diff --git a/.vs/slnx.sqlite b/.vs/slnx.sqlite
index becfeafd..d78f042e 100644
Binary files a/.vs/slnx.sqlite and b/.vs/slnx.sqlite differ
diff --git a/CumulusMX/Api.cs b/CumulusMX/Api.cs
index 39bf6cb7..b8c074bf 100644
--- a/CumulusMX/Api.cs
+++ b/CumulusMX/Api.cs
@@ -134,6 +134,16 @@ public bool EditData()
case "alltimerecordslogfile.json":
return this.JsonResponse(dataEditor.GetAllTimeRecLogFile());
+ case "monthlyrecords.json":
+ return this.JsonResponse(dataEditor.GetMonthlyRecData());
+ case "monthlyrecordsdayfile.json":
+ return this.JsonResponse(dataEditor.GetMonthlyRecDayFile());
+ case "monthlyrecordslogfile.json":
+ return this.JsonResponse(dataEditor.GetMonthlyRecLogFile());
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Key Not Found: " + lastSegment);
@@ -192,6 +202,10 @@ public bool EditData()
case "alltime":
return this.JsonResponse(dataEditor.EditAllTimeRecs(this));
+ case "monthly":
+ return this.JsonResponse(dataEditor.EditMonthlyRecs(this));
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Key Not Found: " + lastSegment);
diff --git a/CumulusMX/Cumulus.cs b/CumulusMX/Cumulus.cs
index 3df27823..1a350ea4 100644
--- a/CumulusMX/Cumulus.cs
+++ b/CumulusMX/Cumulus.cs
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ namespace CumulusMX
public class Cumulus
- public string Version = "3.2.1";
- public string Build = "3057";
+ public string Version = "3.2.2";
+ public string Build = "3058";
private static string appGuid = "57190d2e-7e45-4efb-8c09-06a176cef3f3";
@@ -1291,9 +1291,9 @@ public Cumulus(int HTTPport, int WSport)
LogMessage("RainDayThreshold=" + RainDayThreshold.ToString("F3"));
LogMessage("Offsets and Multipliers:");
LogMessage("PO=" + PressOffset.ToString("F3") + " TO=" + TempOffset.ToString("F3") + " HO=" + HumOffset + " WDO=" + WindDirOffset + " ITO=" +
- InTempoffset.ToString("F3") + "SO=" + SolarOffset.ToString("F3") + " UVO=" + UVOffset.ToString("F3"));
+ InTempoffset.ToString("F3") + " SO=" + SolarOffset.ToString("F3") + " UVO=" + UVOffset.ToString("F3"));
LogMessage("PM=" + PressMult.ToString("F3") + " WSM=" + WindSpeedMult.ToString("F3") + " WGM=" + WindGustMult.ToString("F3") + " TM=" + TempMult.ToString("F3") + " TM2=" + TempMult2.ToString("F3") +
- " HM=" + HumMult.ToString("F3") + " HM2=" + HumMult2.ToString("F3") + " RM=" + RainMult.ToString("F3") + "SM=" + SolarMult.ToString("F3") + " UVM=" + UVMult.ToString("F3"));
+ " HM=" + HumMult.ToString("F3") + " HM2=" + HumMult2.ToString("F3") + " RM=" + RainMult.ToString("F3") + " SM=" + SolarMult.ToString("F3") + " UVM=" + UVMult.ToString("F3"));
LogMessage("Spike removal:");
LogMessage("TD=" + EWtempdiff.ToString("F3") + " GD=" + EWgustdiff.ToString("F3") + " WD=" + EWwinddiff.ToString("F3") + " HD=" + EWhumiditydiff.ToString("F3") + " PD=" +
diff --git a/CumulusMX/CumulusMX.csproj b/CumulusMX/CumulusMX.csproj
index 762e8e4a..0a1ac3cc 100644
--- a/CumulusMX/CumulusMX.csproj
+++ b/CumulusMX/CumulusMX.csproj
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
- 3057
+ 3058
diff --git a/CumulusMX/DataEditor.cs b/CumulusMX/DataEditor.cs
index 59643de2..1ef8b989 100644
--- a/CumulusMX/DataEditor.cs
+++ b/CumulusMX/DataEditor.cs
@@ -4,22 +4,18 @@
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
-using System.Net;
-using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unosquare.Labs.EmbedIO;
-using SQLite;
namespace CumulusMX
internal class DataEditor
- private WeatherStation station;
- private Cumulus cumulus;
- private WebTags webtags;
+ private readonly WeatherStation station;
+ private readonly Cumulus cumulus;
+ private readonly WebTags webtags;
- private List HourRainLog = new List();
+ private readonly List hourRainLog = new List();
internal DataEditor(Cumulus cumulus, WeatherStation station, WebTags webtags)
@@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ internal DataEditor(Cumulus cumulus, WeatherStation station, WebTags webtags)
//internal string EditRainToday(HttpListenerContext context)
internal string EditRainToday(IHttpContext context)
- var InvC = new CultureInfo("");
+ var invC = new CultureInfo("");
var request = context.Request;
string text;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(request.InputStream, request.ContentEncoding))
@@ -39,15 +35,14 @@ internal string EditRainToday(IHttpContext context)
text = reader.ReadToEnd();
- string[] kvPair = text.Split('=');
- string key = kvPair[0];
- string raintodaystring = kvPair[1];
+ var kvPair = text.Split('=');
+ var raintodaystring = kvPair[1];
- if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(raintodaystring))
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(raintodaystring))
- double raintoday = Double.Parse(raintodaystring, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
+ var raintoday = double.Parse(raintodaystring, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
cumulus.LogMessage("Before rain today edit, raintoday=" + station.RainToday.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + " Raindaystart=" + station.raindaystart.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat));
station.RainToday = raintoday;
station.raindaystart = station.Raincounter - (station.RainToday / cumulus.RainMult);
@@ -59,22 +54,22 @@ internal string EditRainToday(IHttpContext context)
- var json = "{\"raintoday\":\"" + station.RainToday.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, InvC) +
- "\",\"raincounter\":\"" + station.Raincounter.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, InvC) +
- "\",\"startofdayrain\":\"" + station.raindaystart.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, InvC) +
- "\",\"rainmult\":\"" + cumulus.RainMult.ToString("F3", InvC) + "\"}";
+ var json = "{\"raintoday\":\"" + station.RainToday.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, invC) +
+ "\",\"raincounter\":\"" + station.Raincounter.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, invC) +
+ "\",\"startofdayrain\":\"" + station.raindaystart.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, invC) +
+ "\",\"rainmult\":\"" + cumulus.RainMult.ToString("F3", invC) + "\"}";
return json;
internal string GetRainTodayEditData()
- var InvC = new CultureInfo("");
- string step = (cumulus.RainDPlaces == 1 ? "0.1" : "0.01");
- var json = "{\"raintoday\":\"" + station.RainToday.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, InvC) +
- "\",\"raincounter\":\"" + station.Raincounter.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, InvC) +
- "\",\"startofdayrain\":\"" + station.raindaystart.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, InvC) +
- "\",\"rainmult\":\"" + cumulus.RainMult.ToString("F3", InvC) +
+ var invC = new CultureInfo("");
+ var step = (cumulus.RainDPlaces == 1 ? "0.1" : "0.01");
+ var json = "{\"raintoday\":\"" + station.RainToday.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, invC) +
+ "\",\"raincounter\":\"" + station.Raincounter.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, invC) +
+ "\",\"startofdayrain\":\"" + station.raindaystart.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat, invC) +
+ "\",\"rainmult\":\"" + cumulus.RainMult.ToString("F3", invC) +
"\",\"step\":\"" + step + "\"}";
return json;
@@ -136,9 +131,8 @@ internal string DeleteDiary(IHttpContext context)
internal string GetAllTimeRecData()
- var timeStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy HH:mm";
- var dateStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy";
- var InvC = new CultureInfo("");
+ const string timeStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy HH:mm";
+ const string dateStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy";
// Records - Temperature values
var json = "{\"highTempVal\":\"" + station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hightemp].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
json += "\"lowTempVal\":\"" + station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
@@ -205,69 +199,68 @@ internal string GetAllTimeRecData()
internal string GetAllTimeRecDayFile()
- var timeStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy HH:mm";
- var dateStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy";
- int linenum = 0;
- string LogFile = cumulus.Datapath + cumulus.GetLogFileName(cumulus.LastUpdateTime);
- double highTempVal = -999;
- double lowTempVal = 999;
- double highDewPtVal = -999;
- double lowDewPtVal = 999;
- double highAppTempVal = -999;
- double lowAppTempVal = 999;
- double lowWindChillVal = 999;
- double highHeatIndVal = -999;
- double highMinTempVal = -999;
- double lowMaxTempVal = 999;
- double highTempRangeVal = -999;
- double lowTempRangeVal = 999;
- double highHumVal = -999;
- double lowHumVal = 999;
- double highBaroVal = -999;
- double lowBaroVal = 99999;
- double highGustVal = -999;
- double highWindVal = -999;
- double highWindRunVal = -999;
- double highRainRateVal = -999;
- double highRainHourVal = -999;
- double highRainDayVal = -999;
- double highRainMonthVal = -999;
- int dryPeriodVal = 0;
- int wetPeriodVal = 0;
- DateTime highTempTime = new DateTime(1900, 01, 01);
- DateTime lowTempTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highDewPtTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowDewPtTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highAppTempTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowAppTempTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowWindChillTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highHeatIndTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highMinTempTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowMaxTempTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highTempRangeTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowTempRangeTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highHumTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowHumTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highBaroTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowBaroTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highGustTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highWindTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highWindRunTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highRainRateTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highRainHourTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highRainDayTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highRainMonthTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime dryPeriodTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime wetPeriodTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime thisDate = highTempTime;
- double rainThisMonth = 0;
- int currentDryPeriod = 0;
- int currentWetPeriod = 0;
- bool isDryNow = false;
- DateTime thisDateDry = highTempTime;
- DateTime thisDateWet = highTempTime;
+ const string timeStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy HH:mm";
+ const string dateStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy";
+ var linenum = 0;
+ var highTempVal = -999.0;
+ var lowTempVal = 999.0;
+ var highDewPtVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowDewPtVal = lowTempVal;
+ var highAppTempVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowAppTempVal = lowTempVal;
+ var lowWindChillVal = lowTempVal;
+ var highHeatIndVal = highTempVal;
+ var highMinTempVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowMaxTempVal = lowTempVal;
+ var highTempRangeVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowTempRangeVal = lowTempVal;
+ var highHumVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowHumVal = lowTempVal;
+ var highBaroVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowBaroVal = 99999.0;
+ var highGustVal = highTempVal;
+ var highWindVal = highTempVal;
+ var highWindRunVal = highTempVal;
+ var highRainRateVal = highTempVal;
+ var highRainHourVal = highTempVal;
+ var highRainDayVal = highTempVal;
+ var highRainMonthVal = highTempVal;
+ var dryPeriodVal = 0;
+ var wetPeriodVal = 0;
+ var highTempTime = new DateTime(1900, 01, 01);
+ var lowTempTime = highTempTime;
+ var highDewPtTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowDewPtTime = highTempTime;
+ var highAppTempTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowAppTempTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowWindChillTime = highTempTime;
+ var highHeatIndTime = highTempTime;
+ var highMinTempTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowMaxTempTime = highTempTime;
+ var highTempRangeTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowTempRangeTime = highTempTime;
+ var highHumTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowHumTime = highTempTime;
+ var highBaroTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowBaroTime = highTempTime;
+ var highGustTime = highTempTime;
+ var highWindTime = highTempTime;
+ var highWindRunTime = highTempTime;
+ var highRainRateTime = highTempTime;
+ var highRainHourTime = highTempTime;
+ var highRainDayTime = highTempTime;
+ var highRainMonthTime = highTempTime;
+ var dryPeriodTime = highTempTime;
+ var wetPeriodTime = highTempTime;
+ var thisDate = highTempTime;
+ var rainThisMonth = 0.0;
+ var currentDryPeriod = 0;
+ var currentWetPeriod = 0;
+ var isDryNow = false;
+ var thisDateDry = highTempTime;
+ var thisDateWet = highTempTime;
var json = "{";
double rainThreshold = 0;
@@ -281,167 +274,176 @@ internal string GetAllTimeRecDayFile()
- string[] dayfile = File.ReadAllLines(cumulus.DayFile);
+ var dayfile = File.ReadAllLines(cumulus.DayFile);
- foreach (string line in dayfile)
+ foreach (var line in dayfile)
var st = new List(Regex.Split(line, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator));
- if (st.Count > 0)
- {
- string datestr = st[0];
- DateTime loggedDate = station.ddmmyyStrToDate(datestr);
+ if (st.Count <= 0) continue;
- // This assumes the day file is in date order!
- if (thisDate.Month != loggedDate.Month)
- {
- // monthly rain
- if (rainThisMonth > highRainMonthVal)
- {
- highRainMonthVal = rainThisMonth;
- highRainMonthTime = thisDate;
- }
- // reset the date and counter for a new month
- thisDate = loggedDate;
- rainThisMonth = 0;
- }
- // hi temp
- if (Double.Parse(st[6]) > highTempVal)
- {
- highTempVal = Double.Parse(st[6]);
- highTempTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[7]);
- }
- // lo temp
- if (Double.Parse(st[4]) < lowTempVal)
- {
- lowTempVal = Double.Parse(st[4]);
- lowTempTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[5]);
- }
- // hi dewpt
- if (Double.Parse(st[35]) > highDewPtVal)
- {
- highDewPtVal = Double.Parse(st[35]);
- highDewPtTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[36]);
- }
- // lo dewpt
- if (Double.Parse(st[37]) < lowDewPtVal)
- {
- lowDewPtVal = Double.Parse(st[37]);
- lowDewPtTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[38]);
- }
- // hi app temp
- if (Double.Parse(st[27]) > highAppTempVal)
- {
- highAppTempVal = Double.Parse(st[27]);
- highAppTempTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[28]);
- }
- // lo app temp
- if (Double.Parse(st[29]) < lowAppTempVal)
- {
- lowAppTempVal = Double.Parse(st[29]);
- lowAppTempTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[30]);
- }
- // lo wind chill
- if (Double.Parse(st[33]) < lowWindChillVal)
- {
- lowWindChillVal = Double.Parse(st[33]);
- lowWindChillTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[34]);
- }
- // hi heat index
- if (Double.Parse(st[25]) > highHeatIndVal)
- {
- highHeatIndVal = Double.Parse(st[25]);
- highHeatIndTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[26]);
- }
- // hi min temp
- if (Double.Parse(st[4]) > highMinTempVal)
- {
- highMinTempVal = Double.Parse(st[4]);
- highMinTempTime = loggedDate;
- }
- // lo max temp
- if (Double.Parse(st[6]) < lowMaxTempVal)
+ var datestr = st[0];
+ var loggedDate = station.ddmmyyStrToDate(datestr);
+ double valDbl, valDbl2;
+ // This assumes the day file is in date order!
+ if (thisDate.Month != loggedDate.Month)
+ {
+ // monthly rain
+ if (rainThisMonth > highRainMonthVal)
- lowMaxTempVal = Double.Parse(st[6]);
- lowMaxTempTime = loggedDate;
+ highRainMonthVal = rainThisMonth;
+ highRainMonthTime = thisDate;
+ // reset the date and counter for a new month
+ thisDate = loggedDate;
+ rainThisMonth = 0;
+ }
+ // hi temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[6], out valDbl) && valDbl > highTempVal)
+ {
+ highTempVal = valDbl;
+ highTempTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[7]);
+ }
+ // lo temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[4], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowTempVal)
+ {
+ lowTempVal = valDbl;
+ lowTempTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[5]);
+ }
+ // hi dewpt
+ if (double.TryParse(st[35], out valDbl) && valDbl > highDewPtVal)
+ {
+ highDewPtVal = valDbl;
+ highDewPtTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[36]);
+ }
+ // lo dewpt
+ if (double.TryParse(st[37], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowDewPtVal)
+ {
+ lowDewPtVal = valDbl;
+ lowDewPtTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[38]);
+ }
+ // hi app temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[27], out valDbl) && valDbl > highAppTempVal)
+ {
+ highAppTempVal = valDbl;
+ highAppTempTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[28]);
+ }
+ // lo app temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[29], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowAppTempVal)
+ {
+ lowAppTempVal = valDbl;
+ lowAppTempTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[30]);
+ }
+ // lo wind chill
+ if (double.TryParse(st[33], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowWindChillVal)
+ {
+ lowWindChillVal = valDbl;
+ lowWindChillTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[34]);
+ }
+ // hi heat index
+ if (double.TryParse(st[25], out valDbl) && valDbl > highHeatIndVal)
+ {
+ highHeatIndVal = valDbl;
+ highHeatIndTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[26]);
+ }
+ // hi min temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[4], out valDbl) && valDbl > highMinTempVal)
+ {
+ highMinTempVal = valDbl;
+ highMinTempTime = loggedDate;
+ }
+ // lo max temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[6], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowMaxTempVal)
+ {
+ lowMaxTempVal = valDbl;
+ lowMaxTempTime = loggedDate;
+ }
+ // temp ranges
+ if (double.TryParse(st[6], out valDbl) && double.TryParse(st[4], out valDbl2))
+ {
// hi temp range
- if (Double.Parse(st[6]) - Double.Parse(st[4]) > highTempRangeVal)
+ if ((valDbl - valDbl2) > highTempRangeVal)
- highTempRangeVal = Double.Parse(st[6]) - Double.Parse(st[4]);
+ highTempRangeVal = valDbl - valDbl2;
highTempRangeTime = loggedDate;
// lo temp range
- if (Double.Parse(st[6]) - Double.Parse(st[4]) < lowTempRangeVal)
+ if ((valDbl - valDbl2) < lowTempRangeVal)
- lowTempRangeVal = Double.Parse(st[6]) - Double.Parse(st[4]);
+ lowTempRangeVal = valDbl - valDbl2;
lowTempRangeTime = loggedDate;
- // hi humidity
- if (Double.Parse(st[21]) > highHumVal)
- {
- highHumVal = Double.Parse(st[21]);
- highHumTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[22]);
- }
- // lo humidity
- if (Double.Parse(st[19]) < lowHumVal)
- {
- lowHumVal = Double.Parse(st[19]);
- lowHumTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[20]);
- }
- // hi baro
- if (Double.Parse(st[10]) > highBaroVal)
- {
- highBaroVal = Double.Parse(st[10]);
- highBaroTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[11]);
- }
- // lo baro
- if (Double.Parse(st[8]) < lowBaroVal)
- {
- lowBaroVal = Double.Parse(st[8]);
- lowBaroTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[9]);
- }
- // hi gust
- if (Double.Parse(st[1]) > highGustVal)
- {
- highGustVal = Double.Parse(st[1]);
- highGustTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[3]);
- }
- // hi wind
- if (Double.Parse(st[17]) > highWindVal)
- {
- highWindVal = Double.Parse(st[17]);
- highWindTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[18]);
- }
- // hi wind run
- if (Double.Parse(st[16]) > highWindRunVal)
- {
- highWindRunVal = Double.Parse(st[16]);
- highWindRunTime = loggedDate;
- }
- // hi rain rate
- if (Double.Parse(st[12]) > highRainRateVal)
- {
- highRainRateVal = Double.Parse(st[12]);
- highRainRateTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[13]);
- }
- // hi rain hour
- if (Double.Parse(st[31]) > highRainHourVal)
- {
- highRainHourVal = Double.Parse(st[31]);
- highRainHourTime = getDateTime(loggedDate, st[32]);
- }
+ }
+ // hi humidity
+ if (double.TryParse(st[21], out valDbl) && valDbl > highHumVal)
+ {
+ highHumVal = valDbl;
+ highHumTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[22]);
+ }
+ // lo humidity
+ if (double.TryParse(st[19], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowHumVal)
+ {
+ lowHumVal = valDbl;
+ lowHumTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[20]);
+ }
+ // hi baro
+ if (double.TryParse(st[10], out valDbl) && valDbl > highBaroVal)
+ {
+ highBaroVal = valDbl;
+ highBaroTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[11]);
+ }
+ // lo baro
+ if (double.TryParse(st[8], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowBaroVal)
+ {
+ lowBaroVal = valDbl;
+ lowBaroTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[9]);
+ }
+ // hi gust
+ if (double.TryParse(st[1], out valDbl) && valDbl > highGustVal)
+ {
+ highGustVal = valDbl;
+ highGustTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[3]);
+ }
+ // hi wind
+ if (double.TryParse(st[17], out valDbl) && valDbl > highWindVal)
+ {
+ highWindVal = valDbl;
+ highWindTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[18]);
+ }
+ // hi wind run
+ if (double.TryParse(st[16], out valDbl) && valDbl > highWindRunVal)
+ {
+ highWindRunVal = valDbl;
+ highWindRunTime = loggedDate;
+ }
+ // hi rain rate
+ if (double.TryParse(st[12], out valDbl) && valDbl > highRainRateVal)
+ {
+ highRainRateVal = valDbl;
+ highRainRateTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[13]);
+ }
+ // hi rain hour
+ if (double.TryParse(st[31], out valDbl) && valDbl > highRainHourVal)
+ {
+ highRainHourVal = valDbl;
+ highRainHourTime = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[32]);
+ }
+ if (double.TryParse(st[14], out valDbl))
+ {
// hi rain day
- if (Double.Parse(st[14]) > highRainDayVal)
+ if (valDbl > highRainDayVal)
- highRainDayVal = Double.Parse(st[14]);
+ highRainDayVal = valDbl;
highRainDayTime = loggedDate;
// monthly rain
- rainThisMonth += Double.Parse(st[14]);
+ rainThisMonth += valDbl;
// dry/wet period
- if (Double.Parse(st[14]) > rainThreshold)
+ if (valDbl > rainThreshold)
if (isDryNow)
@@ -533,9 +535,9 @@ internal string GetAllTimeRecDayFile()
json += "\"longestWetPeriodValDayfile\":\"" + wetPeriodVal.ToString() + "\",";
json += "\"longestWetPeriodTimeDayfile\":\"" + wetPeriodTime.ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\"}";
- catch (Exception E)
+ catch (Exception e)
- cumulus.LogMessage("Error on line " + linenum + " of " + cumulus.DayFile + ": " + E.Message);
+ cumulus.LogMessage("Error on line " + linenum + " of " + cumulus.DayFile + ": " + e.Message);
@@ -552,8 +554,8 @@ internal string GetAllTimeRecDayFile()
internal string GetAllTimeRecLogFile()
- var timeStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy HH:mm";
- var dateStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy";
+ const string timeStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy HH:mm";
+ const string dateStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy";
var json = "{";
var datefrom = DateTime.Parse(cumulus.RecordsBeganDate);
@@ -562,92 +564,86 @@ internal string GetAllTimeRecLogFile()
dateto = new DateTime(dateto.Year, dateto.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0);
var filedate = datefrom;
- string logFile = cumulus.GetLogFileName(filedate);
- bool started = false;
- bool finished = false;
- var entrydate = datefrom;
+ var logFile = cumulus.GetLogFileName(filedate);
+ var started = false;
+ var finished = false;
var lastentrydate = datefrom;
- var metoDate = datefrom;
var currentDay = datefrom;
double dayHighTemp = -999;
double dayLowTemp = 999;
double dayWindRun = 0;
- //double hourRain = 0;
double dayRain = 0;
- bool isDryNow = false;
- int currentDryPeriod = 0;
- int currentWetPeriod = 0;
+ var isDryNow = false;
+ var currentDryPeriod = 0;
+ var currentWetPeriod = 0;
- double rainThreshold = 0;
+ var rainThreshold = 0.0;
if (cumulus.RainDayThreshold > -1)
rainThreshold = cumulus.RainDayThreshold;
- double highTempVal = -999;
- double lowTempVal = 999;
- double highDewPtVal = -999;
- double lowDewPtVal = 999;
- double highAppTempVal = -999;
- double lowAppTempVal = 999;
- double lowWindChillVal = 999;
- double highHeatIndVal = -999;
- double highMinTempVal = -999;
- double lowMaxTempVal = 999;
- double highTempRangeVal = -999;
- double lowTempRangeVal = 999;
- double highHumVal = -999;
- double lowHumVal = 999;
- double highBaroVal = -999;
- double lowBaroVal = 99999;
- double highGustVal = -999;
- double highWindVal = -999;
- double highWindRunVal = -999;
- double highRainRateVal = -999;
- double highRainHourVal = -999;
- double highRainDayVal = -999;
- double highRainMonthVal = -999;
- int dryPeriodVal = 0;
- int wetPeriodVal = 0;
- DateTime highTempTime = new DateTime(1900, 01, 01);
- DateTime lowTempTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highDewPtTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowDewPtTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highAppTempTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowAppTempTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowWindChillTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highHeatIndTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highMinTempTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowMaxTempTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highTempRangeTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowTempRangeTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highHumTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowHumTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highBaroTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime lowBaroTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highGustTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highWindTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highWindRunTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highRainRateTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highRainHourTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highRainDayTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime highRainMonthTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime dryPeriodTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime wetPeriodTime = highTempTime;
- DateTime thisDateDry = highTempTime;
- DateTime thisDateWet = highTempTime;
- Double lastRainMidnight = 0;
- Double rainMidnight = 0;
- Double totalRainfall = 0;
- Double outsidetemp, dewpoint, speed, gust, rainrate, raintoday, pressure, chill, heat, apptemp;
- int hum;
+ var highTempVal = -999.0;
+ var lowTempVal = 999.0;
+ var highDewPtVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowDewPtVal = lowTempVal;
+ var highAppTempVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowAppTempVal = lowTempVal;
+ var lowWindChillVal = lowTempVal;
+ var highHeatIndVal = highTempVal;
+ var highMinTempVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowMaxTempVal = lowTempVal;
+ var highTempRangeVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowTempRangeVal = lowTempVal;
+ var highHumVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowHumVal = lowTempVal;
+ var highBaroVal = highTempVal;
+ var lowBaroVal = 99999.0;
+ var highGustVal = highTempVal;
+ var highWindVal = highTempVal;
+ var highWindRunVal = highTempVal;
+ var highRainRateVal = highTempVal;
+ var highRainHourVal = highTempVal;
+ var highRainDayVal = highTempVal;
+ var highRainMonthVal = highTempVal;
+ var dryPeriodVal = 0;
+ var wetPeriodVal = 0;
+ var highTempTime = new DateTime(1900, 01, 01);
+ var lowTempTime = highTempTime;
+ var highDewPtTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowDewPtTime = highTempTime;
+ var highAppTempTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowAppTempTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowWindChillTime = highTempTime;
+ var highHeatIndTime = highTempTime;
+ var highMinTempTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowMaxTempTime = highTempTime;
+ var highTempRangeTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowTempRangeTime = highTempTime;
+ var highHumTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowHumTime = highTempTime;
+ var highBaroTime = highTempTime;
+ var lowBaroTime = highTempTime;
+ var highGustTime = highTempTime;
+ var highWindTime = highTempTime;
+ var highWindRunTime = highTempTime;
+ var highRainRateTime = highTempTime;
+ var highRainHourTime = highTempTime;
+ var highRainDayTime = highTempTime;
+ var highRainMonthTime = highTempTime;
+ var dryPeriodTime = highTempTime;
+ var wetPeriodTime = highTempTime;
+ var thisDateDry = highTempTime;
+ var thisDateWet = highTempTime;
+ var totalRainfall = 0.0;
var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
+ hourRainLog.Clear();
while (!finished)
double monthlyRain = 0;
@@ -655,21 +651,22 @@ internal string GetAllTimeRecLogFile()
if (File.Exists(logFile))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"GetAllTimeRecLogFile: Processing log file - {logFile}");
- int linenum = 0;
+ var linenum = 0;
- string[] logfile = File.ReadAllLines(logFile);
+ var logfile = File.ReadAllLines(logFile);
+ double valDbl;
- foreach (string line in logfile)
+ foreach (var line in logfile)
// process each record in the file
//var st = new List(Regex.Split(line, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator));
// Regex is very expensive, let's assume the separator is always a single character
var st = new List(line.Split((CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator)[0]));
- entrydate = station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(st[0], st[1]);
+ var entrydate = station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(st[0], st[1]);
// We need to work in meto dates not clock dates for day hi/lows
- metoDate = entrydate.AddHours(cumulus.GetHourInc());
+ var metoDate = entrydate.AddHours(cumulus.GetHourInc());
if (!started)
@@ -678,48 +675,45 @@ internal string GetAllTimeRecLogFile()
started = true;
- outsidetemp = Convert.ToDouble(st[2]);
- hum = Convert.ToInt32(st[3]);
- dewpoint = Convert.ToDouble(st[4]);
- speed = Convert.ToDouble(st[5]);
- gust = Convert.ToDouble(st[6]);
- rainrate = Convert.ToDouble(st[8]);
- raintoday = Convert.ToDouble(st[9]);
- pressure = Convert.ToDouble(st[10]);
- if (st.Count >= 16)
+ var outsidetemp = double.Parse(st[2]);
+ var hum = int.Parse(st[3]);
+ var dewpoint = double.Parse(st[4]);
+ var speed = double.Parse(st[5]);
+ var gust = double.Parse(st[6]);
+ var rainrate = double.Parse(st[8]);
+ var raintoday = double.Parse(st[9]);
+ var pressure = double.Parse(st[10]);
+ if (st.Count > 15 && double.TryParse(st[15], out valDbl))
- chill = Convert.ToDouble(st[15]);
// low chill
- if (chill < lowWindChillVal)
+ if (valDbl < lowWindChillVal)
- lowWindChillVal = chill;
+ lowWindChillVal = valDbl;
lowWindChillTime = entrydate;
- if (st.Count >= 17)
+ if (st.Count > 16 && double.TryParse(st[16], out valDbl))
- heat = Convert.ToDouble(st[16]);
// hi heat
- if (heat > highHeatIndVal)
+ if (valDbl > highHeatIndVal)
- highHeatIndVal = heat;
+ highHeatIndVal = valDbl;
highHeatIndTime = entrydate;
- if (st.Count >= 22)
+ if (st.Count > 21 && double.TryParse(st[21], out valDbl))
- apptemp = Convert.ToDouble(st[21]);
// hi appt
- if (apptemp > highAppTempVal)
+ if (valDbl > highAppTempVal)
- highAppTempVal = apptemp;
+ highAppTempVal = valDbl;
highAppTempTime = entrydate;
// lo appt
- if (apptemp < lowAppTempVal)
+ if (valDbl < lowAppTempVal)
- lowAppTempVal = apptemp;
+ lowAppTempVal = valDbl;
lowAppTempTime = entrydate;
@@ -897,10 +891,10 @@ internal string GetAllTimeRecLogFile()
* need to track what the rainfall has been in the last rolling hour
* across day rollovers where the count resets
- AddLastHourRainEntry(entrydate, totalRainfall + raintoday);
+ AddLastHourRainEntry(entrydate, totalRainfall + dayRain);
- var rainThisHour = HourRainLog.Last().raincounter - HourRainLog.First().raincounter;
+ var rainThisHour = hourRainLog.Last().Raincounter - hourRainLog.First().Raincounter;
if (rainThisHour > highRainHourVal)
highRainHourVal = rainThisHour;
@@ -908,7 +902,7 @@ internal string GetAllTimeRecLogFile()
lastentrydate = entrydate;
- lastRainMidnight = rainMidnight;
+ //lastRainMidnight = rainMidnight;
catch (Exception e)
@@ -992,9 +986,9 @@ internal string GetAllTimeRecLogFile()
return json;
- private DateTime getDateTime(DateTime date, string time)
+ private static DateTime GetDateTime(DateTime date, string time)
- string[] tim = time.Split(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.TimeSeparator.ToCharArray()[0]);
+ var tim = time.Split(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.TimeSeparator.ToCharArray()[0]);
return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, int.Parse(tim[0]), int.Parse(tim[1]), 0);
@@ -1002,8 +996,7 @@ internal string EditAllTimeRecs(IHttpContext context)
var request = context.Request;
string text;
- int result;
- string[] dt;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(request.InputStream, request.ContentEncoding))
@@ -1013,161 +1006,162 @@ internal string EditAllTimeRecs(IHttpContext context)
var newData = text.Split('&');
var field = newData[0].Split('=')[1];
var value = newData[1].Split('=')[1];
- result = 1;
+ var result = 1;
+ string[] dt;
switch (field)
case "highTempVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_hightemp, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hightemp].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_hightemp, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hightemp].timestamp);
case "highTempTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_hightemp, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hightemp].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "lowTempVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp].timestamp);
case "lowTempTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "highDewPointVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint].timestamp);
case "highDewPointTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "lowDewPointVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint].timestamp);
case "lowDewPointTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "highApparentTempVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp].timestamp);
case "highApparentTempTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "lowApparentTempVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp].timestamp);
case "lowApparentTempTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "lowWindChillVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowchill, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowchill].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowchill, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowchill].timestamp);
case "lowWindChillTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowchill, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowchill].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "highHeatIndexVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex].timestamp);
case "highHeatIndexTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "highMinTempVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp].timestamp);
case "highMinTempTime":
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
case "lowMaxTempVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp].timestamp);
case "lowMaxTempTime":
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
case "highDailyTempRangeVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange].timestamp);
case "highDailyTempRangeTime":
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
case "lowDailyTempRangeVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange].timestamp);
case "lowDailyTempRangeTime":
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
case "highHumidityVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity].timestamp);
case "highHumidityTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "lowHumidityVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity].timestamp);
case "lowHumidityTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "highBarometerVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highpress, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highpress].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highpress, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highpress].timestamp);
case "highBarometerTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highpress, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highpress].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "lowBarometerVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowpress, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowpress].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowpress, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowpress].timestamp);
