- Set the tutorial directory for this tutorial under the directory you downloaded the tutorial files:
export TUTORIAL_HOME=<Tutorial directory>/hybrid/schemalink/mtls
- Deploy Confluent for Kubernetes (CFK) in cluster mode, so that the one CFK instance can manage Confluent deployments in multiple namespaces. Here, CFk is deployed to the
helm upgrade --install confluent-operator \
confluentinc/confluent-for-kubernetes \
--namespace default --set namespaced=false
- Check that the Confluent For Kubernetes pod comes up and is running:
kubectl get pods
- Create a namespaces
kubectl create ns source
kubectl create ns destination
- Generate a CA pair to use in this tutorial:
openssl genrsa -out $TUTORIAL_HOME/ca-key.pem 2048
openssl req -new -key $TUTORIAL_HOME/ca-key.pem -x509 \
-days 1000 \
-out $TUTORIAL_HOME/ca.pem \
-subj "/C=US/ST=CA/L=MountainView/O=Confluent/OU=Operator/CN=TestCA"
- Create secret
for operator
kubectl -n source create secret tls ca-pair-sslcerts \
--cert=$TUTORIAL_HOME/ca.pem \
kubectl -n destination create secret tls ca-pair-sslcerts \
--cert=$TUTORIAL_HOME/ca.pem \
kubectl -n source create secret generic rest-credential --from-file=basic.txt=$TUTORIAL_HOME/rest-credential.txt
kubectl -n source create secret generic password-encoder-secret --from-file=password-encoder.txt=$TUTORIAL_HOME/password-encoder-secret.txt
kubectl -n source create secret generic credential \
--from-file=plain-users.json=$TUTORIAL_HOME/creds-kafka-sasl-users.json \
--from-file=plain.txt=$TUTORIAL_HOME/creds-client-kafka-sasl-user.txt \
kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/zk-kafka-sr-source.yaml
kubectl -n destination create secret generic rest-credential --from-file=basic.txt=$TUTORIAL_HOME/rest-credential.txt
kubectl -n destination create secret generic password-encoder-secret --from-file=password-encoder.txt=$TUTORIAL_HOME/password-encoder-secret.txt
kubectl -n destination create secret generic credential \
--from-file=plain-users.json=$TUTORIAL_HOME/creds-kafka-sasl-users.json \
--from-file=plain.txt=$TUTORIAL_HOME/creds-client-kafka-sasl-user.txt \
kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/zk-kafka-sr-destination.yaml
After the Schema registry is in running state, create schema exporter between source and destination. Schema exporter will be created in the source cluster.
kubectl apply -f $TUTORIAL_HOME/schemaexporter-basic.yaml
kubectl -n source exec -it schemaregistry-1 -- bash
curl https://schemaregistry.source.svc.cluster.local:8081/exporters -u admin:Developer1 -k
curl https://schemaregistry.source.svc.cluster.local:8081/subjects -u admin:Developer1 -k
kubectl -n destination exec -it schemaregistry-1 -- bash
curl -u admin:Developer1 https://schemaregistry.destination.svc.cluster.local:8081/subjects -k