This is an automated end-to-end workflow testing tool for Cx1 via the REST API, as exposed by Cx1ClientGo (
cx1e2e.exe --config tests.yaml --apikey APIKey
cx1e2e.exe --config tests.yaml --cx1 Cx1URL --iam IAMURL --tenant Tenant --client ClientID --secret ClientSecret
Multiple example test.yaml definitions can be found in the examples directory. To quickly try out an example configuration, you can do the following:
git clone
cd cx1e2e
go run . --config examples/all.yaml --apikey <API Key> --cx1 <Cx1 URL> --iam <IAM Url> --tenant <Your Tenant>
The beginning of each test.yaml file will include standard items needed to connect to a Cx1 environment:
Tenant: your_tenant_here
The IAMURL, Cx1URL, and Tenant parameters can be supplied through the command-line. This is the preferred approach when dealing with multiple Cx1 environments (eg: INT, DEV, Stage, Prod) so that the tests can be re-used easily. The proxy URL is optional and can be used for debugging.
Tests are defined in Test Sets, each of which is named and can have a number of objects targeted for testing. Test Sets are executed in order, and tests within a set are executed such that all [C]reate operations are run first, then [R]ead, then [U]pdate, then [D]elete. Tests can have an optional Wait which causes the tests to pause for the specified number of seconds before continuing - this is to avoid getting blocked for spamming the API.
Refer to the existing examples in the examples folder for a list of tests and their configuration options. The examples have been split according to the object being tested (eg: groups, roles) and each test set is structure with a "create.yaml" to create various objects, "update.yaml" to update the created objects, and findally a OP_DELETE, .yaml" to remove the created objects. Running the "all.yaml" test sets should clean up after itself so that there are no left-over artifacts.
A simple test to create a new role, create a new group with that role, and create a new user with the new role and also membership in the new group:
- Name: simple test to create role & group & user
- Name: e2e-test-role1
Permissions: [ view-scans-if-in-group ]
Test: C
- Name: e2e-test-group1
Roles: [ e2e-test-role1 ]
Test: C
- Name: e2e-test-user1
Email: [email protected]
Roles: [ e2e-test-role1 ]
Groups: [ e2e-test-group1 ]
Test: C
In each of the above tests, the parameter "Test" includes the letter "C" - this indicates the test is to Create the relevant object.
More complicated set of 3 tests to create, read & update (set a permission), then delete a role:
- Name: simple test Create Role
- Name: e2e-test-role1
Test: C
- Name: simple test Read & Update Role
- Name: e2e-test-role1
Permissions: [ view-scans-if-in-group ]
Test: U
- Name: simple delete for all
- Name: e2e-test-role1
Test: D
In the tests above, each "Test" parameter includes different combinations of CRUD operations. Tests are selected through the "Test: CRUD" line which defines if the [C]reate, [R]ead, [U]pdate, or [D]elete tests are performed.
Tests can also be defined in multiple files which are then referenced from the primary file. For example:
- Name: my-special-tests
File: special/tests.yaml
This will load the indicated special/tests.yaml file and add the tests to the end of the set.
Currently this testing tool covers the following objects:
- Applications (CRUD)
- Groups (CRUD)
- Presets (CRUD)
- Projects (CRUD)
- Queries (CRUD)
- Results (U)
- Roles (CRUD)
- Scans (CRD)
- Users (CRUD)
There are some limitations in this tool due to unimplemented functionality in the testing tool or in the underlying Cx1ClientGo library. Feel free to contribute (PR against dev branch please) or raise Issues.
[INFO][2023-03-14 16:42:18.758] Created Cx1 client cx_tam_appsec_canary_michael_kubiaczyk on
[INFO][2023-03-14 16:42:18.892] PASS [0.133s]: Create Group Test 'simple test Create all' #1 (e2e-test-group1)
[INFO][2023-03-14 16:42:19.298] PASS [0.406s]: Create Application Test 'simple test Create all' #1 (e2e-test-app1)
[INFO][2023-03-14 16:42:19.406] PASS [0.108s]: Create Project Test 'simple test Create all' #1 (e2e-test-project1)
[INFO][2023-03-14 16:42:19.685] PASS [0.279s]: Create Role Test 'simple test Create all' #1 (e2e-test-role1)
[INFO][2023-03-14 16:42:20.755] PASS [1.070s]: Create User Test 'simple test Create all' #1 (e2e-test-user1 ([email protected]))
[ERROR][2023-03-14 16:42:20.755] FAIL [0.000s]: Create Query Test 'simple test Create all' #1 (Java -> e2e-test-querygroup1 -> e2e-test-query1) - not implemented
[INFO][2023-03-14 16:42:38.293] PASS [17.538s]: Create Preset Test 'simple test Create all' #1 (e2e-test-preset1)
[INFO][2023-03-14 16:42:38.632] Polling status of scan 7f41093f-6e2e-47b3-9d97-058abd64653e
[INFO][2023-03-14 16:42:48.747] - Running