From 427ad662e8ec4a75c684999656eed2f7bfe404e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Columbus240 <> Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2023 09:38:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Finite/Cardinals: Extract combinatorial lemmas They hold independently of the def. `FiniteT` and are thus better placed in the Cardinals folder. --- _CoqProject | 1 + theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals.v | 1 + theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/Combinatorics.v | 404 ++++++++++++++++++ theories/ZornsLemma/FiniteTypes.v | 363 +--------------- 4 files changed, 409 insertions(+), 360 deletions(-) create mode 100644 theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/Combinatorics.v diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject index 9d082b10..804e53d6 100644 --- a/_CoqProject +++ b/_CoqProject @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ theories/Topology/Examples/S1.v theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals.v theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/Cardinals.v theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/CardinalsEns.v +theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/Combinatorics.v theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/Comparability.v theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/CSB.v theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/Diagonalization.v diff --git a/theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals.v b/theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals.v index c9819f31..9299e1c4 100644 --- a/theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals.v +++ b/theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals.v @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ From ZornsLemma Require Export Cardinals.Cardinals Cardinals.CardinalsEns + Cardinals.Combinatorics Cardinals.CSB Cardinals.Diagonalization Cardinals.LeastCardinalsEns. diff --git a/theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/Combinatorics.v b/theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/Combinatorics.v new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f370e3a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/theories/ZornsLemma/Cardinals/Combinatorics.v @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +(** Collect many constructive [eq_cardinal] results. *) +From Coq Require Fin. +From Coq Require Import + Description + FunctionalExtensionality + Morphisms + Program.Basics. +From ZornsLemma Require Import + Cardinals.Cardinals + DecidableDec + EnsemblesImplicit + FunctionProperties. + +(* give precedence to [proof_irrelevance] *) +From Coq Require Import ProofIrrelevance. +Import ProofIrrelevanceFacts. + +Set Asymmetric Patterns. + +(** ** Basic types *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_empty_type (X : Type) : + (X -> False) -> + eq_cardinal False X. +Proof. + intros f. + exists (False_rect X), f. + split. + - intros []. + - intros x; destruct (f x). +Qed. + +Lemma eq_cardinal_option_False_True : + eq_cardinal (option False) True. +Proof. + exists (fun _ => I), (fun _ => None). + split. + - intros []; auto; contradiction. + - intros []; auto. +Qed. + +Lemma eq_cardinal_unit_option_False : + eq_cardinal (option False) unit. +Proof. + exists (fun _ => tt), (fun _ => None). + split. + - intros []; auto; contradiction. + - intros []; reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** ** Sigma types *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_False_sig_Empty_set (X : Type) : + eq_cardinal False { x : X | In Empty_set x }. +Proof. + exists (False_rect _), + (fun p : {x : X | In Empty_set x} => + Empty_set_rect X (fun _ => False) + (proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p)). + split. + - intros; contradiction. + - intros []. + destruct i. +Qed. + +Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_Full_set (X : Type) : + eq_cardinal { x : X | In Full_set x } X. +Proof. + exists (@proj1_sig _ Full_set), + (fun x => exist Full_set x (Full_intro X x)). + split. + - intros [x Hx]. simpl. + destruct Hx. reflexivity. + - reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** interestingly, this does not require [proof_irrelevance]. *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_Singleton {X : Type} (x0 : X) : + eq_cardinal (option False) { x : X | In (Singleton x0) x }. +Proof. + exists (fun _ => exist _ x0 (In_singleton X x0)), (fun _ => None). + split. + - intros []; auto. contradiction. + - intros [x Hx]. + destruct Hx. