{%= description %}

{%= docs('about') %}
There are several predefined styles available from which you can choose:

Every button can also include an icon:

{%= docs('installation') %}
Drag & drop the object onto a sheet (as you would do it with any other native object or visualization extension). Then define how the sense-navigation should behave:

- Label - The buttons label.
- Style - Select one of the predefined styles.
- Button Width - Whether the button should spread of the entire grid column or just be as wide as necessary.
- Icon - Choose one of the icons (based on Font Awesome)
Define the behavior of the button. The following options are available:

- Go to the next sheet
- Go to the previous sheet
- Go to a specific sheet (if selected you'll see a list of sheets you can select from)
- Go to a story (if selected you'll see a list of stories you can select from)
- Open website (if selected, you'll have to enter the URL in the appearing text box)
You can furthermore define up to two action which will be executed before the navigation behavior will be performed.
First enable this option:

Then select from the list of predefined actions:

Depending on the selected action you'll see additional settings you can define, e.g. define the name of a variable and its value:

As soon as you have defined the first action, you will also be able to define a second action.
{%= docs("compatibility") %}
{%= docs("roadmap") %}
{%= docs("contributing") %}
{%= docs("related") %}
{%= docs('author') %}
{%= license() %}
See [CHANGELOG.yml]({%= verb.baseUrl %}CHANGELOG.yml)
{%= include("footer") %}