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First Technical Online Meeting with ACMAD

Marcellin edited this page Aug 14, 2020 · 11 revisions

Date and Time



Meeting Agenda:

  1. Introduction (MH);
  2. Use of Climsoft at ACMAD, Challenges in using Climsoft (if any) and proposed solutions or recommendations; - (ACMAD)
  3. Use of R-Instat at ACMAD, Challenges in using R-Instat (if any) and proposed solutions or recommendations; - (ACMAD);
  4. Climsoft Development and involvement of ACMAD in future development of Climsoft (IE);
  5. AOB: (ALL).

Meeting actions

  1. Next online technical meeting will be next month, on Tuesdays, 25 August 2020 at 10:00 GMT, the agenda: is “Introduction to R-Instat and R-Instat functionalities” (Roger Stern to consider sharing the link to R-Instat latest released software and documentation with ACMAD team prior this meeting. – Marcellin to organise;
  2. Tuesday, 29 September 2020 meeting (to be confirmed) will be on “Introduction to Climsoft version 4 and Climsoft version 4 functionalities” (Marcellin to consider sharing the link to Climsoft version 4 latest released software and documentation with ACMAD team prior this meeting) – Marcellin to organise;
  3. ACMAD to nominate a permanent staff of ACMAD to join Climsoft development team to be able to express ACMAD needs in terms of Climsoft development – ACMAD;
  4. ACMAD to link developers of the Climsoft DARE component developed by ACMAD and Climsoft team so that the component developed by ACMAD be incorporated in the main Climsoft project hosting on GitHub – ACMAD;
  5. Explore a possibility for hosting online Regional workshops on Climsoft and R-Intat – ACMAD to coordinate.

Next Meeting

Tuesday,25 August 2020 10:00 UTC

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