- PHP 5.5 (CLI) with pcntl module
- Tools
- git
- wget
- multitail
- tshark
- tcpdump
- ngrep
- strace
- lsof
- sudo
- moreutils (ifdata)
- coreutils (grep, sort, uniq, awk, cat, df, ip, cut, lsb_release, wall)
- docker and docker-compose (if you want to use docker)
- mysql (if you want to use mysql)
# Download latest tools (or in ~/bin if you have it in $PATH)
wget -O/usr/local/bin/ct https://www.achenar.net/clicommand/clitools.phar
# Set executable bit
chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/ct
# MacOS/Linux: example configuration for Docker VM
wget -O"$HOME/.clitools.ini" https://github.com/webdevops/clitools/blob/develop/Documentation/Examples/macos-docker-clitools.ini
Now you can use following aliases (some aliases requires clitools 1.8.0!):
# Shortcut for auto-tree-searching make
alias make='ct make'
# Shortcut for auto-tree-searching make
alias composer='ct php:composer'
# Shortcut for docker-compose (autosearch docker-compose.yml in up-dir, you don't have to be in directory with docker-compose.yml)
alias dcc='ct docker:compose'
# Startup docker-container (and shutdown previous one, v1.9.0 and up)
alias dccup='ct docker:up'
alias dccstop='ct docker:compose stop'
# Enter main docker container (as CLI_USER if available - if not specified then root is used)
alias dcshell='ct docker:shell'
alias dcsh='ct docker:shell'
# Enter main docker container (as root)
alias dcroot='ct docker:root'
# Execute predefined cli in docker container
alias dccrun='ct docker:cli'
alias dcrun='ct docker:cli'
# Execute mysql client in docker container
alias dcsql='ct docker:mysql'
alias dcmysql='ct docker:mysql'
CliTools will read /etc/clitools.ini (system wide) and ~/.clitools.ini (personal) for configuration
The default configuration is inside the phar.
; ssh_conf_path = "/vagrant/provision/sshconfig/"
dsn = "mysql:host=;port=13306"
username = "root"
password = "dev"
debug_log_dir = "/tmp/debug/"
enabled = 1
wall = 1
growl = 1
diskusage = 85
server =
password =
; not used commands here
ignore[] = "CliTools\Console\Command\Log\ApacheCommand"
ignore[] = "CliTools\Console\Command\Log\PhpCommand"
ignore[] = "CliTools\Console\Command\Log\DebugCommand"
ignore[] = "CliTools\Console\Command\Apache\RestartCommand"
ignore[] = "CliTools\Console\Command\Mysql\RestartCommand"
ignore[] = "CliTools\Console\Command\Php\RestartCommand"
ignore[] = "CliTools\Console\Command\System\UpdateCommand"
ignore[] = "CliTools\Console\Command\System\RebootCommand"
# Stable channel
ct self-udpate
## Beta channel
ct self-update --beta
## Fallback update (if GitHub fails)
ct self-update --fallback
Install clitools from source (You don't have to perform any tasks of the default installation procedure)
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/webdevops/clitools clitools
# cd into cloned repository
cd clitools
# run all makefile tasks which are necessary for building and installing from source
make all
If you take a look into the Makefile
, you will see which tasks have been executed.
The steps are:
- Execute composer command
- Start main build script
- Copy the previously built phar file to
, so that you can execute clitools just by typing ct.