case "lowBarometerTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowpress, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowpress].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "highGustVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highgust, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highgust].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highgust, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highgust].timestamp);
case "highGustTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highgust, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highgust].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "highWindVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highwind, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwind].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highwind, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwind].timestamp);
case "highWindTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highwind, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwind].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "highWindRunVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun].timestamp);
case "highWindRunTime":
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
case "highRainRateVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate].timestamp);
case "highRainRateTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "highHourlyRainVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain].timestamp);
case "highHourlyRainTime":
dt = value.Split('+');
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
case "highDailyRainVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain].timestamp);
case "highDailyRainTime":
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
case "highMonthlyRainVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth].timestamp);
case "highMonthlyRainTime":
dt = value.Split('/');
@@ -1175,13 +1169,13 @@ internal string EditAllTimeRecs(IHttpContext context)
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(datstr));
case "longestDryPeriodVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod].timestamp);
case "longestDryPeriodTime":
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
case "longestWetPeriodVal":
- station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod, Double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod].timestamp);
+ station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod, double.Parse(value), station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod].timestamp);
case "longestWetPeriodTime":
station.SetAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod, station.alltimerecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
@@ -1198,82 +1192,1167 @@ internal string EditAllTimeRecs(IHttpContext context)
return "{\"result\":\"" + ((result == 1) ? "Success" : "Failed") + "\"}";
- internal string GetCurrentCond()
- {
- return "{\"data\":\"" + webtags.GetCurrCondText() + "\"}";
- }
- internal string EditCurrentCond(IHttpContext context)
+ internal string EditMonthlyRecs(IHttpContext context)
var request = context.Request;
string text;
- bool result = true;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(request.InputStream, request.ContentEncoding))
- text = reader.ReadToEnd();
+ text = Uri.UnescapeDataString(reader.ReadToEnd());
- result = SetCurrCondText(text);
- return "{\"result\":\"" + (result ? "Success" : "Failed") + "\"}";
- }
- private bool SetCurrCondText(string currCondText)
- {
- string fileName = cumulus.AppDir + "currentconditions.txt";
+ // Eg "name=2-highTempValvalue=134.6&pk=1"
+ var newData = text.Split('&');
+ var monthField = newData[0].Split('=')[1].Split('-');
+ var month = int.Parse(monthField[0]);
+ var field = monthField[1];
+ var value = newData[1].Split('=')[1];
+ var result = 1;
- cumulus.LogMessage("Writing current conditions to file...");
- System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fileName, currCondText);
- return true;
+ string[] dt;
+ switch (field)
+ {
+ case "highTempVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_hightemp, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hightemp, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highTempTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_hightemp, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hightemp, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "lowTempVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "lowTempTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "highDewPointVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highDewPointTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "lowDewPointVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "lowDewPointTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "highApparentTempVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highApparentTempTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "lowApparentTempVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "lowApparentTempTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "lowWindChillVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowchill, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowchill, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "lowWindChillTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowchill, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowchill, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "highHeatIndexVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highHeatIndexTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "highMinTempVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highMinTempTime":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp, month].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
+ break;
+ case "lowMaxTempVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "lowMaxTempTime":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp, month].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
+ break;
+ case "highDailyTempRangeVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highDailyTempRangeTime":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange, month].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
+ break;
+ case "lowDailyTempRangeVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "lowDailyTempRangeTime":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange, month].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
+ break;
+ case "highHumidityVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highHumidityTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "lowHumidityVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "lowHumidityTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "highBarometerVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highpress, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highpress, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highBarometerTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highpress, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highpress, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "lowBarometerVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowpress, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowpress, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "lowBarometerTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_lowpress, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowpress, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "highGustVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highgust, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highgust, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highGustTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highgust, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highgust, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "highWindVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highwind, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwind, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highWindTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highwind, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwind, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "highWindRunVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highWindRunTime":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun, month].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
+ break;
+ case "highRainRateVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highRainRateTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "highHourlyRainVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highHourlyRainTime":
+ dt = value.Split('+');
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain, month].value, station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(dt[0], dt[1]));
+ break;
+ case "highDailyRainVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highDailyRainTime":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain, month].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
+ break;
+ case "highMonthlyRainVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "highMonthlyRainTime":
+ dt = value.Split('/');
+ var datstr = "01/" + dt[1] + "/" + dt[0].Substring(2, 2);
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth, month].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(datstr));
+ break;
+ case "longestDryPeriodVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "longestDryPeriodTime":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod, month].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
+ break;
+ case "longestWetPeriodVal":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod, double.Parse(value), station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod, month].timestamp);
+ break;
+ case "longestWetPeriodTime":
+ station.SetMonthlyAlltime(WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod, station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod, month].value, station.ddmmyyStrToDate(value));
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = 0;
+ break;
+ }
- catch (Exception e)
+ catch
- cumulus.LogMessage("Error writing current conditions to file - " + e.Message);
- return false;
+ result = 0;
+ return "{\"result\":\"" + ((result == 1) ? "Success" : "Failed") + "\"}";
- internal class JsonEditRainData
- {
- public double raintoday { get; set; }
- public double raincounter { get; set; }
- public double startofdayrain { get; set; }
- public double rainmult { get; set; }
- }
- private void AddLastHourRainEntry(DateTime ts, double rain)
+ internal string GetMonthlyRecData()
- LastHourRainLog lasthourrain = new LastHourRainLog(ts, rain);
+ const string timeStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy HH:mm";
+ const string dateStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy";
- HourRainLog.Add(lasthourrain);
+ var json = "{";
+ for (var m = 1; m <= 12; m++)
+ {
+ // Records - Temperature values
+ json += $"\"{m}-highTempVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hightemp, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowTempVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDewPointVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDewPointVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highApparentTempVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowApparentTempVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowWindChillVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowchill, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHeatIndexVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMinTempVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowMaxTempVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyTempRangeVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDailyTempRangeVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange, m].value.ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ // Records - Temperature timestamps
+ json += $"\"{m}-highTempTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hightemp, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowTempTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowtemp, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDewPointTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdewpoint, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDewPointTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdewpoint, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highApparentTempTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highapptemp, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowApparentTempTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowapptemp, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowWindChillTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowchill, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHeatIndexTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highheatindex, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMinTempTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highmintemp, m].timestamp.ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowMaxTempTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowmaxtemp, m].timestamp.ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyTempRangeTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highdailytemprange, m].timestamp.ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDailyTempRangeTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowdailytemprange, m].timestamp.ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ // Records - Humidity values
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHumidityVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity, m].value.ToString(cumulus.HumFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowHumidityVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity, m].value.ToString(cumulus.HumFormat) + "\",";
+ // Records - Humidity times
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHumidityTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highhumidity, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowHumidityTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowhumidity, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ // Records - Pressure values
+ json += $"\"{m}-highBarometerVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highpress, m].value.ToString(cumulus.PressFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowBarometerVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowpress, m].value.ToString(cumulus.PressFormat) + "\",";
+ // Records - Pressure times
+ json += $"\"{m}-highBarometerTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highpress, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowBarometerTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_lowpress, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ // Records - Wind values
+ json += $"\"{m}-highGustVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highgust, m].value.ToString(cumulus.WindFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwind, m].value.ToString(cumulus.WindFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindRunVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun, m].value.ToString(cumulus.WindRunFormat) + "\",";
+ // Records - Wind times
+ json += $"\"{m}-highGustTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highgust, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwind, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindRunTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highwindrun, m].timestamp.ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ // Records - Rain values
+ json += $"\"{m}-highRainRateVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate, m].value.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHourlyRainVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain, m].value.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyRainVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain, m].value.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMonthlyRainVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth, m].value.ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestDryPeriodVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod, m].value.ToString("f0") + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestWetPeriodVal\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod, m].value.ToString("f0") + "\",";
+ // Records - Rain times
+ json += $"\"{m}-highRainRateTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_highrainrate, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHourlyRainTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_hourlyrain, m].timestamp.ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyRainTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_dailyrain, m].timestamp.ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMonthlyRainTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_wetmonth, m].timestamp.ToString("yyyy/MM") + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestDryPeriodTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestdryperiod, m].timestamp.ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestWetPeriodTime\":\"" + station.monthlyrecarray[WeatherStation.AT_longestwetperiod, m].timestamp.ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ }
+ json = json.Remove(json.Length - 1);
+ json += "}";
+ return json;
+ }
+ internal string GetMonthlyRecDayFile()
+ {
+ const string timeStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy HH:mm";
+ const string dateStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy";
+ var linenum = 0;
+ var highTempVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowTempVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highDewPtVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowDewPtVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highAppTempVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowAppTempVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var lowWindChillVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highHeatIndVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highMinTempVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowMaxTempVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highTempRangeVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowTempRangeVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highHumVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowHumVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highBaroVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowBaroVal = new double[] { 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999 };
+ var highGustVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highWindVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highWindRunVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highRainRateVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highRainHourVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highRainDayVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highRainMonthVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var dryPeriodVal = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ var wetPeriodVal = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ var thisDate = new DateTime(1900, 01, 01);
+ var highTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highDewPtTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowDewPtTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highAppTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowAppTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowWindChillTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highHeatIndTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highMinTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowMaxTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highTempRangeTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowTempRangeTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highHumTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowHumTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highBaroTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowBaroTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highGustTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highWindTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highWindRunTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highRainRateTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highRainHourTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highRainDayTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highRainMonthTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var dryPeriodTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var wetPeriodTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var rainThisMonth = 0.0;
+ var currentDryPeriod = 0;
+ var currentWetPeriod = 0;
+ var isDryNow = false;
+ var thisDateDry = thisDate;
+ var thisDateWet = thisDate;
+ var json = "{";
+ var rainThreshold = 0.0;
+ if (cumulus.RainDayThreshold > -1)
+ rainThreshold = cumulus.RainDayThreshold;
+ var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
+ // Read the dayfile and extract the records from there
+ if (File.Exists(cumulus.DayFile))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var dayfile = File.ReadAllLines(cumulus.DayFile);
+ foreach (var line in dayfile)
+ {
+ linenum++;
+ var st = new List(Regex.Split(line, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator));
+ if (st.Count <= 0) continue;
+ var datestr = st[0];
+ var loggedDate = station.ddmmyyStrToDate(datestr);
+ var monthOffset = loggedDate.Month - 1;
+ double valDbl, valDbl2;
+ // This assumes the day file is in date order!
