See the Demo App for reference implementation
(Only if you are not using any of the other sibling packages from this repo)
$ npm install react-native-xstate-inspect-core
There are two ways to use this plugin. You can either construct your own inspector using our hook, or you can use our Context Provider which will make the inspector available to your entire app. Only a single instance can be alive at a given time, so pick the use case that works best for you.
import { useSkyXstateInspector } from 'react-native-xstate-inspect-core';
const onSkyConnect = (url: string) =>
console.log("🚀 ~ Sky Inspector created at url: ", url);
const Component = () => {
const skyInspector = useSkyXstateInspector({ onSkyConnect });
const [state, send] = useMachine(machine, {
inspect: skyInspector?.inspect,
First, create a Provider that will internally create the inspector.
import { FloatingXStateInspectorProvider } from 'react-native-xstate-inspect-core';
const App = () => (
{/* rest of app */}
Then in a component where you have a machine, grab the inspector using this hook.
import { useProvidedSkyInspector } from 'react-native-xstate-inspect-core';
const skyInspector = useProvidedSkyInspector();
const [state, send] = useMachine(audioMachine, {
inspect: skyInspector?.inspect,
This uses the already created inspector in the Context.