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index dc9027bf..57819752 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.json
+++ b/.eslintrc.json
@@ -1,33 +1,18 @@
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--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
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# dependencies
@@ -20,16 +22,28 @@
# production
# misc
# debug
# local env files
diff --git a/src/assets/bolt.svg b/assets/bolt.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/bolt.svg
rename to assets/bolt.svg
diff --git a/src/assets/cable.svg b/assets/cable.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/cable.svg
rename to assets/cable.svg
diff --git a/src/assets/cloud.svg b/assets/cloud.svg
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/cloud_error.svg
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diff --git a/src/assets/comma.svg b/assets/comma.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/comma.svg
rename to assets/comma.svg
diff --git a/src/assets/device_exclamation_c3.svg b/assets/device_exclamation_c3.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/device_exclamation_c3.svg
rename to assets/device_exclamation_c3.svg
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diff --git a/src/assets/fastboot-ports.svg b/assets/fastboot-ports.svg
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rename from src/assets/fastboot-ports.svg
rename to assets/fastboot-ports.svg
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/frame_alert.svg
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/system_update_c3.svg
rename to assets/system_update_c3.svg
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/zadig_create_new_device.png
rename to assets/zadig_create_new_device.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from src/assets/zadig_form.png
rename to assets/zadig_form.png
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index c6d81dfa..f7d966a2 100755
Binary files a/bun.lockb and b/bun.lockb differ
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 3060b4a2..036cf674 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -1,22 +1,249 @@
- flash.comma.ai
+ flash.comma.ai
+ flash.comma.ai
+ This tool allows you to flash AGNOS onto your comma
+ device.
+ AGNOS is the Ubuntu-based operating system for your
+ comma 3/3X
+ .
+ Requirements
+ A web browser which supports WebUSB (such as Google
+ Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera), running on Windows,
+ macOS, Linux, or Android.
+ A USB-C cable to power your device outside the car.
+ Another USB-C cable to connect the device to your
+ computer.
+ USB Driver
+ You need additional driver software for Windows before
+ you connect your device.
+ Download and install
+ Zadig .
+ Under Device
in the menu bar, select
+ Create New Device
+ Fill in three fields. The first field is just a
+ description and you can fill in anything. The next
+ two fields are very important. Fill them in with
+ 18D1
and D00D
+ respectively. Press "Install Driver" and
+ give it a few minutes to install.
+ No additional software is required for macOS or Linux.
+ Fastboot
+ Follow these steps to put your device into fastboot
+ mode:
+ Power off the device and wait for the LEDs to switch
+ off.
+ Connect power to the OBD-C port
+ (port 1) .
+ Then,
+ quickly
+ connect the device to your computer using the USB-C
+ port
+ (port 2) .
+ After a few seconds, the device should indicate
+ it's in fastboot mode and show its serial
+ number.
+ If your device shows the comma spinner with a loading
+ bar, then it's not in fastboot mode. Unplug all
+ cables, wait for the device to switch off, and try
+ again.
+ Flashing
+ After your device is in fastboot mode, you can click the
+ button to start flashing. A prompt may appear to select
+ a device; choose the device labeled "Android".
+ The process can take 15+ minutes depending on your
+ internet connection and system performance. Do not
+ unplug the device until all steps are complete.
+ Troubleshooting
+ Cannot enter fastboot or device says "Press any key
+ to continue"
+ Try using a different USB cable or USB port. Sometimes
+ USB 2.0 ports work better than USB 3.0 (blue) ports. If
+ you're using a USB hub, try connecting the device
+ directly to your computer, or alternatively use a USB
+ hub between your computer and the device.
+ My device's screen is blank
+ The device can still be in fastboot mode and reflashed
+ normally if the screen isn't displaying anything. A
+ blank screen is usually caused by installing older
+ software that doesn't support newer displays. If a
+ reflash doesn't fix the blank screen, then the
+ device's display may be damaged.
+ After flashing, device says unable to mount data
+ partition
+ This is expected after the filesystem is erased. Press
+ confirm to finish resetting your device.
+ General Tips
+ Try another computer or OS
+ Try different USB ports on your computer
+ Try different USB-C cables, including the OBD-C
+ cable that came with the device
+ Other questions
+ If you need help, join our
+ Discord server
+ and go to the #hw-three-3x channel.
+ flash.comma.ai version: dev
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 9c54987e..c2bfc3b6 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -5,41 +5,33 @@
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite",
- "build": "vite build",
- "start": "vite preview",
- "lint": "eslint . --ext js,jsx --report-unused-disable-directives",
+ "build": "tsc && vite build",
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+ "lint": "eslint . --ext ts,js --report-unused-disable-directives",
"test": "vitest"
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"dependencies": {
- "@fontsource-variable/inter": "^5.0.18",
+ "@fontsource-variable/inter": "^5.0.19",
"@fontsource-variable/jetbrains-mono": "^5.0.21",
"android-fastboot": "github:commaai/fastboot.js#c3ec6fe3c96a48dab46e23d0c8c861af15b2144a",
"comlink": "^4.4.1",
"jssha": "^3.3.1",
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"eslint": "^8.57.0",
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diff --git a/src/app/App.test.jsx b/src/app/App.test.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 206de720..00000000
--- a/src/app/App.test.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { Suspense } from 'react'
-import { expect, test } from 'vitest'
-import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
-import App from '.'
-test('renders without crashing', () => {
- render( )
- expect(screen.getByText('flash.comma.ai')).toBeInTheDocument()
diff --git a/src/app/Flash.jsx b/src/app/Flash.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index d7c544dc..00000000
--- a/src/app/Flash.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-import { useCallback } from 'react'
-import { Step, Error, useFastboot } from '@/utils/fastboot'
-import bolt from '@/assets/bolt.svg'
-import cable from '@/assets/cable.svg'
-import cloud from '@/assets/cloud.svg'
-import cloudDownload from '@/assets/cloud_download.svg'
-import cloudError from '@/assets/cloud_error.svg'
-import deviceExclamation from '@/assets/device_exclamation_c3.svg'
-import deviceQuestion from '@/assets/device_question_c3.svg'
-import done from '@/assets/done.svg'
-import exclamation from '@/assets/exclamation.svg'
-import frameAlert from '@/assets/frame_alert.svg'
-import systemUpdate from '@/assets/system_update_c3.svg'
-const steps = {
- status: 'Initializing...',
- bgColor: 'bg-gray-400 dark:bg-gray-700',
- icon: cloud,
- },
- [Step.READY]: {
- status: 'Ready',
- description: 'Tap the button above to begin',
- bgColor: 'bg-[#51ff00]',
- icon: bolt,
- iconStyle: '',
- },
- [Step.CONNECTING]: {
- status: 'Waiting for connection',
- description: 'Follow the instructions to connect your device to your computer',
- bgColor: 'bg-yellow-500',
- icon: cable,
- },
- status: 'Downloading...',
- bgColor: 'bg-blue-500',
- icon: cloudDownload,
- },
- [Step.UNPACKING]: {
- status: 'Unpacking...',
- bgColor: 'bg-blue-500',
- icon: cloudDownload,
- },
- [Step.FLASHING]: {
- status: 'Flashing device...',
- description: 'Do not unplug your device until the process is complete.',
- bgColor: 'bg-lime-400',
- icon: systemUpdate,
- },
- [Step.ERASING]: {
- status: 'Erasing device...',
- bgColor: 'bg-lime-400',
- icon: systemUpdate,
- },
- [Step.DONE]: {
- status: 'Done',
- description: 'Your device has been updated successfully. You can now unplug the USB cable from your computer. To ' +
- 'complete the system reset, follow the instructions on your device.',
- bgColor: 'bg-green-500',
- icon: done,
- },
-const errors = {
- [Error.UNKNOWN]: {
- status: 'Unknown error',
- description: 'An unknown error has occurred. Restart your browser and try again.',
- bgColor: 'bg-red-500',
- icon: exclamation,
- },
- status: 'Unrecognized device',
- description: 'The device connected to your computer is not supported.',
- bgColor: 'bg-yellow-500',
- icon: deviceQuestion,
- },
- status: 'Lost connection',
- description: 'The connection to your device was lost. Check that your cables are connected properly and try again.',
- icon: cable,
- },
- status: 'Download failed',
- description: 'The system image could not be downloaded. Check your internet connection and try again.',
- icon: cloudError,
- },
- status: 'Download mismatch',
- description: 'The system image downloaded does not match the expected checksum. Try again.',
- icon: frameAlert,
- },
- [Error.FLASH_FAILED]: {
- status: 'Flash failed',
- description: 'The system image could not be flashed to your device. Try using a different cable, USB port, or ' +
- 'computer. If the problem persists, join the #hw-three-3x channel on Discord for help.',
- icon: deviceExclamation,
- },
- [Error.ERASE_FAILED]: {
- status: 'Erase failed',
- description: 'The device could not be erased. Try using a different cable, USB port, or computer. If the problem ' +
- 'persists, join the #hw-three-3x channel on Discord for help.',
- icon: deviceExclamation,
- },
- status: 'Requirements not met',
- description: 'Your system does not meet the requirements to flash your device. Make sure to use a browser which ' +
- 'supports WebUSB and is up to date.',
- },
-function LinearProgress({ value, barColor }) {
- if (value === -1 || value > 100) value = 100
- return (
- )
-function USBIndicator() {
- return
- Device connected
-function SerialIndicator({ serial }) {
- return
- Serial:
- {serial || 'unknown'}
-function DeviceState({ serial }) {
- return (
- |
- )
-function beforeUnloadListener(event) {
- // NOTE: not all browsers will show this message
- event.preventDefault()
- return (event.returnValue = "Flash in progress. Are you sure you want to leave?")
