Horizontal selection bar with initial selection capabilities. Selections through both click and swipes.
The selection bar that also serves as a "trigger" for initial selections. For feature list see screenshots below.
Works only with Qlik Sense 3.0 and up!!
- Field - Standard horizontal selection from any field in the application. Intended for use with Year/Month field but will of course work with any field.
- Variable - For variable selection of single ("always one selected") variable. Typical use is for currency selection.
- Flags - Easy country selection where you don't have room for a map but want something that looks nice.
- Initial selection - Any field/variable can be set for an initial selection using an expression or comma separated list.
- Download the latest version of Qlik Sense (3.0 or higher)
- Qlik Sense Desktop
- To install, copy all files in the .zip file to folder "C:\Users[%Username%]\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Extensions\cl-horizontalselectionbar"
- Qlik Sense Server
- See instructions how to import an extension on Qlik Sense Server
- Select the typ of list you need (Field,Variable or Flag)
- Enter a reference to:
- Field - Any field or an expression that works as a dimension
- Variable - Has to be an existing variable created either in the script or the gui. Selectable variables are entered in a comma separated list.
- Flag - Select a field that has a country name corresponding with the flag names. (Has to be a perfect match with the flag name so check the list of flags if you are not sure.)
- Add a field label
- Add an initial selection if you want. This will also work with expressions such as "=Year(Today())-1".
- You can set initial selections to be set once per session or every time you move to a sheet.
Contributing to this project is welcome. The process to do so is outlined below:
- Create a fork of the project
- Work on whatever bug or feature you wish
- Create a pull request (PR)
I cannot guarantee that I will merge all PRs.
Karl Fredberg @ Climber
The software is made available "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind under the MIT License (MIT).