Releases: cloud-barista/cb-tumblebug
CB-Tumblebug v0.9.19
What's Changed
- Enhance error message for mci provision by @seokho-son in #1870
- Add swag install guide message to MAKEFILE by @seokho-son in #1869
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1871
- Fix mc-infra scaleout error by @seokho-son in #1872
- Enhance large scale mc-infra provisioning stability by @seokho-son in #1874
- Code enhancement in vm provision request by @seokho-son in #1875
- fix typo by @sykim-etri in #1879
- Provide connection info to all resource types by @seokho-son in #1880
- Resolve same tag name conflict in TbSubnetInfo struct by @yunkon-kim in #1882
- docs: update by @eltociear in #1881
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1883
- Update site-to-site VPN by @yunkon-kim in #1884
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1885
- Fix #1876: Remove the redundant code for fmt.Print by @MohitKambli in #1878
- Provide location and enhance get spec for k8s cluster by @seokho-son in #1887
- Update to fix malformed .all-contributorsrc json by @seokho-son in #1888
- Enhance initialization script by @seokho-son in #1889
- docs: add eltociear as a contributor for doc by @allcontributors in #1890
- docs: add MohitKambli as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1892
- Staging CB-TB v0.9.19 by @seokho-son in #1893
New Contributors
- @eltociear made their first contribution in #1881
- @MohitKambli made their first contribution in #1878
Full Changelog: v0.9.18...v0.9.19
CB-Tumblebug v0.9.18
What's Changed
- Apply spider v0.9.7 by @seokho-son in #1864
- Enable Get image API by @seokho-son in #1865
- Enhance for network design and configuration by @yunkon-kim in #1866
- Update docker-compose.yaml to staging CB-TB v0.9.18 by @seokho-son in #1867
Full Changelog: v0.9.16...v0.9.18
CB-Tumblebug v0.9.17
What's Changed
- Apply spider v0.9.7 by @seokho-son in #1864
- Enable Get image API by @seokho-son in #1865
Full Changelog: v0.9.16...v0.9.17
CB-Tumblebug v0.9.16
What's Changed
- [k8scluster] apply changes from CB-SP API update by @sykim-etri in #1854
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1855
- [k8scluster] update cloudimage.csv for alibaba by @sykim-etri in #1858
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1859
- [testscripts] update query param(action=withsubnets) in (force-) by @sykim-etri in #1860
- Enhance speed and stability of spec init by @seokho-son in #1861
- Expedite init by supporting bulk update assets by @seokho-son in #1862
- Staging v0.9.16 by @seokho-son in #1863
Full Changelog: v0.9.15...v0.9.16
CB-Tumblebug v0.9.15
What's Changed
- Remove deprecated gRPC comments by @ShehzadAhm in #1847
- docs: add ShehzadAhm as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1849
- docs: remove misleading comment by @tharun634 in #1848
- docs: add tharun634 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1850
- Refine API request logging struct by @seokho-son in #1852
- Handle the missing vNet/subnets by the unexpected outside operations by @yunkon-kim in #1814
New Contributors
- @ShehzadAhm made their first contribution in #1847
- @tharun634 made their first contribution in #1848
Full Changelog: v0.9.14...v0.9.15
CB-Tumblebug v0.9.14
What's Changed
- Replace the vNet and zone validation logic by @yunkon-kim in #1836
- Update label.go. Fix typo: replace 'lable' with 'label' #1838 by @gabrilito1 in #1839
- Cleanup comments by @seokho-son in #1837
- docs: add gabrilito1 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1840
- [k8scluster] support empty/default imagename when adding k8snodegroup by @sykim-etri in #1841
- Add csp connection info to k8s cluster info by @seokho-son in #1843
- Activate dynamic endpoint for swagger API dashboard by @seokho-son in #1844
New Contributors
- @gabrilito1 made their first contribution in #1839
Full Changelog: v0.9.13...v0.9.14
CB-Tumblebug v0.9.13
What's Changed
- [k8scluster] update testscripts by @sykim-etri in #1825
- Bump pascalgn/automerge-action from 0.16.3 to 0.16.4 by @dependabot in #1827
- [k8scluster] enable gcp and update regions/versions by @sykim-etri in #1828
