- add schwab_checking_csv. [Red S]
- importer: amazon gift card importer. [Red S]
- add Discover credit card csv importer. [Red S]
- importer: add capitalone 360 ofx. [Red S]
- add becu (Boeing Employees Credit Union) (#34) [Patrick Baker]
Better missing security reporting (#43) [thehilll]
if get_ticker_info_from_id finds an id not present in fund_info.py try to use self.ofx.security_list to report more useful information. At least in Fidelity ofx files both the symbol and security name are present, so in most cases the required additions to fund_info.py are already in the file.
Slightly better reportings...print a summary line before list of securities
remove unused f string
- Comments to explain what is going on
- Key the extracted securities dict by CUSIP (not symbol) which matches what is found in the transaction entries (not for bonds symbol generally matches CUSIP)
- Values of dict are now a tuple of (symbol, cusip, name) which for stocks should be all that is needed for fund_info.py
- Remove another unnecessary f string
Convert value to str before applying regex in remove_non_numeric (#32) [Balazs Keresztury]
add overridable security_narration() method; use it in Fidelity. [Red S]
add ability to use smart importer with investments (#36) [Patrick Baker]
bean-download accepts a comma separated institution list. [Red S]
bean-download display. [Red S]
add skip_transaction to banking. [Red S]
minor: workday importer now specifies filing account. [Red S]
minor: add overridable post process step for csv. [Red S]
minor: add etrade to direct download template. [Red S]
minor: Chase filename regex is now [Cc]hase. [Red S]
minor: allow overriding payee in investments. [Red S]
- fidelity rounding errors are frequently higher than current value. [Red S]
- date format wasn't getting set during bean-file. [Red S]
- #41 add 'check' to ofx transaction types. [Red S]
- #41 add 'payment' to ofx transaction types. [Red S] for investment accounts with banking features
- #40 check if ofx file provides balances instead of assuming it does. [Red S]
- #37 document
in the demo example. [Red S] - schwab_csv: update csv fields; custom payee. [Red S]
- csvreader returned blank when skip_comments was not present. [Red S]
- handle vanguard annoyance. [Red S]
- workday: skip last row to zero. [Red S]
- banking: fix the payee/narration order issue caused by 9057fcf j 9057fcf: #33. allow importers to override payee and narration fields. [Red S]
- catch ofxparse exceptions. [Red S]
- fix; schwab_checking_csv: withdrawals should be negative. [Red S]
- schwab_csv bug fixes. [Red S]
- #33. allow importers to override payee and narration fields. [Red S]
- when matching ofx security_id to funds_db prefer a complete match, if none found fall back to substring (#45) [thehilll]
util: bean-download: display download progress bars; pretty output. [Red S]
util: bean-download template improvements. [Red S]
- separate template file
- working examples
util: ofx_summarize: sort by date. [Red S]
- build: deps quoting. [Red S]
- build: requirements; gitchangelog. [Red S]
- doc: add changelog, and gitchangelog config. [Red S]
- doc: gitchangelog exclude 'feat' [Red S]
- README updates. [Red S]
- refactor: print verbose. [Red S]
- New importer: vanguard screenscraped. [Red S]
- New util:
: Quick and dirty way to summarize a .ofx file, and peek inside it - New util:
: Download account statements automatically (for supporting institutions), from your configuration of accounts. Multi-threaded.
Add a single-table xlsx reader (#24) [Gary Peck]
feat: Add a build_metadata function that can be overridden by custom importers [savingsandloan]
doc: Updated README for new tools, features. [Red S]
Make sorting of paycheck postings configurable (#21) [Gary Peck]
Bean-download: add --institutions alias. [Red S]
Bean-download: shell completion for sites! [Red S]
Rename bean-ingest to bean-download. [Red S]
Consider isin to be a substring. [Red S]
Support custom entries (commodities, open/close, etc.). see #30. [Red S]
Csv_multitable_reader: add head/tail skipping, comments (#27) [savingsandloan]
Vanguard: catch capital gains distributions using description. [Red S]
Rename capgains_lt to capgainsd_lt (distribution) [Red S] BREAKING CHANGE
Add settleDate to csv. [Red S]
Allow filename_pattern override via config. [Red S]
Change filename_identifier_substring to regex pattern. [Red S]
Schwab defaults. [Red S]
Commodity_leaf: filing string. [Red S]
Commodity_leaf is now configurable via string replacement. [Red S]
Schwab file name. [Red S]
Add IMPORTER_NAME for debugging. [Red S]
Schwab_csv_balances: support more general filenames. [Red S]
Schwab csv importer: add more transaction types. [Red S]
Add ticker to get_target_acct_custom() [Red S]
commodity_leaf is now configurable via replacement of '{ticker}' and '{currency}' strings. See comments in libtransactionbuilder/investments.py for more info
BREAKING CHANGE: you will need to rewrite your .import file with the strings above!
- Handle sign flipping for all account types in paycheck importer (#20) [Gary Peck]
- Fix missing return value in xlsx_multitable_reader.is_section_title() (#18) [Gary Peck]
- Bean-ingest: asyncio was not working correctly. [Red S]
- Metadata fixes. [Red S]
- Investments: generate balance + price entries even if end_date is missing. [Red S]
- Fix bug mentioned in #26 (use cash_account for cash transfers) [Red S]
- Fix bug causing ofxreader to fail on multiple calls by bean-extract. [Red S]
- Fix bug that read the same file upon multiple calls from bean-extract. [Red S]
- Fix target account for buy/sell. [Red S]
- Fix csvreader identification bug. [Red S]
- Fix several commodity leaf account bugs. [Red S]
- File_date was not returning value. [Red S]
- Add and expose handler for price and cost both zero. Closes #15. [Red S]
- Pythonpackage workflow. [Red S]
- Disable pytests. [Red S]
- Beta. [Red S]
- Update example to support {} strings; doc. [Red S]
- Reworked get_target_acct_custom. [Red S] BREAKING CHANGE: now, get_target_acct_custom() will be allowed to either return a target account (for special cases), or return a None, which will allow the default implementation to run
- Cleanup extraneous get_target_account_custom from ameritrade, etrade. [Red S]
- Rename master to main. [Red S]
- Disable pytest. [Red S]
- Refactor commodity leaf. [Red S]
- Removed redundant common.py. [Red S]
added the commodity_leaf feature: by default, accounts will now include a commodity as their leaf (eg: Assets:Investments:HOOLI). This is configurable. Simply pass in a 'commodity_leaf: False' in your importer config.
the source reader (eg: ofx, csv, ...) has now been separated from the importer type (eg: investment, banking, ...). This allows us easy combining of these.