#Data Journalists on Github
- New York Times The Upshot: https://github.com/TheUpshot
- New York Times Newsroom Developers: https://github.com/newsdev
- FiveThirtyEight.com: https://github.com/fivethirtyeight
- Al Jazeera America (at least until April): https://github.com/ajam
- Chicago Tribune News Apps: https://github.com/newsapps
- Northwestern University Knight Lab: https://github.com/NUKnightLab
- ProPublica: https://github.com/propublica
- Sunlight Labs: https://github.com/sunlightlabs
- NPR Visuals Team: https://github.com/nprapps
- NPR Tech: https://github.com/npr
- The Guardian: https://github.com/guardian
- Vox Media: https://github.com/voxmedia
- Time Magazine: https://github.com/TimeMagazine
- Los Angeles Times Data Desk: https://github.com/datadesk
- BuzzFeed News: https://github.com/BuzzFeedNews
- Huffington Post Data: https://github.com/huffpostdata
- Wireservice: https://github.com/wireservice
- Open Civic Data: https://github.com/opencivicdata
- TabulaPDF: https://github.com/tabulapdf
- Public Media Platform: https://github.com/publicmediaplatform
- CensusReporter: https://github.com/censusreporter
- Mozilla Foundation: https://github.com/mozilla
- Michael Keller: https://github.com/mhkeller
- Joanna S. Kao: https://github.com/joannaskao
- Kevin Quealy: https://github.com/kpq
- Joe Germuska: https://github.com/JoeGermuska
##Github's infrequently updated list of open journalism projects