-export default function Flash() {
- const {
- step,
- message,
- progress,
- error,
- onContinue,
- onRetry,
- connected,
- serial,
- } = useFastboot()
- const handleContinue = useCallback(() => {
- onContinue?.()
- }, [onContinue])
- const handleRetry = useCallback(() => {
- onRetry?.()
- }, [onRetry])
- const uiState = steps[step]
- if (error) {
- Object.assign(uiState, errors[Error.UNKNOWN], errors[error])
- }
- const { status, description, bgColor, icon, iconStyle = 'invert' } = uiState
- let title
- if (message && !error) {
- title = message + '...'
- if (progress >= 0) {
- title += ` (${(progress * 100).toFixed(0)}%)`
- }
- } else {
- title = status
- }
- // warn the user if they try to leave the page while flashing
- if (Step.DOWNLOADING <= step && step <= Step.ERASING) {
- window.addEventListener("beforeunload", beforeUnloadListener, { capture: true })
- } else {
- window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", beforeUnloadListener, { capture: true })
- }
- return (
- {error && (
- Retry
- ) || false}
- {connected &&
- )
diff --git a/src/app/favicon.ico b/src/app/favicon.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index fad53e89..00000000
Binary files a/src/app/favicon.ico and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/app/icon.png b/src/app/icon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d5a6bf26..00000000
Binary files a/src/app/icon.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/app/icon.svg b/src/app/icon.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index c2688769..00000000
--- a/src/app/icon.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/index.jsx b/src/app/index.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 54828b10..00000000
--- a/src/app/index.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-import { Suspense, lazy } from 'react'
-import comma from '../assets/comma.svg'
-import fastbootPorts from '../assets/fastboot-ports.svg'
-import zadigCreateNewDevice from '../assets/zadig_create_new_device.png'
-import zadigForm from '../assets/zadig_form.png'
-const Flash = lazy(() => import('./Flash'))
-export default function App() {
- const version = import.meta.env.VITE_PUBLIC_GIT_SHA || 'dev'
- console.info(`flash.comma.ai version: ${version}`);
- return (
- flash.comma.ai
- This tool allows you to flash AGNOS onto your comma device.
- AGNOS is the Ubuntu-based operating system for your{" "}
- comma 3/3X .
- Requirements
- A web browser which supports WebUSB (such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera), running on Windows, macOS, Linux, or Android.
- A USB-C cable to power your device outside the car.
- Another USB-C cable to connect the device to your computer.
- USB Driver
- You need additional driver software for Windows before you connect
- your device.
- Download and install Zadig .
- Under Device
in the menu bar, select Create New Device
- Fill in three fields. The first field is just a description and
- you can fill in anything. The next two fields are very important.
- Fill them in with 18D1
and D00D
- Press "Install Driver" and give it a few minutes to install.
- No additional software is required for macOS or Linux.
- Fastboot
- Follow these steps to put your device into fastboot mode:
- Power off the device and wait for the LEDs to switch off.
- Connect power to the OBD-C port (port 1) .
- Then, quickly connect
- the device to your computer using the USB-C port (port 2) .
- After a few seconds, the device should indicate it's in fastboot mode and show its serial number.
- If your device shows the comma spinner with a loading bar, then it's not in fastboot mode.
- Unplug all cables, wait for the device to switch off, and try again.
- Flashing
- After your device is in fastboot mode, you can click the button to start flashing. A prompt may appear to
- select a device; choose the device labeled "Android".
- The process can take 15+ minutes depending on your internet connection and system performance. Do not
- unplug the device until all steps are complete.
- Troubleshooting
- Cannot enter fastboot or device says "Press any key to continue"
- Try using a different USB cable or USB port. Sometimes USB 2.0 ports work better than USB 3.0 (blue) ports.
- If you're using a USB hub, try connecting the device directly to your computer, or alternatively use a
- USB hub between your computer and the device.
- My device's screen is blank
- The device can still be in fastboot mode and reflashed normally if the screen isn't displaying
- anything. A blank screen is usually caused by installing older software that doesn't support newer
- displays. If a reflash doesn't fix the blank screen, then the device's display may be damaged.
- After flashing, device says unable to mount data partition
- This is expected after the filesystem is erased. Press confirm to finish resetting your device.
- General Tips
- Try another computer or OS
- Try different USB ports on your computer
- Try different USB-C cables, including the OBD-C cable that came with the device
- Other questions
- If you need help, join our Discord server and go to
- the #hw-three-3x channel.
- flash.comma.ai version: {version}
- Loading...}>
- flash.comma.ai version: {version.substring(0, 7)}
- )
diff --git a/src/config.js b/src/config.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from src/config.js
rename to src/config.ts
diff --git a/src/main.jsx b/src/main.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 40fea3ef..00000000
--- a/src/main.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react'
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
-import '@fontsource-variable/inter'
-import '@fontsource-variable/jetbrains-mono'
-import './index.css'
-import App from './app'
- ,
diff --git a/src/main.ts b/src/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e094530b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+import {
+ FastbootError,
+ FastbootManager,
+ FastbootManagerStateType,
+ FastbootStep,
+} from "./utils/fastboot";
+import "@fontsource-variable/inter";
+import "@fontsource-variable/jetbrains-mono";
+import "./index.css";
+const fb = new FastbootManager();
+function setupProgressIndicatorView(initialState: FastbootManagerStateType) {
+ renderProgressIndicator(initialState);
+ fb.on("progress", renderProgressIndicator);
+function setupStatusView(initialState: FastbootManagerStateType) {
+ renderStatusView(initialState);
+ fb.on("message", renderStatusView);
+ fb.on("step", renderStatusView);
+ fb.on("error", renderStatusView);
+function setupIconView(initialState: FastbootManagerStateType) {
+ renderIconView(initialState);
+ fb.on("step", renderIconView);
+ fb.on("error", renderIconView);
+function setupRetryButtonView(initialState: FastbootManagerStateType) {
+ renderRetryButtonView(initialState);
+ fb.on("error", renderRetryButtonView);
+function setupDeviceStatusView(initialState: FastbootManagerStateType) {
+ renderDeviceStateView(initialState);
+ fb.on("connected", renderDeviceStateView);
+ fb.on("serial", renderDeviceStateView);
+function renderProgressIndicator(state: FastbootManagerStateType) {
+ const el = document.getElementById("linear-progress")!;
+ const ctnEl = document.getElementById("linear-progress-ctn")!;
+ const { progress, step } = state;
+ el.style.transform = `translateX(${progress - 100}%)`;
+ el.className = `absolute top-0 bottom-0 left-0 w-full transition-all ${fbSteps[step].bgColor}`;
+ ctnEl.style.opacity = progress === -1 ? "0" : "1";
+function renderStatusView(state: FastbootManagerStateType) {
+ const el = document.getElementById("title")!;
+ const subtitleEl = document.getElementById("subtitle")!;
+ const { message, error, progress, step } = state;
+ let title;
+ if (message && !error) {
+ title = message + "...";
+ if (progress >= 0) {
+ title += ` (${(progress * 100).toFixed(0)}%)`;
+ }
+ } else {
+ title = fbSteps[step].status;
+ }
+ el.innerHTML = title;
+ subtitleEl.innerHTML = fbSteps[step].description ?? "";
+function renderIconView(state: FastbootManagerStateType) {
+ const el = document.getElementById("icon-ctn")!;
+ const img = el.getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
+ const { step, error, onContinue } = state;
+ el.className = `p-8 rounded-full ${fbSteps[step].bgColor}`;
+ if (onContinue) {
+ el.style.cursor = "pointer";
+ el.addEventListener("click", onContinue);
+ }
+ img.src = fbSteps[step].icon;
+ img.className = `${!error && step !== FastbootStep.DONE ? "animate-pulse" : ""}`;
+function renderRetryButtonView(state: FastbootManagerStateType) {
+ const { error } = state;
+ if (error !== FastbootError.NONE) {
+ const el = document.getElementById("subtitle")!;
+ el.insertAdjacentHTML(
+ "afterend",
+ `
+ Retry
+ `,
+ );
+ const retryButton = document.getElementById("retry-btn")!;
+ retryButton.addEventListener("click", retryFlashing);
