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Logger) HealthCheckingService { - return HealthCheckingService{ - healthStatus: map[string]grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_ServingStatus{ - livenessServiceName: grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING, - readinessServiceName: grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_NOT_SERVING, - }, - log: log, - } -} - -func (s *HealthCheckingService) serving(service string) { - s.Lock() - defer s.Unlock() - s.healthStatus[service] = grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING - s.log.Infof("Health set to 'SERVING': %s", service) -} - -func (s *HealthCheckingService) notServing(service string) { - s.Lock() - defer s.Unlock() - s.healthStatus[service] = grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_NOT_SERVING - s.log.Infof("Health set to 'NOT_SERVING': %s", service) -} - -// Dead - changes status of service to dead -func (s *HealthCheckingService) Dead() { - s.notServing(livenessServiceName) -} - -// Live - changes status of service to alive -func (s *HealthCheckingService) Live() { - s.serving(livenessServiceName) -} - -// NotReady - changes status of service to not ready -func (s *HealthCheckingService) NotReady() { - s.notServing(readinessServiceName) -} - -// Ready - changes status of service to ready -func (s *HealthCheckingService) Ready() { - s.serving(readinessServiceName) -} - -// Check implements `service Health`. -func (s *HealthCheckingService) Check(ctx context.Context, in *grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckRequest) ( - *grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse, error) { - s.RLock() - defer s.RUnlock() - - // logger.Sugar.Debugf("Health Check for '%s'", in.Service) - if in.Service == "" { - for _, v := range s.healthStatus { - // logger.Sugar.Debugf("Health Check for '%s'-> '%s'", in.Service, v.String()) - if v != grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING { - s.log.Infof("Health Check '%s' is NOT SERVING: '%s'", in.Service, v.String()) - return &grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse{ - Status: v, - }, nil - } - } - s.log.Infof("Health Check '%s' is SERVING", in.Service) - return &grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse{ - Status: grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse_SERVING, - }, nil - } - if stat, ok := s.healthStatus[in.Service]; ok { - s.log.Debugf("Health Check '%s' is `%s'", in.Service, stat) - return &grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckResponse{ - Status: stat, - }, nil - } - err := status.Error(codes.NotFound, "unknown service: "+in.Service) - - s.log.Infof("Health Check failed: %v", err) - return nil, err -} - -func (s *HealthCheckingService) Watch(in *grpc_health_v1.HealthCheckRequest, w grpc_health_v1.Health_WatchServer) error { - s.log.Infof("Health Check watch not supported") - return status.Error(codes.Unimplemented, "watch not supported") -} diff --git a/grpchealth/logger.go b/grpchealth/logger.go deleted file mode 100644 index e26bffb..0000000 --- a/grpchealth/logger.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -package grpchealth - -import ( - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/logger" -) - -type Logger = logger.Logger diff --git a/grpcserver/grpcserver.go b/grpcserver/grpcserver.go deleted file mode 100644 index 280d52c..0000000 --- a/grpcserver/grpcserver.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -package grpcserver - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "net" - "strings" - - grpc_middleware "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware" - grpc_otrace "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware/tracing/opentracing" - grpc_validator "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware/validator" - "google.golang.org/grpc" - "google.golang.org/grpc/reflection" - - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/grpchealth" - grpcHealth "google.golang.org/grpc/health/grpc_health_v1" -) - -// so we dont have to import grpc when using this package. -type grpcServer = grpc.Server -type grpcUnaryServerInterceptor = grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor - -type RegisterServer func(*grpcServer) - -func defaultRegisterServer(g *grpcServer) {} - -type GRPCServer struct { - name string - log Logger - listenStr string - health bool - healthService *grpchealth.HealthCheckingService - interceptors []grpcUnaryServerInterceptor - register RegisterServer - server *grpcServer - reflection bool -} - -type GRPCServerOption func(*GRPCServer) - -func WithAppendedInterceptor(i grpcUnaryServerInterceptor) GRPCServerOption { - return func(g *GRPCServer) { - g.interceptors = append(g.interceptors, i) - } -} - -func WithPrependedInterceptor(i grpcUnaryServerInterceptor) GRPCServerOption { - return func(g *GRPCServer) { - g.interceptors = append([]grpcUnaryServerInterceptor{i}, g.interceptors...) - } -} - -func WithRegisterServer(r RegisterServer) GRPCServerOption { - return func(g *GRPCServer) { - g.register = r - } -} - -func WithoutHealth() GRPCServerOption { - return func(g *GRPCServer) { - g.health = false - } -} - -func WithReflection(r bool) GRPCServerOption { - return func(g *GRPCServer) { - g.reflection = r - } -} - -func tracingFilter(ctx context.Context, fullMethodName string) bool { - if fullMethodName == grpcHealth.Health_Check_FullMethodName { - return false - } - return true -} - -// New creates a new GRPCServer that is bound to a specific GRPC API. This object complies with -// the standard Listener service and can be managed by the startup.Listeners object. -func New(log Logger, name string, port string, opts ...GRPCServerOption) GRPCServer { - - g := GRPCServer{ - name: strings.ToLower(name), - listenStr: fmt.Sprintf(":%s", port), - register: defaultRegisterServer, - interceptors: []grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor{ - grpc_otrace.UnaryServerInterceptor(grpc_otrace.WithFilterFunc(tracingFilter)), - grpc_validator.UnaryServerInterceptor(), - }, - health: true, - } - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(&g) - } - server := grpc.NewServer( - grpc.UnaryInterceptor( - grpc_middleware.ChainUnaryServer(g.interceptors...), - ), - ) - - g.register(server) - - if g.health { - healthService := grpchealth.New(log) - g.healthService = &healthService - grpcHealth.RegisterHealthServer(server, g.healthService) - } - - if g.reflection { - reflection.Register(server) - } - - g.server = server - g.log = log.WithIndex("grpcserver", g.String()) - return g -} - -func (g *GRPCServer) String() string { - // No logging in this method please. - return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", g.name, g.listenStr) -} - -func (g *GRPCServer) Listen() error { - listen, err := net.Listen("tcp", g.listenStr) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("failed to listen %s: %w", g, err) - } - - if g.healthService != nil { - g.healthService.Ready() // readiness - } - - g.log.Infof("Listen") - err = g.server.Serve(listen) - if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { - return fmt.Errorf("failed to serve %s: %w", g, err) - } - return nil -} - -func (g *GRPCServer) Shutdown(_ context.Context) error { - g.log.Infof("Shutdown") - if g.healthService != nil { - g.healthService.NotReady() // readiness - g.healthService.Dead() // liveness - } - g.server.GracefulStop() - return nil -} diff --git a/grpcserver/logger.go b/grpcserver/logger.go deleted file mode 100644 index 2975292..0000000 --- a/grpcserver/logger.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -package grpcserver - -import ( - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/logger" -) - -type Logger = logger.Logger diff --git a/httpserver/httpserver.go b/httpserver/httpserver.go deleted file mode 100644 index 64b12f8..0000000 --- a/httpserver/httpserver.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -package httpserver - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "reflect" - "strings" - "time" -) - -var ( - ErrNilHandler = errors.New("Nil Handler") - ErrNilHandlerValue = errors.New("Nil Handler value") - ErrHandlerFuncReturnsNil = errors.New("Handler function returns nil") -) - -type HandleChainFunc func(http.Handler) http.Handler - -// A http server that has an inbuilt logger, name and complies wuth the Listener interface in -// startup.Listeners. - -type Server struct { - log Logger - name string - server http.Server - handler http.Handler - handlers []HandleChainFunc -} - -type ServerOption func(*Server) - -// WithHandlers adds a handler on the http endpoint. If the handler is nil -// then an error will occur when executing the Listen() method. -func WithHandlers(handlers ...HandleChainFunc) ServerOption { - return func(s *Server) { - s.handlers = append(s.handlers, handlers...) - } -} - -// WithOptionalHandlers adds a handler on the http endpoint. If the handler is nil -// it is ignored. -func WithOptionalHandlers(handlers ...HandleChainFunc) ServerOption { - return func(s *Server) { - for i := range len(handlers) { - handler := handlers[i] - if handler != nil && !reflect.ValueOf(handler).IsNil() { - s.handlers = append(s.handlers, handler) - } - } - } -} - -// New creates a new httpserver. -func New(log Logger, name string, port string, h http.Handler, opts ...ServerOption) *Server { - s := Server{ - server: http.Server{ - Addr: ":" + port, - }, - handler: h, - name: strings.ToLower(name), - } - s.log = log.WithIndex("httpserver", s.String()) - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(&s) - } - // It is preferable to return a copy rather than a reference. Unfortunately http.Server has an - // internal mutex and this cannot or should not be copied so we will return a reference instead. - return &s -} - -func (s *Server) String() string { - // No logging here please - return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", s.name, s.server.Addr) -} - -func (s *Server) Listen() error { - s.log.Infof("Listen") - h := s.handler - for i, handler := range s.handlers { - s.log.Debugf("%d: handler %v", i, handler) - if handler == nil { - return ErrNilHandler - } - if reflect.ValueOf(handler).IsNil() { - return ErrNilHandlerValue - } - h1 := handler(h) - if h1 == nil { - return ErrHandlerFuncReturnsNil - } - h = h1 - } - s.server.Handler = h - - // this is a blocking operation - err := s.server.ListenAndServe() - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("%s server terminated: %v", s, err) - } - return nil -} - -func (s *Server) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error { - ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second) - defer cancel() - s.log.Infof("Shutdown") - err := s.server.Shutdown(ctx) - if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) && !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { - return err - } - return nil -} diff --git a/httpserver/logger.go b/httpserver/logger.go deleted file mode 100644 index 20a6841..0000000 --- a/httpserver/logger.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -package httpserver - -import ( - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/logger" -) - -type Logger = logger.Logger diff --git a/k8sworker/k8soptions.go b/k8sworker/k8soptions.go deleted file mode 100644 index d709139..0000000 --- a/k8sworker/k8soptions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -package k8sworker - -type K8sOptions struct { - - // logger used for GoMaxProcs - logger func(string, ...any) -} - -type K8sOption func(*K8sOptions) - -// WithLogger sets the optional logger for goMaxProcs -func WithLogger(logger func(string, ...any)) K8sOption { - return func(ko *K8sOptions) { ko.logger = logger } -} - -// ParseOptions parses the given options into a K8sOptions struct -func ParseOptions(options ...K8sOption) K8sOptions { - k8sOptions := K8sOptions{} - - for _, option := range options { - option(&k8sOptions) - } - - return k8sOptions -} diff --git a/k8sworker/k8sworker.go b/k8sworker/k8sworker.go deleted file mode 100644 index 7c50ab7..0000000 --- a/k8sworker/k8sworker.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -package k8sworker - -import ( - "log/slog" - "runtime" - "runtime/debug" - - "github.com/KimMachineGun/automemlimit/memlimit" - "go.uber.org/automaxprocs/maxprocs" -) - -var ( - undoMaxProcs func() -) - -// K8sConfig sets the cpu and memory -// -// go configuration for kubernetes. -type K8sConfig struct { - GoMaxProcs int - - GoMemLimit int64 - - GoVersion string -} - -func NewK8Config(opts ...K8sOption) (*K8sConfig, error) { - - options := ParseOptions(opts...) - - k8Config := K8sConfig{ - GoVersion: runtime.Version(), - } - - // first set the go mem limit - var err error - if options.logger != nil { - - _, err = memlimit.SetGoMemLimitWithOpts( - memlimit.WithRatio(0.9), - memlimit.WithProvider(memlimit.FromCgroup), - memlimit.WithLogger(slog.Default()), - ) - } else { - - _, err = memlimit.SetGoMemLimitWithOpts( - memlimit.WithRatio(0.9), - memlimit.WithProvider(memlimit.FromCgroup), - ) - } - - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // Set CPU quota correctly so that stalls on non-existent cores do not occur. - // This must be done as early as possible on task startup - this way all services - // will have this behaviour as this method is called by everyone.. - // - // Refs: https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21topic/prometheus-users/QPQ-UbtvS44 - // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/19378 - // - // To summarise golang applications in kubernetes suffer from intermittent gc - // pauses when the golang application thinks it has access to more cores than - // really available. This results in intermittently high latency when the the - // gc thread stalls when it cannot access the cores it thinks it has.. Both - // Uber and Google noticed this and the solution is to set GOMAXPROCS to the - // number of cores allocated by Kubernetes. This is obtained from the cgroups - // setting and the logic is encapsulated in the automaxprocs package. - // - // At time of writing. archivist has GOMAXPROCS set to 4 but the kubernetes - // setting is 1. This could result in 75% of CPU cycles being lost when the gc - // thread is stalled. - // - // When load testing is implemented, benchmarks should be run and this code - // modified/removed and/or kubernetes limits set more cleverly. - // - // Please note that the runtime.GOMAXPROCS setting will be removed at some - // future date. - // - // See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/33803 for proposal to make this - // go away so that automaxprocs is no longer reqyuired. - k8Config.GoMaxProcs = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) - - // modified/removed and/or kubernetes limits set more cleverly. - - if options.logger != nil { - - undoMaxProcs, err = maxprocs.Set(maxprocs.Logger(options.logger)) - } else { - - undoMaxProcs, err = maxprocs.Set() - } - - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // If AUTOMEMLIMIT is not set, it defaults to 0.9. (10% is the headroom for memory sources the Go runtime is unaware of.) - // If GOMEMLIMIT is already set or AUTOMEMLIMIT=off, automatic setting og GMEMLIMIT is disabled. - k8Config.GoMemLimit = debug.SetMemoryLimit(-1) - - return &k8Config, nil -} - -// Close undoes any changes to GoMaxProcs. -func Close() { - undoMaxProcs() -} diff --git a/metrics/handler.go b/metrics/handler.go deleted file mode 100644 index aa1ee18..0000000 --- a/metrics/handler.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -package metrics - -import ( - "net/http" - "strings" - "time" -) - -// Tailored Prometheus metrics -const ( - URLPrefix = "archivist" -) - -// we have to intercept the ResponseWriter in order to get the statuscode -type LoggingResponseWriter struct { - http.ResponseWriter - StatusCode int -} - -func (m *Metrics) NewLatencyMetricsHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler { - - if m == nil { - return h - } - m.log.Debugf("NewLatencyMetricsHandler") - observer := NewLatencyObservers(m) - return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { - log := m.log.FromContext(r.Context()) - defer log.Close() - - log.Debugf("Request URL Path: '%s'", r.URL.Path) - fields := strings.Split(strings.Trim(r.URL.Path, "/ "), "/") - log.Debugf("Fields: %v (%d)", fields, len(fields)) - if fields[0] != URLPrefix { - h.ServeHTTP(w, r) - return - } - // generate pre-process metrics here... - // nothing at the moment... - - // WriteHeader(int) is not called if our response implicitly returns 200 OK, so - // we default to that status code. - lrw := &LoggingResponseWriter{ - ResponseWriter: w, - StatusCode: http.StatusOK, - } - - start := time.Now() - // process original handler - h.ServeHTTP(lrw, r) - - latency := time.Since(start).Seconds() - - // generate post-process metrics here... - - observer.ObserveRequestsCount(fields, r.Method) - observer.ObserveRequestsLatency(latency, fields, r.Method) - }) -} diff --git a/metrics/logger.go b/metrics/logger.go deleted file mode 100644 index dadadb8..0000000 --- a/metrics/logger.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -package metrics - -import ( - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/logger" -) - -type Logger = logger.Logger diff --git a/metrics/metrics.go b/metrics/metrics.go deleted file mode 100644 index f256997..0000000 --- a/metrics/metrics.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@ -package metrics - -import ( - "fmt" - "net/http" - "strings" - - "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" - "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus/promhttp" -) - -const ( - TenanciesIdentityPrefix = "tenant/" -) - -// CosmosChargeMetric measures cosmos request charge per tenant using inbuilt Set method -func CosmosChargeMetric() *prometheus.GaugeVec { - return prometheus.NewGaugeVec( - prometheus.GaugeOpts{ - Name: "archivist_cosmos_charge", - Help: "Cosmos charge by method and resource.", - }, - []string{"method", "resource"}, - ) -} - -// CosmosDurationMetric measures cosmos request duration(ms) per tenant using inbuilt Set method -func CosmosDurationMetric() *prometheus.GaugeVec { - return prometheus.NewGaugeVec( - prometheus.GaugeOpts{ - Name: "archivist_cosmos_duration", - Help: "Cosmos duration by method and resource.", - }, - []string{"method", "resource"}, - ) -} - -// RequestsCounterMetric measures consumption per tenant -func RequestsCounterMetric() *prometheus.CounterVec { - return prometheus.NewCounterVec( - prometheus.CounterOpts{ - Name: "archivist_requests_total", - Help: "Total number of requests by method, service and resource.", - }, - []string{"method", "service", "resource"}, - ) -} - -// RequestsLatencyMetric measures an SLA "95% of all requests must be made in less than 100ms" and to -// plot average response latency and the apdex score. -// https://www.bookstack.cn/read/prometheus-en/1e87bb1c6ea1f003.md -// bucket limits are in seconds... -func RequestsLatencyMetric() *prometheus.HistogramVec { - return prometheus.NewHistogramVec( - prometheus.HistogramOpts{ - Name: "archivist_requests_latency", - Help: "Histogram of time to reply to request.", - Buckets: []float64{.005, .01, .02, .04, .08, .16, .32}, - }, - []string{"method", "service", "resource"}, - ) -} - -// create metric according to duration. -// DurationMetric measures an SLA "95% of all confirmations must be made in less than 5minutes" and to -// plot average confirmation time and the apdex score. -// https://www.bookstack.cn/read/prometheus-en/1e87bb1c6ea1f003.md -// bucket limits are