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ImprovedTube edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 81 revisions


You can help us by logging any issues you find. As a small team, prioritization is critical, so knowing which issues are impactful for many users can help us with that prioritization.


+Videos / screenshots +Content for Tooltips +Tags for search (multilanguage)


You can help us translate ImprovedTube into your language. Please, check the wiki page.


You can write a blog post or make YouTube video. If you did it, then send a link to our email, and we will publish it on the GitHub page. Also help get the word out by telling your friends, or discussing it on a forum you frequent.


We are volunteers. ImprovedTube is made out of love for our users. Your happiness is the currency of our hearts. We dare to keep ImprovedTube open-source and free, despite it is still a lot of work, that won't stop while YouTube releases updates.

  • Bitcoin: 144kqL6nGEQtVL3QCdADY4EtduZ95Vu1pL
  • Ethereum: 0xf6E03Ffa6B04c972C45c91D6Bc449Be81E1C527c
  • BitcoinCash: qqseudey582dz72l23nspw0ch8ezlgty25jpqjdkun


Dev. Convenience / Efficiency / Methods

  • Debate: Predicting Youtube-DOM changes?

    The important CSS IDs (& pathes) _should_ stay the same in all current & future YouTube.
    Yet, we _could_ predict how Youtube might be renaming some still... An Extension could even search for new names if old ones disappear. More over, regEx can be cheap & even CSS allows some wildcards / 'regular expressions' *= ^= $=

GitHub in general:

  • Pull Requests by command-line: gh pr create --base master --title "my PR" --body "fixing..."
    - Alternatively: hub pull-request acts as a wrapper for git) - (Or if you hate all Pull Requests, we might allow you to make commits after a few PRs)