Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
id |
Optional[str] | ➖ | N/A | user_id_123 |
object |
Optional[models.UserObject] | ➖ | String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. |
user |
external_id |
OptionalNullable[str] | ➖ | N/A | external_user_id_123 |
primary_email_address_id |
OptionalNullable[str] | ➖ | N/A | email_id_123 |
primary_phone_number_id |
OptionalNullable[str] | ➖ | N/A | phone_id_123 |
primary_web3_wallet_id |
OptionalNullable[str] | ➖ | N/A | wallet_id_123 |
username |
OptionalNullable[str] | ➖ | N/A | john_doe |
first_name |
OptionalNullable[str] | ➖ | N/A | John |
last_name |
OptionalNullable[str] | ➖ | N/A | Doe |
profile_image_url |
Optional[str] | ➖ | : warning: ** DEPRECATED **: This will be removed in a future release, please migrate away from it as soon as possible. | |
image_url |
Optional[str] | ➖ | N/A | |
has_image |
Optional[bool] | ➖ | N/A | true |
public_metadata |
Dict[str, Any] | ➖ | N/A | { "role": "admin" } |
private_metadata |
Dict[str, Any] | ➖ | N/A | { "ssn": "123-45-6789" } |
unsafe_metadata |
Dict[str, Any] | ➖ | N/A | { "theme": "dark" } |
email_addresses |
List[models.EmailAddress] | ➖ | N/A | [ { "id": "email_id_123", "object": "email_address", "email_address": "[email protected]", "verification": { "status": "verified", "strategy": "email_code" }, "created_at": 1609459200, "updated_at": 1609459200 } ] |
phone_numbers |
List[models.PhoneNumber] | ➖ | N/A | [ { "id": "phone_id_123", "object": "phone_number", "phone_number": "+12345678901", "verification": { "status": "verified", "strategy": "phone_code" }, "created_at": 1609459200, "updated_at": 1609459200 } ] |
web3_wallets |
List[models.Web3Wallet] | ➖ | N/A | [ { "id": "wallet_id_123", "object": "web3_wallet", "web3_wallet": "0x123456789abcdef", "verification": { "status": "verified", "strategy": "web3_metamask_signature" }, "created_at": 1609459200, "updated_at": 1609459200 } ] |
passkeys |
List[models.SchemasPasskey] | ➖ | N/A | [ { "id": "passkey_id_123", "object": "passkey", "name": "My Passkey", "last_used_at": 1615852800, "verification": { "status": "verified", "strategy": "passkey" } } ] |
password_enabled |
Optional[bool] | ➖ | N/A | true |
two_factor_enabled |
Optional[bool] | ➖ | N/A | true |
totp_enabled |
Optional[bool] | ➖ | N/A | true |
backup_code_enabled |
Optional[bool] | ➖ | N/A | true |
mfa_enabled_at |
OptionalNullable[int] | ➖ | Unix timestamp of when MFA was last enabled for this user. It should be noted that this field is not nullified if MFA is disabled. |
1615852800 |
mfa_disabled_at |
OptionalNullable[int] | ➖ | Unix timestamp of when MFA was last disabled for this user. It should be noted that this field is not nullified if MFA is enabled again. |
external_accounts |
List[models.ExternalAccounts] | ➖ | N/A | [ { "id": "ext_account_id_123", "provider": "Facebook", "user_id": "user_id_at_provider" } ] |
saml_accounts |
List[models.SAMLAccount] | ➖ | N/A | [ { "id": "saml_account_id_123", "object": "saml_account", "provider": "SAML Provider", "active": true, "email_address": "[email protected]", "public_metadata": { "department": "IT" }, "verification": { "status": "verified", "strategy": "saml" } } ] |
last_sign_in_at |
OptionalNullable[int] | ➖ | Unix timestamp of last sign-in. |
1622852400 |
banned |
Optional[bool] | ➖ | Flag to denote whether user is banned or not. |
false |
locked |
Optional[bool] | ➖ | Flag to denote whether user is currently locked, i.e. restricted from signing in or not. |
false |
lockout_expires_in_seconds |
OptionalNullable[int] | ➖ | The number of seconds remaining until the lockout period expires for a locked user. A null value for a locked user indicates that lockout never expires. |
verification_attempts_remaining |
OptionalNullable[int] | ➖ | The number of verification attempts remaining until the user is locked. Null if account lockout is not enabled. Note: if a user is locked explicitly via the Backend API, they may still have verification attempts remaining. |
5 |
updated_at |
Optional[int] | ➖ | Unix timestamp of last update. |
1622852400 |
created_at |
Optional[int] | ➖ | Unix timestamp of creation. |
1609459200 |
delete_self_enabled |
Optional[bool] | ➖ | If enabled, user can delete themselves via FAPI. |
true |
create_organization_enabled |
Optional[bool] | ➖ | If enabled, user can create organizations via FAPI. |
true |
create_organizations_limit |
OptionalNullable[int] | ➖ | The maximum number of organizations the user can create. 0 means unlimited. |
last_active_at |
OptionalNullable[int] | ➖ | Unix timestamp of the latest session activity, with day precision. |
1700690400000 |
legal_accepted_at |
OptionalNullable[int] | ➖ | Unix timestamp of when the user accepted the legal requirements. |
1700690400000 |