+ } else {
+ const retryButton = document.getElementById("retry-btn");
+ if (retryButton) {
+ retryButton.removeEventListener("click", retryFlashing);
+ retryButton.remove();
+ }
+ }
+function renderDeviceStateView(state: FastbootManagerStateType) {
+ const { serial, connected } = state;
+ if (!connected) {
+ const deviceStateEl = document.getElementById("device-state");
+ if (!deviceStateEl) return;
+ deviceStateEl.remove();
+ return;
+ }
+ let el: Element;
+ const retryButton = document.getElementById("retry-btn");
+ if (retryButton) el = retryButton;
+ else el = document.getElementById("subtitle")!;
+ el.insertAdjacentHTML(
+ "afterend",
+ `
+ Device connected
+ Serial:
+ ${serial || "unknown"}
+ `,
+ );
+function retryFlashing() {
+ console.debug("[fastboot] on retry");
+ window.location.reload();
+const fbSteps: Record<
+ FastbootStep,
+ { status: string; bgColor: string; icon: string; description?: string }
+> = {
+ [FastbootStep.INITIALIZING]: {
+ status: "Initializing...",
+ bgColor: "bg-gray-400 dark:bg-gray-700",
+ icon: "assets/cloud.svg",
+ },
+ [FastbootStep.READY]: {
+ status: "Ready",
+ description: "Tap the button above to begin",
+ bgColor: "bg-[#51ff00]",
+ icon: "assets/bolt.svg",
+ },
+ [FastbootStep.CONNECTING]: {
+ status: "Waiting for connection",
+ description:
+ "Follow the instructions to connect your device to your computer",
+ bgColor: "bg-yellow-500",
+ icon: "assets/cable.svg",
+ },
+ [FastbootStep.DOWNLOADING]: {
+ status: "Downloading...",
+ bgColor: "bg-blue-500",
+ icon: "assets/cloud_download.svg",
+ },
+ [FastbootStep.UNPACKING]: {
+ status: "Unpacking...",
+ bgColor: "bg-blue-500",
+ icon: "assets/cloud_download.svg",
+ },
+ [FastbootStep.FLASHING]: {
+ status: "Flashing device...",
+ description: "Do not unplug your device until the process is complete.",
+ bgColor: "bg-lime-400",
+ icon: "assets/system_update_c3.svg",
+ },
+ [FastbootStep.ERASING]: {
+ status: "Erasing device...",
+ bgColor: "bg-lime-400",
+ icon: "assets/system_update_c3.svg",
+ },
+ [FastbootStep.DONE]: {
+ status: "Done",
+ description:
+ "Your device has been updated successfully. You can now unplug the USB cable from your computer. To " +
+ "complete the system reset, follow the instructions on your device.",
+ bgColor: "bg-green-500",
+ icon: "assets/done.svg",
+ },
diff --git a/src/utils/android-fastboot.d.ts b/src/utils/android-fastboot.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d85bd58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/android-fastboot.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+declare module "android-fastboot" {
+ export class FastbootError extends Error {}
+ export class FastbootDevice {
+ /**
+ * Request the user to select a USB device and connect to it using the
+ * fastboot protocol.
+ *
+ * @throws {UsbError}
+ */
+ connect(): Promise;
+ get isConnected(): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Wait for the current USB device to disconnect, if it's still connected.
+ * Returns immediately if no device is connected.
+ */
+ waitForDisconnect(): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Wait for the USB device to connect. Returns at the next connection,
+ * regardless of whether the connected USB device matches the previous one.
+ */
+ waitForConnect(onReconnect?: () => void): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Read the value of a bootloader variable. Returns undefined if the variable
+ * does not exist.
+ * @throws {FastbootError}
+ */
+ getVariable(varName: string): Promise;
+ /**
+ * Send a textual command to the bootloader and read the response.
+ * This is in raw fastboot format, not AOSP fastboot syntax.
+ *
+ * @param {string} command - The command to send.
+ * @returns {Promise} Object containing response text and data size, if any.
+ * @throws {FastbootError}
+ */
+ runCommand(
+ cmd: string,
+ ): Promise<{ textSize: string; dataSize?: string | number }>;
+ /**
+ * Flash the given Blob to the given partition on the device. Any image
+ * format supported by the bootloader is allowed, e.g. sparse or raw images.
+ * Large raw images will be converted to sparse images automatically, and
+ * large sparse images will be split and flashed in multiple passes
+ * depending on the bootloader's payload size limit.
+ *
+ * @param {string} partition - The name of the partition to flash.
+ * @param {Blob} blob - The Blob to retrieve data from.
+ * @param {"a" | "b" | "current" | "other"} targetSlot - Which slot to flash to, if partition
+ * is A/B. Defaults to current slot.
+ * @param {FlashProgressCallback} onProgress - Callback for flashing progress updates.
+ * @throws {FastbootError}
+ */
+ flashBlob(
+ partition: string,
+ blob: Blob,
+ onProgress: (p: number) => void,
+ targetSlot: "a" | "b" | "current" | "other",
+ ): Promise;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Change the debug level for the fastboot client:
+ * - 0 = silent
+ * - 1 = debug, recommended for general use
+ * - 2 = verbose, for debugging only
+ */
+ export function setDebugLevel(level: number): void;
diff --git a/src/utils/blob.js b/src/utils/blob.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 27e0422f..00000000
--- a/src/utils/blob.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-export async function download(url) {
- const response = await fetch(url, { mode: 'cors' })
- const reader = response.body.getReader()
- const contentLength = +response.headers.get('Content-Length')
- console.debug('[blob] Downloading', url, contentLength)
- const chunks = []
- while (true) {
- const { done, value } = await reader.read()
- if (done) break
- chunks.push(value)
- }
- const blob = new Blob(chunks)
- console.debug('[blob] Downloaded', url, blob.size)
- if (blob.size !== contentLength) console.warn('[blob] Download size mismatch', {
- url,
- expected: contentLength,
- actual: blob.size,
- })
- return blob
diff --git a/src/utils/blob.ts b/src/utils/blob.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d57823d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/blob.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+export async function download(url: string) {
+ const response = await fetch(url, { mode: "cors" });
+ const reader = response.body!.getReader();
+ const contentLength = +response.headers.get("Content-Length")!;
+ console.debug("[blob] Downloading", url, contentLength);
+ const chunks = [];
+ while (true) {
+ const { done, value } = await reader.read();
+ if (done) break;
+ chunks.push(value);
+ }
+ const blob = new Blob(chunks);
+ console.debug("[blob] Downloaded", url, blob.size);
+ if (blob.size !== contentLength)
+ console.warn("[blob] Download size mismatch", {
+ url,
+ expected: contentLength,
+ actual: blob.size,
+ });
+ return blob;
diff --git a/src/utils/fastboot.js b/src/utils/fastboot.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a9af8655..00000000
--- a/src/utils/fastboot.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
-import { FastbootDevice, setDebugLevel } from 'android-fastboot'
-import * as Comlink from 'comlink'
-import config from '@/config'
-import { download } from '@/utils/blob'
-import { useImageWorker } from '@/utils/image'
-import { createManifest } from '@/utils/manifest'
-import { withProgress } from '@/utils/progress'
- * @typedef {import('./manifest.js').Image} Image
- */
-// Verbose logging for fastboot
-export const Step = {
- READY: 1,
- DONE: 8,
-export const Error = {
- UNKNOWN: -1,
- NONE: 0,
-function isRecognizedDevice(deviceInfo) {
- // check some variables are as expected for a comma three
- const {
- kernel,
- "max-download-size": maxDownloadSize,
- "slot-count": slotCount,
- } = deviceInfo
- if (kernel !== "uefi" || maxDownloadSize !== "104857600" || slotCount !== "2") {
- console.error('[fastboot] Unrecognised device (kernel, maxDownloadSize or slotCount)', deviceInfo)
- return false
- }
- const partitions = []
- for (const key of Object.keys(deviceInfo)) {
- if (!key.startsWith("partition-type:")) continue
- let partition = key.substring("partition-type:".length)
- if (partition.endsWith("_a") || partition.endsWith("_b")) {
- partition = partition.substring(0, partition.length - 2)
- }
- if (partitions.includes(partition)) continue
- partitions.push(partition)
- }
- // check we have the expected partitions to make sure it's a comma three
- const expectedPartitions = [
- "ALIGN_TO_128K_1", "ALIGN_TO_128K_2", "ImageFv", "abl", "aop", "apdp", "bluetooth", "boot", "cache",
- "cdt", "cmnlib", "cmnlib64", "ddr", "devcfg", "devinfo", "dip", "dsp", "fdemeta", "frp", "fsc", "fsg",
- "hyp", "keymaster", "keystore", "limits", "logdump", "logfs", "mdtp", "mdtpsecapp", "misc", "modem",
- "modemst1", "modemst2", "msadp", "persist", "qupfw", "rawdump", "sec", "splash", "spunvm", "ssd",