- [k8scluster] fix nodegroup's name by @sykim-etri in #1826
- Ensure log file directory exists before creating the log file by @yunkon-kim in #1831
- Staging v0.9.13 by @seokho-son in #1833
Full Changelog: v0.9.12...v0.9.13
CB-Tumblebug v0.9.12
Support and Tested with
What's Changed
- Expedite vm recommend filtering speed by @seokho-son in #1813
- Provide openapi 3.0.1 documentation by @seokho-son in #1815
- Add middleware to support tracing-like functionalities by @yunkon-kim in #1816
- Change string label to structed label for mci by @seokho-son in #1817
- Add Get Label Info and remove direct string usage by @seokho-son in #1820
- Add remote file transfer feature by @seokho-son in #1821
- Use cb-mapui v0.9.5 by @seokho-son in #1822
- Improve the
and Request Details handling mechanism by @yunkon-kim in #1823 - Staging cb-tumblebug v0.9.12 by @seokho-son in #1824
Full Changelog: v0.9.11...v0.9.12
CB-Tumblebug v0.9.11
Support and Tested with
What's Changed
- Rename spec and image relatd fields by @seokho-son in #1805
- Update Kubernetes dev status for each CSP in by @seokho-son in #1807
- [k8scluster] move CB-SP's returns to cspviewk8sxxx and revert ImageId by @sykim-etri in #1809
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1810
- Update cloud region zone info and the helper tool by @seokho-son in #1811
- Staging v0.9.11 by @seokho-son in #1812
Full Changelog: v0.9.10...v0.9.11
API Diff (v0.9.10 to v0.9.11)
What's New
What's Deprecated
What's Changed
/lookupImage Lookup image
Insert lookupImageReq.cspImageName
lookupImageReq Notes Specify connectionName & cspResourceId change into Specify connectionName, cspImageName
Delete lookupImageReq.cspResourceId
/lookupSpec Lookup spec
lookupSpecReq Notes Specify connectionName & cspResourceId change into Specify connectionName & cspSpecNameS
/mciDynamicCheckRequest Check available ConnectionConfig list for creating MCI Dynamically
Return Type
Insert reqCheck.image.cspImageName //CspImageName is name of the image given by CSP
Insert reqCheck.spec.cspSpecName //CspSpecName is name of the spec given by CSP
Delete reqCheck.image.cspResourceId //CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP
Delete reqCheck.image.cspResourceName //CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource.
Delete reqCheck.spec.cspResourceId //CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP
Delete reqCheck.spec.cspResourceName //CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource.
Modify reqCheck.spec.infraType //vm|k8s|kubernetes|container, etc.
/mciRecommendVm Recommend MCI plan (filter and priority)
Return Type
Insert cspSpecName //CspSpecName is name of the spec given by CSP
Delete cspResourceId //CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP
Delete cspResourceName //CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource.
Modify infraType //vm|k8s|kubernetes|container, etc.
/ns/{nsId}/k8scluster Create K8sCluster
Modify k8sClusterReq.k8sNodeGroupList.specId
Return Type
Insert cspViewK8sClusterDetail
Delete accessInfo
Delete addons
Delete createdTime
Delete k8sNodeGroupList
Delete keyValueList
Delete network
Delete version //Kubernetes Version, ex) 1.23.3
/ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId} Get K8sCluster
Return Type
Insert cspViewK8sClusterDetail
Delete accessInfo
Delete addons
Delete createdTime
Delete k8sNodeGroupList
Delete keyValueList
Delete network
Delete version //Kubernetes Version, ex) 1.23.3
/ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/k8snodegroup Add a K8sNodeGroup
Modify k8sNodeGroupReq.specId
Return Type
Insert cspViewK8sClusterDetail
Delete accessInfo
Delete addons
Delete createdTime
Delete k8sNodeGroupList
Delete keyValueList
Delete network
Delete version //Kubernetes Version, ex) 1.23.3
/ns/{nsId}/k8scluster/{k8sClusterId}/k8snodegroup/{k8sNodeGroupName}/autoscalesize Change a K8sNodeGroup's Autoscale Size
Return Type
Insert cspViewK8sNodeGroupDetail
Delete desiredNodeSize
Delete imageId //VM config.
Delete k8sNodes //id for nodes
Delete keyValueList
Delete maxNodeSize
Delete minNodeSize
Delete onAutoScaling //Scaling config.