in seconds... and may be different for simple hash, merkle log or other duration metrics. -func NewDurationMetric(name string, buckets []float64) *prometheus.HistogramVec { - return prometheus.NewHistogramVec( - prometheus.HistogramOpts{ - Name: fmt.Sprintf("archivist_%s_duration", name), - Help: fmt.Sprintf("Histogram of duration of a %s event.", name), - Buckets: buckets, - }, - []string{"operation"}, - ) -} - -// Metrics. Only those metrics specified -// are returned. The GoCollector and ProcessCollector metrics are omitted by -// using our own registry. -type Metrics struct { - serviceName string - port string - registry *prometheus.Registry - labels []latencyObserveOffset - log Logger -} - -type MetricsOption func(*Metrics) - -func WithLabel(label string, offset int) MetricsOption { - return func(m *Metrics) { - m.labels = append(m.labels, latencyObserveOffset{label: label, offset: offset}) - } -} - -func New(log Logger, serviceName string, port string, opts ...MetricsOption) *Metrics { - var m Metrics - return new_(&m, log, serviceName, port, opts...) -} - -func new_(m *Metrics, log Logger, serviceName string, port string, opts ...MetricsOption) *Metrics { - m.log = log - m.serviceName = strings.ToLower(serviceName) - m.registry = prometheus.NewRegistry() - m.labels = []latencyObserveOffset{} - m.port = port - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(m) - } - return m -} - -func (m *Metrics) String() string { - return m.serviceName -} - -func (m *Metrics) Register(cs ...prometheus.Collector) { - m.registry.MustRegister(cs...) -} - -func (m *Metrics) Port() string { - if m != nil { - return m.port - } - return "" -} - -// NewPromHandler - this handler is used on the endpoint that serves metrics endpoint -// which is provided on a different port to the service. -// The default InstrumentMetricHandler is suppressed. -func (m *Metrics) NewPromHandler() http.Handler { - return promhttp.HandlerFor(m.registry, promhttp.HandlerOpts{}) -} diff --git a/metrics/observers.go b/metrics/observers.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5b8b84c..0000000 --- a/metrics/observers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -package metrics - -import ( - "strings" - - "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" -) - -type Prometheus interface { -} - -type latencyObserveOffset struct { - label string - offset int -} - -// Latency observers -type LatencyObservers struct { - requestsCounter *prometheus.CounterVec - requestsLatency *prometheus.HistogramVec - serviceName string - labels []latencyObserveOffset - log Logger -} - -// NewLatencyObservers is specific to calculating the network latency and packet count. -func NewLatencyObservers(m *Metrics) LatencyObservers { - - o := LatencyObservers{ - log: m.log, - requestsCounter: RequestsCounterMetric(), - requestsLatency: RequestsLatencyMetric(), - serviceName: strings.ToLower(m.serviceName), - labels: m.labels, - } - - m.Register(o.requestsCounter, o.requestsLatency) - return o -} - -func (o *LatencyObservers) ObserveRequestsCount(fields []string, method string) { - - for _, label := range o.labels { - if len(fields) > label.offset && fields[label.offset] == label.label { - o.log.Infof("Count %s: %s", label.label, method) - o.requestsCounter.WithLabelValues(method, o.serviceName, label.label).Inc() - return - } - } -} - -func (o *LatencyObservers) ObserveRequestsLatency(elapsed float64, fields []string, method string) { - - for _, label := range o.labels { - if len(fields) > label.offset && fields[label.offset] == label.label { - o.log.Infof("Latency %v %s: %s", elapsed, label.label, method) - o.requestsLatency.WithLabelValues(method, o.serviceName, label.label).Observe(elapsed) - return - } - } -} diff --git a/readiness/error.go b/readiness/error.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3ea3611..0000000 --- a/readiness/error.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -package readiness - -type UnrecoverableError struct { - desc string - err error -} - -func (e *UnrecoverableError) Error() string { - return e.desc + ": " + e.err.Error() -} - -func (e *UnrecoverableError) Unwrap() error { - return e.err -} - -// NewUnrecoverableError creates an Error object that is not recoverable -func NewUnrecoverableError(err error) error { - return &UnrecoverableError{ - desc: "Unrecoverable", - err: err, - } -} diff --git a/readiness/repeat.go b/readiness/repeat.go deleted file mode 100644 index 717904d..0000000 --- a/readiness/repeat.