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cnoelle committed Feb 9, 2024
0 parents commit 8e4e5db
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Showing 57 changed files with 6,381 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitattributes
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
* text=auto

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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# Files generated by invoking Julia with --code-coverage

# Files generated by invoking Julia with --track-allocation

# System-specific files and directories generated by the BinaryProvider and BinDeps packages
# They contain absolute paths specific to the host computer, and so should not be committed

# Build artifacts for creating documentation generated by the Documenter package

# File generated by Pkg, the package manager, based on a corresponding Project.toml
# It records a fixed state of all packages used by the project. As such, it should not be
# committed for packages, but should be committed for applications that require a static
# environment.



437 changes: 437 additions & 0 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
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name = "SchroedingerNumerics"
uuid = "537d3920-04f8-45d5-b939-67e14d5b2f3b"
authors = ["cnoelle <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.1.0"

JSON = "682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Printf = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7"
385 changes: 385 additions & 0 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions examples/freeParticle/gaussian.json

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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions examples/harmonicOscillator/coherentStateClassical.json
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"type": "classical",
"scheme": {"id": "SymplecticEuler" , "mass": 1, "deltaX": 0.001},
"V_coefficients": [0,0,1],
"mass": 1.0,
"deltaT": 0.006283185307179587,
"t": 0.0,
"point": [1.0,0.0]
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions examples/harmonicOscillator/coherentStateQm.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions examples/harmonicOscillator/coherentStateQmResidual.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions examples/harmonicOscillator/groundStateQm.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions src/ClassicalSystem.jl
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struct ClassicalSystem
# state
function ClassicalSystem(point::AbstractPoint, hamiltonian::AbstractObservable, deltaT::Real;
scheme::ClassicalNumericsScheme=SymplecticEuler(), t0::Real=0.)
propagator::ClassicalPropagator = incarnate(hamiltonian, scheme, deltaT)
return new(point, hamiltonian, propagator, scheme, deltaT, t0, point)
end # ClassicalSystem
function ClassicalSystem(other::ClassicalSystem, t::Real, point::AbstractPoint)
return new(other.initialState, other.hamiltonian, other.propagator,
other.scheme, other.deltaT, t, point)
end # ClassicalSystem
end # ClassicalSystem

function scheme(system::ClassicalSystem)::NumericsScheme
return system.scheme

function hamiltonian(system::ClassicalSystem)::AbstractObservable
return system.hamiltonian

function deltaT(system::ClassicalSystem)::Real
return system.deltaT

function propagate(system::ClassicalSystem, timeSteps::Int=1)::ClassicalSystem
for _ in 1:timeSteps
point::AbstractPoint = propagateSingleTimestep(system.currentState, system.propagator)
system = ClassicalSystem(system, system.currentTime + system.deltaT, point)
end # for k
return system
end # p

function _writeSettings(system::ClassicalSystem, file::IO)
indent::String = " "
write(file, "{\n")
write(file, indent, "\"type\": \"classical\",\n")
write(file, indent, "\"deltaT\": $(system.deltaT),\n")
write(file, indent, "\"scheme\": $(_schemeToJson(system.scheme))")
_writePotentialJson(file, projectX(system.hamiltonian),
indent=length(indent), startWithComma=true)
write(file, "\n}\n")
end # _writeSettings

function trace(system::ClassicalSystem, timeSteps::Int=1000;
folder::String = "./results") # io::IO
settingsFile::String = joinpath(folder, "settings.json")
pointsFile::String = joinpath(folder, "points.csv")
open(settingsFile, "w") do settingsFile1
_writeSettings(system, settingsFile1)
end # settingsFile
V::Any = nothing
V = projectX(system.hamiltonian) # we expect this to be a function of x
open(pointsFile, "w") do fileObservables
write(fileObservables, "x, p, E\n")
for _ in 1:timeSteps
# write expectation values
point::Point = pin(system.currentState)
xVal::Real = point.q
pVal::Real = point.p
energy::Real = system.hamiltonian(point)
write(fileObservables, "$(xVal), $(pVal), $(energy)\n")
system = propagate(system, 1)
end # for k
end # open fileObservables
return system

end # trace

export ClassicalSystem
export propagate
export trace

42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions src/CrankNicolson.jl
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raw"Implements the Crank-Nicolson integration scheme for the Schrödinger equation, i.e.
(1+i/(2\hbar) \hat H) \psi(t+1) = (1-i/(2\hbar) \hat H)\psi(t) "
struct CrankNicolson <: QmNumericsScheme
end # CrankNicolson

function schemeId(::CrankNicolson)::String
return "CrankNicolson"

struct CNMatrix <: QuantumPropagator
raw"(1+i*deltaT/(2\hbar) \hat H)"
A::AbstractArray{<:Complex, 2}
raw"(1-i*deltaT/(2\hbar) \hat H)"
B::AbstractArray{<:Complex, 2}
raw"The time evolution matrix (1+i/(2\hbar) \hat H)^(-1) * (1-i/(2\hbar) \hat H)"
AinvB::Union{AbstractArray{<:Complex, 2}, Nothing}
end # CNMatrix

