

Primitive array types in stdlib can be declared as type-aliases to the corresponding value array types, so we have typealias IntArray = VArray<Int>, etc. So, in the core language, the number of distinct array types will be down from 9 (or 13 if you count unsigned integers) to just two: Array<T> (storing references) and VArray<T> (storing values).

Kotlin compiler will specialize inline functions that use VArray<T> to the corresponding primitive arrays. It means that various array-manipulating functions can be defined once and then will get properly specialized for all primitive array types, including arrays on user-defined inline value classes. For example, a function like filterTo, which is now source-code-generated in the standard library for all the primitive array types, can become generic on its type parameter T and be declared for all VArray<T>:

inline fun <reified T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> VArray<T>.filterTo(
    destination: C, predicate: (T) -> Boolean
): C {
    for (e in this) if (predicate(e)) destination.add(e)
    return destination

Another example would be a generic maxOrNull function that works for any array of comparable types:

public inline fun <reified T : Comparable<T>> VArray<T>.maxOrNull(): T? {
    if (isEmpty()) return null
    var max = this[0]
    for (i in 1..lastIndex) {
        val e = this[i]
        if (max < e) max = e
    return max

Some functions might need to return new instances of VArray<T>. This would be enabled via a VArray<T>(size) { /* init */ } constructor function which would also require a reified type parameter and so will be specialized by the Kotlin compiler during inlining of the corresponding function.

The introduction of VArray<T> also solves the issue of efficient support for varargs of user-defined inline value classes. The function with vararg colors: Color parameter will get colors of the type VArray<Color> that gets compiled on JVM as int[]. At the same time, a generic function with non-reified type parameter T and vararg a: T will continue to be based on Array<T>.

Boxed value arrays

There will be cases when value arrays need to be boxed, just like it happens with all value classes. For example, in the following code:

val a = VArray<Color>(n) { /* init */ }
val b: Any = a // upcast to Any

Fortunately, Array types on JVM (and in Kotlin) do not define any value-based toString nor value comparison semantics, so we can simply erase them to their generic carriers when they escape to a generic/reference-based context. In this case, we can store a reference to the underlying int[] into the property b. The downside of this strategy is that we will not be able to implement precise type checks on those references (e.g. b is UIntArray will paradoxically return true), but given isolated array use-cases this does not seem to be a big issue in practice.

This strategy will not allow to meaningfully implement contentDeepToString() function on arrays. An alternative strategy based on boxing VArray when it escapes into generic context (just like it now happens with experimental arrays of unsigned integers) can be considered, too.

Unifying arrays of references and values

The Kotlin types of Array<T> and VArray<T> can be further unified. The difference between them is that the former always stores a reference to the value, while the latter uses the most efficient value storage option. Nullable versions of Kotlin value types are already reference-based, so Array<Int?> and VArray<Int?> will get mapped to the same Integer[] type on JVM anyway. We can introduce a reference-forcing type operator that will have a similar effect of T?, but without an additional burden of nullity. Let’s call it Ref<T>. This way, Array<T> can become a typealias to VArray<Ref<T>>.

With this change, most of the generic array operations that we needed to define twice (for Array<T> and for VArray<T>) will have to be defined just once.

The last block on this road that we’ll have to overcome is to ensure a proper default for the future users of Kotlin. It is quite obvious that Array<T> is aptly named, but is unfortunately an inefficiently implemented type. Ideally, it should be deprecated and replaced with VArray<T> in all the code in the future. However, it is not clear if we can reclaim the name of the Array<T> type to retrofit it in the meaning of VArray<T>. Anyway, this is not very critical, since it is quite a low-level type that should not be used a lot in application code.

Efficient generic collections

The remaining issue with arrays is supporting them in generic context in a pre-Valhalla JVM. Consider a user-defined generic collection class that uses arrays internally:

class MyCollection<T> {
    private var a: VArray<T>

Because T is non-reified, this will not be directly possible, and the implementation will be forced to use the legacy Array<T> (or VArray<Ref<T>>), which maps to Object[] on JVM and inefficiently stores references to boxed values.