+ if (thisDate.Month != loggedDate.Month)
+ {
+ // monthly rain
+ if (rainThisMonth > highRainMonthVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highRainMonthVal[monthOffset] = rainThisMonth;
+ highRainMonthTime[monthOffset] = thisDate;
+ }
+ // reset the date and counter for a new month
+ thisDate = loggedDate;
+ rainThisMonth = 0;
+ }
+ // hi temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[6], out valDbl) && valDbl > highTempVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highTempVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highTempTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[7]);
+ }
+ // lo temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[4], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowTempVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowTempVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ lowTempTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[5]);
+ }
+ // hi dewpt
+ if (double.TryParse(st[35], out valDbl) && valDbl > highDewPtVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highDewPtVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highDewPtTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[36]);
+ }
+ // lo dewpt
+ if (double.TryParse(st[37], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowDewPtVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowDewPtVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ lowDewPtTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[38]);
+ }
+ // hi app temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[27], out valDbl) && valDbl > highAppTempVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highAppTempVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highAppTempTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[28]);
+ }
+ // lo app temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[29], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowAppTempVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowAppTempVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ lowAppTempTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[30]);
+ }
+ // lo wind chill
+ if (double.TryParse(st[33], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowWindChillVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowWindChillVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ lowWindChillTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[34]);
+ }
+ // hi heat index
+ if (double.TryParse(st[25], out valDbl) && valDbl > highHeatIndVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highHeatIndVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highHeatIndTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[26]);
+ }
+ // hi min temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[4], out valDbl) && valDbl > highMinTempVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highMinTempVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highMinTempTime[monthOffset] = loggedDate;
+ }
+ // lo max temp
+ if (double.TryParse(st[6], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowMaxTempVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowMaxTempVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ lowMaxTempTime[monthOffset] = loggedDate;
+ }
+ // temp ranges
+ if (double.TryParse(st[6], out valDbl) && double.TryParse(st[4], out valDbl2))
+ {
+ // hi temp range
+ if ((valDbl - valDbl2) > highTempRangeVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highTempRangeVal[monthOffset] = valDbl - valDbl2;
+ highTempRangeTime[monthOffset] = loggedDate;
+ }
+ // lo temp range
+ if ((valDbl - valDbl2) < lowTempRangeVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowTempRangeVal[monthOffset] = valDbl - valDbl2;
+ lowTempRangeTime[monthOffset] = loggedDate;
+ }
+ }
+ // hi humidity
+ if (double.TryParse(st[21], out valDbl) && valDbl > highHumVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highHumVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highHumTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[22]);
+ }
+ // lo humidity
+ if (double.TryParse(st[19], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowHumVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowHumVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ lowHumTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[20]);
+ }
+ // hi baro
+ if (double.TryParse(st[10], out valDbl) && valDbl > highBaroVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highBaroVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highBaroTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[11]);
+ }
+ // lo baro
+ if (double.TryParse(st[8], out valDbl) && valDbl < lowBaroVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowBaroVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ lowBaroTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[9]);
+ }
+ // hi gust
+ if (double.TryParse(st[1], out valDbl) && valDbl > highGustVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highGustVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highGustTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[3]);
+ }
+ // hi wind
+ if (double.TryParse(st[17], out valDbl) && valDbl > highWindVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highWindVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highWindTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[18]);
+ }
+ // hi wind run
+ if (double.TryParse(st[16], out valDbl) && valDbl > highWindRunVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highWindRunVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highWindRunTime[monthOffset] = loggedDate;
+ }
+ // hi rain rate
+ if (double.TryParse(st[12], out valDbl) && valDbl > highRainRateVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highRainRateVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highRainRateTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[13]);
+ }
+ // hi rain hour
+ if (double.TryParse(st[31], out valDbl) && valDbl > highRainHourVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highRainHourVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highRainHourTime[monthOffset] = GetDateTime(loggedDate, st[32]);
+ }
+ if (double.TryParse(st[14], out valDbl))
+ {
+ // hi rain day
+ if (valDbl > highRainDayVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highRainDayVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highRainDayTime[monthOffset] = loggedDate;
+ }
+ // monthly rain
+ rainThisMonth += valDbl;
+ // dry/wet period
+ if (valDbl > rainThreshold)
+ {
+ if (isDryNow)
+ {
+ currentWetPeriod = 1;
+ isDryNow = false;
+ if (currentDryPeriod > dryPeriodVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ dryPeriodVal[monthOffset] = currentDryPeriod;
+ dryPeriodTime[monthOffset] = thisDateDry;
+ }
+ currentDryPeriod = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentWetPeriod++;
+ thisDateWet = loggedDate;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (isDryNow)
+ {
+ currentDryPeriod++;
+ thisDateDry = loggedDate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentDryPeriod = 1;
+ isDryNow = true;
+ if (currentWetPeriod > wetPeriodVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ wetPeriodVal[monthOffset] = currentWetPeriod;
+ wetPeriodTime[monthOffset] = thisDateWet;
+ }
+ currentWetPeriod = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ {
+ var m = i + 1;
+ json += $"\"{m}-highTempValDayfile\":\"" + highTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highTempTimeDayfile\":\"" + highTempTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowTempValDayfile\":\"" + lowTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowTempTimeDayfile\":\"" + lowTempTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDewPointValDayfile\":\"" + highDewPtVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDewPointTimeDayfile\":\"" + highDewPtTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDewPointValDayfile\":\"" + lowDewPtVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDewPointTimeDayfile\":\"" + lowDewPtTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highApparentTempValDayfile\":\"" + highAppTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highApparentTempTimeDayfile\":\"" + highAppTempTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowApparentTempValDayfile\":\"" + lowAppTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowApparentTempTimeDayfile\":\"" + lowAppTempTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowWindChillValDayfile\":\"" + lowWindChillVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowWindChillTimeDayfile\":\"" + lowWindChillTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHeatIndexValDayfile\":\"" + highHeatIndVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHeatIndexTimeDayfile\":\"" + highHeatIndTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMinTempValDayfile\":\"" + highMinTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMinTempTimeDayfile\":\"" + highMinTempTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowMaxTempValDayfile\":\"" + lowMaxTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowMaxTempTimeDayfile\":\"" + lowMaxTempTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyTempRangeValDayfile\":\"" + highTempRangeVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyTempRangeTimeDayfile\":\"" + highTempRangeTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDailyTempRangeValDayfile\":\"" + lowTempRangeVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDailyTempRangeTimeDayfile\":\"" + lowTempRangeTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHumidityValDayfile\":\"" + highHumVal[i].ToString(cumulus.HumFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHumidityTimeDayfile\":\"" + highHumTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowHumidityValDayfile\":\"" + lowHumVal[i].ToString(cumulus.HumFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowHumidityTimeDayfile\":\"" + lowHumTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highBarometerValDayfile\":\"" + highBaroVal[i].ToString(cumulus.PressFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highBarometerTimeDayfile\":\"" + highBaroTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowBarometerValDayfile\":\"" + lowBaroVal[i].ToString(cumulus.PressFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowBarometerTimeDayfile\":\"" + lowBaroTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highGustValDayfile\":\"" + highGustVal[i].ToString(cumulus.WindFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highGustTimeDayfile\":\"" + highGustTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindValDayfile\":\"" + highWindVal[i].ToString(cumulus.WindFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindTimeDayfile\":\"" + highWindTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindRunValDayfile\":\"" + highWindRunVal[i].ToString(cumulus.WindRunFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindRunTimeDayfile\":\"" + highWindRunTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highRainRateValDayfile\":\"" + highRainRateVal[i].ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highRainRateTimeDayfile\":\"" + highRainRateTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHourlyRainValDayfile\":\"" + highRainHourVal[i].ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHourlyRainTimeDayfile\":\"" + highRainHourTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyRainValDayfile\":\"" + highRainDayVal[i].ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyRainTimeDayfile\":\"" + highRainDayTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMonthlyRainValDayfile\":\"" + highRainMonthVal[i].ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMonthlyRainTimeDayfile\":\"" + highRainMonthTime[i].ToString("yyyy/MM") + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestDryPeriodValDayfile\":\"" + dryPeriodVal[i].ToString() + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestDryPeriodTimeDayfile\":\"" + dryPeriodTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestWetPeriodValDayfile\":\"" + wetPeriodVal[i].ToString() + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestWetPeriodTimeDayfile\":\"" + wetPeriodTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ }
+ json = json.Remove(json.Length - 1);
+ json += "}";
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ cumulus.LogMessage("Error on line " + linenum + " of " + cumulus.DayFile + ": " + e.Message);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cumulus.LogMessage("Error failed to find day file: " + cumulus.DayFile);
+ }
+ watch.Stop();
+ var elapsed = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"Monthly recs editor Dayfile load = {elapsed} ms");
+ return json;
+ }
+ internal string GetMonthlyRecLogFile()
+ {
+ const string timeStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy HH:mm";
+ const string dateStampFormat = "dd/MM/yy";
+ var json = "{";
+ var datefrom = DateTime.Parse(cumulus.RecordsBeganDate);
+ datefrom = new DateTime(datefrom.Year, datefrom.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+ var dateto = DateTime.Now;
+ dateto = new DateTime(dateto.Year, dateto.Month, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+ var filedate = datefrom;
+ var logFile = cumulus.GetLogFileName(filedate);
+ var started = false;
+ var finished = false;
+ var lastentrydate = datefrom;
+ var currentDay = datefrom;
+ double dayHighTemp = -999;
+ double dayLowTemp = 999;
+ double dayWindRun = 0;
+ double dayRain = 0;
+ var isDryNow = false;
+ var currentDryPeriod = 0;
+ var currentWetPeriod = 0;
+ var rainThreshold = 0.0;
+ if (cumulus.RainDayThreshold > -1)
+ rainThreshold = cumulus.RainDayThreshold;
+ var highTempVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowTempVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highDewPtVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowDewPtVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highAppTempVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowAppTempVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var lowWindChillVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highHeatIndVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highMinTempVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowMaxTempVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highTempRangeVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowTempRangeVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highHumVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowHumVal = new double[] { 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 };
+ var highBaroVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var lowBaroVal = new double[] { 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999 };
+ var highGustVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highWindVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highWindRunVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highRainRateVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highRainHourVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highRainDayVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var highRainMonthVal = new double[] { -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999 };
+ var dryPeriodVal = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ var wetPeriodVal = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ var thisDate = new DateTime(1900, 01, 01);
+ var highTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highDewPtTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowDewPtTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highAppTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowAppTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowWindChillTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highHeatIndTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highMinTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowMaxTempTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highTempRangeTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowTempRangeTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highHumTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowHumTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highBaroTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var lowBaroTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highGustTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highWindTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highWindRunTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highRainRateTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highRainHourTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highRainDayTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var highRainMonthTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var dryPeriodTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var wetPeriodTime = new[] { thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate, thisDate };
+ var thisDateDry = thisDate;
+ var thisDateWet = thisDate;
+ var totalRainfall = 0.0;
+ hourRainLog.Clear();
+ var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
+ while (!finished)
+ {
+ double monthlyRain = 0;
+ if (File.Exists(logFile))
+ {
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"GetMonthlyTimeRecLogFile: Processing log file - {logFile}");
+ var linenum = 0;
+ try
+ {
+ var logfile = File.ReadAllLines(logFile);
+ foreach (var line in logfile)
+ {
+ // process each record in the file
+ linenum++;
+ //var st = new List(Regex.Split(line, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator));
+ // Regex is very expensive, let's assume the separator is always a single character
+ var st = new List(line.Split((CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ListSeparator)[0]));
+ var entrydate = station.ddmmyyhhmmStrToDate(st[0], st[1]);