Find the concrete matrix representation of the Hamiltonian for the selected grid
function incarnate(hamiltonian::AbstractObservable, representation::QmRepresentation,
scheme::CrankNicolson, deltaT::Real, invertMatrix::Bool=false)::QuantumPropagator
cfg = qmConfig(representation)
H = asOperator(hamiltonian, representation)
hbar = cfg.hbar
A = (LinearAlgebra.I + (im*deltaT/2/hbar) * H)
B = (LinearAlgebra.I - (im*deltaT/2/hbar) * H)
AinvB = invertMatrix ? LinearAlgebra.inv(A) * B : nothing
return CNMatrix(representation, cfg, A, B, AinvB)
end # incarnate

function propagateSingleTimestep(psi::AbstractWaveFunction, propagator::CNMatrix)::AbstractWaveFunction
valuesOld::AbstractArray{<:Complex, 1} = values(psi, propagator.representation)
valuesNew::AbstractArray{<:Complex, 1} = isnothing(propagator.AinvB) ? propagator.A\(propagator.B * valuesOld) : propagator.AinvB * valuesOld
return asWavefunction(valuesNew, propagator.representation)
end # propagateSingleTimestep

export CrankNicolson
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions src/DifferentiationUtils.jl
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# below: different types of operators associated to V, and helpers
Differentiation as a matrix operator
* 1: forward/Newton (default)
* 0: symmetric/midpoint
* -1: backward
function _diffOperator(gridPoints::AbstractRange{<:Real}, order::Int;
diffMethod::Int=1)::AbstractArray{<:Real, 2}
if order == 0
return LinearAlgebra.I
end # if
# In principle we can give a formula that works for all orders, see
# It is rather tricky, however, to take into account the boundary conditions, so we do it case by case
numPoints::Int = length(gridPoints)
deltaX::Real = step(gridPoints)
if (order === 1) # the first derivative may be calculated in different ways
# FIXME use ints?
if (diffMethod === 1)
diag1 = fill(-1., numPoints)
diag1[numPoints] = 0.
M1::AbstractArray{<:Real, 2} = LinearAlgebra.Bidiagonal(diag1, ones(numPoints-1), :U)
return M1/deltaX
elseif (diffMethod === 0)
upper = fill(1., numPoints-1)
lower = fill(-1., numPoints-1)
upper[1] = 2.
lower[numPoints-1] = -2.
diag2 = fill(0., numPoints)
diag2[1] = -2.
diag2[numPoints] = 2.
M2::AbstractArray{<:Real, 2} = LinearAlgebra.Tridiagonal(lower, diag2, upper)
return M2/deltaX/2
elseif (diffMethod === -1)
diag3 = fill(1., numPoints)
diag3[0] = 0.
M3::AbstractArray{<:Real, 2} = LinearAlgebra.Bidiagonal(-ones(numPoints), diag3, :L)
return M3/deltaX
elseif (order === 2)
diagonal::AbstractArray{Float64, 1} = fill(-2., numPoints)
diagonal[1] = -1.
diagonal[numPoints] = -1.
Msquared::AbstractArray{Float64, 2} = LinearAlgebra.Tridiagonal(ones(numPoints-1), diagonal, ones(numPoints-1))
return Msquared/(deltaX^2)
end # if
squares::Int = convert(Int, floor(order / 2))
M::AbstractArray{<:Real, 2} = _diffOperator(gridPoints, 2, diffMethod=diffMethod)^squares
return order % 2 === 0 ? M : M * _diffOperator(gridPoints, 1, diffMethod=diffMethod)
end # _diffOperator

