2,592,701 events, 1,318,633 push events, 2,103,229 commit messages, 153,265,035 characters
For fucks sake. Stupid fucking URL encoder class is SO SHIT...
Signed-off-by: cpw [email protected]
added bracket that fixed pie chart
fuck you volks
16.1.Adding a Custom Action{ Custom Route Actions; Adding the Route Action Endpoint }
We know there are a bunch of built-in actions, like "delete" and "edit". But sometimes you need to manipulate an entity in a different way! Like, how could we add a "publish" button next to each Genus? There are... two different ways to do that. Click into the show view for a Genus. On show, the actions show up at the bottom. Before we talk about publishing, I want to add a new button down here called "feed"... ya know... because Genuses get hungry. When we click that, it should send the user to a custom controller where we can write whatever crazy code we want.
Custom Route Actions The first step should feel very natural. We already know how to add actions, remove actions and customize how they look. Under Genus, add a new show key and actions. Use the expanded configuration, with name: genus_feed and type: route. There are two different custom action "types": route and action. Route is simple: it creates a new link to the genus_feed route. And you can use any of the normal action-configuring options, like label, css_class: 'btn btn-info or an icon.
Adding the Route Action Endpoint Next, we need to actually create that route and controller. In src/Controller, open GenusController. At the top, add feedAction() with @Route("/genus/feed") and name="genus_feed" to match what we put in the config. Notice the URL for this is just /genus/feed. It does not start with /easyadmin. And so, it's not protected by our access_control security. That should be enough to get started. Refresh! There's our link! Click it and... good! Error! I love errors! Our action is still empty. So here's the question: when we click feed on the Genus show page... the EasyAdminBundle must somehow pass us the id of that genus... right? Yes! It does it via query parameters... which are a bit ugly! So I'll open up my profiler and go to "Request / Response". Here are the GET parameters. We have entity and id! Now that we know that, this will be a pretty traditional controller. I'll type-hint the Request object as an argument. Then, fetch the entity manager and the via $request->query->get('id'). Use that to get the $genus object: $em->getRepository(Genus::class)->find($id) Cool! To feed the Genus, we'll re-use a feed() method from a previous tutorial. Start by creating a menu of delicious food: shrimp, clams, lobsters and... dolphin! Then choose a random food, add a flash message and call $genus->feed() Now that all this hard work is done, I want to redirect back to the show view for this genus. Like normal, return $this->redirectToRoute(). And actually, EasyAdminBundle only has one route... called easyadmin We tell it where to go via query parameters, like action set to show, entity set to $request->query->get('entity')... or we could just say Genus, and id set to $id. That is it! Refresh the show page! And feed the genus. Got it! We can hit that over and over again. Hello custom action.
Did a decent amount
- Added Energy system (fuck you space)
- Added Seismic Slam
- Fixed 0 second cooldowns displaying a cooldown message
- Other shit (cant remember I did so much)
lib/list_sort: Optimize number of calls to comparison function
CONFIG_RETPOLINE has severely degraded indirect function call performance, so it's worth putting some effort into reducing the number of times cmp() is called.
This patch avoids badly unbalanced merges on unlucky input sizes. It slightly increases the code size, but saves an average of 0.2*n calls to cmp().
x86-64 code size 739 -> 803 bytes (+64)
Unfortunately, there's not a lot of low-hanging fruit in a merge sort; it already performs only nlog2(n) - Kn + O(1) compares. The leading coefficient is already at the theoretical limit (log2(n!) corresponds to K=1.4427), so we're fighting over the linear term, and the best mergesort can do is K=1.2645, achieved when n is a power of 2.
The differences between mergesort variants appear when n is not a power of 2; K is a function of the fractional part of log2(n). Top-down mergesort does best of all, achieving a minimum K=1.2408, and an average (over all sizes) K=1.248. However, that requires knowing the number of entries to be sorted ahead of time, and making a full pass over the input to count it conflicts with a second performance goal, which is cache blocking.
Obviously, we have to read the entire list into L1 cache at some point, and performance is best if it fits. But if it doesn't fit, each full pass over the input causes a cache miss per element, which is undesirable.
While textbooks explain bottom-up mergesort as a succession of merging passes, practical implementations do merging in depth-first order: as soon as two lists of the same size are available, they are merged. This allows as many merge passes as possible to fit into L1; only the final few merges force cache misses.