- "sti", "storsec", "system", "systemrw", "toolsfv", "tz", "userdata", "vm-linux", "vm-system", "xbl",
- "xbl_config"
- ]
- if (!partitions.every(partition => expectedPartitions.includes(partition))) {
- console.error('[fastboot] Unrecognised device (partitions)', partitions)
- return false
- }
- // sanity check, also useful for logging
- if (!deviceInfo['serialno']) {
- console.error('[fastboot] Unrecognised device (missing serialno)', deviceInfo)
- return false
- }
- return true
-export function useFastboot() {
- const [step, _setStep] = useState(Step.INITIALIZING)
- const [message, _setMessage] = useState('')
- const [progress, setProgress] = useState(0)
- const [error, _setError] = useState(Error.NONE)
- const [connected, setConnected] = useState(false)
- const [serial, setSerial] = useState(null)
- const [onContinue, setOnContinue] = useState(null)
- const [onRetry, setOnRetry] = useState(null)
- const imageWorker = useImageWorker()
- const fastboot = useRef(new FastbootDevice())
- /** @type {React.RefObject} */
- const manifest = useRef(null)
- function setStep(step) {
- _setStep(step)
- }
- function setMessage(message = '') {
- if (message) console.info('[fastboot]', message)
- _setMessage(message)
- }
- function setError(error) {
- _setError(error)
- }
- useEffect(() => {
- setProgress(-1)
- setMessage()
- if (error) return
- if (!imageWorker.current) {
- console.debug('[fastboot] Waiting for image worker')
- return
- }
- switch (step) {
- case Step.INITIALIZING: {
- // Check that the browser supports WebUSB
- if (typeof navigator.usb === 'undefined') {
- console.error('[fastboot] WebUSB not supported')
- break
- }
- // Check that the browser supports Web Workers
- if (typeof Worker === 'undefined') {
- console.error('[fastboot] Web Workers not supported')
- break
- }
- // Check that the browser supports Storage API
- if (typeof Storage === 'undefined') {
- console.error('[fastboot] Storage API not supported')
- break
- }
- // TODO: change manifest once alt image is in release
- imageWorker.current?.init()
- .then(() => download(config.manifests['master']))
- .then(blob => blob.text())
- .then(text => {
- manifest.current = createManifest(text)
- // sanity check
- if (manifest.current.length === 0) {
- throw 'Manifest is empty'
- }
- console.debug('[fastboot] Loaded manifest', manifest.current)
- setStep(Step.READY)
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('[fastboot] Initialization error', err)
- setError(Error.UNKNOWN)
- })
- break
- }
- case Step.READY: {
- // wait for user interaction (we can't use WebUSB without user event)
- setOnContinue(() => () => {
- setOnContinue(null)
- setStep(Step.CONNECTING)
- })
- break
- }
- case Step.CONNECTING: {
- fastboot.current.waitForConnect()
- .then(() => {
- console.info('[fastboot] Connected', { fastboot: fastboot.current })
- return fastboot.current.getVariable('all')
- .then((all) => {
- const deviceInfo = all.split('\n').reduce((obj, line) => {
- const parts = line.split(':')
- const key = parts.slice(0, -1).join(':').trim()
- obj[key] = parts.slice(-1)[0].trim()
- return obj
- }, {})
- const recognized = isRecognizedDevice(deviceInfo)
- console.debug('[fastboot] Device info', { recognized, deviceInfo })
- if (!recognized) {
- return
- }
- setSerial(deviceInfo['serialno'] || 'unknown')
- setConnected(true)
- setStep(Step.DOWNLOADING)
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('[fastboot] Error getting device information', err)
- setError(Error.UNKNOWN)
- })
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('[fastboot] Connection lost', err)
- setError(Error.LOST_CONNECTION)
- setConnected(false)
- })
- fastboot.current.connect()
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('[fastboot] Connection error', err)
- setStep(Step.READY)
- })
- break
- }
- case Step.DOWNLOADING: {
- setProgress(0)
- async function downloadImages() {
- for await (const [image, onProgress] of withProgress(manifest.current, setProgress)) {
- setMessage(`Downloading ${image.name}`)
- await imageWorker.current.downloadImage(image, Comlink.proxy(onProgress))
- }
- }
- downloadImages()
- .then(() => {
- console.debug('[fastboot] Downloaded all images')
- setStep(Step.UNPACKING)
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('[fastboot] Download error', err)
- setError(Error.DOWNLOAD_FAILED)
- })
- break
- }
- case Step.UNPACKING: {
- setProgress(0)
- async function unpackImages() {
- for await (const [image, onProgress] of withProgress(manifest.current, setProgress)) {
- setMessage(`Unpacking ${image.name}`)
- await imageWorker.current.unpackImage(image, Comlink.proxy(onProgress))
- }
- }
- unpackImages()
- .then(() => {
- console.debug('[fastboot] Unpacked all images')
- setStep(Step.FLASHING)
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('[fastboot] Unpack error', err)
- if (err.startsWith('Checksum mismatch')) {
- } else {
- setError(Error.UNPACK_FAILED)
- }
- })
- break
- }
- case Step.FLASHING: {
- setProgress(0)
- async function flashDevice() {
- const currentSlot = await fastboot.current.getVariable('current-slot')
- if (!['a', 'b'].includes(currentSlot)) {
- throw `Unknown current slot ${currentSlot}`
- }
- for await (const [image, onProgress] of withProgress(manifest.current, setProgress)) {
- const fileHandle = await imageWorker.current.getImage(image)
- const blob = await fileHandle.getFile()
- if (image.sparse) {
- setMessage(`Erasing ${image.name}`)
- await fastboot.current.runCommand(`erase:${image.name}`)
- }
- setMessage(`Flashing ${image.name}`)
- await fastboot.current.flashBlob(image.name, blob, onProgress, 'other')
- }
- console.debug('[fastboot] Flashed all partitions')
- const otherSlot = currentSlot === 'a' ? 'b' : 'a'
- setMessage(`Changing slot to ${otherSlot}`)
- await fastboot.current.runCommand(`set_active:${otherSlot}`)
- }
- flashDevice()
- .then(() => {
- console.debug('[fastboot] Flash complete')
- setStep(Step.ERASING)
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('[fastboot] Flashing error', err)
- setError(Error.FLASH_FAILED)
- })
- break
- }
- case Step.ERASING: {
- setProgress(0)
- async function eraseDevice() {
- setMessage('Erasing userdata')
- await fastboot.current.runCommand('erase:userdata')
- setProgress(0.9)
- setMessage('Rebooting')
- await fastboot.current.runCommand('continue')
- setProgress(1)
- setConnected(false)
- }
- eraseDevice()
- .then(() => {
- console.debug('[fastboot] Erase complete')
- setStep(Step.DONE)
- })
- .catch((err) => {
- console.error('[fastboot] Erase error', err)
- setError(Error.ERASE_FAILED)
- })
- break
- }
- }
- }, [error, imageWorker, step])
- useEffect(() => {
- if (error !== Error.NONE) {
- console.debug('[fastboot] error', error)
- setProgress(-1)
- setOnContinue(null)
- setOnRetry(() => () => {
- console.debug('[fastboot] on retry')
- window.location.reload()
- })
- }
- }, [error])
- return {
- step,
- message,
- progress,
- error,
- connected,
- serial,
- onContinue,
- onRetry,
- }
diff --git a/src/utils/fastboot.ts b/src/utils/fastboot.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3b9a4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/fastboot.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+import * as Comlink from "comlink";
+import { FastbootDevice, setDebugLevel } from "android-fastboot";
+import type { ImageWorkerType } from "../workers/image.worker";
+import { download } from "./blob";
+import config from "../config";
+import { createManifest, Image as ManifestImage } from "./manifest";
+import { withProgress } from "./progress";
+export class FastbootManager extends EventTarget {
+ state: FastbootManagerStateType;
+ imageWorker: Comlink.Remote;
+ device: FastbootDevice;
+ manifest: ManifestImage[] | null;
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.state = {
+ step: FastbootStep.INITIALIZING,
+ message: "",
+ progress: -1,
+ error: FastbootError.NONE,
+ connected: false,
+ serial: null,
+ };
+ this.imageWorker = Comlink.wrap(
+ new Worker(new URL("../workers/image.worker.ts", import.meta.url), {
+ type: "module",
+ }),
+ );
+ this.device = new FastbootDevice();
+ this.manifest = null;
+ }
+ on(type: string, listener: (data: FastbootManagerStateType) => void) {
+ this.addEventListener(type, ((
+ event: CustomEvent,
+ ) => listener(event.detail)) as EventListener);
+ }
+ private setStep(step: FastbootStep) {
+ this.state.step = step;
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("step", { detail: this.state }));
+ }
+ private setError(error: FastbootError) {
+ this.state.error = error;
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("error", { detail: this.state }));
+ }
+ private setSerial(serial: string) {
+ this.state.serial = serial;
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("serial", { detail: this.state }));
+ }
+ private setConnected(isConnected: boolean) {
+ this.state.connected = isConnected;
