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palmskog committed Sep 14, 2021
1 parent 01a45bb commit 42cf5b8
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Showing 24 changed files with 415 additions and 374 deletions.
53 changes: 31 additions & 22 deletions theories/gaia/T1Bridge.v
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Expand Up @@ -109,18 +109,18 @@ Proof.

Lemma compare_ref x :
forall y, match x y with
forall y, match T1.compare_T1 x y with
| Lt => T1lt (iota x) (iota y)
| Eq => iota x = iota y
| Gt => T1lt (iota y) (iota x)
elim: x => [|x1 IHx1 n x2 IHx2]; case => //= y1 n0 y2.
case H: ( x1 y1).
case H: (T1.compare_T1 x1 y1).
- specialize (IHx1 y1); rewrite H in IHx1.
case H0: ( n n0).
+ have ->: (n = n0) by apply Compare_dec.nat_compare_eq.
case H1: ( x2 y2).
case H1: (T1.compare_T1 x2 y2).
* rewrite IHx1; f_equal.
by specialize (IHx2 y2); now rewrite H1 in IHx2.
* case (iota x1 < iota y1); [trivial|].
Expand All @@ -141,9 +141,10 @@ Qed.
Lemma lt_ref (a b : hT1): a b <-> (iota a < iota b).
- rewrite /; move => Hab; generalize (compare_ref a b); now rewrite Hab.
- rewrite / /; move => Hab.
generalize (compare_ref a b); now rewrite Hab.
- move => Hab; red.
case_eq ( a b).
case_eq (T1.compare_T1 a b).
+ move => Heq; generalize (compare_ref a b); rewrite Heq.
move => H0; move: Hab; rewrite H0;
move => Hb; by rewrite T1ltnn in Hb.
Expand All @@ -166,11 +167,12 @@ Qed.
Lemma plus_ref : refines2 T1add.
move => x; elim: x => [|x1 IHx1 n x2 IHx2]; case => //= y1 n0 y2.
case Hx1y1: ( x1 y1); move: (compare_ref x1 y1); rewrite Hx1y1 => H.
- by rewrite H T1ltnn /=; f_equal.
- by rewrite H /=; f_equal.
case Hx1y1: (T1.compare_T1 x1 y1); move: (compare_ref x1 y1); rewrite Hx1y1 => H.
- rewrite / H T1ltnn /=; f_equal.
by rewrite Hx1y1 -H /=.
- by rewrite / H Hx1y1.
- replace (iota x1 < iota y1) with false.
rewrite H /=; f_equal.
rewrite / H /= Hx1y1; f_equal.
change (cons (iota y1) n0 (iota y2)) with (iota (T1.ocons y1 n0 y2)).
by rewrite IHx2.
by apply T1lt_anti in H.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,27 +287,34 @@ Proof.

Lemma Comparable_T1lt_eq a b:
Comparable.lt_b a b = (iota a < iota b).
Lemma Comparable_T1lt_eq a b:
DecPreOrder.bool_decide ( a b) = (iota a < iota b).
rewrite /Comparable.lt_b; generalize (compare_ref a b).
case_eq ( a b).
- move => _ ->; by rewrite T1ltnn.
- by [].
- move => _ H; case_eq (iota a < iota b).
+ move => H0; have H1 : (iota b < iota b) by
apply T1lt_trans with (iota a).
by rewrite T1ltnn in H1.
+ by [].
rewrite /; generalize (compare_ref a b);
rewrite / /=.
destruct (DecPreOrder.decide (T1.compare_T1 a b = Lt)).
- pose proof e as bd.
apply T1.bool_decide_eq_true in bd.
by rewrite bd e.
- pose proof n as bd.
apply T1.bool_decide_eq_false in bd.
rewrite bd.
destruct (T1.compare_T1 a b).
* by move => ->; rewrite T1ltnn.
* by [].
* move => Hlt.
apply/negP => Hlt'.
have H1 : (iota b < iota b) by apply T1lt_trans with (iota a).
by rewrite T1ltnn in H1.

Lemma nf_ref a : T1.nf_b a = T1nf (iota a).
elim: a => //.
- move => a IHa n b IHb; rewrite T1.nf_b_cons_eq; simpl T1nf.
rewrite IHa IHb; change (phi0 (iota a)) with (iota (T1.phi0 a)).
rewrite andbA; cbn; by rewrite Comparable_T1lt_eq.
by rewrite andbA Comparable_T1lt_eq.

