SanFrancisco Fonts by Apple Inc.
- Purely converted from OTF to TTF's
- No Colon Lockscreen Issues
- Replaces Roberto Fonts.
- This fonts system uses Apple Display and Condensed fonts.
- Tested on LOS, AOSP,MIUI,Pixel based roms ( Oreo , Pie)
- Default Revert back Zip Roboto for /system ( extracted from LOS 15.1 Official )
- Wont work with existing fonts , try to use on stock or untouched /system
- Wont work with existing magisk font module ( uninstall it ) .
- Might get an issue if using Lockscreen mods , make sure to use default fonts .
- Update to ios12 fonts
- iOS 12 emoji's
- fix utf11 glyphs for pie
- Doc's - Document File , table.
- Visit the Official XDA thread (link below) and provide the current device, ROM and OS version you are on if you need assistance.
Copyright © 2018 cptmacp. Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.