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("connected", { detail: this.state }));
+ }
+ private setProgress(progress: number) {
+ this.state.progress = progress;
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("progress", { detail: this.state }));
+ }
+ private setMessage(message: string) {
+ this.state.message = message;
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("message", { detail: this.state }));
+ }
+ init() {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
+ // @ts-ignore Check that the browser supports WebUSB
+ if (typeof navigator.usb === "undefined") {
+ console.error("[fastboot] WebUSB not supported");
+ this.setError(FastbootError.REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check that the browser supports Web Workers
+ if (typeof Worker === "undefined") {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Web Workers not supported");
+ this.setError(FastbootError.REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check that the browser supports Storage API
+ if (typeof Storage === "undefined") {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Storage API not supported");
+ this.setError(FastbootError.REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.imageWorker
+ .init()
+ .then(() => download(config.manifests["master"]))
+ .then((blob) => blob.text())
+ .then((text) => {
+ this.manifest = createManifest(text);
+ // sanity check
+ if (this.manifest.length === 0) {
+ throw "Manifest is empty";
+ }
+ console.debug("[fastboot] Loaded manifest", this.manifest);
+ this.state.onContinue = () => this.connectDevice();
+ this.setStep(FastbootStep.READY);
+ })
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Initialization error", err);
+ this.setError(FastbootError.UNKNOWN);
+ });
+ }
+ async connectDevice() {
+ this.device.connect().catch((err) => {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Connection error", err);
+ this.setStep(FastbootStep.READY);
+ });
+ this.setStep(FastbootStep.CONNECTING);
+ try {
+ await this.device.waitForConnect();
+ console.info("[fastboot] Connected", {
+ fastboot: this.device,
+ });
+ try {
+ const all = await this.device.getVariable("all");
+ const deviceInfo = all.split("\n").reduce(
+ (obj, line) => {
+ const parts = line.split(":");
+ const key = parts.slice(0, -1).join(":").trim();
+ obj[key] = parts.slice(-1)[0].trim();
+ return obj;
+ },
+ {} as Record,
+ );
+ const recognized = isRecognizedDevice(deviceInfo);
+ console.debug("[fastboot] Device info", {
+ recognized,
+ deviceInfo,
+ });
+ if (!recognized) {
+ this.setError(FastbootError.UNRECOGNIZED_DEVICE);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.setSerial(deviceInfo["serialno"] || "unknown");
+ this.setConnected(true);
+ this.downloadImages();
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Error getting device information", err);
+ this.setError(FastbootError.UNKNOWN);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Connection lost", err);
+ this.setError(FastbootError.LOST_CONNECTION);
+ this.setConnected(false);
+ }
+ }
+ async downloadImages() {
+ this.setStep(FastbootStep.DOWNLOADING);
+ this.setProgress(0);
+ try {
+ for await (const [image, onProgress] of withProgress(
+ this.manifest!,
+ this.setProgress,
+ )) {
+ this.setMessage(`Downloading ${image.name}`);
+ await this.imageWorker.downloadImage(image, Comlink.proxy(onProgress));
+ }
+ this.unpackImages();
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Download error", err);
+ this.setError(FastbootError.DOWNLOAD_FAILED);
+ }
+ }
+ async unpackImages() {
+ this.setStep(FastbootStep.UNPACKING);
+ this.setProgress(0);
+ try {
+ for await (const [image, onProgress] of withProgress(
+ this.manifest!,
+ this.setProgress,
+ )) {
+ this.setMessage(`Unpacking ${image.name}`);
+ await this.imageWorker.unpackImage(image, Comlink.proxy(onProgress));
+ }
+ this.flashDevice();
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Unpack error", err);
+ if ((err as string).startsWith("Checksum mismatch")) {
+ this.setError(FastbootError.CHECKSUM_MISMATCH);
+ } else {
+ this.setError(FastbootError.UNPACK_FAILED);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async flashDevice() {
+ this.setStep(FastbootStep.FLASHING);
+ this.setProgress(0);
+ try {
+ const currentSlot = await this.device.getVariable("current-slot");
+ if (!["a", "b"].includes(currentSlot)) {
+ throw `Unknown current slot ${currentSlot}`;
+ }
+ for await (const [image, onProgress] of withProgress(
+ this.manifest!,
+ this.setProgress,
+ )) {
+ const fileHandle = await this.imageWorker.getImage(image);
+ const blob = await fileHandle.getFile();
+ if (image.sparse) {
+ this.setMessage(`Erasing ${image.name}`);
+ await this.device.runCommand(`erase:${image.name}`);
+ }
+ this.setMessage(`Flashing ${image.name}`);
+ await this.device.flashBlob(image.name, blob, onProgress, "other");
+ }
+ console.debug("[fastboot] Flashed all partitions");
+ const otherSlot = currentSlot === "a" ? "b" : "a";
+ this.setMessage(`Changing slot to ${otherSlot}`);
+ await this.device.runCommand(`set_active:${otherSlot}`);
+ console.debug("[fastboot] Flash complete");
+ this.eraseDevice();
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Flashing error", err);
+ this.setError(FastbootError.FLASH_FAILED);
+ }
+ }
+ async eraseDevice() {
+ this.setStep(FastbootStep.ERASING);
+ this.setProgress(0);
+ try {
+ this.setMessage("Erasing userdata");
+ await this.device.runCommand("erase:userdata");
+ this.setProgress(0.9);
+ this.setMessage("Rebooting");
+ await this.device.runCommand("continue");
+ this.setProgress(1);
+ this.setConnected(false);
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Erase error", err);
+ this.setError(FastbootError.ERASE_FAILED);
+ }
+ }
+export type FastbootManagerStateType = {
+ step: FastbootStep;
+ message: string;
+ progress: number;
+ error: FastbootError;
+ connected: boolean;
+ serial: string | null;
+ onContinue?: () => void;
+export enum FastbootStep {
+export enum FastbootError {
+ UNKNOWN = -1,
+function isRecognizedDevice(deviceInfo: Record) {
+ // check some variables are as expected for a comma three
+ const {
+ kernel,
+ "max-download-size": maxDownloadSize,
+ "slot-count": slotCount,
+ } = deviceInfo;
+ if (
+ kernel !== "uefi" ||
+ maxDownloadSize !== "104857600" ||
+ slotCount !== "2"
+ ) {
+ console.error(
+ "[fastboot] Unrecognised device (kernel, maxDownloadSize or slotCount)",
+ deviceInfo,
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ const partitions: string[] = [];
+ for (const key of Object.keys(deviceInfo)) {
+ if (!key.startsWith("partition-type:")) continue;
+ let partition = key.substring("partition-type:".length);
+ if (partition.endsWith("_a") || partition.endsWith("_b")) {
+ partition = partition.substring(0, partition.length - 2);
+ }
+ if (partitions.includes(partition)) continue;
+ partitions.push(partition);
+ }
+ // check we have the expected partitions to make sure it's a comma three
+ const expectedPartitions = [
+ "ALIGN_TO_128K_1",
+ "ALIGN_TO_128K_2",
+ "ImageFv",
+ "abl",
+ "aop",
+ "apdp",
+ "bluetooth",
+ "boot",
+ "cache",
+ "cdt",
+ "cmnlib",
+ "cmnlib64",
+ "ddr",
+ "devcfg",
+ "devinfo",
+ "dip",
+ "dsp",
+ "fdemeta",
+ "frp",
+ "fsc",
+ "fsg",
+ "hyp",
+ "keymaster",
+ "keystore",
+ "limits",
+ "logdump",
+ "logfs",
+ "mdtp",
+ "mdtpsecapp",
+ "misc",
+ "modem",
+ "modemst1",
+ "modemst2",
+ "msadp",
+ "persist",
+ "qupfw",
+ "rawdump",
+ "sec",
+ "splash",
+ "spunvm",
+ "ssd",
+ "sti",
+ "storsec",
+ "system",
+ "systemrw",
+ "toolsfv",
+ "tz",
+ "userdata",
+ "vm-linux",
+ "vm-system",
+ "xbl",
+ "xbl_config",
+ ];
+ if (
+ !partitions.every((partition) => expectedPartitions.includes(partition))
+ ) {
+ console.error("[fastboot] Unrecognised device (partitions)", partitions);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // sanity check, also useful for logging
+ if (!deviceInfo["serialno"]) {
+ console.error(
+ "[fastboot] Unrecognised device (missing serialno)",
+ deviceInfo,
+ );
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/src/utils/image.js b/src/utils/image.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ed27f09f..00000000
--- a/src/utils/image.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
-import * as Comlink from 'comlink'
-export function useImageWorker() {
- const apiRef = useRef()
- useEffect(() => {
- const worker = new Worker(new URL('../workers/image.worker', import.meta.url), {
- type: 'module',
- })
- apiRef.current = Comlink.wrap(worker)
- return () => worker.terminate()
- }, [])
- return apiRef
diff --git a/src/utils/manifest.js b/src/utils/manifest.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9afdd487..00000000
--- a/src/utils/manifest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- * Represents a partition image defined in the AGNOS manifest.