This cache-friendly depth-first merge order depends on us merging the beginning of the input as much as possible before we've even seen the end of the input (and thus know its size).
The simple eager merge pattern causes bad performance when n is just over a power of 2. If n=1028, the final merge is between 1024- and 4-element lists, which is wasteful of comparisons. (This is actually worse on average than n=1025, because a 1204:1 merge will, on average, end after 512 compares, while 1024:4 will walk 4/5 of the list.)
Because of this, bottom-up mergesort achieves K < 0.5 for such sizes, and has an average (over all sizes) K of around 1. (My experiments show K=1.01, while theory predicts K=0.965.)
There are "worst-case optimal" variants of bottom-up mergesort which avoid this bad performance, but the algorithms given in the literature, such as queue-mergesort and boustrodephonic mergesort, depend on the breadth-first multi-pass structure that we are trying to avoid.
This implementation is as eager as possible while ensuring that all merge passes are at worst 1:2 unbalanced. This achieves the same average K=1.207 as queue-mergesort, which is 0.2n better then bottom-up, and only 0.04n behind top-down mergesort.
Specifically, defers merging two lists of size 2^k until it is known that there are 2^k additional inputs following. This ensures that the final uneven merges triggered by reaching the end of the input will be at worst 2:1. This will avoid cache misses as long as 3*2^k elements fit into the cache.
(I confess to being more than a little bit proud of how clean this code turned out. It took a lot of thinking, but the resultant inner loop is very simple and efficient.)
Refs: Bottom-up Mergesort: A Detailed Analysis Wolfgang Panny, Helmut Prodinger Algorithmica 14(4):340--354, October 1995 https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01294131 https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
The cost distribution of queue-mergesort, optimal mergesorts, and power-of-two rules Wei-Mei Chen, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Gen-Huey Chen Journal of Algorithms 30(2); Pages 423--448, February 1999 https://doi.org/10.1006/jagm.1998.0986 https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Queue-Mergesort Mordecai J. Golin, Robert Sedgewick Information Processing Letters, 48(5):253--259, 10 December 1993 https://doi.org/10.1016/0020-0190(93)90088-q https://sci-hub.tw/10.1016/0020-0190(93)90088-Q
Feedback from Rasmus Villemoes [email protected].
Change-Id: Iade41c4a3d9c67485907b9eaf9568652b9db5f79 Link: http://lkml.kernel.org/r/fd560853cc4dca0d0f02184ffa888b4c1be89abc.1552704200.git.lkml@sdf.org Signed-off-by: George Spelvin [email protected] Acked-by: Andrey Abramov [email protected] Acked-by: Rasmus Villemoes [email protected] Reviewed-by: Andy Shevchenko [email protected] Cc: Daniel Wagner [email protected] Cc: Dave Chinner [email protected] Cc: Don Mullis [email protected] Cc: Geert Uytterhoeven [email protected] Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton [email protected] Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds [email protected]
"10:15am. Beat Doom Eternal on Nightmare yesterday so my life (and sleep pattern) should return to their usual from here on out.
The game was great, I played Doom 2016 as well and Eternal exceeds it on every level, most notably gameplay. Bravo. The dev team did a good job. I had a blast.
10:20am. Ugh, I am groggy.
Let me check out that reply. I got it yesterday, but did not bother to read it as it was past 1am.
10:30am. He keeps recommending me React. No, just no.
Though at this point, I am not sure we see eye to eye. Shouldn't the Elm pattern make debugability easire for him?
10:35am. I need some downtime before I can start work. When I do, the first thing will be to make a simplified example and ask about the issue I am having on SO.
11am. Let me finally start. I am over my tiredness a bit.
module StackTenButtons.Try2
open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Reactive.Linq
open System.Reactive.Disposables
open FSharp.Control.Reactive
let control c l =
Observable.Create (fun (sub : IObserver<_>) ->
let c = c()
let d = new CompositeDisposable()
List.iter (fun x -> d.Add(x c)) l
d :> IDisposable
let do' f c = f c; Disposable.Empty
let prop s v c = Observable.subscribe (s c) v
let w =
control Window [
prop (fun t v -> t.Content <- v) <| control StackPanel [
do' (fun pan ->
Observable.range 0 10
|> Observable.subscribe (fun x -> pan.Children.Add(Button(Content=sprintf "Button %i" x)) |> ignore)
|> ignore
let main _ = w.Subscribe (Application().Run >> ignore); 0
This should serve as the minimal example.
