To run cellfinder, use this general syntax
cellfinder -s signal_channel_images optional_signal_channel_images -b background_channel_images -o /path/to/output_directory -x 2 -y 2 -z 5
{% hint style="info" %}
All options can be found by running cellfinder -h
{% endhint %}
Path to the directory of the signal files. Can also be a text file pointing to the files. There can be as many signal channels as you like, and each will be treated independently.b
Path to the directory of the background files. Can also be a text file pointing to the files. This background channel will be used for all signal channels-o
Output directory for all intermediate and final results
{% hint style="warning" %} You must also specify the pixel sizes, see Specifying pixel size {% endhint %}
Register the background channel to the Allen brain atlas -
Generate summary csv files showing how many cells are ineach brain area (will also run registration if not specified.
Channel ID numbers, in the same order as -
Generate figures
Only run parts of cellfinder
If for some reason you don't want some parts of cellfinder to run, you can use the following options. If a part of the pipeline is required by another part it will be run (i.e. --no-detection
won't do anything unless --no-classification
is also used). cellfinder will attempt to work out what parts of the pipeline have already been run (in a given output directory) and not run them again if appropriate.
Don't run cell candidate detection--no-classification
Don't run cell classification--no-standard_space
Don't convert cell positions to standard space. Otherwise will run automatically if registration and classification has run.
Figures options
Figures cannot yet be customised much, but the current options are here:
Don't generate a heatmap of cell locations -
Heatmap bin size (um of each edge of histogram cube) -
Gaussian smoothing sigma, in um. -
Don't mask the figures (removing any areas outside thebrain, from e.g. smoothing)
Performance, debugging and testing
Increase verbosity of statements printed to console and save allintermediate files.
The number of CPU cores on the machine to leaveunused by the program to spare resources.
Maximum amount of RAM to use (in GB) - not currently fullyimplemented for all parts of cellfinder
Useful for testing or if you know your cells are only in a specific region
The first plane to process in the Z dimension--end-plane
The last plane to process in the Z dimension
Standard space options
Transform all cell positions (including artifacts).
To change how the initial cell candidate detection performs, see Cell candidate detection.
To change how the cell candidate classification performs, see Cell candidate classification.
If your data does not match the NifTI standard orientation (origin is the most ventral, posterior, left voxel), then please see Image orientation to reorient the atlas.
To change how the actual registration performs, see Registration parameters.
If you have used old versions of cellfinder, there may be some options you want to change in Historical options