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** disjoint union *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_disjoint_Union_sum {X : Type} + (U V : Ensemble X) : + Intersection U V = Empty_set -> + eq_cardinal + ((sig U) + (sig V)) + (sig (Union U V)). +Proof. + intros HUV. + assert (forall x : X, In U x -> In V x -> False) as HUVdisj. + { intros x HUx HVx. + eapply Empty_set_rect. + rewrite <- HUV. split; eassumption. + } + clear HUV. + assert (forall x : X, In (Union U V) x -> {In U x} + {In V x}) + as Hdec. + { intros x Hx. + apply exclusive_dec. + 2: { destruct Hx; auto. } + intros [HUx HVx]. + firstorder. + } + exists (fun p : sig U + sig V => + match p with + | inl pU => exist _ (proj1_sig pU) + (Union_introl X U V (proj1_sig pU) (proj2_sig pU)) + | inr pV => exist _ (proj1_sig pV) + (Union_intror X U V (proj1_sig pV) (proj2_sig pV)) + end). + exists (fun p => + match Hdec (proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p) with + | left HU => inl (exist _ (proj1_sig p) HU) + | right HV => inr (exist _ (proj1_sig p) HV) + end). + split. + - intros [[x Hx]|[x Hx]]. + + simpl. destruct (Hdec x _). + * f_equal. f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance. + * specialize (HUVdisj x Hx i). contradiction. + + simpl. destruct (Hdec x _). + * specialize (HUVdisj x i Hx). contradiction. + * f_equal. f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance. + - intros [x Hx]. simpl. + destruct (Hdec x Hx); + simpl; f_equal; apply proof_irrelevance. +Qed. + +(** If [U] is an ensemble of [option X] and does contain [None], + then [sig U] has the same cardinality as "the ensemble of [X] which + 'is' in [U]" plus one element. *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_option_In {X : Type} (U : Ensemble (option X)) : + In U None -> + eq_cardinal (option (sig (fun x : X => U (Some x)))) (sig U). +Proof. + intros HN. + exists (fun (x:option {x:X | U (Some x)}) => + match x return {x:option X | U x} with + | Some (exist x0 i) => exist U (Some x0) i + | None => exist U None HN + end). + exists (fun (s:{x0:option X | U x0}) => + match s return option {x:X | U (Some x)} with + | exist (Some x0) i => Some (exist (fun y:X => U (Some y)) x0 i) + | exist None _ => None + end). + split. + - intros [[x Hx]|]; auto. + - intros [[x|] Hx]; auto. + f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance. +Qed. + +(** If [U] is an ensemble of [option X] and does *not* contain [None], + then [sig U] has the same cardinality as "the ensemble of [X] which + 'is' in [U]". *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_option_nIn {X : Type} (U : Ensemble (option X)) : + ~ In U None -> + eq_cardinal (sig (compose U Some)) (sig U). +Proof. + intros HN. + exists (fun (x:{x:X | U (Some x)}) => + match x return {x:option X | U x} with + | exist x0 i => exist (fun x:option X => U x) (Some x0) i + end). + exists (fun s:{x0:option X | U x0} => + match s return {x:X | U (Some x)} with + | exist (Some x0) i => exist (fun x:X => U (Some x)) x0 i + | exist None i => False_rect _ (HN i) + end). + split. + - intros [x Hx]. reflexivity. + - intros [[x|] Hx]; auto. + contradiction. +Qed. + +(** actually [compose U f = inverse_image f U] *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_comp_invertible + {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) (U : Ensemble Y) : + invertible f -> + eq_cardinal (sig (compose U f)) (sig U). +Proof. + intros [g Hfg]. + unfold compose. + assert (forall y : Y, U y -> U (f (g y))) as HU. + { intros y Hy. rewrite (proj2 Hfg). assumption. } + exists (fun p => exist U (f (proj1_sig p)) (proj2_sig p)). + exists (fun p => exist + (compose U f) + (g (proj1_sig p)) (HU (proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p))). + split. + - intros [x Hx]. + simpl. apply subset_eq_compat. + apply Hfg. + - intros [y Hy]. + simpl. apply subset_eq_compat. + apply Hfg. +Qed. + +Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_injective_image + {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) (U : Ensemble X) : + injective f -> + eq_cardinal (sig (Im U f)) (sig U). +Proof. + intros Hf. + assert (forall p : { y : Y | Im U f y }, + { x : X | In U x /\ f x = proj1_sig p }) as finv. + { intros [y Hy]. simpl. + apply constructive_definite_description. + destruct Hy as [x Hx y Hy]. + subst. exists x. split; auto. + intros x0 []; auto. + } + exists (fun p => + exist + U + (proj1_sig (finv p)) + (proj1 (proj2_sig (finv p)))). + exists (fun p => + exist (Im U f) + (f (proj1_sig p)) + (Im_def U f (proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p))). + split. + - intros [y Hy]. + simpl. + destruct (finv (exist _ y Hy)). + simpl. + destruct a. simpl in *. subst. + f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance. + - intros [x Hx]. + simpl. + apply subset_eq_compat. + apply Hf. + apply (proj2 (proj2_sig (finv (exist _ (f x) (Im_def U f x Hx))))). +Qed. + +(** ** Sum types *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_sum_False (X : Type) : + eq_cardinal X (X + False). +Proof. + exists inl, (fun (x : X + False) => + match x with + | inl x => x + | inr f => False_rect X f + end). + split. + - reflexivity. + - intros []; try contradiction; reflexivity. +Qed. + +Lemma eq_cardinal_sum_option_r (X Y : Type) : + eq_cardinal (option (X + Y)) (X + option Y). +Proof. + exists (fun (x:option (X+Y)) => + match x with + | Some (inl x) => inl _ x + | Some (inr y) => inr _ (Some y) + | None => inr _ None + end). + exists (fun (x:X + option Y) => + match x with + | inl x => Some (inl _ x) + | inr (Some y) => Some (inr _ y) + | inr None => None + end). + split. + - intros [[]|]; reflexivity. + - intros [|[]]; reflexivity. +Qed. + +Instance eq_cardinal_sum_Proper : + Proper (eq_cardinal ==> eq_cardinal ==> eq_cardinal) sum. +Proof. + intros X0 X1 [f0 [f1 []]]. + intros Y0 Y1 [g0 [g1 []]]. + exists (sum_rect + (fun _ => X1 + Y1)%type + (compose inl f0) + (compose inr g0)). + exists (sum_rect + (fun _ => X0 + Y0)%type + (compose inl f1) + (compose inr g1)). + split; intros [|]; simpl; + unfold compose; f_equal; auto. +Qed. + +(** ** Product types *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_prod_False (X : Type) : + eq_cardinal False (X * False)%type. +Proof. + exists (False_rect _), snd. + split. + - intros ?; contradiction. + - intros []; contradiction. +Qed. + +Lemma eq_cardinal_prod_option_r (X Y : Type) : + eq_cardinal (X * Y + X) (X * option Y). +Proof. + exists (fun (x:X*Y + X) => + match x with + | inl (pair x0 t) => pair x0 (Some t) + | inr x0 => pair x0 None + end). + exists (fun (x:X * option Y) => + match x with + | (x0, Some t) => inl _ (x0, t) + | (x0, None) => inr _ x0 + end). + split. + - intros [[x y]|x]; reflexivity. + - intros [x [y|]]; reflexivity. +Qed. + +Instance eq_cardinal_prod_Proper : + Proper (eq_cardinal ==> eq_cardinal ==> eq_cardinal) prod. +Proof. + intros X0 X1 [f0 [f1 []]]. + intros Y0 Y1 [g0 [g1 []]]. + exists (fun p => (f0 (fst p), g0 (snd p))). + exists (fun p => (f1 (fst p), g1 (snd p))). + split; intros []; simpl; f_equal; auto. +Qed. + +(** ** Function types *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_fun_from_False (X : Type) : + eq_cardinal (option False) (False -> X). +Proof. + exists (fun _ => False_rect X), (fun _ => None). + split. + - intros []; auto; contradiction. + - intros f; extensionality x; contradiction. +Qed. + +Lemma eq_cardinal_fun_option_l (X Y : Type) : + eq_cardinal ((X -> Y) * Y) (option X -> Y). +Proof. + exists (fun p o => + match o with + | None => snd p + | Some x => fst p x + end). + exists (fun f => (compose f Some, f None)). + split. + - intros [f y]. simpl. + split. + - intros f. + extensionality o. + destruct o as [x|]; reflexivity. +Qed. + +Lemma eq_cardinal_fun_l (X0 X1 Y : Type) : + eq_cardinal X0 X1 -> + eq_cardinal (X0 -> Y) (X1 -> Y). +Proof. + intros [f [g Hfg]]. + exists (fun p : X0 -> Y => compose p g). + exists (fun p : X1 -> Y => compose p f). + split; intros p; extensionality x; + unfold compose; f_equal; apply Hfg. +Qed. + +(** ** Booleans *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_bool_sum_unit : + eq_cardinal (unit + unit) bool. +Proof. + exists (fun p => + match p with + | inl _ => true + | inr _ => false + end), + (fun p : bool => if p then inl tt else inr tt). + split. + - intros [[]|[]]; reflexivity. + - intros []; reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** ** Coq stdlib [Fin.t] *) +Lemma eq_cardinal_Fin_S (n : nat) : + eq_cardinal (option (Fin.t n)) (Fin.t (S n)). +Proof. + exists (fun o => + match o with + | None => Fin.F1 + | Some p => Fin.FS p + end). + exists (fun p : Fin.t (S n) => + Fin.caseS' + p (fun _ => option (Fin.t n)) + None Some). + split. + - intros [|]; reflexivity. + - revert n. + apply Fin.rectS. + + intros n. simpl. + reflexivity. + + intros n p _. + simpl. reflexivity. +Qed. diff --git a/theories/ZornsLemma/FiniteTypes.v b/theories/ZornsLemma/FiniteTypes.v index 0c30ce34..c946590c 100644 --- a/theories/ZornsLemma/FiniteTypes.v +++ b/theories/ZornsLemma/FiniteTypes.v @@ -173,28 +173,6 @@ Proof. intros. apply finite_dep_choice; assumption. Qed. -Lemma eq_cardinal_False_sig_Empty_set (X : Type) : - eq_cardinal False { x : X | In Empty_set x }. -Proof. - exists (False_rect _), - (fun p : {x : X | In Empty_set x} => - Empty_set_rect X (fun _ => False) - (proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p)). - split. - - intros; contradiction. - - intros []. - destruct i. -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_option_False_True : - eq_cardinal (option False) True. -Proof. - exists (fun _ => I), (fun _ => None). - split. - - intros []; auto; contradiction. - - intros []; auto. -Qed. - Lemma True_finite: FiniteT True. Proof. apply bij_finite with (option False). @@ -202,57 +180,6 @@ apply bij_finite with (option False). apply eq_cardinal_option_False_True. Qed. -Lemma eq_cardinal_sum_False (X : Type) : - eq_cardinal X (X + False). -Proof. - exists inl, (fun (x : X + False) => - match x with - | inl x => x - | inr f => False_rect X f - end). - split. - - reflexivity. - - intros []; try contradiction; reflexivity. -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_sum_option_r (X Y : Type) : - eq_cardinal (option (X + Y)) (X + option Y). -Proof. - exists (fun (x:option (X+Y)) => - match x with - | Some (inl x) => inl _ x - | Some (inr y) => inr _ (Some y) - | None => inr _ None - end). - exists (fun (x:X + option Y) => - match x with - | inl x => Some (inl _ x) - | inr (Some y) => Some (inr _ y) - | inr None => None - end). - split. - - intros [[]|]; reflexivity. - - intros [|[]]; reflexivity. -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_sum_r (X Y0 Y1 : Type) : - eq_cardinal Y0 Y1 -> - eq_cardinal (X + Y0) (X + Y1). -Proof. - intros [f [g Hfg]]. - exists (fun (s : X + Y0) => - match s with - | inl x => inl x - | inr y => inr (f y) - end). - exists (fun (s : X + Y1) => - match s with - | inl x => inl x - | inr y => inr (g y) - end). - split; intros [x|y]; auto; f_equal; apply Hfg. -Qed. - Lemma finite_sum: forall X Y:Type, FiniteT X -> FiniteT Y -> FiniteT (X+Y). Proof. @@ -264,66 +191,8 @@ induction H0. { constructor; auto. } apply eq_cardinal_sum_option_r. - apply bij_finite with (X + X0)%type; auto. - apply eq_cardinal_sum_r. - assumption. -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_disjoint_Union_sum {X : Type} - (U V : Ensemble X) : - Intersection U V = Empty_set -> - eq_cardinal - ((sig U) + (sig V)) - (sig (Union U V)). -Proof. - intros HUV. - assert (forall x : X, In U x -> In V x -> False) as HUVdisj. - { intros x HUx HVx. - eapply Empty_set_rect. - rewrite <- HUV. split; eassumption. - } - clear HUV. - assert (forall x : X, In (Union U V) x -> {In U x} + {In V x}) - as Hdec. - { intros x Hx. - apply exclusive_dec. - 2: { destruct Hx; auto. } - intros [HUx HVx]. - firstorder. - } - exists (fun p : sig U + sig V => - match p with - | inl pU => exist _ (proj1_sig pU) - (Union_introl X U V (proj1_sig pU) (proj2_sig pU)) - | inr pV => exist _ (proj1_sig pV) - (Union_intror X U V (proj1_sig pV) (proj2_sig pV)) - end). - exists (fun p => - match Hdec (proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p) with - | left HU => inl (exist _ (proj1_sig p) HU) - | right HV => inr (exist _ (proj1_sig p) HV) - end). - split. - - intros [[x Hx]|[x Hx]]. - + simpl. destruct (Hdec x _). - * f_equal. f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance. - * specialize (HUVdisj x Hx i). contradiction. - + simpl. destruct (Hdec x _). - * specialize (HUVdisj x i Hx). contradiction. - * f_equal. f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance. - - intros [x Hx]. simpl. - destruct (Hdec x Hx); - simpl; f_equal; apply proof_irrelevance. -Qed. - -(* interestingly, this does not require [proof_irrelevance]. *) -Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_Singleton {X : Type} (x0 : X) : - eq_cardinal (option False) { x : X | In (Singleton x0) x }. -Proof. - exists (fun _ => exist _ x0 (In_singleton X x0)), (fun _ => None). - split. - - intros []; auto. contradiction. - - intros [x Hx]. - destruct Hx. reflexivity. + apply eq_cardinal_sum_Proper; auto. + reflexivity. Qed. Lemma FiniteT_sig_Singleton {X : Type} (x0 : X) : @@ -418,17 +287,6 @@ induction HX. assumption. Qed. -Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_Full_set (X : Type) : - eq_cardinal { x : X | In Full_set x } X. -Proof. - exists (@proj1_sig _ Full_set), - (fun x => exist Full_set x (Full_intro X x)). - split. - - intros [x Hx]. simpl. - destruct Hx. reflexivity. - - reflexivity. -Qed. - Lemma Finite_full_impl_FiniteT (X : Type) : Finite (@Full_set X) -> FiniteT X. Proof. @@ -451,81 +309,6 @@ apply Finite_ens_type. apply FiniteT_img; auto. Qed. -Lemma eq_cardinal_empty_type (X : Type) : - (X -> False) -> - eq_cardinal False X. -Proof. - intros f. - exists (False_rect X), f. - split. - - intros []. - - intros x; destruct (f x). -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_option_In {X : Type} (U : Ensemble (option X)) : - In U None -> - eq_cardinal (option (sig (fun x : X => U (Some x)))) (sig U). -Proof. - intros HN. - exists (fun (x:option {x:X | U (Some x)}) => - match x return {x:option X | U x} with - | Some (exist x0 i) => exist U (Some x0) i - | None => exist U None HN - end). - exists (fun (s:{x0:option X | U x0}) => - match s return option {x:X | U (Some x)} with - | exist (Some x0) i => Some (exist (fun y:X => U (Some y)) x0 i) - | exist None _ => None - end). - split. - - intros [[x Hx]|]; auto. - - intros [[x|] Hx]; auto. - f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance. -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_option_nIn {X : Type} (U : Ensemble (option X)) : - ~ In U None -> - eq_cardinal (sig (compose U Some)) (sig U). -Proof. - intros HN. - exists (fun (x:{x:X | U (Some x)}) => - match x return {x:option X | U x} with - | exist x0 i => exist (fun x:option X => U x) (Some x0) i - end). - exists (fun s:{x0:option X | U x0} => - match s return {x:X | U (Some x)} with - | exist (Some x0) i => exist (fun x:X => U (Some x)) x0 i - | exist None i => False_rect _ (HN i) - end). - split. - - intros [x Hx]. reflexivity. - - intros [[x|] Hx]; auto. - contradiction. -Qed. - -(** actually [compose U f = inverse_image f U] *) -Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_comp_invertible - {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) (U : Ensemble Y) : - invertible f -> - eq_cardinal (sig (compose U f)) (sig U). -Proof. - intros [g Hfg]. - unfold compose. - assert (forall y : Y, U y -> U (f (g y))) as HU. - { intros y Hy. rewrite (proj2 Hfg). assumption. } - exists (fun p => exist U (f (proj1_sig p)) (proj2_sig p)). - exists (fun p => exist - (compose U f) - (g (proj1_sig p)) (HU (proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p))). - split. - - intros [x Hx]. - simpl. apply subset_eq_compat. - apply Hfg. - - intros [y Hy]. - simpl. apply subset_eq_compat. - apply Hfg. -Qed. - Lemma finite_subtype: forall (X:Type) (P:X->Prop), FiniteT X -> (forall x:X, P x \/ ~ P x) -> FiniteT {x:X | P x}. @@ -555,43 +338,6 @@ induction H. intros x. apply HP. Qed. -Lemma eq_cardinal_sig_injective_image - {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) (U : Ensemble X) : - injective