Sportfeed is a sports website that shows fans real time sports updates and users can see other users’ reactions in chat rooms. There are chat rooms for each sport in which users can react to every play, call, event, or score that happens in real time. In addition, users can also create their own chat rooms for free discussion. The sports event scores are displayed at the top of every page in a sport scores banner. The game scores are in order by each individual user's preferences, determined by their past liking of events.
First move to the sportfeed directory in terminal. If the you are in the directory that contains the sportfeed folder, then the terminal command would be: cd /sportfeed
Next run the server with the terminal command: node server.js
Then go to the address http://localhost:8080/ on a web browser such Chrome, Safari, or Firefox to see the website
The first page users see is the login page where one can type a name and then access the website by clicking the button labeled "Enter SportFeed!" The name a user types will be there username displayed to other users on the chat.
The sport scores are in the sport scores banner, a row that can viewed near the top of the screen. One can scroll over in the row of scores if there are more than that can fit on the screen at once. Clicking the red heart on the event score is how the user "likes" an sport, which is used to sort the sport scores in the future. Clicking the text immediately below the "like" button (example of text is "Basketball – 1st Quarter") will create a new chat room for that specific sport event. The sport scores are visible on every page (homepage as well as any chat rooms) so users can always be up to date on the latest scores unless there are no live sporting events currently in progress in the world.
The homepage shows the list of currently available chat rooms, which at minimum includes chat rooms for each sport. More chat rooms may exist if users have created more chat rooms. Any user can create a new chat room for a specific sporting event by clicking on any one of the sport score event boxes in the sport score banner. In addition, any user can create a new chat room for free discussion by clicking on the green button that reads "Create Chat Room." Another way to create a chat room is through using the sport scores banner. Clicking the text immediately below the "like" button (example of text is "Basketball – 1st Quarter") in any sport game box will create a new chat room for that specific sport event.
By clicking a chat room from the chat room list on the homepage, the user is taken to a specific chat room. Each chat room has a chat area that shows the chat feed in the blue area. The chat feed shows messages and the users who sent the messages. The chat feed is live. The green area below is where the user can enter text and then send the message to the chat by clicking the green "Send" button to the right of the green text area.