From 6777cca957dd4f97195a387b028cc9e8583efec3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas Lamiaux Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 23:04:53 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Filter papers by tag --- data/papers.yml | 59 ++++- src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml | 250 +++++++++++--------- 2 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-) diff --git a/data/papers.yml b/data/papers.yml index fa8d908dd..b683d12fb 100644 --- a/data/papers.yml +++ b/data/papers.yml @@ -43,11 +43,13 @@ papers: - Théo Zimmermann year: 2024 tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - Release links: - description: "Zenodo" uri: "" featured: true + - title: "Verified Extraction from Coq to OCaml" publication: Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) abstract: > @@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ papers: - Matthieu Sozeau - Nicolas Tabareau tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - PLDI - extraction year: 2024 @@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ papers: - description: "PLDI Talk" uri: "" featured: true + - title: "Correct and Complete Type Checking and Certified Erasure for Coq, in Coq" publication: Journal of the ACM abstract: > @@ -80,6 +84,7 @@ papers: - Nicolas Tabareau - Théo Winterhalter tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - JACM - type-checker year: 2024 @@ -89,6 +94,7 @@ papers: - description: "HAL-Inria" uri: featured: true + - title: "Trocq: Proof Transfer for Free, With or Without Univalence" publication: European Symposium on Programming abstract: > @@ -98,6 +104,7 @@ papers: - Enzo Crance - Assia Mahboubi tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - ESOP - Proof Transfer year: 2024 @@ -105,6 +112,7 @@ papers: - description: "HAL-Inria" uri: featured: true + - title: "Proof Repair across Type Equivalences" publication: Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) abstract: > @@ -117,6 +125,7 @@ papers: - John Leo - Dan Grossman tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - PLDI - proof repair year: 2021 @@ -128,6 +137,7 @@ papers: - description: "PLDI Talk" uri: featured: no + - title: "Equations Reloaded: High-Level Dependently-Typed Functional Programming and Proving in Coq" publication: International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) abstract: > @@ -136,6 +146,7 @@ papers: - Matthieu Sozeau - Cyprien Mangin tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - ICFP - Dependent pattern-matching year: 2019 @@ -145,6 +156,7 @@ papers: - description: "Download PDF on Arxiv" uri: featured: no + - title: "Definitional Proof-Irrelevance without K" publication: Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) abstract: > @@ -155,6 +167,7 @@ papers: - Matthieu Sozeau - Nicolas Tabareau tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - POPL - Proof-Irrelevance year: 2019 @@ -164,6 +177,7 @@ papers: - description: "HAL-Inria" uri: featured: no + - title: "Inductive Definitions in the System Coq - Rules and Properties" publication: Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA) abstract: > @@ -171,6 +185,7 @@ papers: authors: - Christine Paulin-Mohring tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - TLCA - Inductive types year: 1993 @@ -178,6 +193,7 @@ papers: - description: "DOI" uri: featured: no + - title: "Inductively Defined Types" publication: International Conference on Computer Logic year: 1988 @@ -186,6 +202,7 @@ papers: - Thierry Coquand - Christine Paulin-Mohring tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - Inductive types links: - description: "DOI" @@ -193,6 +210,7 @@ papers: - description: "Springer" uri: featured: no + - authors: - family: Coquand given: Thierry @@ -209,6 +227,7 @@ papers: volume: 76 featured: no tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - Foundations abstract: > The calculus of constructions is a higher-order formalism for constructive proofs in natural deduction style. Every proof is a A-expression, typed @@ -223,6 +242,7 @@ papers: arbitrarily complex algorithmic specifications. We develop the basic theory of a calculus of constructions, and prove a strong normalization theorem showing that all computations terminate. Finally, we suggest various extensions to stronger calculi. + - abstract: Type Classes have met a large success in Haskell and Isabelle, as a solution for sharing notations by overloading and for specifying with abstract structures by quantification on contexts. @@ -240,6 +260,8 @@ papers: given: Matthieu - family: Oury given: Nicolas + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq collection-title: LNCS container-title: TPHOLs doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-71067-7_23 @@ -281,10 +303,12 @@ papers: type: article-journal url: "" tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - POPL - Universes