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FastAPI + Reflex.

This project explores using Reflex to build a frontend for a FastAPI application. If you already have a FastAPI backend, Reflex can help develop parts of your frontend efficiently.

The application is a simple app to manage customer data. It is based in the customer_data example from the Reflex. The database functionality has been moved from Reflex to FastAPI. The Reflex frontend therefore sends http requests to the fastapi backend.


How to develop the app on your local machine:

To develop the app, you will need to run both the FastAPI backend and the Reflex App.

  1. Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create and .env file in the root directory of the project. The .env file should contain the following variables:

Remember to replace the IP address/server name above with the actual IP address/server name of your server when deploying the app.

  1. To run the reflex app, navigate to the app/frontend directory and run the following command:
reflex run

This will start the Reflex app. The frontend app will be available at http://localhost:3000. The reflex backend app will be start in http://localhost:8001. This backend is used to serve the state of the Reflex app.

  1. To start the fastapi backend app, navigate to the root directory and run the following command:
uvicorn app.backend.main:app --reload --port 5000

This will start the fastapi backend app. The backend app will be available at http://localhost:5000.

  1. You can now develop the frontend app and the backend app simultaneously.

How to deploy the app:

  1. Once you are done developing the frontend app, export the Reflex app by running the following command:
 reflex export --no-zip --frontend-only

The frontend is a compiled NextJS app, which can be deployed to a static hosting service like Github Pages or Vercel.

These are the static files that will be served by the fastapi app.

  1. To run the backend state for the frontend reflex app, navigate to the app/frontend directory and run the following command:
 reflex run --backend-only

Reflex Command Line Interface

To learn more about Reflex CLI, visit the Reflex CLI page.

Production Setup

You will need to set up 2 applications/services:

  1. A fastapi that is available to the public.
  2. A backend service by reflex that is only called by the frontend fastapi application. The fastapi calls it via wss://, and is the request is forwarded to This service maintains the state of the application. This is a reflex backend.

Creating the FastAPI Application

Create this as you would like. In my example, I have called the service fastapi-reflex. I am using a socket.

Under /etc/systemd/system create the service file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/fastapi-reflex.service
Description=Gunicorn instance to serve FastAPI Reflex

ExecStart=/usr/share/nginx/fastapi-reflex/venv/bin/gunicorn -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker app.backend.main:app -b unix:/var/sockets/fastapi-reflex/fastapi-reflex.sock -m 007 -t 5400 --max-requests 1000 --max-requests-jitter 50


Creating the Reflex Backend Service

Under /etc/systemd/system create the service file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/reflex-backend.service

Copy/Adjust the following code into the file: Note: Set the desired username and Group below.

Description=Gunicorn instance to serve Reflex Backend Service

ExecStart=/usr/share/nginx/fastapi-reflex/venv/bin/reflex run --env prod --backend-only


Automated Deployment in a Production environment

You will need to have a git repository, initialized with a remote repository.


git init

git remote add origin

You can now run the following command to deploy the app:

chmod +x; ./

This will give the execution persmissions, update the repository, activate the virtual environment, install the requirements, export the frontend app, restart the services, and deactivate the virtual environment.

Username and Password

The default username and password for the login page is: