Conda environment
pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f
conda install cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge
Required extertal packages are listed as follows:
mmdetection3d==0.17.1, pypcd
Firstly follow the instructions here to install mmdetection3d. Make sure the version of mmdetection3d is exactly 0.17.1.
pip install openmim
mim install mmcv-full==1.3.14
mim install mmdet==2.14.0
mim install mmsegmentation==0.14.1
git clone
cd mmdetection3d
git checkout v0.17.1
pip install -e .
Note that pypcd pip installing is not compatible with Python3. Therefore a modified version should be manually installed as followings.
git clone
cd pypcd
python install
Here we provide an example to evaluate the TCLF on VIC-Async-2 dataset.
Download DAIR-V2X-C dataset here and organize as follows:
# For DAIR-V2X-C Dataset located at ${DAIR-V2X-C_DATASET_ROOT}
├── cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure # DAIR-V2X-C
├── infrastructure-side # DAIR-V2X-C-I
├── image
├── {id}.jpg
├── velodyne
├── {id}.pcd
├── calib
├── camera_intrinsic
├── {id}.json
├── virtuallidar_to_world
├── {id}.json
├── virtuallidar_to_camera
├── {id}.json
├── label
├── camera # Labeled data in Infrastructure Virtual LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in image based on image frame time
├── {id}.json
├── virtuallidar # Labeled data in Infrastructure Virtual LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in point cloud based on point cloud frame time
├── {id}.json
├── data_info.json # Relevant index information of Infrastructure data
├── vehicle-side # DAIR-V2X-C-V
├── image
├── {id}.jpg
├── velodyne
├── {id}.pcd
├── calib
├── camera_intrinsic
├── {id}.json
├── lidar_to_camera
├── {id}.json
├── lidar_to_novatel
├── {id}.json
├── novatel_to_world
├── {id}.json
├── label
├── camera # Labeled data in Vehicle LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in image based on image frame time
├── {id}.json
├── lidar # Labeled data in Vehicle LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in point cloud based on point cloud frame time
├── {id}.json
├── data_info.json # Relevant index information of the Vehicle data
├── cooperative # Coopetative Files
├── label_world # Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative (VIC) Annotation files
├── {id}.json
├── data_info.json # Relevant index information combined the Infrastructure data and the Vehicle data
cd ${dair-v2x_root}/dair-v2x
mkdir ./data/DAIR-V2X
ln -s ${DAIR-V2X-C_DATASET_ROOT}/cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure ${dair-v2x_root}/dair-v2x/data/DAIR-V2X
Download checkpoints trained with mmdetection3d from Google drive: inf-model & veh-model. Put the checkpoints under this folder. The file structure should be like:
Run the following commands for evaluation:
cd ${dair_v2x_root}
cd v2x
bash scripts/ 0 late_fusion 2 0 100
rm -r ./cache
cd v2x
rm -r $OUTPUT
rm -r ../cache
mkdir -p $OUTPUT/result
mkdir -p $OUTPUT/inf/lidar
mkdir -p $OUTPUT/veh/lidar
python \
--input $DATA \
--output $OUTPUT \
--model late_fusion \
--dataset vic-async \
--k 2 \
--split val \
--split-data-path ../data/split_datas/cooperative-split-data.json \
--inf-config-path ../configs/vic3d/late-fusion-pointcloud/pointpillars/ \
--inf-model-path ../configs/vic3d/late-fusion-pointcloud/pointpillars/vic3d_latefusion_inf_pointpillars_596784ad6127866fcfb286301757c949.pth \
--veh-config-path ../configs/vic3d/late-fusion-pointcloud/pointpillars/ \
--veh-model-path ../configs/vic3d/late-fusion-pointcloud/pointpillars/vic3d_latefusion_veh_pointpillars_a70fa05506bf3075583454f58b28177f.pth \
--device 0 \
--pred-class car \
--sensortype lidar \
--extended-range 0 -39.68 -3 100 39.68 1
The key arguments are:
- input: the directory where you download our dair-v2x dataset.
- output: the directory where your prediction files are placed.
model: the type of your model. Choices are
. -
dataset: the name of the dataset. Choices are
. -
k: the number of previous frames for
is equivalent tovic-sync
dataset. -
split: dataset split. Choices are
. - pred_class: the prediction class you want to evaluate on.
sensortype: the modality of input data. Choices are
. -
extended-range: the interested area of vehicle-egocentric surroundings, which is described as
$[x_{min}, y_{min},z_{min},x_{max},y_{max},z_{max}]$ at Vehicle LiDAR Coordinate. -
--no-comp: for
, you can remove the time compensation module by an addtional argument --no-comp
We release our checkpoints with different modalities and fusion strategies. Refer to the following table for implementation details and downloading the checkpoints.
Modality | Fusion | Model | Dataset | Reproduce&Checkpoint |
Image | VehOnly | ImvoxelNet | VIC-Sync | README |
InfOnly | ImvoxelNet | VIC-Sync | README | |
Late-Fusion | ImvoxelNet | VIC-Sync | README | |
Pointcloud | VehOnly | PointPillars | VIC-Sync | README |
InfOnly | PointPillars | VIC-Sync | README | |
Late-Fusion | PointPillars | VIC-Sync | README | |
Early-Fusion | PointPillars | VIC-Sync | README | |
Late-Fusion | PointPillars | VIC-Async-1 | README | |
Late-Fusion | PointPillars | VIC-Async-2 | README | |
Early-Fusion | PointPillars | VIC-Async-1 | README | |
TCLF | PointPillars | VIC-Async-1 | README | |
TCLF | PointPillars | VIC-Async-2 | README |
To simply load our DAIR-V2X dataset, please refer to this.
To visualize LiDAR or camera frames in DAIR-V2X, please refer to this.
To evaluate your own VIC3D object detection model with our framework, please refer to this.
To further learn and use our fusion modules, please refer to this.