+ // We need to work in meto dates not clock dates for day hi/lows
+ var metoDate = entrydate.AddHours(cumulus.GetHourInc());
+ var monthOffset = metoDate.Month - 1;
+ double valDbl;
+ if (!started)
+ {
+ lastentrydate = entrydate;
+ currentDay = metoDate;
+ started = true;
+ }
+ var outsidetemp = double.Parse(st[2]);
+ var hum = double.Parse(st[3]);
+ var dewpoint = double.Parse(st[4]);
+ var speed = double.Parse(st[5]);
+ var gust = double.Parse(st[6]);
+ var rainrate = double.Parse(st[8]);
+ var raintoday = double.Parse(st[9]);
+ var pressure = double.Parse(st[10]);
+ if (st.Count > 15 && double.TryParse(st[15], out valDbl))
+ {
+ // low chill
+ if (valDbl < lowWindChillVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowWindChillVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ lowWindChillTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ }
+ if (st.Count > 16 && double.TryParse(st[16], out valDbl))
+ {
+ // hi heat
+ if (valDbl > highHeatIndVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highHeatIndVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highHeatIndTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ }
+ if (st.Count > 21 && double.TryParse(st[21], out valDbl))
+ {
+ // hi appt
+ if (valDbl > highAppTempVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highAppTempVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ highAppTempTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // lo appt
+ if (valDbl < lowAppTempVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowAppTempVal[monthOffset] = valDbl;
+ lowAppTempTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ }
+ // hi temp
+ if (outsidetemp > highTempVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highTempVal[monthOffset] = outsidetemp;
+ highTempTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // lo temp
+ if (outsidetemp < lowTempVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowTempVal[monthOffset] = outsidetemp;
+ lowTempTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // hi dewpoint
+ if (dewpoint > highDewPtVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highDewPtVal[monthOffset] = dewpoint;
+ highDewPtTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // low dewpoint
+ if (dewpoint < lowDewPtVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowDewPtVal[monthOffset] = dewpoint;
+ lowDewPtTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // hi hum
+ if (hum > highHumVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highHumVal[monthOffset] = hum;
+ highHumTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // lo hum
+ if (hum < lowHumVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowHumVal[monthOffset] = hum;
+ lowHumTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // hi baro
+ if (pressure > highBaroVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highBaroVal[monthOffset] = pressure;
+ highBaroTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // lo hum
+ if (pressure < lowBaroVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ lowBaroVal[monthOffset] = pressure;
+ lowBaroTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // hi gust
+ if (gust > highGustVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highGustVal[monthOffset] = gust;
+ highGustTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // hi wind
+ if (speed > highWindVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highWindVal[monthOffset] = speed;
+ highWindTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // hi rain rate
+ if (rainrate > highRainRateVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highRainRateVal[monthOffset] = rainrate;
+ highRainRateTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ if (monthlyRain > highRainMonthVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highRainMonthVal[monthOffset] = monthlyRain;
+ highRainMonthTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ // same meto day
+ if (currentDay.Day == metoDate.Day && currentDay.Month == metoDate.Month && currentDay.Year == metoDate.Year)
+ {
+ if (outsidetemp > dayHighTemp)
+ dayHighTemp = outsidetemp;
+ if (outsidetemp < dayLowTemp)
+ dayLowTemp = outsidetemp;
+ if (dayRain < raintoday)
+ dayRain = raintoday;
+ dayWindRun += entrydate.Subtract(lastentrydate).TotalHours * speed;
+ }
+ else // new meto day
+ {
+ var lastEntryMonthOffset = currentDay.Month - 1;
+ if (dayHighTemp < lowMaxTempVal[lastEntryMonthOffset])
+ {
+ lowMaxTempVal[lastEntryMonthOffset] = dayHighTemp;
+ lowMaxTempTime[lastEntryMonthOffset] = currentDay;
+ }
+ if (dayLowTemp > highMinTempVal[lastEntryMonthOffset])
+ {
+ highMinTempVal[lastEntryMonthOffset] = dayLowTemp;
+ highMinTempTime[lastEntryMonthOffset] = currentDay;
+ }
+ if (dayHighTemp - dayLowTemp > highTempRangeVal[lastEntryMonthOffset])
+ {
+ highTempRangeVal[lastEntryMonthOffset] = dayHighTemp - dayLowTemp;
+ highTempRangeTime[lastEntryMonthOffset] = currentDay;
+ }
+ if (dayHighTemp - dayLowTemp < lowTempRangeVal[lastEntryMonthOffset])
+ {
+ lowTempRangeVal[lastEntryMonthOffset] = dayHighTemp - dayLowTemp;
+ lowTempRangeTime[lastEntryMonthOffset] = currentDay;
+ }
+ if (dayWindRun > highWindRunVal[lastEntryMonthOffset])
+ {
+ highWindRunVal[lastEntryMonthOffset] = dayWindRun;
+ highWindRunTime[lastEntryMonthOffset] = currentDay;
+ }
+ if (dayRain > highRainDayVal[lastEntryMonthOffset])
+ {
+ highRainDayVal[lastEntryMonthOffset] = dayRain;
+ highRainDayTime[lastEntryMonthOffset] = currentDay;
+ }
+ monthlyRain += dayRain;
+ // dry/wet period
+ if (dayRain > rainThreshold)
+ {
+ if (isDryNow)
+ {
+ currentWetPeriod = 1;
+ isDryNow = false;
+ if (currentDryPeriod > dryPeriodVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ dryPeriodVal[monthOffset] = currentDryPeriod;
+ dryPeriodTime[monthOffset] = thisDateDry;
+ }
+ currentDryPeriod = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentWetPeriod++;
+ thisDateWet = currentDay;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (isDryNow)
+ {
+ currentDryPeriod++;
+ thisDateDry = currentDay;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ currentDryPeriod = 1;
+ isDryNow = true;
+ if (currentWetPeriod > wetPeriodVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ wetPeriodVal[monthOffset] = currentWetPeriod;
+ wetPeriodTime[monthOffset] = thisDateWet;
+ }
+ currentWetPeriod = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ currentDay = metoDate;
+ dayHighTemp = outsidetemp;
+ dayLowTemp = outsidetemp;
+ dayWindRun = 0;
+ totalRainfall += dayRain;
+ dayRain = 0;
+ }
+ // hourly rain
+ /*
+ * need to track what the rainfall has been in the last rolling hour
+ * across day rollovers where the count resets
+ */
+ AddLastHourRainEntry(entrydate, totalRainfall + dayRain);
+ RemoveOldRainData(entrydate);
+ var rainThisHour = hourRainLog.Last().Raincounter - hourRainLog.First().Raincounter;
+ if (rainThisHour > highRainHourVal[monthOffset])
+ {
+ highRainHourVal[monthOffset] = rainThisHour;
+ highRainHourTime[monthOffset] = entrydate;
+ }
+ lastentrydate = entrydate;
+ //lastRainMidnight = rainMidnight;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ cumulus.LogMessage($"Error at line {linenum} of {logFile} : {e.Message}");
+ cumulus.LogMessage("Please edit the file to correct the error");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"GetMonthlyRecLogFile: Log file not found - {logFile}");
+ }
+ if (filedate >= dateto)
+ {
+ finished = true;
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage("GetMonthlyRecLogFile: Finished processing the log files");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"GetMonthlyRecLogFile: Finished processing log file - {logFile}");
+ filedate = filedate.AddMonths(1);
+ logFile = cumulus.GetLogFileName(filedate);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++)
+ {
+ var m = i + 1;
+ json += $"\"{m}-highTempValLogfile\":\"" + highTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highTempTimeLogfile\":\"" + highTempTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowTempValLogfile\":\"" + lowTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowTempTimeLogfile\":\"" + lowTempTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDewPointValLogfile\":\"" + highDewPtVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDewPointTimeLogfile\":\"" + highDewPtTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDewPointValLogfile\":\"" + lowDewPtVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDewPointTimeLogfile\":\"" + lowDewPtTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highApparentTempValLogfile\":\"" + highAppTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highApparentTempTimeLogfile\":\"" + highAppTempTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowApparentTempValLogfile\":\"" + lowAppTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowApparentTempTimeLogfile\":\"" + lowAppTempTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowWindChillValLogfile\":\"" + lowWindChillVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowWindChillTimeLogfile\":\"" + lowWindChillTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHeatIndexValLogfile\":\"" + highHeatIndVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHeatIndexTimeLogfile\":\"" + highHeatIndTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMinTempValLogfile\":\"" + highMinTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMinTempTimeLogfile\":\"" + highMinTempTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowMaxTempValLogfile\":\"" + lowMaxTempVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowMaxTempTimeLogfile\":\"" + lowMaxTempTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyTempRangeValLogfile\":\"" + highTempRangeVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyTempRangeTimeLogfile\":\"" + highTempRangeTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDailyTempRangeValLogfile\":\"" + lowTempRangeVal[i].ToString(cumulus.TempFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowDailyTempRangeTimeLogfile\":\"" + lowTempRangeTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHumidityValLogfile\":\"" + highHumVal[i].ToString(cumulus.HumFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHumidityTimeLogfile\":\"" + highHumTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowHumidityValLogfile\":\"" + lowHumVal[i].ToString(cumulus.HumFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowHumidityTimeLogfile\":\"" + lowHumTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highBarometerValLogfile\":\"" + highBaroVal[i].ToString(cumulus.PressFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highBarometerTimeLogfile\":\"" + highBaroTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowBarometerValLogfile\":\"" + lowBaroVal[i].ToString(cumulus.PressFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-lowBarometerTimeLogfile\":\"" + lowBaroTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highGustValLogfile\":\"" + highGustVal[i].ToString(cumulus.WindFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highGustTimeLogfile\":\"" + highGustTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindValLogfile\":\"" + highWindVal[i].ToString(cumulus.WindFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindTimeLogfile\":\"" + highWindTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindRunValLogfile\":\"" + highWindRunVal[i].ToString(cumulus.WindRunFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highWindRunTimeLogfile\":\"" + highWindRunTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highRainRateValLogfile\":\"" + highRainRateVal[i].ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highRainRateTimeLogfile\":\"" + highRainRateTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHourlyRainValLogfile\":\"" + highRainHourVal[i].ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highHourlyRainTimeLogfile\":\"" + highRainHourTime[i].ToString(timeStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyRainValLogfile\":\"" + highRainDayVal[i].ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highDailyRainTimeLogfile\":\"" + highRainDayTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMonthlyRainValLogfile\":\"" + highRainMonthVal[i].ToString(cumulus.RainFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-highMonthlyRainTimeLogfile\":\"" + highRainMonthTime[i].ToString("yyyy/MM") + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestDryPeriodValLogfile\":\"" + dryPeriodVal[i].ToString() + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestDryPeriodTimeLogfile\":\"" + dryPeriodTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestWetPeriodValLogfile\":\"" + wetPeriodVal[i].ToString() + "\",";
+ json += $"\"{m}-longestWetPeriodTimeLogfile\":\"" + wetPeriodTime[i].ToString(dateStampFormat) + "\",";
+ }
+ json = json.Remove(json.Length - 1);
+ json += "}";
+ watch.Stop();
+ var elapsed = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"Monthly recs editor Logfiles load = {elapsed} ms");
+ return json;
+ }
+ internal string GetCurrentCond()
+ {
+ return "{\"data\":\"" + webtags.GetCurrCondText() + "\"}";
+ }
+ internal string EditCurrentCond(IHttpContext context)
+ {
+ var request = context.Request;
+ string text;
+ using (var reader = new StreamReader(request.InputStream, request.ContentEncoding))
+ {
+ text = reader.ReadToEnd();
+ }
+ var result = SetCurrCondText(text);
+ return "{\"result\":\"" + (result ? "Success" : "Failed") + "\"}";
+ }
+ private bool SetCurrCondText(string currCondText)
+ {
+ var fileName = cumulus.AppDir + "currentconditions.txt";
+ try
+ {
+ cumulus.LogMessage("Writing current conditions to file...");
+ File.WriteAllText(fileName, currCondText);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ cumulus.LogMessage("Error writing current conditions to file - " + e.Message);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ internal class JsonEditRainData
+ {
+ public double raintoday { get; set; }
+ public double raincounter { get; set; }
+ public double startofdayrain { get; set; }
+ public double rainmult { get; set; }
+ }
+ */
+ private void AddLastHourRainEntry(DateTime ts, double rain)
+ {
+ var lasthourrain = new LastHourRainLog(ts, rain);
+ hourRainLog.Add(lasthourrain);
private class LastHourRainLog
- public DateTime timestamp;
- public double raincounter;
+ public readonly DateTime Timestamp;
+ public readonly double Raincounter;
public LastHourRainLog(DateTime ts, double rain)
- timestamp = ts;
- raincounter = rain;
+ Timestamp = ts;
+ Raincounter = rain;
private void RemoveOldRainData(DateTime ts)
- DateTime onehourago = ts.AddHours(-1);
+ var onehourago = ts.AddHours(-1);
- if (HourRainLog.Count > 0)
+ if (hourRainLog.Count <= 0) return;
+ // there are entries to consider
+ while ((hourRainLog.Count > 0) && (hourRainLog.First().Timestamp < onehourago))
- // there are entries to consider
- while ((HourRainLog.Count > 0) && (HourRainLog.First().timestamp < onehourago))
- {
- // the oldest entry is older than 1 hour ago, delete it
- HourRainLog.RemoveAt(0);
- }
+ // the oldest entry is older than 1 hour ago, delete it
+ hourRainLog.RemoveAt(0);
diff --git a/CumulusMX/DavisWllStation.cs b/CumulusMX/DavisWllStation.cs
index fb5b8dd5..3abf20f2 100644
--- a/CumulusMX/DavisWllStation.cs
+++ b/CumulusMX/DavisWllStation.cs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO.Ports;
+using System.Linq;
using System.Timers;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Sockets;
@@ -17,11 +18,10 @@ internal class DavisWllStation : WeatherStation
private string ipaddr;
private int port;
private int duration;
- private System.Timers.Timer tmrRealtime;
- private System.Timers.Timer tmrCurrent;
- private ServiceBrowser serviceBrowser;
- private readonly static object threadSafer = new object();
- private static SemaphoreSlim webReq = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
+ private readonly System.Timers.Timer tmrRealtime;
+ private readonly System.Timers.Timer tmrCurrent;
+ private readonly object threadSafer = new object();
+ private static readonly SemaphoreSlim WebReq = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
private bool startupDayResetIfRequired = true;
public DavisWllStation(Cumulus cumulus) : base(cumulus)
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ public DavisWllStation(Cumulus cumulus) : base(cumulus)
//cumulus.UseDataLogger = false;
// WLL does not provide a forecast string, so use the Cumulus forecast
cumulus.UseCumulusForecast = true;
+ // initialise the battery status
+ TxBatText = "1-NA 2-NA 3-NA 4-NA 5-NA 6-NA 7-NA 8-NA";
cumulus.LogMessage("Station type = Davis WLL");
@@ -41,8 +43,8 @@ public DavisWllStation(Cumulus cumulus) : base(cumulus)
// Perform zero-config
// If it works - check IP address in config file and set/update if required
// If it fails - just use the IP address from config file
- string serviceType = "_weatherlinklive._tcp";
- serviceBrowser = new ServiceBrowser();
+ const string serviceType = "_weatherlinklive._tcp";
+ var serviceBrowser = new ServiceBrowser();
serviceBrowser.ServiceAdded += OnServiceAdded;
serviceBrowser.ServiceRemoved += OnServiceRemoved;
serviceBrowser.ServiceChanged += OnServiceChanged;
@@ -65,10 +67,6 @@ public DavisWllStation(Cumulus cumulus) : base(cumulus)
- // destructor
- ~DavisWllStation()
- {
- }
public override void Start()
@@ -82,14 +80,14 @@ public override void Start()
// Create a realtime thread to periodically restart broadcasts
GetWllRealtime(null, null);
- tmrRealtime.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(GetWllRealtime);
+ tmrRealtime.Elapsed += GetWllRealtime;
tmrRealtime.Interval = cumulus.WllBroadcastDuration * 1000;
tmrRealtime.AutoReset = true;
// Create a current conditions thread to poll readings once a minute
GetWllCurrent(null, null);
- tmrCurrent.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(GetWllCurrent);
+ tmrCurrent.Elapsed += GetWllCurrent;
