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Installation of fmm (cpp)

Can Yang edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 16 revisions


  • C++ Compiler supporting c++11 and OpenMP
  • CMake >=3.5: cross platform building tools
  • GDAL >= 2.2: IO with ESRI shapefile, Geometry data type
  • Boost Graph >= 1.54.0: routing algorithms used in UBODT Generator
  • Boost Geometry >= 1.54.0: Rtree, Geometry computation
  • Boost Serialization >= 1.54.0: Serialization of UBODT in binary format

Ubuntu platform

Install requirements with

sudo apt-get install libboost-dev gdal-bin libgdal-dev libeigen3-dev

Install the program with

  # Under the project folder
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake ..
  sudo make install

It will build executable files under the build folder, which are installed to /usr/local/bin:

  • ubodt_gen: the Upper bounded origin destination table (UBODT) generator (precomputation) program
  • ubodt_gen_omp: the parallel Upper bounded origin destination table (UBODT) generator (precomputation) program.
  • fmm: the map matching program (single processor)
  • fmm_omp: parallel map matching implemented with OpenMP.

These executable files will be copied into the ~/bin path, which should be added to the PATH variable by default.

Verfication of installation

Open a new terminal and type fmm, you should see the following output:

------------ Fast map matching (FMM) ------------
------------     Author: Can Yang    ------------
------------   Version: 2017.11.11   ------------
------------     Applicaton: fmm     ------------
No configuration file supplied
A configuration file is given in the example folder
Run `fmm config.xml`

To run the program, check run map matching in C++.

Windows platform

Tested on Win7 (64bit) with cygwin environment

  1. Install cygwin and apt-cyg

After you have installed cygwin, open the cygwin-terminal and run the following scripts to install apt-cyg.

  chmod +x apt-cyg
  mv apt-cyg /usr/local/bin
  1. Install libraries using apt-cyg
  apt-cyg install make gcc-g++ cmake gdal libboost-devel libgdal-devel eigen3
  1. Build the program
  # Under the fmm project folder
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
  make install
  1. Verification of installation

In the cyg-win terminal, type


You should see

------------ Fast map matching (FMM) ------------
------------     Author: Can Yang    ------------
------------   Version: 2018.03.09   ------------
------------     Applicaton: fmm     ------------
No configuration file supplied
A configuration file is given in the example folder
Run `fmm config.xml`
------------    Program finished     ------------

💡 You can check the folder on your windows explorer at c:\cygwin\home( corresponding to /home directory in cygwin.)

Mac platform

Install requirements with

  brew install boost gdal eigen libomp

Install the program with

  # Under the project folder
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake ..
  sudo make install