- Fix deprecation warnings in React 15.5.0
- Move to semantic versioning
- Reduce the ammount of canvas drawing
- Allow colour to be updated without resetting the timer
- Allow timer to be paused
- Fix invalid react proptype for showMilliseconds. Thanks @sabazusi.
- Updated React version in peerDependencies
- Added new props for fontSize, font, timeFormat and showMilliseconds
- Added ability to render minutes and hours
- Fixed long countdowns having a tick period longer than 1 second
- Weight of circle can now be configured. Thanks @rutan.
- Added licence
- Removed React into peerDependencies
- Removed Shrinkwrap
- Removed ReactDOM dependency
- Upgraded React (0.14.3) and dev dependencies
- Clear timeouts on componentWillUnmount
- General fixes from @dvilchez
- Added npm shrinkwrap
- Fixed issue where seconds would never reach zero.
- Updated README with more details
- Added README
- Counter with demo