To transform cell positions from the coordinate space of the raw data to that of another coordinate framework (usually the atlas).
cellfinder_cell_standard --cells /path/to/classified_cells.xml --transformation /path/to/control_point_file.nii --ref /path/to/reference_image.nii -o /path/to/output/directory -x 2 -y 2 -z 5
Path of the xml file containing cells to be transformed.--transformation
Path to the control point file (from niftyreg or cellfinder registration)--ref
Reference nii image, in the same space as the downsampled raw data-o
Output directory
{% hint style="warning" %} You must also specify the pixel sizes, see Specifying pixel size {% endhint %}
Transform all cell positions (including artifacts).--registration-config
To supply your own, custom registration configuration file.
Increase verbosity of statements printed to console (all debug information is saved to file regardless of this flag)--n-free-cpus
The number of CPU cores on the machine to leave unused by the program to spare resources.
All other options (and their defaults) can be round by running:
cellfinder_cell_standard -h