- To submit a request to become a leader, you must login as Arden Ambassador. After this, you may add your self as an administrator so that you don't have to continuously login as Arden and login as yourself. When the database is created, only Arden has the ability to approve club requests. Adding yourself as an Administrator may make the grading process quicker.
- Only Arden may add other Administrators, no other user can (including other Administrators).
- In order to explore the website, you must select a role. This can be done by selecting "Change Role".
- It may look as though the technical lead has been merging in things after they were supposed to. While this is true, this is because they misinterpreted what a lead could and could not do. In any instance where the team lead merged things into stage past the specified end date, they were approving and merging in other people's work. The team lead did not write any code code past the specificed end date. The team lead did not make any PRs besides those for the documentation files. All of this can be verified.