The Lighting model, a simple two state model to simulate a light switching on and off.
The Lighting model, using probabilities (DTMC version):
The pushkin model developed by A. A. Markov (according to Snell's book).
The land of oz model.
The Belfast weather model (by Stewart).
The Generic model.
The Lily Pad model (frog in the pond).
Software Aging and Rejuvenation model (CTMC).
The Mouse Maze model.
The Ehrenfest model.
A six state Birth and Death model.
A larger Mouse Maze model, with 9 states.
Look at spreadsheets/Chapter04-CTMC-26states-Shakespeare.xlsx for more information about this model.
The PRISM model is located here. More information can be found in the paper (IEEE): Aging and Rejuvenation Models of Load Changing Attacks in Micro-Grids.
// OPEN PROPERTIES FILE CALLED 'aging.props' in PRISM tool
//TRIALS: undefined constant (experiment)
const int TRIALS;
//MAX: set the number of local states
const int MAX = (TRIALS=0 ? 3 : TRIALS*3);
const double r_PF = 1/(30*24); // lambda
const double r_ZP = 1/(7*24); // rate r2
const double r_RZ = 3; // rate r3
const double r_PR = 1/(7*24); // rate r4
const int SF = 0; // fail state
module M1
x : [0..MAX] init 1;
[] (mod((x-1),3)=0) -> r_PR:(x'=x+1);
[] (mod((x-2),3)=0) -> r_RZ:(x'=x+1);
[] (mod((x-3),3)=0 & x!=0 & x!=MAX) -> r_ZP:(x'=x+1);
// only used when TRIALS=0
[] (mod((x-1),3)=0) & x!=0 & TRIALS=0 -> r_ZP:(x'=1);
// P-->F
[] (mod((x-1),3)=0) -> r_PF:(x'=SF);
And the properties file named props.prop
has the following contents:
P=?[F=8000 x=SF]
Meaning that it computes the probability of the FAIL state (SF, or state 0) after 8000 hours (333 days) consistent with the paper.