abstract: > Proof assistants based on dependent type theory, such as Coq, Lean and Agda, use different universes to classify types, typically combining a predicative hierarchy of universes for computationally-relevant types, and an impredicative universe of proof-irrelevant propositions. In general, a universe is characterized by its sort, such as Type or Prop, and its level, in the case of a predicative sort. Recent research has also highlighted the potential of introducing more sorts in the type theory of the proof assistant as a structuring means to address the coexistence of different logical or computational principles, such as univalence, exceptions, or definitional proof irrelevance. This diversity raises concrete and subtle issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives. In particular, in order to avoid duplicating definitions to inhabit all (combinations of) universes, some sort of polymorphism is needed. Universe level polymorphism is well-known and effective to deal with hierarchies, but the handling of polymorphism between sorts is currently ad hoc and limited in all major proof assistants, hampering reuse and extensibility. This work develops sort polymorphism and its metatheory, studying in particular monomorphization, large elimination, and parametricity. We implement sort polymorphism in Coq and present examples from a new sort-polymorphic prelude of basic definitions and automation. Sort polymorphism is a natural solution that effectively addresses the limitations of current approaches and prepares the ground for future multi-sorted type theories. + - abstract: Motivated by applications to proof assistants based on dependent types, we develop and prove correct a strong reducer and β-equivalence checker for the λ-calculus with @@ -301,6 +325,8 @@ papers: given: Benjamin - family: Leroy given: Xavier + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq container-title: International Conference on Functional Programming id: Gregoire-Leroy-02 issued: 2002 @@ -310,9 +336,12 @@ papers: type: paper-conference url: "\\~xleroy/publi/strong-reduction.pdf" doi: 10.1145/581478.581501 + - author: - family: Dénès given: Maxime + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq id: "denes:tel-00945775" issued: 2013 month: 11 @@ -323,9 +352,13 @@ papers: title: "Étude formelle d'algorithmes efficaces en algèbre linéaire" type: thesis url: "" + - author: - family: Letouzey given: Pierre + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq + - Extraction genre: Thèse de Doctorat id: LetouzeyPhd issued: 2004 @@ -335,6 +368,7 @@ papers: title-short: Programmation fonctionnelle certifiée type: thesis url: "" + - author: - family: Timany given: Amin @@ -355,9 +389,11 @@ papers: url: "" volume: 108 tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - PCUIC abstract: > In order to avoid well-known paradoxes associated with self-referential definitions, higher-order dependent type theories stratify the theory using a countably infinite hierarchy of universes (also known as sorts), Type_0 : Type_1 : *s. Such type systems are called cumulative if for any type A we have that A : Type_i implies A : Type_{i+1}. The Predicative Calculus of Inductive Constructions (pCIC) which forms the basis of the Coq proof assistant, is one such system. In this paper we present the Predicative Calculus of Cumulative Inductive Constructions (pCuIC) which extends the cumulativity relation to inductive types. We discuss cumulative inductive types as present in Coq 8.7 and their application to formalization and definitional translations. + - author: - family: Martin-Löf given: Per @@ -367,9 +403,11 @@ papers: publisher: University of Stockholm url: tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - MLTT abstract: > The theory of types with which we shall be concerned is intended to be a full scale system for formalizing intuitionistic mathematics as developed, for example, in the book by Bishop 1967. The language of the theory is richer than the language of first order predicate logic. This makes it possible to strengthen the axioms for existence and disjunction. In the case of existence, the possibility of strengthening the usual elimination rule seems first to have been indicated by Howard 1969, whose proposed axioms are special cases of the existential elimination rule of the present theory. Furthermore, there is a reflection principle which links the generation of objects and types and plays somewhat the same role for the present theory as does the replacement axiom for Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. An earlier, not yet conclusive, attempt at formulating a theory of this kind was made by Scott 1970. Also related, although less closely, are the type and logic free theories of constructions of Kreisel 1962 and 1965 and Goodman 1970. In its first version, the present theory was based on the strongly impredicative axiom that there is a type of all types whatsoever, which is at the same time a type and an object of that type. This axiom had to be abandoned, however, after it was shown to lead to a contradiction by Jean Yves Girard. I am very grateful to him for showing me his paradox. The change that it necessitated is so drastic that my theory no longer contains intuitionistic simple type theory as it originally did. Instead, its proof theoretic strength should be close to that of predicative analysis. + - author: - family: Girard given: J.