Delete rootDiskSize
Delete rootDiskType
Delete specId
Delete sshKeyId
/ns/{nsId}/mci Create MCI
Return Type
Insert vm.cspImageName
Insert vm.cspSpecName
Delete vm.cspImageId
Delete vm.cspSpecId
/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/mcSwNlb Create a special purpose MCI for NLB and depoly and setting SW NLB
Return Type
Insert mcNlbHostInfo.vm.cspImageName
Insert mcNlbHostInfo.vm.cspSpecName
Delete mcNlbHostInfo.vm.cspImageId
Delete mcNlbHostInfo.vm.cspSpecId
/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/subgroup/{subgroupId} ScaleOut subGroup in specified MCI
Return Type
Insert vm.cspImageName
Insert vm.cspSpecName
Delete vm.cspImageId
Delete vm.cspSpecId
/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm Create and add homogeneous VMs(subGroup) to a specified MCI (Set subGroupSize for multiple VMs)
Return Type
Insert vm.cspImageName
Insert vm.cspSpecName
Delete vm.cspImageId
Delete vm.cspSpecId
/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}/dataDisk Provisioning (Create and attach) dataDisk
Return Type
Insert cspImageName
Insert cspSpecName
Delete cspImageId
Delete cspSpecId
/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId}/dataDisk Attach/Detach available dataDisk
Return Type
Insert cspImageName
Insert cspSpecName
Delete cspImageId
Delete cspSpecId
/ns/{nsId}/mci/{mciId}/vmDynamic Create VM Dynamically and add it to MCI
Return Type
Insert vm.cspImageName
Insert vm.cspSpecName
Delete vm.cspImageId
Delete vm.cspSpecId
/ns/{nsId}/mciDynamic Create MCI Dynamically
Return Type
Insert vm.cspImageName
Insert vm.cspSpecName
Delete vm.cspImageId
Delete vm.cspSpecId
/ns/{nsId}/monitoring/status/mci/{mciId}/vm/{vmId} Set monitoring agent (CB-Dragonfly agent) installation status installed (for Windows VM only)
Return Type
Insert cspImageName
Insert cspSpecName
Delete cspImageId
Delete cspSpecId
/ns/{nsId}/registerCspResource/vNet/{vNetId}/subnet Register Subnet (created in CSP)
Return Type
Insert cspVNetName //CspVNetName is identifier to handle CSP vNet resource
Delete cspVNetHandlingId //CspVNetHandlingId is identifier to handle CSP vNet resource
/ns/{nsId}/registerCspVm Register existing VM in a CSP to Cloud-Barista MCI
Return Type
Insert vm.cspImageName
Insert vm.cspSpecName
Delete vm.cspImageId
Delete vm.cspSpecId
/ns/{nsId}/resources/fetchImages Fetch images
Modify nsId //Namespace ID
/ns/{nsId}/resources/filterSpecsByRange Filter specs by range
Insert specRangeFilter.cspSpecName
Delete specRangeFilter.cspResourceId
Return Type
Insert spec.cspSpecName //CspSpecName is name of the spec given by CSP
Delete spec.cspResourceId //CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP
Delete spec.cspResourceName //CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource.
Modify spec.infraType //vm|k8s|kubernetes|container, etc.
/ns/{nsId}/resources/image List all images or images' ID
Modify nsId //Namespace ID
/ns/{nsId}/resources/image Delete all images
Modify nsId //Namespace ID
/ns/{nsId}/resources/image Register image
Add imageReq //Specify (name, connectionName, cspImageName) to register an image object automatically
Insert imageInfo.cspImageName //CspImageName is name of the image given by CSP
Delete imageInfo.cspResourceId //CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP
Delete imageInfo.cspResourceName //CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource.
Delete imageId //Specify name, connectionName and cspResourceId to register an image object automatically
Return Type
Insert cspImageName //CspImageName is name of the image given by CSP
Delete cspResourceId //CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP
Delete cspResourceName //CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource.
/ns/{nsId}/resources/image/{imageId} Get image
imageId Notes Image ID ({providerName}+{regionName}+{imageName}) change into Image ID ({providerName}+{regionName}+{cspImageName})
Modify nsId //Namespace ID
Modify imageId //Image ID ({providerName}+{regionName}+{cspImageName})
Return Type
Insert cspImageName //CspImageName is name of the image given by CSP
Delete cspResourceId //CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP
Delete cspResourceName //CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to...