A conceivable solution is to support reified type parameters for classes to make it work. This can be implemented by storing a reference to a special type token inside a hidden field of the class with a reified type parameter. The same technique will allow usage of VArray<T> in such classes with reified type parameters.

This type token will provide access to virtual strategies for retrieving the corresponding values from the underlying arrays as needed. Since int[], long[] and other primitive array types on JVM can be only unified under an Object type, this type token will have to provide accessors like getValue(array: Object, index: Object): Object that retrieve the value from the primitive array at the corresponding index and will have to return a box of the corresponding value type. Whether this code will work efficiently in the end (after compilation by JVM) remains to be seen, but the early experiments we did in this direction were not very encouraging performance-wise. It looks like this technique can be used to bring down storage requirements for generic collections that store value types, but the performance of various data manipulation algorithms on those collections can actually suffer without further efforts to optimize it.

Another complication with generic collections of value types is that their implementations often need to pre-allocate arrays of larger size without having actual values to put into the arrays. This necessitates the design of some kind of C#-style default values for all value types. Alternatively, instead of support for default values in all contexts, the default values can be supported only in the narrow context of allocating and cleaning up array elements, without giving any guarantee on their actual value representation.

We will not further delve into the details in this document. All in all, full support for efficient generic collections of value types will take a lot of design and implementation effort on today’s JVMs and it may turn out that Project Valhalla will be able to deliver a solution to this problem faster. Time will show.

Name-based construction of classes

Kotlin's data classes have positional constructors and positional destructuring. They are great for small classes (pairs, key/values, index+value, etc) but don’t scale to more complex domain entities that you’d find in any enterprise software, even in the Kotlin compiler itself. Positional destructuring is easy to get rid of (one can just stop using data modifier and design some alternative approach to hashCode/equals/toString generation), but the positional constructors are part of “primary constructor” feature for any class, including a value class. Support for named parameters partially alleviates this. However, while named parameters are great for functions with a few to a dozen parameters, they are not very flexible, and they don’t scale well to many parameters that you’d find in a typical business entity.

An example with a mutable class

There is a workaround that is currently available for mutable classes. For a concrete example, consider this mutable class, the kind of which might be found in the depths of a big enterprise:

class User(
    var id: Int,
    var name: String,
    // ... dozen other properties, some with defaults

Because this class has all its properties in its primary constructor you can construct it while specifying its properties by name: User(id = 123, name = "foo"). However, this approach suffers from the following problems:

  • ABI Evolution Problem: You’ve now committed the order of properties to your ABI. For big class the order of properties did not actually matter for you when you designed your API, but you still have to fix them somehow and maintain this order from now on and forever.

See a detailed explanation in Public API challenges in Kotlin by Jake Wharton.

  • Flexible Init Problem: When initializing complex entities you cannot put complex logic that ties together values of multiple properties together like this if (something) { name = "foo"; type = Regular } else { ... } Instead, when calling such a constructor, you always have to provide values for all properties one by one.

When class is mutable, you can write a class without a primary constructor and with a builder function to overcome both the ABI evolution and the flexible init problems:

class User {
    var id: Int = 0
    var name: String = ""
    // ...

inline fun User(builder: User.() -> Unit): User = User().apply(builder)

See also AutoDSL Project that automates writing this kind of builders.

Now you can write User { id = 123; name = "foo" } to construct a class having all the flexibility in how its properties are initialized.

This approach also works for immutable value classes that support copyable properties (copy var) if copying functional type is used for the builder, but it would stretch their implementation strategy. Business entities can have lots of fields and can get initialized from a different module. Altogether it will produce code with many temporary allocations that will be harder to eliminate after the fact.

Additional downsides of this approach are:

  • You have to add default values to all the properties and thus you cannot have “required” properties, like you could have them with a regular constructor.
  • You have to write boilerplate for DSL builder function for every class or use a plugin to generate them for you.

Uninitialized properties

The idea is to solve these problems at the language level by adding support for uninitialized properties. This would allow writing just:

class User {
    var id: Int // uninitialized (required) property
    var name: String
    // ... other properties, some may have defaults

These uninitialized properties are similar to C# initonly properties, but they don’t need a special modifier due to fortunate peculiarities of the original Kotlin design. However, for expect class this is not so straightforward and some kind of C#-style initonly/uninitialized modifier will have to be introduced for those cases.