- *
- * Image archives can be retrieved from {@link archiveUrl}.
- */
-export class Image {
- /**
- * Partition name
- * @type {string}
- */
- name
- /**
- * SHA-256 checksum of the image, encoded as a hex string
- * @type {string}
- */
- checksum
- /**
- * Size of the unpacked image in bytes
- * @type {number}
- */
- size
- /**
- * Whether the image is sparse
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- sparse
- /**
- * Name of the image file
- * @type {string}
- */
- fileName
- /**
- * Name of the image archive file
- * @type {string}
- */
- archiveFileName
- /**
- * URL of the image archive
- * @type {string}
- */
- archiveUrl
- constructor(json) {
- this.name = json.name
- this.sparse = json.sparse
- if (this.name === 'system') {
- this.checksum = json.alt.hash
- this.fileName = `${this.name}-skip-chunks-${json.hash_raw}.img`
- this.archiveUrl = json.alt.url
- this.size = json.alt.size
- } else {
- this.checksum = json.hash
- this.fileName = `${this.name}-${json.hash_raw}.img`
- this.archiveUrl = json.url
- this.size = json.size
- }
- this.archiveFileName = this.archiveUrl.split('/').pop()
- }
- * @param {string} text
- * @returns {Image[]}
- */
-export function createManifest(text) {
- const expectedPartitions = ['aop', 'devcfg', 'xbl', 'xbl_config', 'abl', 'boot', 'system']
- const partitions = JSON.parse(text).map((image) => new Image(image))
- // Sort into consistent order
- partitions.sort((a, b) => expectedPartitions.indexOf(a.name) - expectedPartitions.indexOf(b.name))
- // Check that all partitions are present
- // TODO: should we prevent flashing if there are extra partitions?
- const missingPartitions = expectedPartitions.filter((name) => !partitions.some((image) => image.name === name))
- if (missingPartitions.length > 0) {
- throw new Error(`Manifest is missing partitions: ${missingPartitions.join(', ')}`)
- }
- return partitions
- * @param {string} url
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
-export function getManifest(url) {
- return fetch(url)
- .then((response) => response.text())
- .then(createManifest)
diff --git a/src/utils/manifest.test.js b/src/utils/manifest.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index cabcac0e..00000000
--- a/src/utils/manifest.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-import { describe, expect, test, vi } from 'vitest'
-import * as Comlink from 'comlink'
-import config from '../config'
-import { getManifest } from './manifest'
-async function getImageWorker() {
- let imageWorker
- vi.mock('comlink')
- vi.mocked(Comlink.expose).mockImplementation(worker => {
- imageWorker = worker
- imageWorker.init()
- })
- await import('./../workers/image.worker')
- return imageWorker
-for (const [branch, manifestUrl] of Object.entries(config.manifests)) {
- describe(`${branch} manifest`, async () => {
- const imageWorkerFileHandler = {
- getFile: vi.fn(),
- createWritable: vi.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
- write: vi.fn(),
- close: vi.fn(),
- })),
- }
- globalThis.navigator = {
- storage: {
- getDirectory: () => ({
- getFileHandle: () => imageWorkerFileHandler,
- })
- }
- }
- const imageWorker = await getImageWorker()
- const images = await getManifest(manifestUrl)
- // Check all images are present
- expect(images.length).toBe(7)
- for (const image of images) {
- describe(`${image.name} image`, async () => {
- test('xz archive', () => {
- expect(image.archiveFileName, 'archive to be in xz format').toContain('.xz')
- expect(image.archiveUrl, 'archive url to be in xz format').toContain('.xz')
- })
- if (image.name === 'system') {
- test('alt image', () => {
- expect(image.sparse, 'system image to be sparse').toBe(true)
- expect(image.fileName, 'system image to be skip chunks').toContain('-skip-chunks-')
- expect(image.archiveUrl, 'system image to point to skip chunks').toContain('-skip-chunks-')
- })
- }
- test('image and checksum', async () => {
- imageWorkerFileHandler.getFile.mockImplementation(async () => {
- const response = await fetch(image.archiveUrl)
- expect(response.ok, 'to be uploaded').toBe(true)
- return response.blob()
- })
- await imageWorker.unpackImage(image)
- }, 8 * 60 * 1000)
- })
- }
- })
diff --git a/src/utils/manifest.test.ts b/src/utils/manifest.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0e5d1d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/manifest.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import { describe, expect, test, vi } from "vitest";
+import * as Comlink from "comlink";
+import config from "../config";
+import { getManifest } from "./manifest";
+import { ImageWorkerType } from "./../workers/image.worker";
+async function getImageWorker() {
+ let imageWorker: ImageWorkerType | undefined;
+ vi.mock("comlink");
+ vi.mocked(Comlink.expose).mockImplementation((worker) => {
+ imageWorker = worker;
+ imageWorker!.init();
+ });
+ await import("./../workers/image.worker");
+ return imageWorker;
+for (const [branch, manifestUrl] of Object.entries(config.manifests)) {
+ describe(`${branch} manifest`, async () => {
+ const imageWorkerFileHandler = {
+ getFile: vi.fn(),
+ createWritable: vi.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
+ write: vi.fn(),
+ close: vi.fn(),
+ })),
+ };
+ globalThis.navigator = {
+ storage: {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
+ // @ts-ignore
+ getDirectory: async () => ({
+ getFileHandle: () => imageWorkerFileHandler,
+ }),
+ },
+ };
+ const imageWorker = await getImageWorker();
+ const images = await getManifest(manifestUrl);
+ // Check all images are present
+ expect(images.length).toBe(7);
+ for (const image of images) {
+ describe(`${image.name} image`, () => {
+ test("xz archive", () => {
+ expect(image.archiveFileName, "archive to be in xz format").toContain(
+ ".xz",
+ );
+ expect(image.archiveUrl, "archive url to be in xz format").toContain(
+ ".xz",
+ );
+ });
+ if (image.name === "system") {
+ test("alt image", () => {
+ expect(image.sparse, "system image to be sparse").toBe(true);
+ expect(image.fileName, "system image to be skip chunks").toContain(
+ "-skip-chunks-",
+ );
+ expect(
+ image.archiveUrl,
+ "system image to point to skip chunks",
+ ).toContain("-skip-chunks-");
+ });
+ }
+ test(
+ "image and checksum",
+ async () => {
+ imageWorkerFileHandler.getFile.mockImplementation(async () => {
+ const response = await fetch(image.archiveUrl);
+ expect(response.ok, "to be uploaded").toBe(true);
+ return response.blob();
+ });
+ await imageWorker!.unpackImage(image);
+ },
+ 8 * 60 * 1000,
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/src/utils/manifest.ts b/src/utils/manifest.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bda302e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/manifest.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Represents a partition image defined in the AGNOS manifest.