CB-Tumblebug v0.9.10
Support and Tested with
What's Changed
- Add infraType field to TbSpecInfo/TbImageInfo and assets by @sykim-etri in #1667
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1668
- Validate k8scluster version when creating and upgrading k8scluster by @sykim-etri in #1670
- Add docker-compose by @yunkon-kim in #1666
- Update K8sCluster's REST API description and example by @sykim-etri in #1671
- Add the JWT auths middleware and sample API by @yunkon-kim in #1627
- Remove unused JWT configuration and environment variable handling by @yunkon-kim in #1676
- Modify swaggo/swag
by @yunkon-kim in #1678 - Update API docs by @yunkon-kim in #1680
- Specify data type in ResponseBodyDump logging by @yunkon-kim in #1681
- Fix SetK8sNodeGroupAutoscaling's reponse body by @sykim-etri in #1682
- Add encryption decryption script for credentials by @seokho-son in #1683
- Update for encryption details by @seokho-son in #1687
- Add
pkg and improve functionality by @yunkon-kim in #1686 - Deduplicate code for checking k8scluster enablement by @sykim-etri in #1689
- Update k8sclusterinfo.yaml and add 'others' keyword by @sykim-etri in #1688
- Add etcd-centric kvstore and replace cb-store by @yunkon-kim in #1690
- Add and update docker-compose configuration to customize or set environment variables by @yunkon-kim in #1691
- Rebase replace-with-etcd onto upstream latest main by @yunkon-kim in #1693
- Fix GetRegion info bug by @seokho-son in #1692
- Finalize docker-compose and etcd by @yunkon-kim in #1694
- Update by @yunkon-kim in #1696
- Replace cb-store with etcd by @yunkon-kim in #1695
- Fix subGroup removal bug in refine func by @seokho-son in #1697
- Enhance env variables by @seokho-son in #1698
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1699
- Update regarding environment variables by @yunkon-kim in #1701
- Staging v0.9.2 by @seokho-son in #1700
- Register all specs and update asset spec by @seokho-son in #1703
- Fix provisioning error by @seokho-son in #1704
- Fix GetCspResourceId related error by @seokho-son in #1706
- Simply docker compose and isolate containers by @seokho-son in #1707
- add testscripts for persistent volume and service in k8scluster by @sykim-etri in #1708
- Enhance logger pkg by @yunkon-kim in #1709
- Enhance common image features and remove key obj by @seokho-son in #1711
- [k8scluster] add CheckNodeGroupsOnK8sCreation API (no routed) by @sykim-etri in #1712
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1713
- [k8scluster] update CheckNodeGroupsOnK8sCreation API by @sykim-etri in #1715
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1716
- Support build option for docker compose by @seokho-son in #1717
- Remove cb-tb call graph by @seokho-son in #1718
- Remove cb-tb api diff docs by @seokho-son in #1719
- [k8scluster] update valid specId example in TbK8sNodeGroupReq by @sykim-etri in #1723
- Replace the MCIS term with the MCI by @seokho-son in #1726
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1727
- docs: add SungWoongz as a contributor for userTesting by @allcontributors in #1724
- Enhance API docs by @seokho-son in #1728
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1729
- Staging v0.9.5 by @seokho-son in #1730
- Speed up docker build time by using go build cache by @seokho-son in #1732
- Enhance workflow for ci cd container image by @seokho-son in #1733
- Clean up files by @seokho-son in #1734
- Fix typo in source by @seokho-son in #1735
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1736
- Remove infra service terms by @seokho-son in #1737
- Fix file names MCI by @seokho-son in #1738
- Change path of into the init by @seokho-son in #1740
- Makeup utilities by @seokho-son in #1742
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1743
- Rename default-ns: default and system-ns: system by @seokho-son in #1744
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1745
- Remove not effective param in compose by @seokho-son in #1746
- Simplify ID system using GenUid and no Transform by @seokho-son in #1748
- Fix Flask app is run in debug mode by @seokho-son in #1750
- Rename RestLoadDefaultResource to RestLoadSharedResource by @seokho-son in #1751
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1752
- Change defaultresource to sharedresource by @seokho-son in #1753
- [Workflow] Update Swagger REST API doc by @cb-github-robot in #1754
- Staging v0.9.6 by @seokho-son in #1755
- Use Golang v1.23.0 by @seokho-son in #1757
- Bugfix to correct vNetId to match Spider's Create Subnet API by @yunkon-kim in #1758
- Provide a secure way for register credential api by @seokho-son in #1759
- Bump pycryptodome from 3.18.0 to 3.19.1 in /init by @dependabot in #1760
- Enhance secure credential registeration by @seokho-son in #1761
- Arrange API resource group tags by @seokho-son in #1762
- Staging cb-tumblebug 0.9.7 by @seokho-son in #1763
- Refactor pkg name mcir to resource mci to infra by @seokho-son in #1765
- Fix api validation warning by @seokho-son in #1766
- [k8scluster] update testscripts by @sykim-etri in #1767
- Add missing path param decs by @seokho-son in #1768
- Enhance api description by @seokho-son in #1769
- Describe how hybrid encryption works in by @seokho...