f -> - eq_cardinal (sig (Im U f)) (sig U). -Proof. - intros Hf. - assert (forall p : { y : Y | Im U f y }, - { x : X | In U x /\ f x = proj1_sig p }) as finv. - { intros [y Hy]. simpl. - apply constructive_definite_description. - destruct Hy as [x Hx y Hy]. - subst. exists x. split; auto. - intros x0 []; auto. - } - exists (fun p => - exist - U - (proj1_sig (finv p)) - (proj1 (proj2_sig (finv p)))). - exists (fun p => - exist (Im U f) - (f (proj1_sig p)) - (Im_def U f (proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p))). - split. - - intros [y Hy]. - simpl. - destruct (finv (exist _ y Hy)). - simpl. - destruct a. simpl in *. subst. - f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance. - - intros [x Hx]. - simpl. - apply subset_eq_compat. - apply Hf. - apply (proj2 (proj2_sig (finv (exist _ (f x) (Im_def U f x Hx))))). -Qed. - Lemma inj_finite: forall (X Y:Type) (f:X->Y), FiniteT Y -> injective f -> (forall y:Y, (exists x:X, f x = y) \/ @@ -749,49 +495,6 @@ subst. reflexivity. Qed. -Lemma eq_cardinal_prod_False (X : Type) : - eq_cardinal False (X * False)%type. -Proof. - exists (False_rect _), snd. - split. - - intros ?; contradiction. - - intros []; contradiction. -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_prod_option_r (X Y : Type) : - eq_cardinal (X * Y + X) (X * option Y). -Proof. - exists (fun (x:X*Y + X) => - match x with - | inl (pair x0 t) => pair x0 (Some t) - | inr x0 => pair x0 None - end). - exists (fun (x:X * option Y) => - match x with - | (x0, Some t) => inl _ (x0, t) - | (x0, None) => inr _ x0 - end). - split. - - intros [[x y]|x]; reflexivity. - - intros [x [y|]]; reflexivity. -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_prod_r (X Y0 Y1 : Type) : - eq_cardinal Y0 Y1 -> - eq_cardinal (X * Y0) (X * Y1). -Proof. - intros [f [g [Hgf Hfg]]]. - exists (fun p => - (fst p, f (snd p))), - (fun p => - (fst p, g (snd p))). - split. - - intros [x y]. simpl. - congruence. - - intros [x y]. simpl. - congruence. -Qed. - Lemma finite_prod: forall (X Y:Type), FiniteT X -> FiniteT Y -> FiniteT (X*Y). Proof. @@ -804,44 +507,7 @@ induction H0. 2: apply eq_cardinal_prod_option_r. apply finite_sum; assumption. - apply bij_finite with (X * X0)%type; auto. - apply eq_cardinal_prod_r; assumption. -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_fun_from_False (X : Type) : - eq_cardinal (option False) (False -> X). -Proof. - exists (fun _ => False_rect X), (fun _ => None). - split. - - intros []; auto; contradiction. - - intros f; extensionality x; contradiction. -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_fun_option_l (X Y : Type) : - eq_cardinal ((X -> Y) * Y) (option X -> Y). -Proof. - exists (fun p o => - match o with - | None => snd p - | Some x => fst p x - end). - exists (fun f => (compose f Some, f None)). - split. - - intros [f y]. simpl. - split. - - intros f. - extensionality o. - destruct o as [x|]; reflexivity. -Qed. - -Lemma eq_cardinal_fun_l (X0 X1 Y : Type) : - eq_cardinal X0 X1 -> - eq_cardinal (X0 -> Y) (X1 -> Y). -Proof. - intros [f [g Hfg]]. - exists (fun p : X0 -> Y => compose p g). - exists (fun p : X1 -> Y => compose p f). - split; intros p; extensionality x; - unfold compose; f_equal; apply Hfg. + apply eq_cardinal_prod_Proper; auto; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma finite_exp: forall X Y:Type, FiniteT X -> FiniteT Y -> @@ -1166,15 +832,6 @@ induction H. apply inverse_map_sym; assumption. Qed. -Lemma eq_cardinal_unit_option_False : - eq_cardinal (option False) unit. -Proof. - exists (fun _ => tt), (fun _ => None). - split. - - intros []; auto; contradiction. - - intros []; reflexivity. -Qed. - Lemma FiniteT_unit : FiniteT unit. Proof. apply bij_finite with (option False). @@ -1182,20 +839,6 @@ Proof. apply eq_cardinal_unit_option_False. Qed. -Lemma eq_cardinal_bool_sum_unit : - eq_cardinal (unit + unit) bool. -Proof. - exists (fun p => - match p with - | inl _ => true - | inr _ => false - end), - (fun p : bool => if p then inl tt else inr tt). - split. - - intros [[]|[]]; reflexivity. - - intros []; reflexivity. -Qed. - Lemma FiniteT_bool : FiniteT bool. Proof. apply bij_finite with (unit + unit)%type.