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Build on Linux

Czarek Tomczak edited this page Nov 29, 2018 · 11 revisions

This page provides step by step instructions on how to build PHP Desktop Chrome for Linux from sources.

Table of Contents


These instructions are for building the "linux70" branch (Chrome v70, CEF branch 3538).


  • CMake
  • G++ 4.8.4+
  • Ninja 1.7.2+

Download PHP Desktop sources

Clone git repository and checkout the "linux70" branch.

Download CEF sources / prebuilt binaries

If you would like to use CEF prebuilt binaries then go to Spotify Automated CEF Builds. You have to download CEF for the same branch and revision that phpdesktop uses, see the CEF.Readme.txt file that includes version details. On Spotify page choose "Standard Distribution" binaries.

If you would like to build CEF from sources then see CEF Branches and building (external) wiki page.

Build cefclient and copy CEF files to phpdesktop

The CEF binaries downloaded from Spotify after extracting have the cef_binary_* directory. From now on we will refer to this directory as "cef_binary/" directory.

  1. Install CMake or newer from .
  2. Download Ninja from . Put ninja in your PATH or copy it to the build/ directory you will be creating in the next step.
  3. In "cef_binary/" directory create a "build" subdirectory directory and enter it
  4. Execute cmake -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DUSE_SANDBOX=OFF ../
  5. Execute ninja cefclient
  6. Go to the "cef_binary/build/tests/cefclient/Release/" directory and run cefclient executable to see if it works fine
  7. Create "phpdesktop/build/bin/" directory and copy files and subdirectories from the "cef_binary/Release/" and "cef_binary/Resources/" directories. Exclude "chrome-sandbox" file.
  8. Copy "cef_binary/build/libcef_dll_wrapper/libcef_dll_wrapper.a" library to the "phpdesktop/build/Release/lib/" directory (create it).
  9. To clean the build directory just delete it. To only clean ninja build and keep cmake files intact type ninja -t clean cefclient. If you need DEBUG binaries re-run commands starting from step 6 with DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug and replace any "Release" directories mentioned with a "Debug" directory.

If you're building with version of CEF different from "CEF.Readme.txt" (eg. upgrading to a newer CEF) then delete the "phpdesktop/include/" directory and copy the "cef_binary/include/" directory there instead (ignore the "capi" subdirectory). Also overwrite "phpdesktop/cef/README.txt" file with "cef_binary/README.txt".

Download PHP binaries

Go to to download PHP sources and build PHP binaries.

Build phpdesktop-linux project

  1. Go to the phpdesktop/ directory
  2. Execute the ./ command
  3. The phpdesktop executable is created in the build/bin/ directory along with CEF dependencies
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