diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index c13075c90..ef68cae46 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -44,10 +44,6 @@ } ], "snippets": [ - { - "path": "./schemas/cl.code-snippets", - "language": "cl" - }, { "path": "./schemas/local-variables.code-snippets", "language": "json" diff --git a/schemas/cl.code-snippets b/schemas/cl.code-snippets deleted file mode 100644 index e36e27eab..000000000 --- a/schemas/cl.code-snippets +++ /dev/null @@ -1,108 +0,0 @@ -{ - "PGM": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "PGM", - "body": ["PGM", "", "ENDPGM"], - "description": "Setup CL Program Start and End" - }, - "SBMJOB": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "SBMJOB", - "body": ["SBMJOB CMD(CALL PGM(${1:*LIBL}/${2:Program}) PARM(${3:Parameters})) +", - "JOB(${4:*JOBD}) JOBD(${5:*USRPRF}) JOBQ(${6:*JOBD}) JOBPTY(${7:*JOBD}) +", - "OUTPTY(${8:*JOBD}) PRTDEV(${9:*CURRENT}) OUTQ(${10:*CURRENT}) USER(${11:*CURRENT})" - ], - "description": "Submit a Job to a Job Queue" - }, - "CALL PGM": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "CALL PGM", - "body": "CALL PGM(${1:*LIBL}/${2:Program}) PARM(${3:Parameters})", - "description": "Call a Program" - }, - "CHGVAR": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "CHGVAR", - "body": "CHGVAR VAR(${1:Variable}) VALUE(${2:Value})", - "description": "Change Variable" - }, - "CVTDAT": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "CVTDAT", - "body": "CVTDAT DATE(${1:Date to Convert}) TOVAR(${2: Var for Converted Date}) FROMFMT(${3:From Format}) TOFMT(${4:To Format}) TOSEP(${5:Separator})", - "description": "Convert Date" - }, - "DCL": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "DCL", - "body": "DCL VAR(${1:Variable}) TYPE(${2:Type}) STG(${3:Storage}) LEN(${4:Length}) VALUE(${5:Initial Value})", - "description": "Declare CL Variable" - }, - "DCLF": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "DCLF", - "body": ["DCLF FILE(${1:*LIBL}/${2:File}) RCDFMT(${2:*ALL}) OPNID(${3:*NONE}) +", - "ALWVARLEN(${4:*NO}) ALWNULL(${5:*NO}) ALWGRAPHIC(${6:*NO}) DCLBINFLD(${7:*DEC})" - ], - "description": "Declare File" - }, - "DLTF": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "DLTF", - "body": "DLTF FILE(${1:*LIBL}/${2:File})", - "description": "Delete File" - }, - "MONMSG": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "MONMSG", - "body": "MONMSG MSGID(${1:Message ID}) CMPDTA(${2:Comparison Data}) EXEC(${3:Command to Execute})", - "description": "Monitor Message" - }, - "RCVF": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "RCVF", - "body": "RCVF DEV(${1:Display Device}) RCDFMT(${2:Record Format}) OPNID(${3:Open File Identifier}) WAIT(${4:Wait})", - "description": "Receive File" - }, - "RTVSYSVAL": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "RTVSYSVAL", - "body": "RTVSYSVAL SYSVAL(${1:System Value}) RTNVAR(${2:Returned Value})", - "description": "Retrieve System Value" - }, - "OTHERWISE": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "OTHERWISE", - "body": "OTHERWISE CMD(${1:Command})", - "description": "Otherwise Condition" - }, - "SELECT": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "SELECT", - "body": ["SELECT", "WHEN COND(${1:Condition}) THEN(${2:Command})", "$0", "ENDDO", "ENDSELECT"], - "description": "Select Statement" - }, - "SNDSMTPEMM": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "SNDSMTPEMM", - "body": ["SNDSMTPEMM RCP((${1:Recipient} ${2:*PRI}) +", - "(${3:Recipient 2} ${4:*CC}) +", - "(${5:Recipient 3} ${6:*BCC})) +", - "SUBJECT('${7:Subject}') +", - "NOTE('${8:Note}') ATTACH(${9:Attachment})" - ], - "description": "Send SMTP Email" - }, - "SUBR": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "SUBR", - "body": ["SUBR SUBR(${1:Subroutine Name})", "$0", "ENDSUBR"], - "description": "Create Subroutine" - }, - "WHEN": { - "scope": "clle,cl,clp", - "prefix": "WHEN", - "body": ["WHEN COND(${1:Condition}) THEN(${2:Command})", "$0", "ENDDO"], - "description": "When Condition" - } -} \ No newline at end of file