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Amazon AWS CloudFormation templates for Couchbase software

Using the Couchbase server templates

When launching an Amazon CloudFormation stack, please choose one of the pre-generated "N-pack" templates in the ./packs subdirectory tree.

For example, if you chose the packs/couchbase-1.8.0-32bit/6-pack-couchbase template, then you would be launching a six machine ("six pack"), auto-joined cluster of Couchbase Server nodes.

Couchbase server template inputs

Some of the more important launch input values that you'll have to specify or will want to override when launching an N-pack of Couchbase servers...

  • REST password - for the Administrator user for the Couchbase web management console UI and REST API.

  • SSH key name - allows you to remotely ssh onto each launched server node. To get a named SSH key pair, please pre-create/register one using the AWS/EC2 web management console.

  • RAM quota per server node - maximum amount of RAM (in MB) that Couchbase server processes are allowed to use on a server. Be sure to leave enough extra RAM "unused" headroom for O/S requirements and to avoid swap.

  • RAM quota per server node for the default bucket. A default couchbase-type bucket on port 11211, with no password, will be created by the Couchbase CloudFormation templates with this given RAM quota amount (in MB) per server node. You can specify 0 to not have this default bucket created.

  • InstanceType - for example, "m1.small". You'll need to choose an AWS EC2 instance type that's appropriately 32-bit or 64-bit compatible, depending on what pack template that you choose. Also, your RAM quota input values should be less than the instance type's actual RAM.

For production deployments, proper sizing of your Couchbase cluster is very important. Please see for more technical information.

Growing a Couchbase cluster

For example, you might already have launched and be running a 3-pack cluster of Couchbase server nodes, and it's finally time to add more capacity (more nodes) to the cluster.

To grow that cluster, you could launch another N-pack of Couchbase, such as an additional 2-pack. When launching the next pack, provide the HOST:REST_PORT of some public DNS or public IP address of some node in the original pack (eg, the 3-pack) as input via the ExistingClusterHostPort parameter.

For example, this might be something like "". The Couchbase server template will then auto-join its newly launched nodes (from the 2-pack) to the existing cluster, but will not auto-Rebalance the newly expanded 5-node cluster. You can use the Couchbase web management console UI to kick off the Rebalance operation yourself, when you're ready to do so.

Or, if you change your mind, you can also easily remove the added server nodes (using the "Remove Server" feature) in the Couchbase web management console UI.

If you specify an ExistingClusterHostPort, then newly launched nodes will inherit the configuration of the existing cluster, and the RAM quota input parameters will be ignored.

Tutorial - Your First Couchbase Cluster

The following is a step-by-step tutorial of launching your first Couchbase cluster on EC2 using these CloudFormation templates.

Step 1

First, get the templates...

git clone git://

Specifying A New Stack

Point your web browser to the AWS Management Console, click on the 'AWS CloudFormation' tab, and click 'Create New Stack'...

Fill in a Stack Name (for example: 'my-couchbase').

Then, choose to Upload a Template File.

Then, specify an N-pack template file from the cloud-formation/packs subdirectory tree.

Here, I've chosen a 3-pack of 32-bit Couchbase 1.8.0. That means this template will launch 3 EC2 nodes and auto-join them into a 3-node cluster...

Click Continue, and next specify input parameters...

At this point, just provide a RESTPassword and a KeyName.

You can leave the InstanceType as 'm1.small' and other parameters also as their default values in this example.

The KeyName is the name of an SSH Key Pair.

If you don't have a SSH Key Pair registered in AWS yet, please see...

Next, continuing the tutorial, click Continue and then 'Create Stack'...

Stack Creation Progress

While your 3-pack of Couchbase is launching, you can enjoy a 6-pack of beer. You can also track the launching of your Couchbase nodes in the Events tab for your 'my-couchbase' stack...

Couchbase Is Ready

Once it's done, the Outputs tab for 'my-couchbase' will have the URL for the Couchbase management REST/web console UI...

Clicking on that RESTWebConsoleURL will take you to the Couchbase login page.

Use the Username of 'Administrator' and a Password of the RESTPassword that you specified earlier...

Logging in will take you to Couchbase's Cluster Overview page...

You can see that 1 server is active and that 2 servers are Pending Rebalance, which means the shards have not yet been rebalanced across all 3 nodes in the cluster.

If you don't see 3 servers yet, the other 2 are still launching and auto-joining, and please just wait a little bit.

To rebalance your cluster, click on MANAGE -> Server Nodes.

Then click on the Rebalance button...

While your cluster is rebalancing, you'll see live rebalance status...

Make The Graphs Dance

You can also ssh onto one of those nodes...

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/aws.pem [email protected]
Last login: Tue Jul 19 19:56:29 2011 from

   __|  __|_  )  Amazon Linux AMI
   _|  (     /     Beta

See /usr/share/doc/system-release-2011.02 for latest release notes. :-)
[ec2-user@domU-12-31-39-02-D9-78 ~]$

And then you can use memcachetest to drive some basic, synthetic test load onto your Couchbase cluster, on the default bucket...

[ec2-user@domU-12-31-39-02-D9-78 ~]$ /opt/couchbase/bin/memcachetest -l

In your web browser, navigate to MONITOR -> Data Buckets -> default to see live, charted statistics.

Be sure to drill around -- the graphs can be very helpful to diagnose issues.

Finally, in your EC2 tab in the AWS Management Console, your new EC2 instances will be named with the prefix of 'my-couchbase' (the name of your stack), for easy tracking...

More info


MIT - these templates were made for you.


  • EBS configuration
  • Publish the templates on S3 somewhere
  • Alerts configuration - nice to have
  • Elastic Load Balancer - nice to have