-Y. @@ -382,6 +420,9 @@ papers: l'arithmétique d'ordre supérieur type: thesis url: + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq + - author: - family: Whitehead given: Alfred North @@ -390,6 +431,9 @@ papers: issued: 1910 publisher: Cambridge University Press title: Principia Mathematica + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq + - author: - family: Paulin-Mohring given: Christine @@ -401,6 +445,9 @@ papers: (Program extraction in the calculus of constructions) type: thesis url: "" + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq + - author: - family: Paulin-Mohring given: Christine @@ -415,6 +462,9 @@ papers: doi: 10.1145/75277.75285 abstract: > We define in this paper a notion of realizability for the Calculus of Constructions. The extracted programs are terms of the Calculus that do not contain dependent types. We introduce a distinction between informative and non-informative propositions. This distinction allows the removal of the “logical” part in the development of a program. We show also how to use our notion of realizability in order to interpret various axioms like the axiom of choice or the induction on integers. A practical example of development of program is given in the appendix. + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq + - author: - family: Herbelin given: Hugo @@ -426,6 +476,9 @@ papers: url: "\\~herbelin/publis/univalgcci.pdf" abstract: > We describe an algebraic system of universes and a typechecking algorithm for universe constraints in a version of the extended calculus of constructions with inductive types. The use of algebraic universes ensures that the graph of constraints only contains universes already present in the term to type. This algorithm, used in the typechecker of the Coq proof assistant, refines Huet and Harper-Pollack algorithms for typical ambiguity. + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq + - author: - family: Huet given: Gérard @@ -435,6 +488,8 @@ papers: abstract: > The Calculus of Constructions is a higher-order formalism for writing constructive proofs in a natural deduction style, inspired from work of de Bruijn, Girard and Martin-Löf. The calculus and its syntactic theory were presented in Coquand’s thesis, and an implementation by the author was used to mechanically verify a substantial number of proofs demonstrating the power of expression of the formalism. The Calculus of Constructions is proposed as a foundation for the design of programming environments where programs are developed consistently with formal specifications. url: + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq - author: - family: Coquand @@ -444,4 +499,6 @@ papers: title: Une théorie des constructions abstract: > On propose une synthèse de différents systèmes de types: la théorie des types de Martin-Löf, le calcul d'ordre supérieur de Girard, et le calcul automath de De Bruijn. Le résultat fondamental de ce travail est une preuve de cohérence du calcul ainsi obtenu (la théorie des constructions). D'après les résultats de Girard, ce système a la puissance d'expression de l'arithmétique d'ordre supérieure. Les exemples développes sont de deux ordres: en logique (on retrouve les différents systèmes logiques connus) et en informatique (le type étant alors la spécification du programme) - url: \ No newline at end of file + url: + tags: + - Theory and Implementation of Rocq diff --git a/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml b/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml index 7f2ae2d80..882c14713 100644 --- a/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml +++ b/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml @@ -1,3 +1,130 @@ +let filter_tags (papers : Data.Paper.t list) (tags : string list) = + List.filter (fun (paper : Data.Paper.t) -> + List.exists (fun tag -> List.mem tag paper.tags) tags + ) papers + +let display_papers ~(search : string) ~(recommended_papers : Data.Paper.t list) + (papers : Data.Paper.t list) (cat : string) = +
+ +
+ <% let paper_num = match List.length papers with 0 -> "No Paper" | 1 -> "1 Paper" | l -> Printf.sprintf "%i Papers" l in %> +
<%s paper_num %>
+ <%s! Forms.search_input + ~name:"q" + ~label:"Search for a paper" + ~button_attrs:{|type="submit"|} + ~input_attrs:("value=\"" ^ Dream.html_escape search ^ "\"") + "" + %> +
