, it takes an ubodt file that can be generated using the ubodt_gen
Precompute UBODT
# XML configuration ubodt_gen ubodt_config.xml # Command line arguments ubodt_gen --network ../data/edges.shp --output ../data/ubodt.txt --delta 3
Precompute UBODT parallelly
# XML configuration ubodt_gen ubodt_config_omp.xml # Command line arguments ubodt_gen --network ../data/edges.shp --output ../data/ubodt.txt --delta 3 --use_omp
Matching GPS trajectory in shapefile using fmm
# XML configuration fmm fmm_config.xml # Command line arguments fmm --ubodt ../data/ubodt.txt --network ../data/edges.shp --gps ../data/trips.shp -k 4 -r 0.4 -e 0.5 --output mr.txt
Matching GPS trajectory in shapefile using stmatch
# XML configuration # XML configuration stmatch stmatch_config.xml # Command line arguments stmatch --network ../data/edges.shp --gps ../data/trips.shp -k 4 -r 0.4 -e 0.5 --output mr.txt
Matching GPS trajectory in CSV file using fmm
# XML configuration fmm fmm_config_csv_trajectory.xml # Command line arguments fmm --ubodt ../data/ubodt.txt --network ../data/edges.shp --gps ../data/trips.csv -k 4 -r 0.4 -e 0.5 --output mr.txt
Matching GPS Points in CSV file using fmm
# XML configuration fmm fmm_config_csv_point.xml # Command line arguments fmm --ubodt ../data/ubodt.txt --network ../data/edges.shp --gps ../data/gps.csv --gps_point -k 4 -r 0.4 -e 0.5 --output mr.txt
Parallel map matching
# XML configuration fmm fmm_config_omp.xml # Command line arguments fmm --ubodt ../data/ubodt.txt --network ../data/edges.shp --gps ../data/gps.csv --gps_point -k 4 -r 0.4 -e 0.5 --output mr.txt --use_omp
Customized output fields
# XML configuration fmm fmm_config_output_fields.xml # Command line arguments fmm --ubodt ../data/ubodt.txt --network ../data/edges.shp --gps ../data/gps.csv --gps_point -k 4 -r 0.4 -e 0.5 --output mr.txt --output_fields opath,cpath,mgeom,tpath,spdist