tmrCurrent.Interval = 60 * 1000; // Every 60 seconds
tmrCurrent.AutoReset = true;
@@ -103,16 +101,16 @@ public override void Start()
port = 22222;
// Create a broadcast listener
- UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient();
+ var udpClient = new UdpClient();
udpClient.Client.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
var from = new IPEndPoint(0, 0);
- Task t = Task.Run(() =>
+ Task.Run(() =>
- while (true)
+ while (!Program.exitSystem)
- var recvBuffer = udpClient.Receive(ref from);
- decodeBroadcast(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(recvBuffer));
+ var recvBuffer = udpClient.Receive(ref @from);
+ DecodeBroadcast(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(recvBuffer));
@@ -147,11 +145,10 @@ public override void portDataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs
private async void GetWllRealtime(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
- string ip;
- int retry = 2;
+ var retry = 2;
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("Lock: GetWllRealtime waiting for lock");
- webReq.Wait();
+ WebReq.Wait();
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("Lock: GetWllRealtime has the lock");
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
@@ -162,12 +159,14 @@ private async void GetWllRealtime(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
// Call asynchronous network methods in a try/catch block to handle exceptions
+ string ip;
lock (threadSafer)
ip = ipaddr;
- if (CheckIPValid(ip))
+ if (CheckIpValid(ip))
var urlRealtime = "http://" + ip + "/v1/real_time?duration=" + cumulus.WllBroadcastDuration;
@@ -175,9 +174,9 @@ private async void GetWllRealtime(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Connection", "close");
- HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(urlRealtime);
+ var response = await client.GetAsync(urlRealtime);
- string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
+ var responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
responseBody = responseBody.TrimEnd('\r', '\n');
@@ -185,11 +184,7 @@ private async void GetWllRealtime(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
//Console.WriteLine($" - Realtime response: {responseBody}");
var jObject = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(responseBody);
- string err = (string)jObject["error"];
- if (err == null)
- {
- err = "OK";
- }
+ var err = (string)jObject["error"] ?? "OK";
port = (int)jObject["data"]["broadcast_port"];
duration = (int)jObject["data"]["duration"];
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("GET realtime request WLL response Code: " + err + ", Port: " + (string)jObject["data"]["broadcast_port"]);
@@ -222,28 +217,28 @@ private async void GetWllRealtime(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
} while (retry > 0);
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("Lock: GetWllRealtime releasing lock");
- webReq.Release();
+ WebReq.Release();
private async void GetWllCurrent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
string ip;
- int retry = 2;
+ var retry = 2;
lock (threadSafer)
ip = ipaddr;
- if (CheckIPValid(ip))
+ if (CheckIpValid(ip))
var urlCurrent = $"http://{ip}/v1/current_conditions";
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("Lock: GetWllCurrent waiting for lock");
- webReq.Wait();
+ WebReq.Wait();
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("Lock: GetWllCurrent has the lock");
// The WLL will error if already responding to a request from another device, so add a retry
@@ -258,15 +253,15 @@ private async void GetWllCurrent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Connection", "close");
- HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(urlCurrent);
+ var response = await client.GetAsync(urlCurrent);
- string responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
+ var responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
//Console.WriteLine($" - Current conds response: {responseBody}");
// sanity check
if (responseBody.StartsWith("{\"data\":{\"did\":"))
- decodeCurrent(responseBody);
+ DecodeCurrent(responseBody);
if (startupDayResetIfRequired)
@@ -295,7 +290,7 @@ private async void GetWllCurrent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
} while (retry > 0);
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("Lock: GetWllCurrent releasing lock");
- webReq.Release();
+ WebReq.Release();
@@ -303,10 +298,8 @@ private async void GetWllCurrent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
- private void decodeBroadcast(string broadcastJson)
+ private void DecodeBroadcast(string broadcastJson)
- int txid;
cumulus.LogDataMessage("WLL Broadcast: " + broadcastJson);
@@ -319,7 +312,7 @@ private void decodeBroadcast(string broadcastJson)
var dateTime = DateTime.Now;
foreach (var rec in data["conditions"])
- txid = (int)rec["txid"];
+ var txid = (int)rec["txid"];
// Wind
/* Available fields:
@@ -330,7 +323,7 @@ private void decodeBroadcast(string broadcastJson)
if (cumulus.WllPrimaryWind == txid)
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_speed_last"]) || String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_dir_last"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_speed_last"]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_dir_last"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL broadcast: no valid wind speed found [speed={(string)rec["wind_speed_last"]}, dir= {(string)rec["wind_dir_last"]}] on TxId {txid}");
@@ -370,36 +363,35 @@ private void decodeBroadcast(string broadcastJson)
* rec["rainfall_monthly"]
* rec["rainfall_year"])
- if (cumulus.WllPrimaryRain == txid)
+ if (cumulus.WllPrimaryRain != txid) continue;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rainfall_year"]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rain_rate_last"]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rain_size"]))
+ {
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL broadcast: no valid rainfall found [total={(string)rec["rainfall_year"]}, rate= {(string)rec["rain_rate_last"]}] on TxId {txid}");
+ }
+ else
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rainfall_year"]) || String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rain_rate_last"]) || String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rain_size"]))
+ var rain = ConvertRainClicksToUser((double)rec["rainfall_year"], (int)rec["rain_size"]);
+ var rainrate = ConvertRainClicksToUser((double)rec["rain_rate_last"], (int)rec["rain_size"]);
+ if (rainrate < 0)
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL broadcast: no valid rainfall found [total={(string)rec["rainfall_year"]}, rate= {(string)rec["rain_rate_last"]}] on TxId {txid}");
+ rainrate = 0;
- else
- {
- double rain = ConvertRainClicksToUser((double)rec["rainfall_year"], (int)rec["rain_size"]);
- double rainrate = ConvertRainClicksToUser((double)rec["rain_rate_last"], (int)rec["rain_size"]);
- if (rainrate < 0)
- {
- rainrate = 0;
- }
- DoRain(rain, rainrate, dateTime);
- }
+ DoRain(rain, rainrate, dateTime);
catch (Exception exp)
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage("decodeBroadcast(): Exception Caught!");
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage("DecodeBroadcast(): Exception Caught!");
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"Message :" + exp.Message);
- private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
+ private void DecodeCurrent(string currentJson)
@@ -417,9 +409,10 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
foreach (var rec in data["conditions"])
- int type = (int)rec["data_structure_type"];
+ var type = (int)rec["data_structure_type"];
int txid;
string idx;
+ uint batt;
switch (type)
@@ -428,6 +421,10 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: found ISS data on TxId {txid}");
+ // Battery
+ batt = (uint)rec["trans_battery_flag"];
+ SetTxBatteryStatus(txid, batt);
// Temperature & Humidity
if (cumulus.WllPrimaryTempHum == txid)
@@ -442,7 +439,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
* "thsw_index": 5.5, // **(°F)**
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["temp"]) || (int)rec["temp"] == -99)
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["temp"]) || (int)rec["temp"] == -99)
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid Primary temperature value found [{(string)rec["temp"]}] on TxId {txid}");
@@ -450,7 +447,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: using temp/hum data from TxId {txid}");
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["hum"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["hum"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid Primary humidity value found [{(string)rec["hum"]}] on TxId {txid}");
@@ -461,7 +458,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
DoOutdoorTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec["temp"]), dateTime);
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["dew_point"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["dew_point"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid dewpoint value found [{(string)rec["dew_point"]}] on TxId {txid}");
@@ -473,7 +470,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
if (!cumulus.CalculatedWC)
// use wind chill from WLL
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_chill"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_chill"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid wind chill value found [{(string)rec["wind_chill"]}] on TxId {txid}");
@@ -489,31 +486,29 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
{ // Check for Extra temperature/humidity settings
- for (int tempTxId = 1; tempTxId <= 8; tempTxId++)
+ for (var tempTxId = 1; tempTxId <= 8; tempTxId++)
- if (cumulus.WllExtraTempTx[tempTxId - 1] == txid)
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraTempTx[tempTxId - 1] != txid) continue;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["temp"]) || (int)rec["temp"] == -99)
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["temp"]) || (int)rec["temp"] == -99)
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid Extra temperature value found [{(string)rec["temp"]}] on TxId {txid}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: using extra temp data from TxId {txid}");
+ DoExtraTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec["temp"]), tempTxId);
+ if (!cumulus.WllExtraHumTx[tempTxId - 1]) continue;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["hum"]))
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid Extra temperature value found [{(string)rec["temp"]}] on TxId {txid}");
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid Extra humidity value found [{(string)rec["hum"]}] on TxId {txid}");
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: using extra temp data from TxId {txid}");
- DoExtraTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec["temp"]), tempTxId);
- if (cumulus.WllExtraHumTx[tempTxId - 1])
- {
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["hum"]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid Extra humidity value found [{(string)rec["hum"]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoExtraHum((int)rec["hum"], tempTxId);
- }
- }
+ DoExtraHum((int)rec["hum"], tempTxId);
@@ -538,7 +533,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
* "wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min":0.0, // gust wind direction over last 10 min **(°degree)**
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_speed_last"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_speed_last"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no wind_speed_last value found [{(string)rec["wind_speed_last"]}] on TxId {txid}");
@@ -548,7 +543,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
DoWind((double)rec["wind_speed_last"], (int)rec["wind_dir_last"], (double)rec["wind_speed_avg_last_10_min"], dateTime);
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_speed_avg_last_10_min"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_speed_avg_last_10_min"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("WLL current: no wind speed 10 min average value found [avg=" +
(string)rec["wind_speed_avg_last_10_min"] + "] on TxId " + txid);
@@ -562,8 +557,8 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
// See if the current speed is higher than the current 10-min max
// We can then update the figure before the next LOOP2 packet is read
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_speed_hi_last_10_min"]) ||
- String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_speed_hi_last_10_min"]) ||
+ string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("WLL current: no wind speed 10 min high values found [speed=" +
(string)rec["wind_speed_hi_last_10_min"] +
@@ -623,9 +618,9 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
//DoRain(rain, rainrate, dateTime);
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rain_storm"]) ||
- String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rain_storm_start_at"]) ||
- String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rain_size"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rain_storm"]) ||
+ string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rain_storm_start_at"]) ||
+ string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["rain_size"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("WLL current: no rain storm values found [speed=" +
(string)rec["rain_storm"] +
@@ -643,7 +638,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
if (cumulus.WllPrimaryUV == txid)
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["uv_index"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["uv_index"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid UV value found [{(string)rec["uv_index"]}] on TxId {txid}");
@@ -656,7 +651,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
if (cumulus.WllPrimarySolar == txid)
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["solar_rad"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["solar_rad"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid Solar value found [{(string)rec["solar_rad"]}] on TxId {txid}");
@@ -668,166 +663,171 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
- case 2: // Leaf/Soil Mositure
- /*
- * Available fields
- * "temp_1":null, // most recent valid soil temp slot 1 **(°F)**
- * "temp_2":null, // most recent valid soil temp slot 2 **(°F)**
- * "temp_3":null, // most recent valid soil temp slot 3 **(°F)**
- * "temp_4":null, // most recent valid soil temp slot 4 **(°F)**
- * "moist_soil_1":null, // most recent valid soil moisture slot 1 **(|cb|)**
- * "moist_soil_2":null, // most recent valid soil moisture slot 2 **(|cb|)**
- * "moist_soil_3":null, // most recent valid soil moisture slot 3 **(|cb|)**
- * "moist_soil_4":null, // most recent valid soil moisture slot 4 **(|cb|)**
- * "wet_leaf_1":null, // most recent valid leaf wetness slot 1 **(no unit)**
- * "wet_leaf_2":null, // most recent valid leaf wetness slot 2 **(no unit)**
- * "rx_state":null, // configured radio receiver state **(no unit)**
- * "trans_battery_flag":null // transmitter battery status flag **(no unit)**
- */
- txid = (int)rec["txid"];
+ case 2: // Leaf/Soil Moisture
+ /*
+ * Available fields
+ * "temp_1":null, // most recent valid soil temp slot 1 **(°F)**
+ * "temp_2":null, // most recent valid soil temp slot 2 **(°F)**
+ * "temp_3":null, // most recent valid soil temp slot 3 **(°F)**
+ * "temp_4":null, // most recent valid soil temp slot 4 **(°F)**
+ * "moist_soil_1":null, // most recent valid soil moisture slot 1 **(|cb|)**
+ * "moist_soil_2":null, // most recent valid soil moisture slot 2 **(|cb|)**
+ * "moist_soil_3":null, // most recent valid soil moisture slot 3 **(|cb|)**
+ * "moist_soil_4":null, // most recent valid soil moisture slot 4 **(|cb|)**
+ * "wet_leaf_1":null, // most recent valid leaf wetness slot 1 **(no unit)**
+ * "wet_leaf_2":null, // most recent valid leaf wetness slot 2 **(no unit)**
+ * "rx_state":null, // configured radio receiver state **(no unit)**
+ * "trans_battery_flag":null // transmitter battery status flag **(no unit)**
+ */
+ txid = (int)rec["txid"];
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: found Leaf/Soil data on TxId {txid}");
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: found Leaf/Soil data on TxId {txid}");
- // Leaf wetness
- if (cumulus.WllExtraLeafTx1 == txid)
+ // Battery
+ batt = (uint)rec["trans_battery_flag"];
+ SetTxBatteryStatus(txid, batt);
+ // Leaf wetness
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraLeafTx1 == txid)
+ {
+ idx = "wet_leaf_" + cumulus.WllExtraLeafIdx1;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- idx = "wet_leaf_" + cumulus.WllExtraLeafIdx1;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid leaf wetness #{cumulus.WllExtraLeafIdx1} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoLeafWetness((double)rec[idx], 1);
- }
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid leaf wetness #{cumulus.WllExtraLeafIdx1} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- if (cumulus.WllExtraLeafTx2 == txid)
+ else
- idx = "wet_leaf_" + cumulus.WllExtraLeafIdx2;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid leaf wetness #{cumulus.WllExtraLeafIdx2} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoLeafWetness((double)rec[idx], 2);
- }
+ DoLeafWetness((double)rec[idx], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraLeafTx2 == txid)
+ {
+ idx = "wet_leaf_" + cumulus.WllExtraLeafIdx2;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
+ {
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid leaf wetness #{cumulus.WllExtraLeafIdx2} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DoLeafWetness((double)rec[idx], 2);
+ }
- // Soil moisture
- if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureTx1 == txid)
+ // Soil moisture
