there were a lot of events recorded by of which 2,242,882 were push events containing 3,451,565 commit messages that amount to 257,214,427 characters filtered with to these 52 messages:
[MIRROR] [MDB IGNORE] Tones down the power of nitrous oxide, the reagent. Makes heparin a bit harder to fix to compensate (#5395)
Original PR: tgstation/tgstation#74703
Nitrous Oxide, rather than directly subtracting blood volume per tick, instead applies the anticoagulant trait ''TRAIT_BLOODY_MESS''. It shares this with heparin.
However, unlike, heparin, coagulants like Sanguirite will remove the trait and allow for continued clotting while the reagent is present, neutering the nitrous oxide's anticoagulant effects (but not the other parts)
Heparin, on the other hand, will purge Sanguirite while it is in you system. You must remove the heparin before you can apply an anticoagulant.
Nitrous Oxide, on top of being a knockout chem that causes you to suffocate and become drowsy, just starts deleting blood rapidly. About 15 units of it, standard in a syringe, will kill you in about a minute, but you'll be unconscious for most of it (you'll be at around 50%-60% blood by the time it is out of your system, so as good as dead). It doesn't matter that it metabolizes quickly either, since because it isn't a toxin, it doesn't get purged by livers/improved livers, so you will probably metabolize all of the chem that enters your system.
Blood is one of those 'hidden damage types', a bit like brain damage. Once you start losing it directly, you probably don't have a lot of options to resolve it (unlike a bleed, which you do in various manners), and the means of causing blood loss has been mostly pretty well controlled as of late. Heparin directly interacts with wounds as a good example.
Blood loss is also tied into oxyloss, which is another very mean damage type in that it causes you to fall into unconsciousness at 50 damage, so significantly more lethal than normal damage, kept in check by the fact that breathing restores some of it. Nitrous oxide, you might note, causes you to stop breathing.
It's cheaper to make than either heparin or lexorin, and since it isn't a toxin like those chems, it is able to circumvent a few game mechanics to simply just start killing you. It does the work of chloral hydrate, lexorin and heparin while it has a remarkably easy recipe.
Following the example of how lexorin was pulled into line, and consistency with heparin, I've made nitrous oxide an anticoagulant that may or may not come into play as one. I think this is more up to date with the state of toxins and chem warefare as a whole, and works with the relative ease in making nitrous oxide. And it has been this way for about 5 years, before we got wounds.
(did I mention that nitrous oxide is also an explosive if it gets hot enough?)
I think a chem with a pretty basic recipe shouldn't be doing the work of 5 other, more complicated, chemicals while also not being a toxin and also not interacting with the wounds system or purity system whatsoever. And being an explosive.
🆑 balance: Nitrous oxide, the reagent, increases bleed rate from wounds rather than directly subtracting blood. It can be counteracted using coagulants (such as those in epipens). balance: Heparin purges coagulants. You have to remove heparin from someone's system before you can use coagulants. /🆑
Co-authored-by: necromanceranne [email protected] Co-authored-by: san7890 [email protected]
refactor: Refactor the config package
Previously the configuration for the app was home grown it used many different config libraries to create a hierarchy of configuration.
This worked well, but there was a lot of hacks to make up for little places where the many libraries did not fit perfectly(namely, the hcl parser code was kinda shit and we had struct tags for every library)
To fix this and make the configuration code much simplier I swapped the config package to use which greatly simplifies a lot of hoemgrown code. HCL time.Duration parsing works right out of the box where previously there was a lot of code to make it work.
The tradeoff is that envs now need to be separated by double underscores in order to be understood properly. Which can be a confusing interaction but the maintainabiliy boost is probably worth writing a bit of extra documentation.
feat: Pipelines are now versioned
In order to eventually have canary-able deployments in Gofer we must first support versioned pipelines.
This allows us to:
- Have a good target in which to roll back and forward.
- Understand what we are gaining and losing on each change.
- Track each update as it happens.
This is not easy though as pipelines have parts which are easy to version (namely the config) and parts which are much harder to version (how do we handle the cutting over of triggers?).
Because of this nuance, we've had to redesign a lot of earlier assumptions for how Gofer models worked. This was a major refactor and since I was here I made a few other large sweeping changes.
Full storage package refactor: The storage layer was hard to use, brittle, and inflexible. I've refactored it, leaning a bit more on sqlx and going back to basics. I tried to make the storage package work in the past by keeping the domain models to a minimum. I've since learned this does not work once things become reasonably complicated. One of the main refactors to the storage package is the introduction of dedicated storage models. This means that I have to write a bunch of boilerplate code to switch from in-memory models to the storage ones, but the looser coupling is worth it. More storage refactors coming as I learn what works at large scale and what doesn't. looks interesting.
Removal of Triggers as Pipeline configuration: I desparately wanted to have pipeline configurations encompass everything a pipeline would have to offer, so that it was easy to look at a config and know exactly what was going on in a particular pipeline. Triggers were a pain in the ass though. Triggers unfortunately occupy a very special place in Gofer's archetecture. Without triggers nothing really gets done. And so allowing the user to apply all the same functionality to triggers as they would with any other deployment was short-sighted. Triggers don't make a lot of sense as a canary deployment. Triggers aren't ephemeral, they are either on or their off. No in-between.
Instead Triggers can now be added to your pipeline via the command line. This way trigger subscriptions aren't held down by the paradigms of configuration change.
Pipelines are now versioned: Not only have we added versions to pipelines, but they now have deployments and configurations and metadata and a lot of smaller loosely coupled parts so that they aren't a huge data monolith. This means a lot of breaking changes for outward (and inward for that matter) apis.