7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions theories/ordinals/Epsilon0/Canon.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Pierre Casteran,
From Coq Require Export Arith Lia.
Import Relations Relation_Operators.

From hydras.Prelude Require Import DecPreOrder.
From hydras.Epsilon0 Require Export T1 E0.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -916,20 +917,20 @@ Fixpoint approx alpha beta fuel i :=
FO => None
| Fuel.FS f =>
let gamma := canonS alpha i in
if lt_b beta gamma
if decide (lt beta gamma)
then Some (i,gamma)
else approx alpha beta (f tt) (S i)

Lemma approx_ok alpha beta :
forall fuel i j gamma, approx alpha beta fuel i = Some (j,gamma) ->
gamma = canonS alpha j /\ lt_b beta gamma.
gamma = canonS alpha j /\ lt beta gamma.
induction fuel as [| f IHfuel ].
- cbn; discriminate.
- intros i j gamma H0; cbn in H0.
case_eq (lt_b beta (canonS alpha i));intro H1; rewrite H1 in *.
destruct (decide (lt beta (canonS alpha i))) as [H1|H1].
+ injection H0; intros; subst; split;auto.
+ now specialize (IHfuel tt (S i) _ _ H0).
Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions theories/ordinals/Epsilon0/E0.v
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Expand Up @@ -316,12 +316,11 @@ Proof.
apply LT_trans.

Definition compare (alpha beta:E0): comparison := (cnf alpha) (cnf beta).
Instance compare_E0 : Compare E0 :=
fun (alpha beta:E0) => compare (cnf alpha) (cnf beta).

Lemma compare_correct alpha beta :
CompareSpec (alpha = beta) (alpha o< beta) (beta o< alpha)
(compare alpha beta).
Lemma compare_correct (alpha beta : E0) :
CompSpec eq Lt alpha beta (compare alpha beta).
destruct alpha, beta; unfold compare, Lt; cbn;
destruct (T1.compare_correct cnf0 cnf1).
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions theories/ordinals/Epsilon0/Hessenberg.v
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Expand Up @@ -359,8 +359,9 @@ Proof.
- intros; rewrite (oplus_eqn (ocons a n b) (ocons x1 n0 x2)).
apply nf_helper_phi0 in H1.
destruct (lt_inv H1).
+ unfold, lt_b in H2; rewrite compare_rev.
destruct (compare x1 a);auto; try discriminate.
+ unfold in H2.
rewrite compare_rev, H2.
+ decompose [or and] H2.
* inversion H5.
* T1_inversion H6.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -522,7 +523,7 @@ Section Proof_of_oplus_lt1.
- simpl; auto with T1.
- rewrite oplus_eqn;case_eq (compare x1 a1).
+ auto with T1 arith.
+ intros H2; apply head_lt; unfold, lt_b; now rewrite H2.
+ intros H2; apply head_lt. unfold; now rewrite H2.
+ intro; apply tail_lt, H1 ; trivial.
eapply nf_inv2, H.
now apply tail_lt_ocons.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -619,7 +620,7 @@ Proof with eauto with T1.
absurd ( (ocons a1 n0 b2) (ocons c1 n1 c2)).
- apply lt_not_gt.
apply head_lt.
unfold, lt_b;rewrite compare_rev. now rewrite H2.
unfold;rewrite compare_rev. now rewrite H2.
- auto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -652,7 +653,7 @@ Proof with eauto with T1.
case_eq (compare a1 c2_1).
apply coeff_lt; auto with arith.
intro H6; apply head_lt; unfold, lt_b; now rewrite H6.
intro H6; apply head_lt; unfold; now rewrite H6.
intros; apply tail_lt.
apply oplus_lt1; trivial.
T1_inversion H5.
Expand Down
55 changes: 33 additions & 22 deletions theories/ordinals/Epsilon0/Paths.v
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@

(** TODO: Check wether the predicates ...PathS... are still useful *)

Require Import Canon MoreLists First_toggle OrdNotations.
From hydras Require Import DecPreOrder Canon MoreLists First_toggle OrdNotations.
Import Relations Relation_Operators.
From Coq Require Import Lia.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2592,23 +2592,22 @@ Section Constant_to_standard_Proof.
unfold t; pattern (proj1_sig Rem2); apply proj2_sig.