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureTx1 == txid)
+ {
+ idx = "moist_soil_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx1;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- idx = "moist_soil_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx1;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid soil moisture #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx1} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoSoilMoisture((double)rec[idx], 1);
- }
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid soil moisture #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx1} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureTx2 == txid)
+ else
- idx = "moist_soil_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx2;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid soil moisture #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx2} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoSoilMoisture((double)rec[idx], 2);
- }
+ DoSoilMoisture((double)rec[idx], 1);
- if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureTx3 == txid)
+ }
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureTx2 == txid)
+ {
+ idx = "moist_soil_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx2;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- idx = "moist_soil_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx3;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid soil moisture #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx3} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoSoilMoisture((double)rec[idx], 3);
- }
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid soil moisture #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx2} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureTx4 == txid)
+ else
- idx = "moist_soil_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx4;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid soil moisture #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx4} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoSoilMoisture((double)rec[idx], 4);
- }
+ DoSoilMoisture((double)rec[idx], 2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureTx3 == txid)
+ {
+ idx = "moist_soil_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx3;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
+ {
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid soil moisture #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx3} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DoSoilMoisture((double)rec[idx], 3);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureTx4 == txid)
+ {
+ idx = "moist_soil_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx4;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
+ {
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid soil moisture #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilMoistureIdx4} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DoSoilMoisture((double)rec[idx], 4);
+ }
- // SoilTemperature
- if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempTx1 == txid)
+ // SoilTemperature
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempTx1 == txid)
+ {
+ idx = "temp_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx1;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- idx = "temp_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx1;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid extra soil temp #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx1} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoSoilTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec[idx]), 1);
- }
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid extra soil temp #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx1} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempTx2 == txid)
+ else
- idx = "temp_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx2;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid extra soil temp #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx2} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoSoilTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec[idx]), 2);
- }
+ DoSoilTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec[idx]), 1);
- if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempTx3 == txid)
+ }
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempTx2 == txid)
+ {
+ idx = "temp_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx2;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- idx = "temp_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx3;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid extra soil temp #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx3} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoSoilTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec[idx]), 3);
- }
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid extra soil temp #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx2} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempTx4 == txid)
+ else
- idx = "temp_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx4;
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid extra soil temp #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx4} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
- }
- else
- {
- DoSoilTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec[idx]), 4);
- }
+ DoSoilTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec[idx]), 2);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempTx3 == txid)
+ {
+ idx = "temp_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx3;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
+ {
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid extra soil temp #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx3} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DoSoilTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec[idx]), 3);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempTx4 == txid)
+ {
+ idx = "temp_" + cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx4;
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec[idx]))
+ {
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid extra soil temp #{cumulus.WllExtraSoilTempIdx4} found [{(string)rec[idx]}] on TxId {txid}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DoSoilTemp(ConvertTempFToUser((double)rec[idx]), 4);
+ }
- // TODO: Extra Humidity? No type for this on WLL
- break;
+ // TODO: Extra Humidity? No type for this on WLL
+ break;
- case 3: // Barometer
- /*
- * Available fields:
- * rec["bar_sea_level"]
- * rec["bar_absolute"]
- * rec["bar_trend"]
- */
+ case 3: // Barometer
+ /*
+ * Available fields:
+ * rec["bar_sea_level"]
+ * rec["bar_absolute"]
+ * rec["bar_trend"]
+ */
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("WLL current: found Baro data");
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["bar_sea_level"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["bar_sea_level"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid baro reading found [{(string)rec["bar_sea_level"]}]");
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("WLL current: found Indoor temp/hum data");
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["temp_in"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["temp_in"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid temp-in reading found [{(string)rec["temp_in"]}]");
@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["hum_in"]))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)rec["hum_in"]))
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: no valid humidity-in reading found [{(string)rec["hum_in"]}]");
@@ -869,6 +869,10 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
+ default:
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"WLL current: found an unknown tramsmitter type [{type}]!");
+ break;
DoForecast("", false);
@@ -901,7 +905,7 @@ private void decodeCurrent(string currentJson)
- private DateTime FromUnixTime(long unixTime)
+ private static DateTime FromUnixTime(long unixTime)
// WWL uses UTC ticks, convert to local time
var utcTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddSeconds(unixTime);
@@ -965,15 +969,15 @@ private void PrintService(char startChar, ServiceAnnouncement service)
lock (threadSafer)
ipaddr = service.Addresses[0].ToString();
- }
- if (cumulus.VP2IPAddr != ipaddr)
- {
- cumulus.LogMessage("WLL IP address changed from " + cumulus.VP2IPAddr + " to " + ipaddr);
- cumulus.VP2IPAddr = ipaddr;
- }
- else
- {
- cumulus.LogMessage("WLL found at IP address " + ipaddr);
+ if (cumulus.VP2IPAddr != ipaddr)
+ {
+ cumulus.LogMessage("WLL IP address changed from " + cumulus.VP2IPAddr + " to " + ipaddr);
+ cumulus.VP2IPAddr = ipaddr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cumulus.LogMessage("WLL found at IP address " + ipaddr);
+ }
@@ -1019,23 +1023,39 @@ internal double ConvertRainClicksToUser(double clicks, int size)
- private Boolean CheckIPValid(String strIP)
+ private static bool CheckIpValid(string strIp)
- if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strIP))
+ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIp))
return false;
// Split string by ".", check that array length is 4
- string[] arrOctets = strIP.Split('.');
+ var arrOctets = strIp.Split('.');
if (arrOctets.Length != 4)
return false;
//Check each substring checking that parses to byte
- byte obyte = 0;
- foreach (string strOctet in arrOctets)
- if (!byte.TryParse(strOctet, out obyte))
- return false;
- return true;
+ return arrOctets.All(strOctet => byte.TryParse(strOctet, out _));
+ private void SetTxBatteryStatus(int txId, uint status)
+ {
+ // Split the string
+ var delimiters = new[] { ' ', '-' };
+ var sl = TxBatText.Split(delimiters);
+ TxBatText = "";
+ for (var i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
+ {
+ TxBatText += i;
+ if (i == txId)
+ {
+ TxBatText += (status == 0 ? "-OK " : "-LOW ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TxBatText += "-" + sl[(i-1) * 2 + 1] + " ";
+ }
+ }
+ TxBatText = TxBatText.Trim();
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CumulusMX/GW1000Station.cs b/CumulusMX/GW1000Station.cs
index 43ef4e1d..2af8b94f 100644
--- a/CumulusMX/GW1000Station.cs
+++ b/CumulusMX/GW1000Station.cs
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO.Ports;
-using System.IO;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
namespace CumulusMX
@@ -14,9 +12,9 @@ namespace CumulusMX
internal class GW1000Station : WeatherStation
private readonly string ipaddr;
- private static int port = 45000;
+ private const int AT_port = 45000;
private int lastMinute;
- bool tenMinuteChanged = true;
+ private bool tenMinuteChanged = true;
private TcpClient socket;
private bool connectedOK = false;
@@ -120,6 +118,7 @@ private enum CommandRespSize : int
ch8 = 1 << 7
+ /*
private enum _wh41_ch : UInt16
ch1 = 15 << 0,
@@ -127,8 +126,9 @@ private enum _wh41_ch : UInt16
ch3 = 15 << 8,
ch4 = 15 << 12
+ */
- [Flags] private enum _wh51_ch : UInt16
+ [Flags] private enum _wh51_ch : UInt32
ch1 = 1 << 0,
ch2 = 1 << 1,
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ public GW1000Station(Cumulus cumulus) : base(cumulus)
ipaddr = cumulus.Gw1000IpAddress;
- cumulus.LogMessage("IP address = " + ipaddr + " Port = " + port);
+ cumulus.LogMessage("IP address = " + ipaddr + " Port = " + AT_port);
socket = OpenTcpPort();
connectedOK = socket != null;
@@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ public GW1000Station(Cumulus cumulus) : base(cumulus)
if (connectedOK)
// Get the firmware version as check we are communicating
- GW1000FirmwareVersion = getFirmwareVersion();
+ GW1000FirmwareVersion = GetFirmwareVersion();
cumulus.LogMessage($"GW1000 firmware version: {GW1000FirmwareVersion}");
- getSensorIds();
+ GetSensorIds();
timerStartNeeded = true;
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ private TcpClient OpenTcpPort()
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("GW1000 Connect attempt " + attempt);
- client = new TcpClient(ipaddr, port);
+ client = new TcpClient(ipaddr, AT_port);
if (!client.Connected)
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ private TcpClient OpenTcpPort()
// Set the timeout of the underlying stream
- if (!(client == null))
+ if (client != null)
client.GetStream().ReadTimeout = 2500;
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("GW1000 reconnected");
@@ -327,8 +327,11 @@ public override void Start()
- socket.GetStream().WriteByte(10);
- socket.Close();
+ if (socket != null)
+ {
+ socket.GetStream().WriteByte(10);
+ socket.Close();
+ }
@@ -361,9 +364,9 @@ private void bw_DoStart(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
- private string getFirmwareVersion()
+ private string GetFirmwareVersion()
- string response = "???";
+ var response = "???";
cumulus.LogMessage("Reading firmware version");
var data = DoCommand((byte)Commands.CMD_READ_FIRMWARE_VERSION);
@@ -374,7 +377,7 @@ private string getFirmwareVersion()
return response;
- private bool getSensorIds()
+ private bool GetSensorIds()
cumulus.LogMessage("Reading sensor ids");
@@ -398,7 +401,7 @@ private bool getSensorIds()
for (int i = 4; i < data[3]; i += 7)
- printSensorInfo(data, i);
+ PrintSensorInfo(data, i);
return true;
@@ -409,26 +412,26 @@ private bool getSensorIds()
- private void printSensorInfo(byte[] data, int idx)
+ private void PrintSensorInfo(byte[] data, int idx)
- var id = convertBigEndianUInt32(data, idx + 1);
+ var id = ConvertBigEndianUInt32(data, idx + 1);
+ var type = Enum.GetName(typeof(SensorIds), data[idx]);
- string type = Enum.GetName(typeof(SensorIds), data[idx]);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
type = $"unknown type = {id}";
- if (id == 0xFFFFFFFE)
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($" - {type} sensor = disabled");
- }
- else if (id == 0xFFFFFFFF)
- {
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($" - {type} sensor = registering");
- }
- else
+ switch (id)
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage($" - {type} sensor id = {id} signal = {data[idx+5]} battery = {data[idx+6]}");
+ case 0xFFFFFFFE:
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($" - {type} sensor = disabled");
+ break;
+ case 0xFFFFFFFF:
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($" - {type} sensor = registering");
+ break;
+ default:
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage($" - {type} sensor id = {id} signal = {data[idx+5]} battery = {data[idx+6]}");
+ break;
@@ -467,38 +470,38 @@ public void GetLiveData()
Int16 tempInt16;
UInt16 tempUint16;
UInt32 tempUint32;
- int idx = 5;
+ var idx = 5;
var dateTime = DateTime.Now;
- ushort size = convertBigEndianUInt16(data, 3);
- int chan = 0;
+ var size = ConvertBigEndianUInt16(data, 3);
+ int chan;
- double windSpeedLast, rainRateLast, rainLast, gustLast;
- windSpeedLast = rainRateLast = rainLast = gustLast = 0;
- int windDirLast = 0;
+ double rainRateLast, rainLast, gustLast;
+ var windSpeedLast = rainRateLast = rainLast = gustLast = 0;
+ var windDirLast = 0;
switch (data[idx++])
case 0x01: //Indoor Temperature (℃)
- tempInt16 = convertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
+ tempInt16 = ConvertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
DoIndoorTemp(ConvertTempCToUser(tempInt16 / 10.0));
idx += 2;
case 0x02: //Outdoor Temperature (℃)
- tempInt16 = convertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
+ tempInt16 = ConvertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
DoOutdoorTemp(ConvertTempCToUser(tempInt16 / 10.0), dateTime);
idx += 2;
case 0x03: //Dew point (℃)
- tempInt16 = convertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
+ tempInt16 = ConvertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
DoOutdoorDewpoint(ConvertTempCToUser(tempInt16 / 10.0), dateTime);
idx += 2;
case 0x04: //Wind chill (℃)
if (!cumulus.CalculatedWC)
- tempInt16 = convertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
+ tempInt16 = ConvertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
DoWindChill(ConvertTempFToUser(tempInt16 / 10.0), dateTime);
idx += 2;
@@ -519,28 +522,28 @@ public void GetLiveData()
idx += 2;
case 0x09: //Relative Barometric (hpa)
- tempUint16 = convertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx);
+ tempUint16 = ConvertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx);
DoPressure(ConvertPressMBToUser(tempUint16 / 10.0), dateTime);
DoPressTrend("Pressure trend");
idx += 2;
case 0x0A: //Wind Direction (360°)
- windDirLast = convertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx);
+ windDirLast = ConvertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx);
idx += 2;
case 0x0B: //Wind Speed (m/s)
- windSpeedLast = ConvertWindMSToUser(convertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx) / 10.0);
+ windSpeedLast = ConvertWindMSToUser(ConvertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx) / 10.0);
idx += 2;
case 0x0C: // Gust speed (m/s)
- gustLast = ConvertWindMSToUser(convertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx) / 10.0);
+ gustLast = ConvertWindMSToUser(ConvertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx) / 10.0);
idx += 2;
case 0x0D: //Rain Event (mm)
idx += 2;
case 0x0E: //Rain Rate (mm/h)
- rainRateLast = ConvertRainMMToUser(convertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx) / 10.0);
+ rainRateLast = ConvertRainMMToUser(ConvertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx) / 10.0);
idx += 2;
case 0x0F: //Rain hour (mm)
@@ -556,7 +559,7 @@ public void GetLiveData()
idx += 4;
case 0x13: //Rain Year (mm)
- rainLast = ConvertRainMMToUser(convertBigEndianUInt32(data, idx) / 10.0);
+ rainLast = ConvertRainMMToUser(ConvertBigEndianUInt32(data, idx) / 10.0);
idx += 4;
case 0x14: //Rain Totals (mm)
@@ -564,7 +567,7 @@ public void GetLiveData()
case 0x15: //Light (lux)
// convert LUX to W/m2 - approximately!