"Differentiation as a matrix operator",
function _diffOperator(gridPoints::AbstractArray{<:Real, 1}, order::Int; diffMethod::Int=1)::AbstractArray{<:Real, 2}
if order == 0
return LinearAlgebra.I
end # if
# this is the case that gridPoints is not equally spaced (is not a range)
# In principle we can give a formula that works for all orders, see
# It is rather tricky, however, to take into account the boundary conditions, so we do it case by case
numPoints::Int = length(gridPoints)
if (order === 1) # the first derivative may be calculated in different ways
if (diffMethod === 1)
upper1 = map(idx -> 1/(gridPoints[idx+1] - gridPoints[idx]), 1:(numPoints-1))
diag1 = -copy(upper1)
push!(diag1, 0.)
return LinearAlgebra.Bidiagonal(diag1, upper1, :U)
elseif (diffMethod === 0)
upper2 = map(idx -> 1/(gridPoints[idx+1] - gridPoints[idx-1]), 2:(numPoints-1))
lower2 = -copy(upper2)
diag2 = fill(0., numPoints-2)
firstUpper::Float64 = 1/(gridPoints[2] - gridPoints[1])
prepend!(upper2, firstUpper)
prepend!(diag2, -firstUpper)
lastLower::Float64 = 1/(gridPoints[numPoints] - gridPoints[numPoints-1])
push!(lower2, -lastLower)
push!(diag2, lastLower)
return LinearAlgebra.Tridiagonal(lower2, diag2, upper2)
elseif (diffMethod === -1)
diag3 = map(idx -> 1/(gridPoints[idx] - gridPoints[idx-1]), 2:numPoints)
lower3 = -copy(diag3)
prepend!(diag3, 0.)
return LinearAlgebra.Bidiagonal(diag3, lower3, :L)
elseif (order === 2)
upperSquare = map(idx -> 1/(gridPoints[idx+1] - gridPoints[idx])/(gridPoints[idx] - gridPoints[idx-1]), 2:(numPoints-1))
lowerSquare = copy(upperSquare)
diagSquare = -2 * copy(upperSquare)
firstUpperSquare::Real = 1/(gridPoints[2] - gridPoints[1])^2
prepend!(upperSquare, firstUpperSquare)
prepend!(diagSquare, -firstUpperSquare)
lastLowerSquare::Real = 1/(gridPoints[numPoints] - gridPoints[numPoints-1])^2
push!(lowerSquare, lastLowerSquare)
push!(diagSquare, -lastLowerSquare)
return LinearAlgebra.Tridiagonal(lowerSquare, diagSquare, upperSquare)
end # if
squares::Int = convert(Int, floor(order / 2))
M::AbstractArray{<:Real, 2} = _diffOperator(gridPoints, 2, diffMethod=diffMethod)^squares
return order % 2 === 0 ? M : M * _diffOperator(gridPoints, 1, diffMethod=diffMethod)
end # _diffOperator
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/ExactQuantumPropagation.jl
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"Get the next value of an exactly known wave function"
struct ExactPropagation <: QmNumericsScheme
end # ExactPropagation

function schemeId(::ExactPropagation)::String
return "ExactQmPropagation"

struct ExactPropagator <: QuantumPropagator
end # ExactPropagator

function incarnate(hamiltonian::AbstractObservable, representation::QmRepresentation,
scheme::ExactPropagation, deltaT::Real)::QuantumPropagator
return ExactPropagator(deltaT)
end #specialize

# propagate time step (qm)
function propagateSingleTimestep(psi::ExactWaveFunction, propagator::ExactPropagator)::ExactWaveFunction
return ExactWaveFunction(psi.f, psi.timestamp + propagator.deltaT)
end # propagateSingleTimestep

function propagateSingleTimestep(psi::ExactSampledWaveFunction, propagator::ExactPropagator)::ExactSampledWaveFunction
return ExactSampledWaveFunction(psi.psi0, psi.f, psi.timestamp + propagator.deltaT)
end # propagateSingleTimestep

function propagateSingleTimestep(psi::TranslatedExactWaveFunction, propagator::ExactPropagator)::TranslatedExactWaveFunction
return TranslatedExactWaveFunction(psi.trajectory, propagateSingleTimestep(psi.psi, propagator), psi.hbar)
end # propagateSingleTimestep

export ExactPropagation
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions src/ExactTrajectory.jl
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struct ExactTrajectory <: ClassicalNumericsScheme
# A function Real -> Point (time -> phase space)
end # struct

function schemeId(scheme::ExactTrajectory)::String
return "ExactTrajectory"

struct ExactTrajectoryPropagator <: ClassicalPropagator
end # ExactTrajectoryPropagator

function incarnate(hamiltonian::AbstractObservable,
scheme::ExactTrajectory, deltaT::Real)::ExactTrajectoryPropagator
return ExactTrajectoryPropagator(scheme, deltaT)
end #specialize

struct TimedPoint <: AbstractPoint
end # TimedPoint

function pin(point::TimedPoint)::Point
return Point(point.q, point.p)
end # pin

# propagate time step (classical)
function propagateSingleTimestep(point::AbstractPoint, propagator::ExactTrajectoryPropagator)::TimedPoint
if !(point isa TimedPoint)
p = pin(point)
point = TimedPoint(p.q, p.p, 0.)
end # if
newT::Real = point.t + propagator.deltaT
newPoint::Point = propagator.scheme.f(newT)
return TimedPoint(newPoint.q, newPoint.p, newT)
end # propagateSingleTimestep

export ExactTrajectory

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