+ *
+ * Image archives can be retrieved from {@link archiveUrl}.
+ */
+export class Image {
+ /**
+ * Partition name
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ name: string;
+ /**
+ * SHA-256 checksum of the image, encoded as a hex string
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ checksum: string;
+ /**
+ * Size of the unpacked image in bytes
+ * @type {number}
+ */
+ size: number;
+ /**
+ * Whether the image is sparse
+ * @type {boolean}
+ */
+ sparse: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Name of the image file
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ fileName: string;
+ /**
+ * Name of the image archive file
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ archiveFileName: string;
+ /**
+ * URL of the image archive
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ archiveUrl: string;
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ constructor(json: Record) {
+ this.name = json.name;
+ this.sparse = json.sparse;
+ if (this.name === "system") {
+ this.checksum = json.alt.hash;
+ this.fileName = `${this.name}-skip-chunks-${json.hash_raw}.img`;
+ this.archiveUrl = json.alt.url;
+ this.size = json.alt.size;
+ } else {
+ this.checksum = json.hash;
+ this.fileName = `${this.name}-${json.hash_raw}.img`;
+ this.archiveUrl = json.url;
+ this.size = json.size;
+ }
+ this.archiveFileName = this.archiveUrl.split("/").pop()!;
+ }
+ * @param {string} text
+ * @returns {Image[]}
+ */
+export function createManifest(text: string) {
+ const expectedPartitions = [
+ "aop",
+ "devcfg",
+ "xbl",
+ "xbl_config",
+ "abl",
+ "boot",
+ "system",
+ ];
+ const partitions: Image[] = JSON.parse(text).map(
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ (image: any) => new Image(image),
+ );
+ // Sort into consistent order
+ partitions.sort(
+ (a, b) =>
+ expectedPartitions.indexOf(a.name) - expectedPartitions.indexOf(b.name),
+ );
+ // Check that all partitions are present
+ // TODO: should we prevent flashing if there are extra partitions?
+ const missingPartitions = expectedPartitions.filter(
+ (name) => !partitions.some((image) => image.name === name),
+ );
+ if (missingPartitions.length > 0) {
+ throw new Error(
+ `Manifest is missing partitions: ${missingPartitions.join(", ")}`,
+ );
+ }
+ return partitions;
+ * @param {string} url
+ * @returns {Promise}
+ */
+export function getManifest(url: string | URL) {
+ return fetch(url)
+ .then((response) => response.text())
+ .then(createManifest);
diff --git a/src/utils/progress.js b/src/utils/progress.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ef209eed..00000000
--- a/src/utils/progress.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * Create a set of callbacks that can be used to track progress of a multistep process.
- *
- * @param {(number[]|number)} steps
- * @param {progressCallback} onProgress
- * @returns {(progressCallback)[]}
- */
-export function createSteps(steps, onProgress) {
- const stepWeights = typeof steps === 'number' ? Array(steps).fill(1) : steps
- const progressParts = Array(stepWeights.length).fill(0)
- const totalSize = stepWeights.reduce((total, weight) => total + weight, 0)
- function updateProgress() {
- const weightedAverage = stepWeights.reduce((acc, weight, idx) => {
- return acc + progressParts[idx] * weight
- }, 0)
- onProgress(weightedAverage / totalSize)
- }
- return stepWeights.map((weight, idx) => (progress) => {
- if (progressParts[idx] !== progress) {
- progressParts[idx] = progress
- updateProgress()
- }
- })
- * Iterate over a list of steps while reporting progress.
- * @template T
- * @param {(number[]|T[])} steps
- * @param {progressCallback} onProgress
- * @returns {([T, progressCallback])[]}
- */
-export function withProgress(steps, onProgress) {
- const callbacks = createSteps(
- steps.map(step => typeof step === 'number' ? step : step.size || step.length || 1),
- onProgress,
- )
- return steps.map((step, idx) => [step, callbacks[idx]])
diff --git a/src/utils/progress.ts b/src/utils/progress.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..361da3c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/progress.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * Create a set of callbacks that can be used to track progress of a multistep process.
+ *
+ * @param {(number[]|number)} steps
+ * @param {progressCallback} onProgress
+ * @returns {(progressCallback)[]}
+ */
+export function createSteps(
+ steps: number | number[],
+ onProgress: (val: number) => void,
+) {
+ const stepWeights = typeof steps === "number" ? Array(steps).fill(1) : steps;
+ const progressParts = Array(stepWeights.length).fill(0);
+ const totalSize = stepWeights.reduce((total, weight) => total + weight, 0);
+ function updateProgress() {
+ const weightedAverage = stepWeights.reduce((acc, weight, idx) => {
+ return acc + progressParts[idx] * weight;
+ }, 0);
+ onProgress(weightedAverage / totalSize);
+ }
+ return stepWeights.map((_weight, idx) => (progress: number) => {
+ if (progressParts[idx] !== progress) {
+ progressParts[idx] = progress;
+ updateProgress();
+ }
+ });
+ * Iterate over a list of steps while reporting progress.
+ * @template T
+ * @param {(number[]|T[])} steps
+ * @param {progressCallback} onProgress
+ * @returns {([T, progressCallback])[]}
+ */
+export function withProgress(
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+ steps: number[] | any[],
+ onProgress: (val: number) => void,
+) {
+ const callbacks = createSteps(
+ steps.map((step) =>
+ typeof step === "number" ? step : step.size || step.length || 1,
+ ),
+ onProgress,
+ );
+ return steps.map((step, idx) => [step, callbacks[idx]]);
diff --git a/src/workers/image.worker.js b/src/workers/image.worker.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5df064cf..00000000
--- a/src/workers/image.worker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-import * as Comlink from 'comlink'
-import jsSHA from 'jssha'
-import { XzReadableStream } from 'xz-decompress'
- * @typedef {import('@/utils/manifest').Image} Image
- */
- * Chunk callback
- *
- * @callback chunkCallback
- * @param {Uint8Array} chunk
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
- * Progress callback
- *
- * @callback progressCallback
- * @param {number} progress
- * @returns {void}
- */
- * Read chunks from a readable stream reader while reporting progress
- *
- * @param {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} reader
- * @param {number} total
- * @param {chunkCallback} onChunk
- * @param {progressCallback} [onProgress]
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
-async function readChunks(reader, total, { onChunk, onProgress = undefined }) {
- let processed = 0
- while (true) {
- const { done, value } = await reader.read()
- if (done) break
- await onChunk(value)
- processed += value.length
- onProgress?.(processed / total)
- }
-let root
-const imageWorker = {
- async init() {
- if (root) {
- console.warn('[ImageWorker] Already initialized')
- return
- }
- // TODO: check storage quota and report error if insufficient
- root = await navigator.storage.getDirectory()
- console.info('[ImageWorker] Initialized')
- },
- /**
- * Download an image to persistent storage.
- *
- * @param {Image} image
- * @param {progressCallback} [onProgress]
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
- async downloadImage(image, onProgress = undefined) {
- const { archiveFileName, archiveUrl } = image
- let writable
- try {
- const fileHandle = await root.getFileHandle(archiveFileName, { create: true })
- writable = await fileHandle.createWritable()
- } catch (e) {
- throw `Error opening file handle: ${e}`
- }
- console.debug('[ImageWorker] Downloading', archiveUrl)
- const response = await fetch(archiveUrl, { mode: 'cors' })
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw `Fetch failed: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`
- }
- try {
- const contentLength = +response.headers.get('Content-Length')
- const reader = response.body.getReader()
- await readChunks(reader, contentLength, {
- onChunk: async (chunk) => await writable.write(chunk),
- onProgress,
- })
- onProgress?.(1)
- } catch (e) {
- throw `Could not read response body: ${e}`
- }
- try {
- await writable.close()
- } catch (e) {
- throw `Error closing file handle: ${e}`
- }
- },
- /**
- * Unpack and verify a downloaded image archive.
- *
- * Throws an error if the checksum does not match.