11:15am. Actually, let me push this to Github just in case they need the project files.
Pushed this.
Now...as per plan let me take a look at the Rx source.
11:35am. Focus me. Stop reading the PL sub.
public void OnError(Exception error)
if (error == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(error));
if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isStopped, 1) == 0)
As expected, ObserverBase does some things under the hood.
public IQbservable<TResult> CreateQuery<TResult>(Expression expression)
if (expression == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression));
if (!typeof(IObservable<TResult>).IsAssignableFrom(expression.Type))
throw new ArgumentException(Strings_Providers.INVALID_TREE_TYPE, nameof(expression));
return new ObservableQuery<TResult>(expression);
A lot of the code is this ugly boilerplate type and null checking at runtime.
12pm. Also a lot of complexity in the library is because of error handling. .NET uses exceptions, but Rx uses monadic error propagation and converts the former to the later automatically.
12:10pm. Let me stop here so I can have breakfast. It will take me a while to go through the whole library. It is smaller than its directory size would indicate.
I will figure all of this out and enjoy my mastery of functional reactive programming after that.
I've really delayed my mastery of UIs for way too long. Once I have it in .NET land, I'll extend that understanding to JS. I will use this to create editor support for Spiral.
When 2020 is history, this will be the point where my programming really turned around.
It will be so great to be able to do graphical interfaces. Imagine how good that will be when I actually have the agents."
Revert "fuck you stop being laggy"
This reverts commit 560f9f5192adfc4586b6ed889ed99e577ecf9eb8.
Created Text For URL [www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/apr/08/the-joy-was-leaking-out-of-my-life-i-became-depressed-living-alone-talking-to-a-friend-saved-me]
paint sakura
you can show to you girlfriend,she maybe like it.
Remove plugins with no source location (#87)
300_White Stallion+SB23.esp 75barena.esp [Keias]Dungeon Of Chaos.esp _LPDaedricWAR.esp Adrenaline Fuelled Archery- Bow Sway.esp Adrenaline-Fuelled Combat.esp All Natural - Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch.esp All Natural - Real Lights - The Ayleid Steps Patch.esp anvil bay+ul tweak.esp Arena_BattlesV1.1.esp Arena_BattlesV1.2.esp Ash's DB Kah'Lil Quest.esp Ashes to Ashes & DP Nosferatu Class Vampires Patch Attack & Hide Bartholm-Panther River Patch.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Ashara''s Sirens and Tritons.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Cute Elves.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules No Glow-Eyes & One-Eyed.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules No Glow-Eyes.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules No One-Eyed.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Nec Mystic High Elf Remake.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eye.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race for RMV4.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race for TFF&RMV4.esp Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race for TFF.esp Blood&Mud - EE patch.esp Borderless Cyrodiil BrighterTorches_v1.1.esp Bullock.esp Cardac-xulAspenWood-patch.esp Castle.bedwyr 0.9.1.esp CaveOfLostSouls V1.esp Chateau_Domrose_V.1.2.1-Fr.esp Companion Gate.esp Companion Gate_Load.esp Cure Disease Overhaul Cybiades - UL Beaches of Cyrodiil Patch.esp Cybiades difficulty plugins Cybiades-Lost Coast patch.esp Daemonengruft.esp Dark Brotherhood Outpost v2.esp DDJailShackles.esp DeepHackdairt.esp Delivery Job - BC.esp Demonhunter Delayer.esp DLCFrostcrag Reborn.esp DMRA BBB Knights of the Nine Replacer.esp DMRA Replacer OOO Collection.esp DMwardropemerged.esp DMwardropemergednoenchant.esp dungeon.esp Dungeons.esp Eiamod_delayer.esp Elsweyr - Valenwood Patch DV.esp ElsweyrAnequina DV.esp ElsweyrMinotaurPatch.esp Enhanced