Version 1.2.4 - Bugfix - 2025-02-12
- Fix
Service account preset
and legacyService account credentials
- pyOpenSSL==22.0.0
Version 1.2.3 - Feature - 2024-09-10
- Add support for native append mode for the custom dataset
- Add parameter for batch_size and insertion_delay in recipe to avoid API limits
Version 1.2.2 - Bugfix release - 2022-11-24
- Add a specific error message when trying to import an Excel file
- Add support for python 3.7 to 3.11
Version 1.2.0 - Feature and bugfix release - 2022-11-24
- Add a preset for storing access tokens
- Add Google Single Sign On capability
- Add multiple sheets selector
- Add macro for sheets import as datasets into project
Version 1.1.1 - Bugfix release - July 30, 2020
- [Fix] Append recipe - serialization error with datetime value
- [New] A recipe is now available to append rows to a sheet (it does not modify the preexisting values)
- [New] When writing data to a spreadsheet, two modes to interpret values format: RAW and USER_ENTERED
- [New] A sheet can be read in JSON format (schema-less)
- [Enhancement] Python 3 compatible
- [Enhancement] Dependencies update: gspread upgrade, use of python-slugify instead of awesome-slugify
- [New] The plugin now uses a Code env so that required libraries are isolated.
- [Fix] The order of the columns is now preserved
- [Enhancement] The plugin relies on Google Sheets API v4 and does not have hard-coded limits on volume any more (ie. it handles what the API can handle)
- [Enhancement] More understandable errors messages (for example, the plugin will let the user know if the spreadsheet has not been shared with the service account, or if the sheet name is invalid)
- [Enhancement] Instructions on the plugin page to get the service account's credentials
- Add write support
- Add support for oauth2client >= 2.0.0