@d-zero/shared/sort/dir |
Compares two directory paths and returns a value indicating their order. |
@d-zero/shared/sort/path |
Compares two URLs or strings representing URLs and returns a value indicating their order. |
@d-zero/shared/cache |
A class representing a simple cache system that stores data in the file system. |
@d-zero/shared/decode-uri-safely |
Decodes a URL-encoded string, ensuring it is safe to use. |
@d-zero/shared/deferred |
A class representing a deferred promise. |
@d-zero/shared/between-weekend-days |
Returns an array of weekend days between two given dates. |
@d-zero/shared/delay |
Delays the execution of code by the specified number of milliseconds. |
@d-zero/shared/filesize |
Converts the given byte size to kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB). |
@d-zero/shered/hash |
Generates a hash value for the given string. |
@d-zero/shared/race-with-timeout |
Races a given promise against a timeout and returns the result of the promise or a timeout indication. |
@d-zero/shared/retry |
Decorator factory that adds retry logic to a method. |
@d-zero/shared/skip-holyday-period |
Skips the holiday period between the start and due dates. |
@d-zero/shared/skip-holydays |
Skips holidays and weekends in the given date and returns the next available date. |
@d-zero/shared/str-to-regex |
Converts a string pattern to a regular expression. |
@d-zero/shared/split-array |
Splits an array into chunks of the specified size. |
@d-zero/shared/timestamp |
Generates a timestamp. If no format is provided, returns the Linux time (epoch seconds) as a string. |
@d-zero/shared/typed-await-event-emitter |
An event emitter that supports typed events and asynchronous event handling. |
@d-zero/shared/types |
TypesScript types. |
@d-zero/shared/url-to-file-name |
Convert an URL to the string that is available as a file name. |