Daedric Invasion for FCOM.esp Enhanced Daedric Invasion for FranOOOMMM.esp Enhanced Weather - Elsweyr Anequina Patch.esp EnhancedWeather - Enhanced Seasons.esp Exterior Actors Have Torches fading torches Faregyl-FGRoad-Patch.esp Feudal Empire 300.esp FHWS.esp Fort Akatosh.esp Fort Ferrion.esp FortAkatosh.esp Gates To Aesgaard Weather Patch.esp Gold Coast's Hillsborough Estate.esp Gold Road Cottage - Classy.esp Gold Road Cottage - Rugged.esp GTAesgaard 1and2 Delayer.esp GTAesgaard I-II Delayer.esp GuardsofCyrodiil.esp HauntedHouse v1.3.esp HeartOftheDeadv6.3 Delayer.esp Hentai Mania addon Break Undies.esp Hentai ManiaC.esp Hentai_mania_statuetki.esp HentaiMania2_Merged_Hell.esp HentaiMania2_Merged_Nightmare.esp HentaiMania2C.esp Hoarfrost Raid.esp IC Tunnel.esp ICWaterfrontPassage.esp ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles.esp ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts - Black Rock - OOO FCOM plugin by Xtudo.esp Imperial City Waterfront Tunnel Entrance Imperil_City_Tunnel.esp Improved Imperial Infrastructure.esp Improved Skingrad.esp ImprovedChorrol.esp In Sachen Ayleiden.esp IOM - Kvatch.esp JolardHome.esp Jpm's Miniature Necromancy JQ-AssassinQuest.esp kingdomofAlmar.esp Knights_DMRA.esp Kvatch Rebuilt - Leveled Guards - FCOM.esp KvatchRising.esp L&G Billboards Scaled.esp Lady Stone Villa ULCompatable.esp LetThePeopleDrink patches LeyawiinPort-AlphaRelease.esp Lost_Happ.esp Lovers_pkr.esp LoversMpc.esp LoversTachiCat.esp LtPD+NRB4+UL-II Patch.esp Lycanmoon.esp Lycanthrope v1.0.esp Malamath.esp Mansion of Champions.esp Martin.esp Midas SMHolyHeal.esp Midas SMPoison.esp MisticheskijOsobnyak.esp MvCQuellArkadiensEV.esp Myths and Legends.esp Nagrons Berg-Pagode.esp Natural Hunger v2_0 by QF.esp New Anvil Flora.esp New Imperial City.esp NewMGQuests.esp Niflheim No psychic guards v1.1.esp NRB4 OCLR Road Record.esp Oblivion_Deutsch_Patch_KotN.esp OblivionCollectibleCards-UniqueLandscapes Merged patch.esp Order of the Virtuous Blood Expanded v0.1.esp Pats Business Mod Pine Lodge.esp PinePeakLodge-CloudtopMountains patch.esp Poison Maker.esp Princess Passwall Home.esp Ravenrock.esp Real Lava RealisticFlora-DLCFrostcrag.esp RealmofRuun.esp RenGuardOverhaulShiveringIsles.esp RimmenAN.esp ROMu.esp RTT RR Lake Rumare Patch.esp SB IC Palace Tower Light Mod SenTineL's Legendary Weapons And Armors Sexlivion_0.4a_Full_English_v1.esp Silgrad_Tower.esp Skip Tutorial.esp Skyrim Draugr Canyon SoulGoddness.esp Sousmarin-beaches fix.esp SSS_1.0.esp Stirk plugins templars.esp Temple_Of_Zealots.esp TempleOfZealots.esp The Big Merger.esp The Crazy Scientist.esp The Dragon Citadel.esp The Lost Spires_delayer.esp The Temple of The Sleeper.esp TheAltadoonPuzzle.esp Thermae.esp TheRunesOfThu'um.esp TiansAyla_NNW.esp tomb-of-quintillus.esp Torynwyll.esp Traduccion mejorada KoT9.esp TrailsOfCyrodiil-UL merged patch.esp Tramps.esp True Retroactive Health v2.2.esp Twillith vampirism TWMP_ProvinceHighRock.esp TWMP_Thir River.esp UL Beaches of Cyrodiil - DMwardrobe patch.esp UL_BOC_LostCoast_1.0.esp ULFallenLeafEverglade.esp ULII-Roads-Patch.esp ULSO+WestRoads Patch.esp uniquelandscapes_beachesofcyrodiil_1.4.1.esp Vampisism Overhaul 2.esp VeronaHouseBloodlines-LostCoast fix.esp Villages1.1.esp VRIceOrcMod.esp Vypers Arrow Spells Waterfront Shack.esp WBA Arboretum.esp Weapons Of The Fallen Heroes plugins Weye.esp witcher2.esp Woodland-RangersDV.esp Woodsman Home.esp xulAncientYews 20x8 fix.esp xulBrenaRiverRavine02.esp
[BOUNTY] More logging (#1459)
- Merges all required things along with the random name thing
the random name seemed to be required???? unsure why though
- adds the shit
end me
- Update names.dm
github is being a bitch, so i'm using the browser for these small changes
- Update cards_ids.dm
also from the browser, god I really need to start using git kraken or some shit
Update cards_ids.dm
Update cards_ids.dm
fixed a few indentation errors
BetterCode (#7)
playing around
FUck your mom
FUck your mom
fasdfasdf rag
Co-authored-by: Steven Fung [email protected]
BetterCode (#9)
playing around
FUck your mom
