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Sealed interfaces and sealed classes freedom

  • Type: Design proposal
  • Author: Roman Elizarov
  • Status: Prototyped in Kotlin 1.4.30 as a preview for Kotlin 1.5 language version
  • Discussion and feedback: KEEP-226.

Introduction and motivation

Kotlin has the concept of a sealed class since its first version. Initially, it was only allowed to write inheriting classes inside a sealed class that it was somewhat relaxed in Kotlin 1.1 allowing to write them on the top-level, too (see KT-11573 and Sealed class inheritance KEEP).

A number of use-cases has surfaced to allow for even more freedom in sealed classes hierarchies (see KT-13495) both in the same file and ability to split large sealed class hierarchies into several files to avoid very big source files.

A need to be able to define sealed interface has repeatedly showed up during the design of various APIs (see KT-20423 and KT-22286).

These issues have been augmented by the Java language and JVM which are gaining first-class support of sealed classes and sealed interfaces — experimentally since JDK 15 (see JEP 360 for the initial preview and JEP 397 for the second preview in JDK 16), which might become stable in JDK 17 or later. In order to properly interoperate with the corresponding Java language features, Kotlin needs to introduce the matching concepts (the corresponding issue is KT-42433).

The goals of this proposal are:

  • Introduce the concept of a sealed interface.
  • Allow more freedom to a sealed class, unify a sealed interface and a sealed class as the same concept.
  • Seamlessly interoperate with JDK 17+ sealed classes and interfaces when they become stable.

Design of sealed interfaces

Add support for sealed modality on interface type with any visibility.

Here and below the word "subclass" includes extending interfaces and implementing objects, unless a more restricted meaning is implied by the context.

Other classes or interfaces in the same compilation unit and in the package may implement or extend the sealed interface, forming a set of direct subclasses that is closed for further extension and is known at compile-time. Direct subclasses may be top-level or nested inside any number of other named classes, named interfaces, or named objects in the same package. Subclass of a sealed interface can be enum class, but annotation class subclass is not allowed.

Kotlin annotation class is not allowed to implement any interfaces whatsoever.

Subclasses are allowed to have any visibility as long as they are otherwise compatible with normal Kotlin inheritance rules. It is an error to subclass a sealed interface in a different compilation unit or in a different package. Subclasses of a sealed interface must have a proper qualified name — they cannot be local nor anonymous objects. fun interface is not allowed to be sealed, because the primary way of implementing a fun interface is via functional conversion that creates anonymous instances, too.

The restrictions above allow more freedom than a sealed class currently provides, owning to the use-cases that has surfaced during practical use of sealed classes. However, these restrictions are compatible with restrictions on sealed classes that are introduced by JVM specification.

Unlike Java, Kotlin does not require any kind of permits annotation even when subclasses are specified in another file, which honors Kotlin tradition of avoiding source-code repetition of information that could be inferred by the compiler. Just like return types of functions are optionally specified, we do reserve a possibility that, in the future, we might add an optional way to specify some kind of permits list, but we are reluctant to do this from day one due to the lack of evidence that this will significantly help to substantiate additional syntactic feature in the language. We plan to address the needs of seeing the list of subclasses by other tools, such as IDE and an API compatibility validator.

An interface in Kotlin is open by default. Among the class modalities supported by Kotlin (open, sealed, abstract, and final) only abstract have been allowed to be (redundantly) specified for an interface (with open currently being a warning) and this proposal adds support for a sealed modality. sealed modality takes precedence over abstract (just like with classes) and whether it is an error or warning is TBD.

Unlike Java, Kotlin subclasses of a sealed interface don't have special rules for their modality. An implementing class is final by default and extending interface is abstract by default, just like otherwise normal Kotlin class or interface.

More freedom for sealed classes

Restrictions on placement of subclasses of a sealed class are relaxed to match those of the sealed interface above, which are repeated below for completeness.

Other classes or interfaces in the same compilation unit and in the package may implement or extend the sealed class, forming a set of direct subclasses that is closed for further extension and is known at compile-time. Direct subclasses may be top-level or nested inside any number of other named classes, named interfaces, or named objects in the same package. Subclasses are allowed to have any visibility as long as they are otherwise compatible with normal Kotlin inheritance rules. It is an error to subclass a sealed class in a different compilation unit or in a different package. Subclasses of a sealed class must have a proper qualified name — they cannot be local nor anonymous objects.

Note, that enum class cannot extend a sealed class, since enum classes are not allowed to extend other classes, but they can implement interfaces, including a sealed interface.

Exhaustive when matches

A Kotlin when(x) expression follows special exhaustive matching rules when its subject x has a compile-time type that is sealed. These rules are extended to support sealed interfaces. When x is a class type, then the set of its subclasses that are known at compile-time forms a tree, which is built by recursively visiting its subclasses that are also sealed. Compile-time exhaustiveness check ensures that all paths in this tree are covered by is T type tests or instance tests for objects that extend this sealed class. A non-exhaustive when(x) produces an error or a warning depending on whether its result is used or not.