- *
- * @param {Image} image
- * @param {progressCallback} [onProgress]
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
- async unpackImage(image, onProgress = undefined) {
- const { archiveFileName, checksum: expectedChecksum, fileName, size: imageSize } = image
- let archiveFile
- try {
- const archiveFileHandle = await root.getFileHandle(archiveFileName, { create: false })
- archiveFile = await archiveFileHandle.getFile()
- } catch (e) {
- throw `Error opening archive file handle: ${e}`
- }
- let writable
- try {
- const fileHandle = await root.getFileHandle(fileName, { create: true })
- writable = await fileHandle.createWritable()
- } catch (e) {
- throw `Error opening output file handle: ${e}`
- }
- const shaObj = new jsSHA('SHA-256', 'UINT8ARRAY')
- let complete
- try {
- const reader = (new XzReadableStream(archiveFile.stream())).getReader()
- await readChunks(reader, imageSize, {
- onChunk: async (chunk) => {
- await writable.write(chunk)
- shaObj.update(chunk)
- },
- onProgress,
- })
- complete = true
- onProgress?.(1)
- } catch (e) {
- throw `Error unpacking archive: ${e}`
- }
- if (!complete) {
- throw 'Decompression error: unexpected end of stream'
- }
- try {
- await writable.close()
- } catch (e) {
- throw `Error closing file handle: ${e}`
- }
- const checksum = shaObj.getHash('HEX')
- if (checksum !== expectedChecksum) {
- throw `Checksum mismatch: got ${checksum}, expected ${expectedChecksum}`
- }
- },
- /**
- * Get a file handle for an image.
- * @param {Image} image
- * @returns {Promise}
- */
- async getImage(image) {
- const { fileName } = image
- let fileHandle
- try {
- fileHandle = await root.getFileHandle(fileName, { create: false })
- } catch (e) {
- throw `Error getting file handle: ${e}`
- }
- return fileHandle
- },
diff --git a/src/workers/image.worker.ts b/src/workers/image.worker.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4a8a82b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/workers/image.worker.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+import * as Comlink from "comlink";
+import jsSHA from "jssha";
+import { XzReadableStream } from "xz-decompress";
+import { Image as ManifestImage } from "../utils/manifest";
+type ChunkCallbackFnType = (chunk: Uint8Array) => Promise;
+type ProgressCallbackFnType = (progress: number) => Promise;
+type CallbackType = {
+ onChunk: ChunkCallbackFnType;
+ onProgress?: ProgressCallbackFnType;
+ * Read chunks from a readable stream reader while reporting progress
+ */
+async function readChunks(
+ reader: ReadableStreamDefaultReader,
+ total: number,
+ { onChunk, onProgress = undefined }: CallbackType,
+) {
+ let processed = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ const { done, value } = await reader.read();
+ if (done) break;
+ await onChunk(value);
+ processed += value.length;
+ onProgress?.(processed / total);
+ }
+let root: FileSystemDirectoryHandle;
+const imageWorker = {
+ async init() {
+ if (root) {
+ console.warn("[ImageWorker] Already initialized");
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO: check storage quota and report error if insufficient
+ root = await navigator.storage.getDirectory();
+ console.info("[ImageWorker] Initialized");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Download an image to persistent storage.
+ */
+ async downloadImage(
+ image: ManifestImage,
+ onProgress?: ProgressCallbackFnType,
+ ) {
+ const { archiveFileName, archiveUrl } = image;
+ let writable;
+ try {
+ const fileHandle = await root.getFileHandle(archiveFileName, {
+ create: true,
+ });
+ writable = await fileHandle.createWritable();
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw `Error opening file handle: ${e}`;
+ }
+ console.debug("[ImageWorker] Downloading", archiveUrl);
+ const response = await fetch(archiveUrl, { mode: "cors" });
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw `Fetch failed: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`;
+ }
+ try {
+ const contentLength = +response.headers.get("Content-Length")!;
+ const reader = response.body!.getReader();
+ await readChunks(reader, contentLength, {
+ onChunk: async (chunk) => await writable.write(chunk),
+ onProgress,
+ });
+ onProgress?.(1);
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw `Could not read response body: ${e}`;
+ }
+ try {
+ await writable.close();
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw `Error closing file handle: ${e}`;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Unpack and verify a downloaded image archive.
+ *
+ * Throws an error if the checksum does not match.
+ */
+ async unpackImage(image: ManifestImage, onProgress?: ProgressCallbackFnType) {
+ const {
+ archiveFileName,
+ checksum: expectedChecksum,
+ fileName,
+ size: imageSize,
+ } = image;
+ let archiveFile;
+ try {
+ const archiveFileHandle = await root.getFileHandle(archiveFileName, {
+ create: false,
+ });
+ archiveFile = await archiveFileHandle.getFile();
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw `Error opening archive file handle: ${e}`;
+ }
+ let writable;
+ try {
+ const fileHandle = await root.getFileHandle(fileName, { create: true });
+ writable = await fileHandle.createWritable();
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw `Error opening output file handle: ${e}`;
+ }
+ const shaObj = new jsSHA("SHA-256", "UINT8ARRAY");
+ let complete;
+ try {
+ const reader = new XzReadableStream(archiveFile.stream()).getReader();
+ await readChunks(reader, imageSize, {
+ onChunk: async (chunk) => {
+ await writable.write(chunk);
+ shaObj.update(chunk);
+ },
+ onProgress,
+ });
+ complete = true;
+ onProgress?.(1);
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw `Error unpacking archive: ${e}`;
+ }
+ if (!complete) {
+ throw "Decompression error: unexpected end of stream";
+ }
+ try {
+ await writable.close();
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw `Error closing file handle: ${e}`;
+ }
+ const checksum = shaObj.getHash("HEX");
+ if (checksum !== expectedChecksum) {
+ throw `Checksum mismatch: got ${checksum}, expected ${expectedChecksum}`;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get a file handle for an image.
+ */
+ async getImage(image: ManifestImage) {
+ const { fileName } = image;
+ let fileHandle;
+ try {
+ fileHandle = await root.getFileHandle(fileName, { create: false });
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw `Error getting file handle: ${e}`;
+ }
+ return fileHandle;
+ },
+export type ImageWorkerType = typeof imageWorker;
diff --git a/tailwind.config.js b/tailwind.config.js
index f1f20e20..64a450c1 100644
--- a/tailwind.config.js
+++ b/tailwind.config.js
@@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
- content: [
- './index.html',
- './src/**/*.{js,jsx}',
- ],
+ content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{ts,js}"],
theme: {
extend: {
backgroundImage: {
- 'gradient-radial': 'radial-gradient(var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
- 'gradient-conic':
- 'conic-gradient(from 180deg at 50% 50%, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
+ "gradient-radial": "radial-gradient(var(--tw-gradient-stops))",
+ "gradient-conic":
+ "conic-gradient(from 180deg at 50% 50%, var(--tw-gradient-stops))",
fontFamily: {
- sans: ['Inter Variable', 'sans-serif'],
- monospace: ['JetBrains Mono Variable', 'monospace'],
+ sans: ["Inter Variable", "sans-serif"],
+ monospace: ["JetBrains Mono Variable", "monospace"],
- plugins: [
- require('@tailwindcss/typography'),
- ],
+ plugins: [require("@tailwindcss/typography")],
diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b8364c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "target": "ES2020",
+ "useDefineForClassFields": true,
+ "module": "ESNext",
+ "lib": ["ES2020", "DOM", "DOM.Iterable"],
+ "skipLibCheck": true,
+ "allowJs": true,
+ "esModuleInterop": true,
+ /* Bundler mode */
+ "moduleResolution": "bundler",
+ "allowImportingTsExtensions": true,
+ "resolveJsonModule": true,
+ "isolatedModules": true,
+ "moduleDetection": "force",
+ "noEmit": true,
+ /* Linting */
+ "strict": true,
+ "noUnusedLocals": true,
+ "noUnusedParameters": true,
+ "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true
+ },
+ "include": ["src"]
diff --git a/vite.config.js b/vite.config.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ba64cd9d..00000000
--- a/vite.config.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-import { fileURLToPath, URL } from 'node:url';
-import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
-import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
-// https://vitejs.dev/config/
-export default defineConfig({
- plugins: [react()],
- resolve: {
- alias: [
- { find: '@', replacement: fileURLToPath(new URL('./src', import.meta.url)) },
- ],
- },
- test: {
- globals: true,
- environment: 'jsdom',
- setupFiles: './src/test/setup.js',
- },
diff --git a/vite.config.ts b/vite.config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..026a016a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vite.config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import { defineConfig } from "vite";
+export default defineConfig({
+ build: {
+ target: "esnext",
+ },
+ worker: {
+ format: "es",
+ },