FUck your mom
fasdfasdf rag
Co-authored-by: Steven Fung [email protected]
Delete Assignment2
My Geospatial Data Science Method for improved prediction of accessibility of health Care in China’s underdeveloped areas
by Di Yao April 5, 2020 Introduction: The purpose of this research is to improve upon the use of social economics and censuses data to generate a new way of measuring accessibility of health care for those living in underdeveloped parts of , China by specifying geospatial data science model estimates spatial accessibility by incorporating supply, demand and distance concurrently and validating data from topographic database to see more accurate and realistic measures of health care accessibility, compared to the traditional model of using only administrative censuses data which is way too broad and potentially obsolete. As people in China become more and more wealthier, the health care likewise becomes more accessible in urban areas. But how much improved in terms of health care accessibility for those who live in underdeveloped parts of China remains questionable. So in order to ensure their wellbeing and tract the improvement in underdeveloped areas, there is a need to tract and measure the accessibility of health care in underdeveloped parts of China. This research will be built on the previous work of Jay Pan and Huhua Cao and many others, their ideas will be combined in order to find the best way to understand and interpret data for social economic model for measuring health care accessibility.
Human development topic After entering the 21th century, China’s economic soar has brought the increase of human capacity in many kinds, such as social welfare, health care and so on. However, the lack of “radical redistributive measures” in the society, people in undeveloped parts of China didn’t take much advantages of the economic growth, and it directly embodied in the accessibility of health care in rural China. For example, Tibet, an autonomous region located in far west part of China where is covered by mountains and harsh natural environment is publicly known for lack of economic development,, has a life expectancy of 68.2 years only compared to the average in China 76 years. Tibet which occupies a large area in western China is the home for more than 3 million people in 2018 according to National Bureau of Statistics of China. Among the population, 90% made up of ethnic Tibetans and most of them are living under poverty. As a remote region from economic center in China, Tibet has the same symptom to many other economically undeveloped areas in human development, that a mature and thorough health care system is absent. The problems on health care system for ethnical minorities living in the Tibetan plateau can be broken down in two parts. First, the accessibility of Health care for comparing to other parts of China. The significance of absence of a mature health care system is that Tibet became the number one in maternal mortality rate in China and East Asia. The average life expectancy in Tibet Plateau is also much lower than other big cities in East coast of China. The inheritance of the problem has many explanation. Tibet Plateau has an altitude over 4500 meters and its mountainous terrain made communication to other areas difficult. The historic lack of economic development lost the attraction to resources allocation. Which makes hospitals, doctors and companies unwilling to move or expand over to the area. Taking a broader view of the overall health care situation, there still many concerns, according to the World Health Organization, “China has one general practitioner for every 6,666 people, compared with the international standard of one for every 1,500 to 2,000 people”. Having the fact that China’s unprimed health care accessibility, the situation is causing more worries. Unfortunately, GIS-based spatial accessibility models have rarely been applied for healthcare issues in China. Since there is rarely reliable dataset available, many questions have remained unsolved.
