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File metadata and controls

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Boilerplate to get started with Gatsby, Hasura GraphQL engine as CMS and postgres as database using the awesome plugin gatsby-source-graphql.

Gatsby Postgres GraphQL


  • Deploy Postgres and GraphQL Engine on Heroku:

    Deploy to heroku

  • Get the Heroku app URL (say

  • Clone this repo:

    git clone
    cd graphql-engine/community/boilerplates/gatsby-postgres-graphql
  • Create author table:

    Open Hasura console: visit on a browser
    Navigate to Data section in the top nav bar and create a table as follows:

    Create author table

  • Insert sample data into author table:

    Insert data into author table

    Verify if the row is inserted successfully

    Insert data into author table

  • Install npm modules:

    npm install
  • Configure gatsby to use gatsby-source-graphql plugin and a connection GraphQL url to stitch the schema.

  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-graphql', // <- Configure plugin
      options: {
        typeName: 'HASURA',
        fieldName: 'hasura', // <- fieldName under which schema will be stitched
        createLink: () =>
            uri: `${ process.env.HASURA_GRAPHQL_URL }`, // <- Configure connection GraphQL url
            headers: {},
        refetchInterval: 10, // Refresh every 10 seconds for new data
  • Make a GraphQL query from your component
const Index = ({ data }) => (
    <h1>My Authors </h1>
    <AuthorList authors={} />
export const query = graphql`
  query AuthorQuery {
    hasura {        # <- fieldName as configured in the gatsby-config
      author {      # Normal GraphQL query
  • Run the app:

    HASURA_GRAPHQL_URL= npm run develop
  • Test the app Visit http://localhost:8000 to view the app

    Demo app

Deploying to netlify on data changes

  • Setup a git repo based continuous build on netlify
  • Create a build-hook
  • Head to the events tab on the hasura console
  • Create a new trigger. Select the table you want to listen to changes on and the operations.
  • Set the URL to be the netlify build-trigger URL


Checkout the contributing guide for more details.