+ <% (match List.length papers with | 0 -> %> +
+ <%s! Icons.magnifying_glass "h-10 w-10" %> +
No Papers found matching "<%s search %>"
+ <% | _ -> %> + + + + + + + + + + + <% papers |> List.iter (fun (paper : Data.Paper.t) -> %> + + + + + + + <% ); %> + +
+ +
+ <%s paper.abstract %> +
+ <% paper.links |> List.iter (fun (link : -> %> + +
+ <%s! Icons.papers "h-5 w-5 text-primary dark:text-dark-primary" %> +
<%s link.description %>
+ +
+ <% ); %> +
+ <%i paper.year %> + +
+ <% paper.tags |> List.iter (fun (tag : string) -> %> +
+ <%s tag %> +
+ <% ); %> +
+ <% paper.authors |> List.iter (fun (author) -> %> +
  • <%s author %>
  • + <% ); %> +
    + <% ); %> +
    + + + let render ?(search = "") ~(recommended_papers : Data.Paper.t list) (papers : Data.Paper.t list) = Learn_layout.single_column_layout ~title:"Rocq Papers" @@ -17,120 +144,9 @@ Learn_layout.single_column_layout -
    - -
    - <% let paper_num = match List.length papers with 0 -> "No Paper" | 1 -> "1 Paper" | l -> Printf.sprintf "%i Papers" l in %> -
    <%s paper_num %>
    - <%s! Forms.search_input - ~name:"q" - ~label:"Search for a paper" - ~button_attrs:{|type="submit"|} - ~input_attrs:("value=\"" ^ Dream.html_escape search ^ "\"") - "" - %> -
    - <% (match List.length papers with | 0 -> %> -
    - <%s! Icons.magnifying_glass "h-10 w-10" %> -
    No Papers found matching "<%s search %>"
    - <% | _ -> %> - - - - - - - - - - - <% papers |> List.iter (fun (paper : Data.Paper.t) -> %> - - - - - - - <% ); %> - -
    - -
    - <%s paper.abstract %> -
    - <% paper.links |> List.iter (fun (link : -> %> - -
    - <%s! Icons.papers "h-5 w-5 text-primary dark:text-dark-primary" %> -
    <%s link.description %>
    - -
    - <% ); %> -
    - <%i paper.year %> - -
    - <% paper.tags |> List.iter (fun (tag : string) -> %> -
    - <%s tag %> -
    - <% ); %> -
    - <% paper.authors |> List.iter (fun (author) -> %> -
  • <%s author %>
  • - <% ); %> -
    - <% ); %> -
    +<%s! let tags = ["Theory and Implementation of Rocq"] in + let recommended_papers = filter_tags recommended_papers tags in + let papers = filter_tags papers tags in + display_papers ~search ~recommended_papers papers + "Theory and Implementation of Rocq" +%> \ No newline at end of file From e5bf784a8c2527173e0ad300b24efc7214aaa9a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas Lamiaux Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 23:52:13 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/4] add a display buttons --- src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml b/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml index 882c14713..4138b51f0 100644 --- a/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml +++ b/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml @@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ let display_papers ~(search : string) ~(recommended_papers : Data.Paper.t list) +
    + + More Papers + +
    @@ -122,6 +127,8 @@ let display_papers ~(search : string) ~(recommended_papers : Data.Paper.t list)
    From 8aa2de4549afd456c02b8bad240c6a0e99231b18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas Lamiaux Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2025 12:48:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 3/4] fix unfolding search --- src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml | 13 ++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml b/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml index 4138b51f0..abb408cfd 100644 --- a/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml +++ b/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ let display_papers ~(search : string) ~(recommended_papers : Data.Paper.t list) -
    More Papers @@ -128,6 +129,16 @@ let display_papers ~(search : string) ~(recommended_papers : Data.Paper.t list)
    + + + +
    From de3e994d17f2b540f5441ddc41cb57e03bc33ec8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matthieu Sozeau Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 14:17:15 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Avoid scripting with javascript for display and "details" element --- src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml | 28 +++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml b/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml index abb408cfd..4c46434d6 100644 --- a/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml +++ b/src/rocqproverorg_frontend/pages/papers.eml @@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ let filter_tags (papers : Data.Paper.t list) (tags : string list) = List.exists (fun tag -> List.mem tag paper.tags) tags ) papers -let display_papers ~(search : string) ~(recommended_papers : Data.Paper.t list) +let display_papers ?(search : string option) ~(recommended_papers : Data.Paper.t list) (papers : Data.Paper.t list) (cat : string) = -
    + <% if search = None then ( %> +