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -package readiness - -// For utilities that assist checking if other things are ready or repeating -// things until they are. - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "time" - - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/logger" -) - -// Repeat repeatedly calls func until it returns without a recoverable error -// or attempts are exhausted. attempts = -1 to try forever. interval is the delay between -// attempts. -func Repeat(ctx context.Context, attempts int, interval time.Duration, f func() error) error { - var err error - - log := logger.Sugar.FromContext(ctx) - defer log.Close() - - for i := 0; ; i++ { - err = f() - if err == nil { - return nil - } - - // exit early if error is unrecoverable - var e *UnrecoverableError - if errors.As(err, &e) { - return err - } - - if attempts > -1 && i >= (attempts-1) { - break - } - log.Debugf("retrying ... count: %d interval: %s err: %v", i, interval, err) - - time.Sleep(interval) - } - - return err -} diff --git a/restproxyserver/defaulthttperrorhandler.go b/restproxyserver/defaulthttperrorhandler.go deleted file mode 100644 index 59ccf91..0000000 --- a/restproxyserver/defaulthttperrorhandler.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -package restproxyserver - -import ( - "context" - "net/http" - - "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/runtime" -) - -func DefaultHTTPErrorHandler(ctx context.Context, mux *ServeMux, marshaler Marshaler, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error) { - runtime.DefaultHTTPErrorHandler(ctx, mux, marshaler, w, r, err) -} diff --git a/restproxyserver/logger.go b/restproxyserver/logger.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3ca9872..0000000 --- a/restproxyserver/logger.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -package restproxyserver - -import ( - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/logger" -) - -type Logger = logger.Logger diff --git a/restproxyserver/restproxyserver.go b/restproxyserver/restproxyserver.go deleted file mode 100644 index 67f1593..0000000 --- a/restproxyserver/restproxyserver.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,250 +0,0 @@ -package restproxyserver - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "reflect" - "strings" - - env "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/environment" - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/httpserver" - "github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2/runtime" - - "google.golang.org/grpc" -) - -const ( - defaultGRPCHost = "localhost" - MIMEWildcard = runtime.MIMEWildcard -) - -var ( - ErrNilRegisterer = errors.New("Nil Registerer") - ErrNilRegistererValue = errors.New("Nil Registerer value") -) - -type Marshaler = runtime.Marshaler -type ServeMux = runtime.ServeMux -type QueryParameterParser = runtime.QueryParameterParser -type HeaderMatcherFunc = runtime.HeaderMatcherFunc -type ErrorHandlerFunc = runtime.ErrorHandlerFunc -type DialOption = grpc.DialOption - -type RegisterRESTProxyServer func(context.Context, *ServeMux, string, []DialOption) error - -type HandleChainFunc = httpserver.HandleChainFunc - -type filePath struct { - verb string - urlPath string - fileHandler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, map[string]string) -} - -// RESTProxyServer represents the grpc-gateway rest serve endpoint. -type RESTProxyServer struct { - name string - port string - log Logger - grpcAddress string - grpcHost string - dialOptions []DialOption - options []runtime.ServeMuxOption - filePaths []filePath - handlers []HandleChainFunc - registers []RegisterRESTProxyServer - mux *runtime.ServeMux - server *httpserver.Server -} - -type RESTProxyServerOption func(*RESTProxyServer) - -// WithMarshaler specifies an optional marshaler. -func WithMarshaler(mime string, m Marshaler) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - g.options = append(g.options, runtime.WithMarshalerOption(mime, m)) - } -} - -// SetQueryParameterParser adds an intercepror that matches header values. -func SetQueryParameterParser(p QueryParameterParser) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - g.options = append(g.options, runtime.SetQueryParameterParser(p)) - } -} - -// WithIncomingHeaderMatcher adds an interceptor that matches header values. -func WithIncomingHeaderMatcher(o HeaderMatcherFunc) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - if o != nil && !reflect.ValueOf(o).IsNil() { - g.options = append(g.options, runtime.WithIncomingHeaderMatcher(o)) - } - } -} - -// WithOutgoingHeaderMatcher matches header values on output. Nil argument is ignored. -func WithOutgoingHeaderMatcher(o HeaderMatcherFunc) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - if o != nil && !reflect.ValueOf(o).IsNil() { - g.options = append(g.options, runtime.WithOutgoingHeaderMatcher(o)) - } - } -} - -// WithErrorHandler adds error handling in special cases - e.g on 402 or 429. Nil argument is ignored. -func WithErrorHandler(o ErrorHandlerFunc) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - if o != nil && !reflect.ValueOf(o).IsNil() { - g.options = append(g.options, runtime.WithErrorHandler(o)) - } - } -} - -// WithGRPCAddress - overides the defaultGRPCAddress ('localhost:') -func WithGRPCAddress(a string) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - g.grpcAddress = a - } -} - -// WithRegisterHandlers adds grpc-gateway handlers. A nil value will emit an -// error from the Listen() method. -func WithRegisterHandlers(registerers ...RegisterRESTProxyServer) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - g.registers = append(g.registers, registerers...) - } -} - -// WithOptionalRegisterHandler adds grpc-gateway handlers. A nil value will be -// ignored. -func WithOptionalRegisterHandlers(registerers ...RegisterRESTProxyServer) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - for i := range len(registerers) { - registerer := registerers[i] - if registerer != nil && !reflect.ValueOf(registerer).IsNil() { - g.registers = append(g.registers, registerer) - } - } - } -} - -// WithHTTPHandlers adds handlers on the http endpoint. A nil value will -// return an error on executiong Listen() -func WithHTTPHandlers(handlers ...HandleChainFunc) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - g.handlers = append(g.handlers, handlers...) - } -} - -// WithOptionalHTTPHandlers adds handlers on the http endpoint. A nil value will -// be ignored. -func WithOptionalHTTPHandlers(handlers ...HandleChainFunc) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - for i := range len(handlers) { - handler := handlers[i] - if handler != nil && !reflect.ValueOf(handler).IsNil() { - g.handlers = append(g.handlers, handler) - } - } - } -} - -// WithAppendedDialOption appends a grpc dial option. -func WithAppendedDialOption(d DialOption) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - g.dialOptions = append(g.dialOptions, d) - } -} - -// WithPrependedDialOption prepends a grpc dial option. -func WithPrependedDialOptions(d ...DialOption) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - g.dialOptions = append(d, g.dialOptions...) - } -} - -// WithHandlePath add REST file path handler. -func WithHandlePath(verb string, urlPath string, f func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, map[string]string)) RESTProxyServerOption { - return func(g *RESTProxyServer) { - g.filePaths = append( - g.filePaths, - filePath{ - verb: verb, - urlPath: urlPath, - fileHandler: f, - }, - ) - } -} - -// New creates a new RESTProxyServer that is bound to a specific GRPC Gateway API. This object complies with -// the standard Listener interface and can be managed by the startup.Listeners object. -func New(log Logger, name string, port string, opts ...RESTProxyServerOption) RESTProxyServer { - - g := RESTProxyServer{ - name: strings.ToLower(name), - port: port, - dialOptions: []grpc.DialOption{}, - options: []runtime.ServeMuxOption{}, - filePaths: []filePath{}, - handlers: []HandleChainFunc{}, - registers: []RegisterRESTProxyServer{}, - } - g.log = log.WithIndex("restproxyserver", g.String()) - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(&g) - } - - if g.grpcAddress == "" { - port := env.GetOrFatal("PORT") - g.grpcAddress = fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%s", port) - } - - g.mux = runtime.NewServeMux(g.options...) - return g -} - -func (g *RESTProxyServer) String() string { - // No logging in this method please. - return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", g.name, g.port) -} - -func (g *RESTProxyServer) Listen() error { - - for _, p := range g.filePaths { - err := g.mux.HandlePath(p.verb, p.urlPath, p.fileHandler) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("cannot handle path %s: %w", p.urlPath, err) - } - } - - for _, register := range g.registers { - if register == nil { - return ErrNilRegisterer - } - if reflect.ValueOf(register).IsNil() { - return ErrNilRegistererValue - } - err := register(context.Background(), g.mux, g.grpcAddress, g.dialOptions) - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - g.server = httpserver.New( - g.log, - fmt.Sprintf("proxy %s", g.name), - g.port, - g.mux, - httpserver.WithHandlers(g.handlers...), - ) - - g.log.Debugf("server %v", g.server) - g.log.Infof("Listen") - return g.server.Listen() -} - -func (g *RESTProxyServer) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error { - g.log.Infof("Shutdown") - return g.server.Shutdown(ctx) -} diff --git a/startup/listener.go b/startup/listener.go deleted file mode 100644 index e701218..0000000 --- a/startup/listener.