Let P (i:nat) := le_b beta (standard_gnaw (S n) alpha i).
Let P (i:nat) := compare (standard_gnaw (S n) alpha i) beta <> Datatypes.Lt.

Remark Rem04 : P 0.
unfold P;red; simpl.
unfold le_b, lt_b.
eenough ( alpha beta = Datatypes.Gt) as -> by auto.
unfold P;red; simpl.
enough (Hgt: (compare alpha beta = Datatypes.Gt)) by congruence.
apply compare_gt_iff.
generalize (const_pathS_LT Halpha Hpa).
destruct 1; tauto.

Remark Rem05 : P t = false.
Remark Rem05 : ~ P t.
unfold P, le_b, lt_b;
enough( (standard_gnaw (S n) alpha t) beta = Datatypes.Lt) as -> by reflexivity.
unfold P.
enough (compare (standard_gnaw (S n) alpha t) beta = Datatypes.Lt) by congruence.
apply compare_lt_iff.
destruct Rem03; tauto.
Expand All @@ -2621,8 +2620,21 @@ Section Constant_to_standard_Proof.
eapply const_pathS_LT; eauto.
- auto with arith.

Instance P_dec i : Decision (P i).
destruct (standard_gnaw (S n) alpha i <?> beta) eqn:Hc.
- left; unfold P.
rewrite Hc; discriminate.
- right; unfold P.
rewrite Hc.
intro H.
- left; unfold P.
rewrite Hc; discriminate.

Let l_def := first_toggle P 0 t Rem06 Rem04 Rem05.
Let l_def := first_toggle P P_dec 0 t Rem06 Rem04 Rem05.

Let l := proj1_sig l_def.

Expand All @@ -2633,21 +2645,21 @@ Section Constant_to_standard_Proof.
(l < t)%nat /\
(forall i : nat,
(0 <= i)%nat ->
(i <= l)%nat -> P i = true) /\ P (S l) = false.
(i <= l)%nat -> P i) /\ ~ P (S l).
unfold l; pattern (proj1_sig l_def); apply proj2_sig.

Remark Rem09 : (l < t)%nat.
Proof. destruct Rem08; tauto. Qed.

Remark Rem10 : P l = true.
Remark Rem10 : P l.
destruct Rem08 as [H H0];decompose [and] H0.
apply H3; auto with arith.

Remark Rem11 : P (S l) = false.
Remark Rem11 : ~ P (S l).
destruct Rem08 as [H H0]; now decompose [and] H0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2726,13 +2738,13 @@ Section Constant_to_standard_Proof.

Remark R19 : beta t1<= gamma.
generalize Rem10; unfold P; fold gamma ;unfold le_b, lt_b.
generalize Rem10; unfold P; fold gamma.
intro H.
destruct ( gamma beta) eqn: Hcomp.
destruct (compare gamma beta) eqn: Hcomp.
- apply compare_eq_iff in Hcomp as ->.
apply LE_refl.
eapply LT_nf_r; eauto.
- intros; discriminate.
- contradiction.
- apply LE_r.
rewrite compare_gt_iff in Hcomp; repeat split; auto.
+ eapply LT_nf_r; eauto.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2787,15 +2799,14 @@ Section Constant_to_standard_Proof.

Remark R25 : delta t1< beta.
rewrite R22; generalize Rem11;unfold P; intro H;
unfold le_b, lt_b in H.
destruct( (standard_gnaw (S n) alpha (S l)) beta) eqn: H0.
- discriminate.
rewrite R22; generalize Rem11;unfold P; intro H.
destruct(compare (standard_gnaw (S n) alpha (S l)) beta) eqn: H0.
- contradict H; congruence.
- rewrite compare_lt_iff in H0.
repeat split;auto.
+ apply standard_gnaw_nf;auto.
+ eapply LT_nf_r; eauto.
- discriminate.
- contradict H; congruence.

Remark R26 : ~ const_pathS (n+l) gamma beta.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3021,7 +3032,7 @@ Proof.
red in H0;unfold E0.cnf; simpl in *.
destruct beta.
+ destruct H; now apply E0_eq_intro.
+ destruct ( alpha beta1) eqn:H2.
+ destruct (compare alpha beta1) eqn:H2.
* unfold lt in H1; simpl in H1.
rewrite compare_eq_iff in H2; subst beta1.
destruct (LT_inv H1).
Expand Down

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