Releases: clarin-eric/curation-dashboard
Releases · clarin-eric/curation-dashboard
curation 4.0
- Migrate persistance layer from MongoDB to Mysql
- Integrate RASA for the new mysql database
- Various major and minor bug fixes
curation 3.1.1
minor bug-fixes:
- collections table contains the ratio of non zero coverage (formerly called »average facet coverage, but not filled)
- search works now for collections- and profiles table
- erased double loading script files
curation 3.1
- correcting filter-bug in profiles table
- adding link from files in validation errors list to external storage space for individual analysis and download
- outsourcing of linkchecker into an own github project
curation 3.0
curation 3.0 replaces Vaadin and creates static HTML to display static reports
curation 2.3
- scoring based on origin facet coverage instead of target facet coverage (which can be different when using cross facet mapping)
- instance analysis shows mapping for each value even when mapped by CFM
- unified number-fomat (decimal point, percentage with one digit after the floating point, remaining floating point values with two digits
- text alignment of numbers in tables to the right for comparability
curation 2.2
- schema validation of cmdi files now based on specific schema from schemaLocation attribute
- validation issues of status fatal and warning listed in downloadable collection report
- some bugfixes
curation 2.1
- Add undetermined links category (and calculations of ratios with that in mind): 401, 405, 429 codes are undetermined. closes #29
- Color code categories on the GUI
- Statistics are taken directly from database and not counted during the report generation anymore
- Correct ACDH Logo
- Improve database query efficiencies overall
curation 2.0
curation 2.0 uses the vlo-importer api which assures the same logic for data analysis/curation and for import
Curation Module 1.2
new interface
richer reports