THis read me is for 0x03-shell_variables_expansions 0 ALIAS 0-alias - Create a script that creates an alias.
-hello_you - Create a script that prints hello user, where user is the current Linux user.
path - Add /action to the PATH.
paths - Create a script that counts the number of directories in the PATH.
global_variables - Create a script that lists environment variables.
local_variables -
create_local_variable - Create a script that creates a new local variable.
create_global_variable - Create a script that creates a new global variable.
true_knowledge - Write a script that prints the result of the addition of 128 with the value stored in the environment variable TRUEKNOWLEDGE, followed by a new line.
divide_and_rule - Write a script that prints the result of POWER divided by DIVIDE, followed by a new line.
love_exponent_breath -
binary_to_decimal - Write a script that converts a number from base 2 to base 10. Th
-combinations - Create a script that prints all possible combinations of two letters, except oo.
-print_float - Write a script that prints a number with two decimal places.
-decimal_to_hexadecimal - Write a script that converts a number from base 10 to base 16.
rot13 - Write a script that encodes and decodes text using the rot13 encryption.
odd - Write a script that prints every other line from the input, starting with the first line.