# AllowlistIdentifiers

## Overview

### Available Operations

* [delete](#delete) - Delete identifier from allow-list

## delete

Delete an identifier from the instance allow-list

### Example Usage

from clerk_backend_api import Clerk

with Clerk(
) as clerk:

    res = clerk.allowlist_identifiers.delete(identifier_id="example_identifier_id")

    assert res is not None

    # Handle response


### Parameters

| Parameter                                                           | Type                                                                | Required                                                            | Description                                                         | Example                                                             |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `identifier_id`                                                     | *str*                                                               | :heavy_check_mark:                                                  | The ID of the identifier to delete from the allow-list              | example_identifier_id                                               |
| `retries`                                                           | [Optional[utils.RetryConfig]](../../models/utils/retryconfig.md)    | :heavy_minus_sign:                                                  | Configuration to override the default retry behavior of the client. |                                                                     |

### Response


### Errors

| Error Type         | Status Code        | Content Type       |
| ------------------ | ------------------ | ------------------ |
| models.ClerkErrors | 402, 404           | application/json   |
| models.SDKError    | 4XX, 5XX           | \*/\*              |