Compiler provides a synthetic DSL builder function automatically:

inline fun User(builder: (uninitialized User).() -> Unit): User = /* MAGIC */

The object in the receiver position of this function is marked by the special uninitialized modifier.

This uninitialized modifier does not need to be available to user-defined functions from day one, but there is an interesting use-case to make it available for any type, even for an interface with val/var properties, where an implementation of this interface is created by proxy and during the initialization of its instance inside DSL builder code it would be helpful to get compiler validation that all properties are initialized.

Now one can write User { id = 123; name = "foo" } for creation of such a class, which will work in the following way:

  • During code generation, all the user-declared constructors gain additional hidden parameter for uninitialized properties (see “ABI strategy details” section).
  • Call to the compiler-provided DSL builder function results in capturing constructor parameters to local variables, without calling the actual constructor.
  • Uninitialized fields are kept separately while builder block executes.
  • As soon as all uninitialized fields are definitely assigned (DA), the actual constructor is called.
  • this inside the DSL builder function becomes available only after all the uninitialized fields are DA.

The last two points look fragile, but they are needed to better support a mix of uninitialized and other kind of properties (either initialized or properties with custom setters, that can be only called on a constructed instance). A simpler version of this approach will only support assignment to uninitialized properties inside the block and will always construct the instance at the end of the block.

DSL-style initialization blocks for mutable classes

A regular mutable class (without uninitialized properties, all its fields having a default) will benefit from automatically getting a synthetic DSL builder function, too. Because it has no uninitialized fields, all of them are immediately DA, so constructor is called immediately. Basically, it works exactly as if user had defined the corresponding builder:

inline fun User(builder: User.() -> Unit): User = User().apply(builder)

The compiler-generated builder function shall have a lower priority in case there is a user-defined one for backwards compatibility.

Flexible initialization for read-only properties

Read-only properties (val) can be initialized this way, too. This is not currently possible with user-defined one-liner at all and this provides a major improvement in usability for immutable classes with read-only properties:

class User { // immutable
    val id: Int // uninitialized val
    val name: String
    // ...

// creation
User {
    id = 123
    name = "foo"
    // ...

Not having to add initonly to every such property (like in C#) is important to lowering barrier for immutable classes and making them 1st-class things, providing smoother transition from classes with mutable fields to classes with immutable fields and to value classes with copyable properties.

Flexible initialization for copyable properties of value classes

With support for uninitialized fields, an immutable value class that defines copyable properties (copy var) is liberated from the burden of having to always specify them in the constructor or provide them with a default when they are defined in the body. A value class will be able to have uninitialized copyable properties and could be declared without committing to a specific constructor order of its properties.

value class User { // immutable value class
    copy var id: Int // uninitialized copyable property
    copy var name: String
    // ...

// creation
User {
    id = 123
    name = "foo"
    // ...

ABI strategy for uninitialized properties

To solve the ABI evolution problem, the following backwards-compatible compilation strategy can be used:

  • If (and only if) a class has uninitialized properties, then automatically generate a synthetic xxx.Builder class that has all the uninitialized properties of this class as simple mutable fields and an additional parameter with an instance of this builder class to ABI of all the constructors.
  • The DSL-builder block assigns all the values to the corresponding properties and, as soon as they all DA, calls the constructor of the original class.

For example:

[value] class User(val id: Int) { // required constructor param
val name: String // uninitialized property

val user = User(123) { name = "foo" }

Gets desugared to:

[value] class User(val id: Int, builder: User.Builder) {
    val name: String = // initialized from the builder

    class Builder { // synthetic, not accessible directly from the source 
        val name: String // platform-specific uninitialized field

val user = run {
    __id = 123 // capture the original constructor param
    __builder = User.Builder() // create builder = "foo" // assign to builder fields
    User(__id, __builder) // create instance when all props are DA

The issue for support of uninitialized properties with automatic builder generation for them is KT-44655.