There are two fundamental operations supported by tools.deps.alpha: resolve-deps
and make-classpath
Usage: (resolve-deps deps-map resolve-args)
- deps-map - a dependency map (as typically found in deps.edn). A map with the following keys:
- a map of library to coordinate (which may be maven, git, local, etc):paths
- a vector of string paths which are project-specific classpath roots:aliases
- a map from keyword (the alias) to a resolve-args map<providers>
- provider-specific attributes with qualified key names
- resolve-args - a map with the following optional keys:
- a map of library to coordinate to add to initial dependency list:default-deps
- a map of library to coordinate to use if no coordinate is specified anywhere in expansion.:override-deps
- a map of library to coordinate to use instead of coordinate found by expansion.
- a lib-map - map of library to a resolved dep. Resolved deps have the coordinate, the dependents needing the dep (informational), and a path
Usage: (make-classpath lib-map paths classpath-args)
- lib-map - a library map, as returned by resolve-deps
- paths - a vector of string paths
- classpath-args - a map with the following optional keys:
- a map from library to a path to use for that library:extra-paths
- a vector of extra string paths within this project
- a classpath string
(require '[ :as deps])
'{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.9.0"}
org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "0.4.474"}}
:mvn/repos {"central" {:url ""}
"clojars" {:url ""}}}
(deps/resolve-deps nil)
(deps/make-classpath nil nil))