Releases: cytomine/Cytomine-Web-UI
Releases · cytomine/Cytomine-Web-UI
Version 1.0.0
Release of Cytomine-Web-UI (Version 1.0.0) : module of the Cytomine platform.
Please see here to know how to install Cytomine with Docker.
More information on Cytomine website and on our online documentation.
The main features of this new front-end are :
- A complete new Cytomine experience.
- Support of internationalization i.e. multiple languages (English and French currently available). You can contribute by adding new languages (See here.
- Reactive application.
- New lists of project, image, job with sorting, searching and filtering.
- Display details of images, jobs and projects in all the lists.
- A complete refactoring of the image viewer to focus on the main part : the image. The other components have been developed to be discreet and can be fold in if necessary. The viewer is now compatible with tablets.
- Rotation of images at any specific angle.
- Set up of magnification and resolution of each image directly from the viewer or the image list.
- Zoom beyond the maximum resolution of an image by activating a digital zoom.
- Display more than one image into a viewer for efficient comparison. These opened images can be linked to synchronize your navigation and allow you to easily browse though multiple images at once.
- Draw annotations with a preselected term.
- Opacity of each term color can be specificly set up.
- Straight lines and Free hand lines annotations are now available.
- Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Hue of a image can be set up during visualization.
- The Workspace feature allows you to open multiple projects and image and go back to a currently opened image or project.
- A quick search across the platform is available in the top navigation bar.
- An advanced panel allowing you to search all across the platform.
- Set for projects default annotation layers and default property which will be displayed at the opening of an image.
- Follow in real time an other user viewer or part of viewer, only if this user have allowed the Cytomine platform to broadcast it.
- Simplification of user managment in projects.
- Change the ontology of a project is now possible.
- Edition of ontology terms had been simplified.
- Adding attached files to a project, a image, or an annotation is now possible.
- Manage files in storage is enriched by total size on disk and list of sub images for archived or converted images.
Thanks to :
The Cytomine cooperative