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Second Technical Online Meeting with ACMAD

Marcellin edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 24 revisions

Date and Time

Tuesday, 25th August 2020 10:00 UTC


MS Team


  1. Leon Guy Razafindrakoto; 2. Hubert KABENGUELA;3. Romeo S Nkurunziza; 4. Roger Stern;5. David Stern;6. Danny Parsons; 7. Ian Edwards; 8. Patrick Munyoki; 9. Samuel Machua; 10. Marcellin Habimana.

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Introduction to R-Instat and R-Instat functionalities - Roger Stern;
  2. Questions and Answers - All;
  3. Any Other Business - All;
  4. Next meeting - All.

Meeting actions

  1. ACMAD team: Consider download R-Instat, install and use the software and send any feedback (questions) to Roger Stern. R-Instat Software and associated resources are accessible at the following links: R-Instat Software, R-Instat Introductory tutorial and Original case for R-Instat ;
  2. Next online technical meeting will be next month, on Tuesdays, 29 September 2020 at 10:00 GMT, the main agenda: is the “Introduction to Climsoft Version 4 Climate Data Management System (CDMS) and Climsoft Version 4 Functionalities” (By Samuel Machua). Marcellin to consider share the link pointing to Climsoft version 4 latest released software and documentation with ACMAD team prior this meeting.
  3. Next meeting consider a meeting healthy break if the meeting is beyond one hour.

Third Technical Online Meeting.

Tuesday, 29 September 2020 10:00 UTC

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