The AngularJS implementation of the Scenario Evolution Widget Functional Building Block.
Simply pull in the libraries and all the dependencies via bower
bower install --save scenario-evolution-widget-angular
There is basically one directive available in this AngularJS module that is important for you:
<scenario-evolution-widget class="breadcrumb" input-worldstate="inputWS" selected-worldstate="selectedWS"></scenario-evolution-widget>
However, this will only work correctly if you provide info where to finde the ICMM instance to use:
function ($provide) {
'use strict';
$provide.constant('CRISMA_DOMAIN', 'CRISMA'); // the name of the CRISMA domain to use
$provide.constant('CRISMA_ICMM_API', 'http://url/to/the/icmm/api'); // the url to the API of the ICMM instance to use
Put the directive in your html, provide the constants and bind your model to the relevant items.
single worldstate object
single worldstate object
The input worldstate is used to actually build the scenario path. It is not changed by the component (read-only). The selected worldstate is change whenever the user clicks on worldstates that constitute the path. The path does not change (i.e. the input worldstate) but the component notifies about a change in selection (i.e. selected worldstate).
Simply checkout the project and put the app folder in your favourite web server, or even more simple, use grunt to fire up a web server for you
grunt serve