Human development process The goal of human development is to enlarge people’s choices in every aspect of human life. There are two sides to this; the capability a human being has to be advanced and the opportunities of human beings to use those capabilities, which needs to be improved. Human capabilities can be enhanced by human resources development, nutrition, better access to health care, more infrastructure and more. Health care certainly plays a very important role in human development. As such, this indicates how critical the problem is. Excellent accessibility to health care is very important in human development process, it is a milestone of human development because it remarks the increase of citizen’s quality of life, as Amartya Sen implied. While the ultimate goal is to achieve the SDG-sustainable development goal, which is to increase accessibility of health care in underdeveloped parts of China and , the first step is to identify and map what causes the harm. There can be many factors Poverty and economic underdevelopment are certainly the main factors contribute to that. The inferior economy could not support a superior infrastructure, and the rural local contexts have no attraction to prime medical resources to relocate. After all, the problem of lack of accessibility to health care is related to poverty and economic underdevelopment which is detrimental to human development. So, preferable social redistributive measures are the basics of enhancing human capabilities. Access to adequate health care is crucial to social and economic development, as healthy human capital fosters productivity and economic growth. Methods There are a few geospatial data science methods I found to be significant in the research. Remotely sensed data (raster) was used in source[3] In source [3], DMSP-OLS nighttime lights imagery with a resolution rate of 1 km (30 arc-seconds)was used in combination with the LandScan population grid to measure electrification rates as an indicator of quality of life. Having limited or no access to electricity gives rise to conditions that are detrimental to human health and well-being, such as short food supply or limited access to health care services. For many people the absence of electricity brings life to a standstill after sunset. Surveyed data was used in source[1][2][4][5] Source [1] used Hospital data acquired from the provincial Health Bureau as well as road network and administrative boundaries data were gathered from the 1:250,000-scale Topographic Database of the National Fundamental Geographic Information System of China. The population data were disaggregated using a 60 arc-second (~2 km) grid allocating the total population of each county evenly over the ~4 km2 units provided by this grid. Source[2] used survyed data collected from world bank and world health organization to access the overall accessibility of health care system in China. Source[4] used surveyed data collected census to compare the accessibilities of health care between different areas in China(suburban and urban) to show the disparity of health care access. Source[5] deployed a variable called The Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) Index which was developed by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Surveyed data collected from census was also used in the source. Statistical approaches: There are additional statistical approaches were used in the research that I think is significant. In the research of spatial accessibility of hospital care in Sichuan which is a southwest city in China, A comprehensive GIS-based method was used to measure spatial accessibility for a healthcare system. Gravity based model was implemented in a geographical information system-GIS to estimate the spatial accessibility of health care, the spatial accessibility of health services for a population is equal to the sum of impedance-weighted supply-to-demand ratios of all nearby medical sites. In a more advanced gravity based model, AGi accounts for all the three determinants of spatial accessibility (supply, demand and distance) within one single model. But the weakness of that model is that the output unit is not easy to interpret and it has many limitations. So that, this study also employed the enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2SFCA) method to analyses the spatial accessibility of hospital services in the Sichuan Province. Furthermore, “several other methods such as three-step floating catchment area method (3SFCA) and modified two-step floating catchment area method (M2SFCA), have been proposed as extensions or modifications of the E2SFCA”. (Jay Pan)
Discussion: My objective in this research is to offer a clear situation analysis of accessibility of health care in underdeveloped parts of China, including the disparities, causes and effects as well as the progress it has made, so that an ultimate solution of sustainable development will be evolved. It is clear that the improvement has been made on overall health care quality and accessibility from 1950 to now, according to ChinaPower, “China has also expanded its capacity in non-western medicine. The number of hospitals specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) increased from 447 in 1978 to 3,977 in 2018. TCM may be primed to become a more integral component of China’s health care landscape”. But in fact there still is a huge disparity in accessibility of health care in China between developed areas and underdeveloped areas. The fundamental measure to erase the disparity is to eroding poverty and increase their economies in those underdeveloped areas. The problem is especially serve in Tibet, the gap between accessibility of health care remains relatively big compared to other areas. Which is proven by the electrification rate derived from DMSP-OLS nighttime lights imagery. As far as the personnel is concerned, Even the government spending has increased many times, the number of health workers in Tibet including medical doctors, registered nurse are still much lower than the national average, respectively are only 4.4, 1.4 in 1,000 people. Tibet’s 74 county hospitals barely meet the standard of basic WHO minimum requirements for EOC. Inferior infrastructure makes people travel to medical institutions extremely hard. The research of Assessing the Spatial Accessibility of Hospital Care in Sichuan Province, China by Jay pan shows that, average shortest travel time residents’ locations to hospitals differ hugely in rural and urban contexts in China. With that being said, Tibet did make its progress in its people’s accessibility of health care. For example, According to author's data, maternal mortality ratio(per 100,000people) in Tibet was 460 in year 2000 and sharply reduced to around 100 in 2010, which also came with a boost in hospital delivery rate. The numbers of antenatal care and postpartum care were boosted after year 2010. The progress was tie to the new insurance policies and government subsidies. China central government has issued policies to encourage women to give birth at hospital. In conclusion, the accessibility of health care in underdeveloped parts of China such as Tibet had made remarkable progresses and the improvement with continuous financial investment should be recognized. However the shortage of health professionals and EOC centers should be fulfilled. In order to improve the overall health care accessibility in underdeveloped parts of China, economic development has to be combined with policies.
