MarkDuplicates.metrics.txt => duplicates html report
MarkDuplicates.metrics.txt => multiqc
preseq fails; I think the biocontainer was compiled without --enable-hts github issue
dupedist per squencer!!!
clumpify.sh usejni=t in=R1 in2=R2 out=R1d out2=R2d groups=auto fastawrap=300 dedupe=t addcount=t subs=0 dupedist=12000
Written by Brian Bushnell Last modified September 12, 2018
Description: Sorts sequences to put similar reads near each other. Can be used for increased compression or error correction. Please read bbmap/docs/guides/ClumpifyGuide.txt for more information.
Usage: clumpify.sh in= out= reorder
Input may be fasta or fastq, compressed or uncompressed. Cannot accept sam.
Parameters and their defaults: in= Input file. in2= Optional input for read 2 of twin paired files. out= Output file. May not be standard out. out2= Optional output for read 2 of twin paired files. groups=auto Use this many intermediate files (to save memory). 1 group is fastest. Auto will estimate the number of groups needed based on the file size, so it should not ever run out of memory. lowcomplexity=f For compressed low-complexity libraries such as RNA-seq, this will more conservatively estimate how much memory is needed to automatically decide the number of groups. rcomp=f Give read clumps the same orientation to increase compression. Should be disabled for paired reads. overwrite=f (ow) Set to false to force the program to abort rather than overwrite an existing file. qin=auto Auto-detect input quality encoding. May be set to: 33: ASCII-33 (Sanger) encoding. 64: ASCII-64 (old Illumina) encoding. All modern sequence is encoded as ASCII-33. qout=auto Use input quality encoding as output quality encoding. changequality=f (cq) If true, fix broken quality scores such as Ns with Q>0. Default is false to ensure lossless compression. fastawrap=70 Set to a higher number like 4000 for longer lines in fasta format, which increases compression.
Compression parameters: ziplevel=6 (zl) Gzip compression level (1-11). Higher is slower. Level 11 is only available if pigz is installed and is extremely slow to compress, but faster to decompress. Naming the output file to *.bz2 will use bzip2 instead of gzip for ~9% additional compression, which requires bzip2, pbzip2, or lbzip2 in the path. blocksize=128 Size of blocks for pigz, in kb. Higher gives slightly better compression. shortname=f Make the names as short as possible. 'shortname=shrink' will shorten the names where possible, but retain the flowcell and barcode information. reorder=f Reorder clumps for additional compression. Only valid when groups=1, passes=1, and ecc=f. Possible modes: f: Do not reorder clumps. c: Reorder using consensus reads. Uses additional time and memory. p: Reorder using pair information. Requires paired reads. Yields the highest compression. a: Automatically choose between 'c' and 'p'. The flag reorder with no argument will set 'reorder=a'. quantize=f Bin the quality scores, like NextSeq. This greatly increases compression, but information is lost.
Temp file parameters: compresstemp=auto (ct) Gzip temporary files. By default temp files will be compressed if the output file is compressed. deletetemp=t Delete temporary files. deleteinput=f Delete input upon successful completion. usetmpdir=f Use tmpdir for temp files. tmpdir= By default, this is the environment variable TMPDIR.
Hashing parameters: k=31 Use kmers of this length (1-31). Shorter kmers may increase compression, but 31 is recommended for error correction. mincount=0 Don't use pivot kmers with count less than this. Setting mincount=2 can increase compression. Increases time and memory usage. seed=1 Random number generator seed for hashing. Set to a negative number to use a random seed. hashes=4 Use this many masks when hashing. 0 uses raw kmers. Often hashes=0 increases compression, but it should not be used with error-correction. border=1 Do not use kmers within this many bases of read ends.
Deduplication parameters: dedupe=f Remove duplicate reads. For pairs, both must match. By default, deduplication does not occur. If dedupe and markduplicates are both false, none of the other duplicate-related flags will have any effect. markduplicates=f Don't remove; just append ' duplicate' to the name. allduplicates=f Mark or remove all copies of duplicates, instead of keeping the highest-quality copy. addcount=f Append the number of copies to the read name. Mutually exclusive with markduplicates or allduplicates. subs=2 (s) Maximum substitutions allowed between duplicates. subrate=0.0 (dsr) If set, the number of substitutions allowed will be max(subs, subrate*min(length1, length2)) for 2 sequences. allowns=t No-called bases will not be considered substitutions. scanlimit=5 (scan) Continue for this many reads after encountering a nonduplicate. Improves detection of inexact duplicates. containment=f Allow containments (where one sequence is shorter). affix=f For containments, require one sequence to be an affix (prefix or suffix) of the other. optical=f If true, mark or remove optical duplicates only. This means they are Illumina reads within a certain distance on the flowcell. Normal Illumina names needed. Also for tile-edge and well duplicates. dupedist=40 (dist) Max distance to consider for optical duplicates. Higher removes more duplicates but is more likely to remove PCR rather than optical duplicates. This is platform-specific; recommendations: NextSeq 40 (and spany=t) HiSeq 1T 40 HiSeq 2500 40 HiSeq 3k/4k 2500 Novaseq 12000 spany=f Allow reads to be considered optical duplicates if they are on different tiles, but are within dupedist in the y-axis. Should only be enabled when looking for tile-edge duplicates (as in NextSeq). spanx=f Like spany, but for the x-axis. Not necessary for NextSeq. spantiles=f Set both spanx and spany. adjacent=f Limit tile-spanning to adjacent tiles (those with consecutive numbers). *** Thus, for NextSeq, the recommended deduplication flags are: *** dedupe optical spany adjacent
Pairing/ordering parameters (for use with error-correction): unpair=f For paired reads, clump all of them rather than just read 1. Destroys pairing. Without this flag, for paired reads, only read 1 will be error-corrected. repair=f After clumping and error-correction, restore pairing. If groups>1 this will sort by name which will destroy clump ordering; with a single group, clumping will be retained.
Error-correction parameters: ecc=f Error-correct reads. Requires multiple passes for complete correction. ecco=f Error-correct paired reads via overlap before clumping. passes=1 Use this many error-correction passes. 6 passes are suggested. consensus=f Output consensus sequence instead of clumps.
Advanced error-correction parameters: mincc=4 (mincountcorrect) Do not correct to alleles occuring less often than this. minss=4 (minsizesplit) Do not split into new clumps smaller than this. minsfs=0.17 (minsizefractionsplit) Do not split on pivot alleles in areas with local depth less than this fraction of clump size. minsfc=0.20 (minsizefractioncorrect) Do not correct in areas with local depth less than this. minr=30.0 (minratio) Correct to the consensus if the ratio of the consensus allele to second-most-common allele is >=minr, for high depth. Actual ratio used is: min(minr, minro+minorCountminrm+qualityminrqm). minro=1.9 (minratiooffset) Base ratio. minrm=1.8 (minratiomult) Ratio multiplier for secondary allele count. minrqm=0.08 (minratioqmult) Ratio multiplier for base quality. minqr=2.8 (minqratio) Do not correct bases when cqminqr>rqsum. minaqr=0.70 (minaqratio) Do not correct bases when cqminaqr>5+rqavg. minid=0.97 (minidentity) Do not correct reads with identity to consensus less than this. maxqadjust=0 Adjust quality scores by at most maxqadjust per pass. maxqi=-1 (maxqualityincorrect) Do not correct bases with quality above this (if positive). maxci=-1 (maxcountincorrect) Do not correct alleles with count above this (if positive). findcorrelations=t Look for correlated SNPs in clumps to split into alleles. maxcorrelations=12 Maximum number of eligible SNPs per clump to consider for correlations. Increasing this number can reduce false- positive corrections at the possible expense of speed.
Java Parameters: -Xmx This will be passed to Java to set memory usage, overriding the program's automatic memory detection. -Xmx20g will specify 20 gigs of RAM, and -Xmx200m will specify 200 megs. The max is typically 85% of physical memory. -eoom This flag will cause the process to exit if an out-of-memory exception occurs. Requires Java 8u92+. -da Disable assertions.
Please contact Brian Bushnell at bbushnell@lbl.gov if you encounter any problems.