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -package startup - -import ( - "context" - "errors" - "fmt" - "os/signal" - "reflect" - "strings" - "syscall" - "time" - - "golang.org/x/sync/errgroup" -) - -var ( - ErrNilListener = errors.New("Nil Listener") - ErrNilListenerValue = errors.New("Nil Listener value") -) - -// based on gist found at https://gist.github.com/pteich/c0bb58b0b7c8af7cc6a689dd0d3d26ef?permalink_comment_id=4053701 - -// Listener is an interface that describes any kind of listener - HTTP Server, GRPC Server -// or servicebus receiver. -type Listener interface { - Listen() error - Shutdown(context.Context) error -} - -// Listeners contains all servers that comply with the service. -type Listeners struct { - name string - log Logger - listeners []Listener -} - -type ListenersOption func(*Listeners) - -// WithListeners add multiple listeners. Nil listeners will cause -// an error to be returned. -func WithListeners(listeners ...Listener) ListenersOption { - return func(l *Listeners) { - l.listeners = append(l.listeners, listeners...) - } -} - -func NewListeners(log Logger, name string, opts ...ListenersOption) Listeners { - l := Listeners{name: strings.ToLower(name)} - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(&l) - } - l.log = log.WithIndex("listener", l.String()) - return l -} - -func (l *Listeners) String() string { - return l.name -} - -func (l *Listeners) Listen() error { - - ctx, stop := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) - defer stop() - - g, errCtx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) - - for i := range l.listeners { - h := l.listeners[i] - if h == nil { - return ErrNilListener - } - if reflect.ValueOf(h).IsNil() { - return ErrNilListenerValue - } - l.log.Debugf("Start %d %s", i, h) - g.Go(func() error { - err := h.Listen() - if err != nil { - return err - } - return nil - }) - } - - g.Go(func() error { - <-errCtx.Done() - l.log.Infof("Cancel from signal") - return l.Shutdown() - }) - - err := g.Wait() - if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { - return err - } - - return nil -} - -func (l *Listeners) Shutdown() error { - var err error - for _, h := range l.listeners { - func() { - ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second) - defer cancel() - e := h.Shutdown(ctx) - if e != nil { - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("Cannot shutdown %s: %w: %w", h, err, e) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("Cannot shutdown %s: %w", h, e) - } - } - }() - } - return err -} diff --git a/startup/logger.go b/startup/logger.go deleted file mode 100644 index ff304f8..0000000 --- a/startup/logger.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -package startup - -import ( - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/logger" -) - -type Logger = logger.Logger diff --git a/startup/run.go b/startup/run.go deleted file mode 100644 index c8ab233..0000000 --- a/startup/run.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -// Package startup is intended as a helper package to -// run services in go routines in main -package startup - -import ( - "os" - - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/environment" - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/k8sworker" - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/logger" - "github.com/datatrails/go-datatrails-common/tracing" -) - -const ( - restProxyPort = "RESTPROXY_PORT" - port = "PORT" -) - -type runOptions struct { - portName string -} - -type RunOption func(*runOptions) - -func UseRestproxyTracingPort() RunOption { - return func(o *runOptions) { - o.portName = restProxyPort - } -} - -func NoTracingPort() RunOption { - return func(o *runOptions) { - o.portName = "" - } -} - -type Runner func(logger.Logger) error - -// defers do not work in main() because of the os.Exit( -func Run(serviceName string, run Runner, opts ...RunOption) { - - logger.New(environment.GetLogLevel()) - log := logger.Sugar.WithServiceName(serviceName) - - o := runOptions{portName: port} - - for _, opt := range opts { - opt(&o) - } - - exitCode := func() int { - var exitCode int - var err error - // ensure we configure go max procs and memlimit - // for kubernetes. - k8Config, err := k8sworker.NewK8Config(k8sworker.WithLogger(log.Infof)) - if err != nil { - log.Infof("Error configuring go for kubernetes: %v", err) - return 1 - } - defer k8sworker.Close() - - // log the useful kubernetes go configuration - log.Infof("Go Configuration: %+v", k8Config) - - if o.portName != "" { - closer := tracing.NewTracer(log, o.portName) - if closer != nil { - defer closer.Close() - } - } - err = run(log) - if err != nil { - log.Infof("Error at startup: %v", err) - exitCode = 1 - } - return exitCode - }() - - log.Infof("Shutting down") - logger.OnExit() - - os.Exit(exitCode) - -} diff --git a/tenantid/tenantID.go b/tenantid/tenantID.go deleted file mode 100644 index af20d4e..0000000 --- a/tenantid/tenantID.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -package tenantid - -import ( - "net/http" -) - -const ( - grpcMetadataHeaderKey = "grpc-metadata-archivist-internal-tenant-id" - headerKey = "archivist-internal-tenant-id" - Prefix = "tenant/" -) - -func GetTenantIDFromHeader(h http.Header) string { - t := h.Get(headerKey) - if t != "" { - return t - } - t = h.Get(grpcMetadataHeaderKey) - return t -} - -func DeleteTenantIDFromHeader(h http.Header) { - h.Del(headerKey) - h.Del(grpcMetadataHeaderKey) -}