Jay Pan, Huiran Liu, Xiuli Wang, Hongmei Xie, Paul L. Delamater, Assessing the Spatial Accessibility of Hospital Care in Sichuan Province, China, Article Nov 27 2015 DOI: 10.4081/gh.2015.384 https://www.geospatialhealth.net/index.php/gh/article/view/384/432
Sui-Lee Wee China’s Health Care Crisis: Lines Before Dawn, Violence and ‘No Trust Sui-Lee Wee https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/30/business/china-health-care-doctors.html New York Times OCT1 2018
Using Nighttime Satellite Imagery as a Proxy Measure of Human Well-Being Tilottama Ghosh 1,*, Sharolyn J. Anderson 2 , Christopher D. Elvidge 3 and Paul C. Sutton 2,4 Sustainability 2013, 5, 4988-5019; doi:10.3390/su5124988 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability
Irene J. Su, A Dream Yet to Come True: Disparity of Healthcare Access in China Irene, RN, MSN https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/564226 2007;7(3)
China Power, Is China’s health care meeting the needs of its people? https://chinapower.csis.org/china-health-care-quality/#toc-2
Old sources: 1.Huhua Cao, (2009). Ethnic Minorities and Regional Development in Asia: Reality and Challenges Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2009 2.Labasangzhu, E Bjertness, EB McNeil, Deji, Y Guo(2018). Progress and challenges in improving maternal health in the Tibet Autonomous Region, China, Published online 2018 Nov 14. 3.Vincanne Adams, Suellen Miller, Jennifer Chertow, Sienna Craig, Arlene Samen & Michael Varner (2005) Having A “Safe Delivery”: Conflicting Views from Tibet, Health Care for Women International, 26:9, 821-851, DOI: 10.1080/07399330500230920 4.Nancy S Harris, Patrick B Crawford, Yeshe Yangzom(2001) Nutritional and Health Status of Tibetan Children Living at High Altitude February 1, 2001 N Engl J Med 2001; 344:341-347 DOI:10.1056/NEJM200102013440504 5.Theresia Hofer(2008). Socio-Economic Dimensions of Tibetan Medicine in the Tibet Autonomous Region, China. Brill.nl Asian Medicine 4 (2008) 492–514****
Deletion updates the UI finally. Fuck you QT framework. FUCK. YOU.
zlogin: remove offensive fortunes
look, i'm not very politically/emotionally sensitive, but I hate coomer culture humour. "HAHA PENIS VAGOO SO FUNNY"
fuck off you fucking crude porn-addicted cumbrains. get a god damn job.
re-design of bell tower to pillars
im a fucking idiot is my main conclusion thank you for coming ot my ted talk
stats: some more performance graphs
Add an infrastructure for collecting performance-related data, use it in some places. Add rendering of them to stats.lua.
There were two main goals: minimal impact on the normal code and normal playback. So all these stats_* function calls either happen only during initialization, or return immediately if no stats collection is going on. That's why it does this lazily adding of stats entries etc. (a first iteration made each stats entry an API thing, instead of just a single stats_ctx, but I thought that was getting too intrusive in the "normal" code, even if everything gets worse inside of stats.c).
You could get most of this information from various profilers (including the extremely primitive --dump-stats thing in mpv), but this makes it easier to see the most important information at once (at least in theory), partially because we know best about the context of various things.
Not very happy with this. It's all pretty primitive and dumb. At this point I just wanted to get over with it, without necessarily having to revisit it later, but with having my stupid statistics.
Somehow the code feels terrible. There are a lot of meh decisions in there that could be better or worse (but mostly could be better), and it just sucks but it's also trivial and uninteresting and does the job. I guess I hate programming. It's so tedious and the result is always shit. Anyway, enjoy.
works but is ugly as hell. plus breaks pattern. god, damn