This algorithm is extended to support sealed interface type of a when subject x. Because of potential multiple inheritance of interfaces, it entails that the recursive hierarchy of its sealed subclasses
now forms a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Also, there is a possibility that enum classes implement sealed interfaces. In this case, all the enum entries of the corresponding enum class are included as a part of this DAG (effectively treating enum class as a special case of a sealed class with object-only subclasses). The algorithm will cover is T type tests (when T is a part of this DAG) and instance equality tests for objects and enum entries that are part of this DAG.

Note, that we do not propose to add support for non-sealed interfaces and classes into the exhaustiveness analysis or otherwise using information outside of this recursively-built DAG. The DAG for analysis is formed only by sealed subclasses with the leaf non-sealed interfaces, objects, and enums that extend or implement the sealed classes or interfaces in the DAG. The only recognized is T type tests are the ones that refer to the types in the corresponding DAG. In particular, a use-case described in KT-20297 where is T check refers to an interface T outside of this DAG is not going to be supported.

JVM compilation strategy and interoperability

Kotlin shall recognize JVM classes and interfaces with a PermittedSubclasses attribute (the attribute name is tentative as of the second preview in JDK 16) in their classfile when it becomes a stable JVM feature. It shall treat the corresponding Java class or interface as sealed, enabling all the exhaustive matching features that Kotlin sealed classes and interfaces enjoy.

Mixed sealed hierarchies between Java and Kotlin will not be supported. All subclasses of a sealed Kotlin class or interface must be defined in Kotlin and all subclasses of a Java sealed classes or interface must be defined in Java.

We do not expect this to be too restrictive in practice, since the whole sealed hierarchy must be colocated in the same module and package anyway, so it can be converted from Java to Kotlin as a whole if needed.

Legacy JVM ABI

On a target JVM version before the stable support for sealed classes/interface (JDK 17 or later - TBD) the compilation strategy of a sealed class is going to stay the same as it is now. The strategy is to compile all constructors of such a class as private in JVM, while adding a corresponding public synthetic constructor with an additional kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker parameter as means of protection from its inheritance by source code in Java (since Java does not resolve synthetic declarations). This strategy is fully compatible with relaxed restrictions on sealed classes.

For a sealed interface this proposal is not to attempt any protection scheme, but just compile an interface as if it was not sealed. We will introduce an IDE checker for the Java code that is attempting to extend or implement a sealed Kotlin interface.

We've considered at least two protection schemes: mangling the JVM name of a sealed interface and adding synthetic members that are not implementable in Java to it. We've found both schemes to be quite disruptive with lots of problems that do not balance relatively minor inconvenience of accidentally implementing a Kotlin sealed interface from Java code.


On a target JVM with the stable support for sealed classes/interface (JDK 17 or later - TBD)
the proposal is to emit PermittedSubclasses JVM attribute for
Kotlin sealed interfaces and classes, getting rid of synthetic constructor protection scheme for sealed classes that is explained above.

Note, that other Kotlin backends (JS and Native) do not maintain a stable open-world ABI, so the question of a particular compilation strategy is not part of this design document, but is an implementation detail of the corresponding backends.


Support of sealed interface means the following adjustments in the behavior of Kotlin reflection functions.

Expect sealed in multiplatform

Kotlin multiplatform adds a concept of an expect interface and an expect class which can be actualized in another module with an actual interface, an actual class, or an actual typealias. Their interaction with sealed classes and interfaces is explained below.

  • Any code that sees an expect sealed interface or class but does not see the corresponding actual declaration does not follow the rules of Exhaustive when matches, that is, it does not consider the corresponding declaration sealed.

  • Subclasses for an expect sealed declaration are allowed in all modules on the dependency path between the expect sealed declaration and the corresponding actual sealed declaration, including both these declaring modules.

Conceptually, a declaration becomes fully sealed in the module with the corresponding actual sealed declaration. As a consequence of the above rule, any other module that sees an actual sealed declaration cannot declare subclasses for a sealed classes.

The rationale is that turning a Kotlin library into a multiplatform code shall not make a difference from the standpoint of users of the library, both in how they can use exhaustive when matches on the corresponding sealed declaration and the prohibition of adding more subclasses.

Open issues and future opportunities

The concept of a sealed interface makes it conceptually possible to support internal functions in such interfaces to aid in the design of interface-based APIs that have the functions that are needed for their implementation details hidden from their clients (see comments in KT-22286).

Prototype status

Prototype implementation is available since Kotlin 1.4.30-RC as a preview for Kotlin 1.5 language version. For Gradle KTS build you can configure it with:

tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> { // In Groovy: compileKotlin {
    kotlinOptions {
        languageVersion = "1.5"
        apiVersion = "1.5"