- tempUint32 = (UInt32)(convertBigEndianUInt32(data, idx) * cumulus.LuxToWM2 / 10.0);
+ tempUint32 = (UInt32)(ConvertBigEndianUInt32(data, idx) * cumulus.LuxToWM2 / 10.0);
DoSolarRad((int)tempUint32, dateTime);
idx += 4;
@@ -590,7 +593,7 @@ public void GetLiveData()
case 0x20: //Temperature 7(℃)
case 0x21: //Temperature 8(℃)
chan = data[idx - 1] - 0x1A + 1;
- tempInt16 = convertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
+ tempInt16 = ConvertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
DoExtraTemp(ConvertTempCToUser(tempInt16 / 10.0), chan);
idx += 2;
@@ -624,7 +627,7 @@ public void GetLiveData()
case 0x49: //Soil Temperature16 (℃)
chan = data[idx - 1] - 0x2B + 1;
chan += (chan - 1);
- tempInt16 = convertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
+ tempInt16 = ConvertBigEndianInt16(data, idx);
DoSoilTemp(ConvertTempCToUser(tempInt16 / 10.0), chan);
idx += 2;
@@ -647,7 +650,7 @@ public void GetLiveData()
// figure out the channel number
chan = data[idx - 1] - 0x2C + 1;
chan += (chan - 1);
- DoSoilMoisture((double)data[idx], chan);
+ DoSoilMoisture(data[idx], chan);
idx += 1;
case 0x4C: //All sensor lowbatt 16 char
@@ -660,7 +663,7 @@ public void GetLiveData()
idx += 16;
case 0x2A: //PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor(μg/m3)
- tempUint16 = convertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx);
+ tempUint16 = ConvertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx);
DoAirQuality(tempUint16 / 10.0, 1);
idx += 2;
@@ -669,7 +672,7 @@ public void GetLiveData()
case 0x4F: //for pm25_ch3
case 0x50: //for pm25_ch4
chan = data[idx - 1] - 0x4D + 1;
- tempUint16 = convertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx);
+ tempUint16 = ConvertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx);
DoAirQualityAvg(tempUint16 / 10.0, chan);
idx += 2;
@@ -677,7 +680,7 @@ public void GetLiveData()
case 0x52: //PM2.5 ch_3 Air Quality Sensor(μg/m3)
case 0x53: //PM2.5 ch_4 Air Quality Sensor(μg/m3)
chan = data[idx - 1] - 0x51 + 2;
- tempUint16 = convertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx);
+ tempUint16 = ConvertBigEndianUInt16(data, idx);
DoAirQuality(tempUint16 / 10.0, chan);
idx += 2;
@@ -695,15 +698,15 @@ public void GetLiveData()
idx += 1;
case 0x62: //Lightning time (UTC)
- tempUint32 = convertBigEndianUInt32(data, idx);
- System.DateTime dtDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
+ tempUint32 = ConvertBigEndianUInt32(data, idx);
+ var dtDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
dtDateTime = dtDateTime.AddSeconds(tempUint32).ToLocalTime();
//cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"Lightning time={dtDateTime}");
LightningTime = dtDateTime;
idx += 4;
case 0x63: //Lightning strikes today
- tempUint32 = convertBigEndianUInt32(data, idx);
+ tempUint32 = ConvertBigEndianUInt32(data, idx);
cumulus.LogDebugMessage($"Lightning power={tempUint32}");
LightningStrikesToday = (int)tempUint32;
idx += 4;
@@ -769,22 +772,22 @@ public override void portDataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs
- private byte[] DoCommand(byte Command)
+ private byte[] DoCommand(byte command)
- byte[] buffer = new byte[2028];
+ var buffer = new byte[2028];
byte[] data;
var bytesRead = 0;
- var cmdName = Enum.GetName(typeof(Commands), Command);
+ var cmdName = Enum.GetName(typeof(Commands), command);
- CommandPayload payload = new CommandPayload(Command);
- CommTimer tmrComm = new CommTimer();
+ var payload = new CommandPayload(command);
+ var tmrComm = new CommTimer();
- byte[] bytes = payload.Serialise();
+ var bytes = payload.Serialise();
- NetworkStream stream = socket.GetStream();
+ var stream = socket.GetStream();
stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
@@ -809,7 +812,7 @@ private byte[] DoCommand(byte Command)
// Check the response is to our command and checksum is OK
- if (buffer[2] != Command || !ChecksumOK(buffer, (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommandRespSize), cmdName)))
+ if (buffer[2] != command || !ChecksumOK(buffer, (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommandRespSize), cmdName)))
cumulus.LogMessage($"DoCommand({cmdName}): Invalid response");
cumulus.LogDataMessage("Received 0x" + BitConverter.ToString(buffer, 0, bytesRead - 1));
@@ -844,58 +847,58 @@ private void DoBatteryStatus(byte[] data, int index)
BatteryStatus status = (BatteryStatus)RawDeserialize(data, index, typeof(BatteryStatus));
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("battery status...");
- var str = "singles> wh24=" + testBattery1(status.single, (byte)_sig_sen.wh24);
- str += " wh25=" + testBattery1(status.single, (byte)_sig_sen.wh25);
- str += " wh26=" + testBattery1(status.single, (byte)_sig_sen.wh26);
- str += " wh40=" + testBattery1(status.single, (byte)_sig_sen.wh40);
+ var str = "singles> wh24=" + TestBattery1(status.single, (byte)_sig_sen.wh24);
+ str += " wh25=" + TestBattery1(status.single, (byte)_sig_sen.wh25);
+ str += " wh26=" + TestBattery1(status.single, (byte)_sig_sen.wh26);
+ str += " wh40=" + TestBattery1(status.single, (byte)_sig_sen.wh40);
- str = "wh31> ch1=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch1);
- str += " ch2=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch2);
- str += " ch3=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch3);
- str += " ch4=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch4);
- str += " ch5=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch5);
- str += " ch6=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch6);
- str += " ch7=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch7);
- str += " ch8=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch8);
+ str = "wh31> ch1=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch1);
+ str += " ch2=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch2);
+ str += " ch3=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch3);
+ str += " ch4=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch4);
+ str += " ch5=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch5);
+ str += " ch6=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch6);
+ str += " ch7=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch7);
+ str += " ch8=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh31_ch.ch8);
- str = "wh41> ch1=" + testBattery2(status.wh41, 0x0F);
- str += " ch2=" + testBattery2((UInt16)(status.wh41 >> 4), 0x0F);
- str += " ch3=" + testBattery2((UInt16)(status.wh41 >> 8), 0x0F);
- str += " ch4=" + testBattery2((UInt16)(status.wh41 >> 12), 0x0F);
+ str = "wh41> ch1=" + TestBattery2(status.wh41, 0x0F);
+ str += " ch2=" + TestBattery2((UInt16)(status.wh41 >> 4), 0x0F);
+ str += " ch3=" + TestBattery2((UInt16)(status.wh41 >> 8), 0x0F);
+ str += " ch4=" + TestBattery2((UInt16)(status.wh41 >> 12), 0x0F);
- str = "wh51> ch1=" + testBattery1(status.wh51, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch1);
- str += " ch2=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch2);
- str += " ch3=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch3);
- str += " ch4=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch4);
- str += " ch5=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch5);
- str += " ch6=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch6);
- str += " ch7=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch7);
- str += " ch8=" + testBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch8);
+ str = "wh51> ch1=" + TestBattery1(status.wh51, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch1);
+ str += " ch2=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch2);
+ str += " ch3=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch3);
+ str += " ch4=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch4);
+ str += " ch5=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch5);
+ str += " ch6=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch6);
+ str += " ch7=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch7);
+ str += " ch8=" + TestBattery1(status.wh31, (byte)_wh51_ch.ch8);
- cumulus.LogDebugMessage("wh57> " + testBattery3(status.wh57));
+ cumulus.LogDebugMessage("wh57> " + TestBattery3(status.wh57));
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("wh68> " + (0.02 * status.wh68) + "V");
cumulus.LogDebugMessage("wh80> " + (0.02 * status.wh80) + "V");
- str = "wh55> ch1=" + testBattery3(status.wh55_ch1);
- str += " ch2=" + testBattery3(status.wh55_ch2);
- str += " ch3=" + testBattery3(status.wh55_ch2);
- str += " ch4=" + testBattery3(status.wh55_ch2);
+ str = "wh55> ch1=" + TestBattery3(status.wh55_ch1);
+ str += " ch2=" + TestBattery3(status.wh55_ch2);
+ str += " ch3=" + TestBattery3(status.wh55_ch2);
+ str += " ch4=" + TestBattery3(status.wh55_ch2);
- private string testBattery1(byte value, byte mask)
+ private string TestBattery1(byte value, byte mask)
if ((value & mask) == 0)
return "OK";
return "Low";
- private string testBattery1(UInt16 value, UInt16 mask)
+ private string TestBattery1(UInt16 value, UInt16 mask)
if ((value & mask) == 0)
return "OK";
@@ -903,7 +906,7 @@ private string testBattery1(UInt16 value, UInt16 mask)
return "Low";
- private string testBattery2(UInt16 value, UInt16 mask)
+ private string TestBattery2(UInt16 value, UInt16 mask)
if ((value & mask) > 1)
return "OK";
@@ -911,7 +914,7 @@ private string testBattery2(UInt16 value, UInt16 mask)
return "Low";
- private string testBattery3(byte value)
+ private string TestBattery3(byte value)
if (value > 1)
return "OK";
@@ -935,7 +938,7 @@ public static object RawDeserialize(byte[] rawData, int position, Type anyType)
private struct CommandPayload
private readonly ushort Header;
- public byte Command;
+ private readonly byte Command;
private readonly byte Size;
//public byte[] Data;
private readonly byte Checksum;
@@ -943,6 +946,7 @@ private struct CommandPayload
//public CommandPayload(byte command, byte[] data) : this()
public CommandPayload(byte command) : this()
+ //ushort header;
this.Header = 0xffff;
this.Command = command;
this.Size = (byte) (Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CommandPayload)) - 3);
@@ -1033,7 +1037,7 @@ private bool ChecksumOK(byte[] data, int lengthBytes)
- size = convertBigEndianUInt16(data, 3);
+ size = ConvertBigEndianUInt16(data, 3);
byte checksum = (byte)(data[2] + data[3]);
@@ -1053,53 +1057,52 @@ private bool ChecksumOK(byte[] data, int lengthBytes)
- private UInt16 convertBigEndianUInt16(byte[] array, int start)
+ private static UInt16 ConvertBigEndianUInt16(byte[] array, int start)
return (UInt16)(array[start] << 8 | array[start+1]);
- private Int16 convertBigEndianInt16(byte[] array, int start)
+ private static Int16 ConvertBigEndianInt16(byte[] array, int start)
return (Int16)((array[start] << 8) + array[start + 1]);
- private UInt32 convertBigEndianUInt32(byte[] array, int start)
+ private static UInt32 ConvertBigEndianUInt32(byte[] array, int start)
return (UInt32)(array[start++] << 24 | array[start++] << 16 | array[start++] << 8 | array[start]);
private void CheckHighGust(double gust, int gustdir, DateTime timestamp)
- if (gust > RecentMaxGust)
- {
- if (gust > highgusttoday)
- {
- highgusttoday = gust;
- highgusttodaytime = timestamp;
- highgustbearing = gustdir;
- WriteTodayFile(timestamp, false);
- }
- if (gust > HighGustThisMonth)
- {
- HighGustThisMonth = gust;
- HighGustThisMonthTS = timestamp;
- WriteMonthIniFile();
- }
- if (gust > HighGustThisYear)
- {
- HighGustThisYear = gust;
- HighGustThisYearTS = timestamp;
- WriteYearIniFile();
- }
- // All time high gust?
- if (gust > alltimerecarray[AT_highgust].value)
- {
- SetAlltime(AT_highgust, gust, timestamp);
- }
+ if (!(gust > RecentMaxGust)) return;
- // check for monthly all time records (and set)
- CheckMonthlyAlltime(AT_highgust, gust, true, timestamp);
+ if (gust > highgusttoday)
+ {
+ highgusttoday = gust;
+ highgusttodaytime = timestamp;
+ highgustbearing = gustdir;
+ WriteTodayFile(timestamp, false);
+ if (gust > HighGustThisMonth)
+ {
+ HighGustThisMonth = gust;
+ HighGustThisMonthTS = timestamp;
+ WriteMonthIniFile();
+ }
+ if (gust > HighGustThisYear)
+ {
+ HighGustThisYear = gust;
+ HighGustThisYearTS = timestamp;
+ WriteYearIniFile();
+ }
+ // All time high gust?
+ if (gust > alltimerecarray[AT_highgust].value)
+ {
+ SetAlltime(AT_highgust, gust, timestamp);
+ }
+ // check for monthly all time records (and set)
+ CheckMonthlyAlltime(AT_highgust, gust, true, timestamp);
diff --git a/CumulusMX/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/CumulusMX/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
index 9f80d7c8..62593a1e 100644
--- a/CumulusMX/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ b/CumulusMX/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CumulusMX")]
-[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Build 3057")]
+[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Build 3058")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("CumulusMX")]
@@ -32,5 +32,5 @@
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
diff --git a/CumulusMX/WeatherStation.cs b/CumulusMX/WeatherStation.cs
index 31ef7d6e..30d19cef 100644
--- a/CumulusMX/WeatherStation.cs
+++ b/CumulusMX/WeatherStation.cs
@@ -3816,6 +3816,31 @@ public void SetAlltime(int index, double value, DateTime timestamp)
+ public void SetMonthlyAlltime(int index, double value, DateTime timestamp)
+ {
+ lock (monthlyalltimeIniThreadLock)
+ {
+ var month = timestamp.Month;
+ double oldvalue = monthlyrecarray[index, month].value;
+ DateTime oldts = monthlyrecarray[index, month].timestamp;
+ string s = "Changed monthly record, month = " + month + ": ";
+ s = s + timestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + FormatDateTime(" HH", timestamp) + ":" + FormatDateTime("mm ", timestamp);
+ s = s + value.ToString("F3") + " \"" + alltimedescs[index] + "\" ";
+ s = s + FormatDateTime("yyyy-MM-dd", oldts) + FormatDateTime(" HH", oldts) + ":" + FormatDateTime("mm ", oldts);
+ s = s + oldvalue.ToString("F3");
+ cumulus.LogMessage(s);
+ monthlyrecarray[index, month].data_type = index;
+ monthlyrecarray[index, month].value = value;
+ WriteMonthlyAlltimeIniFile();
+ }
+ }
/// Returns the angle from bearing2 to bearing1, in the range -180 to +180 degrees
diff --git a/Updates.txt b/Updates.txt
index c5117098..f444231b 100644
--- a/Updates.txt
+++ b/Updates.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+3.2.2 - b3058
+- Implements the missing <#txbattery> web tag for WLL devices
+- Fix default website pages header not wrapping on small screens
+- Adds Monthly Records editor
+- Fixes and improvements to the All Time Records editor
+- Updated files
+ \CumulusMX.exe
+ \interface\.html
+ \web\T.htm
+- New files
+ \interface\monthlyrecseditor.html
+ \interface\js\monthlyrecseditor.js
3.2.1 - b3057
- Fix for WMR200 stations writing a zero value Apparent Temperature to the log files when retrieving logger data