Pester 5.7 is used for unit tests in this project. Please note that Windows is shipped with much older version of Pester. For installation instructions follow the official guide.
To run the whole test suite (all available tests) with code coverage, use the pester.ps1
pwsh .\pester.ps1
Many IDEs have options to run Pester’s test files from the UI. Consult your IDEs documentation for more information. |
Otherwise, you can run individual tests in terminal by following the instructions in Pester quick start guide.
All tests are located in the tests directory or its subdirectories.
All test files are following the naming convention
. -
Coverage report is available at
(when you run the full test suite, of course);
You can use constUP JaCoCo XML to HTML to generate an HTML report. See Test tools integration page for more details. |