Renamed triggers to extensions: We've moved triggers to be their own thing and gave them extra powers to support pipelines. They no longer only have to trigger pipeline but can do things like notify the user.
Just lots of general breakages everywhere: Pretty much a large percentage of things just aren't the same anymore.
run as containers (#1)
- containerizing the logic
this commit puts the logic into a container with access to gpu resources in order to run the training (and subsequently the evaluation). i have not 100% validated the evaluation within the container yet, but i feel it should work with the changes i have made. generally, however, the training works within the docker container.
i technically use podman as the container engine for this, with the nvidia-runtime-container enabled so that it can access the gpu resources. i also need to run in privileged mode to get the container to have access to the gpu.
there were some minor modifications to the code to get replicate the exact study (mainly, changed the jaccard similary score import to just jaccard_score). i have gotten this working on my system in totality, and have frozen the pip environment i had in order to generate the requirements.txt. the dockerfile also pulls a cuda image to gain access to gpu resources, and installs the proper version of python to unpickle the needed files. finally, i have added scripts in order to build and run the container and to train and evaluate the model once inside the container.
there is still more work to be done to include the planned ablations and additions. i also want to figure out ways to output the model file so that training and evaluation can happen in separate containers (ie, can i use a volume to store the model file on the host os and load it from the host os into the evaluation container? what other options do i have here? etc). i also am currently using the prepared data from the github repository. i want to start working to perform the data preparation step in a container as well, which would also give me the benefit of potentially updating the python version since that was primarily chosen to support loading in the pickle files that were included in the repository. if i prepare the data separately, i may be able to do so with newer python versions. finally, it may be worth creating some sort of flask or api application that can accept requests to re-enable some of the command line arguments that made the original code more flexible.
these are all things to be done in future commits, but how far i will get with each of these will be determined later. the most important is getting containerization to work and starting the ablations.
- data preparation logic
Previously, I was able to get the containerized logic working to train and evaluate the model. However, this was using the pickled data files that were already provided by the original authors to make the replication of the study simpler. There was also code that the authors wrote in order to prepare the data and output the pickle files that would later be used. I extracted out the code from the python notebook included in the repository into separate python files to prepare the data with, and added the execution of these python files as steps in the Docker container as part of the overall pipeline. Now the code works fully end-to-end -- data preparation, model training, and model evaluation. The only piece that is not automated at the moment is downloading the data itself. I am considering adding this step as well, but it may be tricky since the DDI data was provided as a Dropbox download link. Anyway, now the code is working and I can focus on ablations as the next steps. I may try to simplify the code that I modified in order to make it cleaner, since my modifications were quite messy as a result of various trials and errors. However, I want to commit the working code now as a base for any future enhancements.
There are some idiosyncrasies as a result of some of the choices I made. For example, in the Docker file I copy over all of the files, and then copy the data processing logic over again. This is because I need this context to unpickle the files. While the original pickle files were likely able to reference the original EDA code provided by the authors, when I extracted the logic into separate files this caused some challenges. To avoid duplicating the files themselves, I simply copy the files into the Docker container multiple times.
I have added the full flow as part of a "pipeline" executed in a bash script by the Dockerfile. One thing to note is that now the grades and feedback for the project proposal have been released. With the feedback, I learned that the full GAMENet pipeline is already integrated into the pyhealth library. Though this effort so far has already taken some time, I may want to spend some time investigating the pyhealth implementation as it may even be simpler than what I have currently -- plus it would be valuable to learn more about! I may investigate in a future commit or a different repository, but we will see what makes the most sense.
- baseline logic
now the logic to train and evaluate the baselines has been included in the container. this has been done rather messily and a bit hastily, so i plan to refactor this a bit in a future commit. however, the code in its current state represents a runnable docker container that succeeds in the following:
- prepare the data for training purposes, including ddi graph and ehr data
- trains the GAMENet model on the prepared data and evaluates it
- trains the DMNC model on the prepared data and evaluatates it
- trains the LR model on the prepared data and evaluates it
- trains the LEAP model on the prepared data and evaluates it
- trains the RETAIN model on the prepared data and evaluates it
at least, my runs seem to be successful. training the dmnc model took quite a while, ~20 hours or so on my Nvida 1080 GPU. one thing i noticed was that only 25% of the GPU memory seemed to be used at any one time. i wonder if this is normal or if i can somehow adapt the data loader patterns or something to enable more data throughput somehow ...
one of the most important things i had to do for this was to upgrade
my version of torch
. i upgraded quite a bit, to version 1.4; after
this, the DMNC model was able to train. before that upgrade, the
model training had issues calculating the gradient for some operations
it regarded as self-assignment. anyway, now it trains though for
a long time. all of the other baselines seem to be working from
what i can tell as well.
i want to make the bash script cleaner, and add command line arguments to evaluate whether baseline evaluation should be run. i also want to make some of the other code cleaner as well. i can probably abstract some of my rougher logic out into the utils file, and find a better way to handle my paths. as i mentioned, this was a bit of a "rough draft" attempt but since i have it working before project draft submission i will commit it for now. hopefully in the next commit i can make a lot of this stuff more clean and user friendly before merging the pr.
- refactor
This commit serves primarily to refactor the existing code, to make it a bit easier to follow and user-friendly. There are a few central changes that contribute to this.
First, I've renamed the
script to be just
. I felt this was more accurate, since I am interested
in running the full GAMENet "pipeline" instead of just training
and eval; this includes preparing the data and training and evaluating
the baselines, along with the GAMENet model itself. Also in this
file, I have modularized the various logic into functions that can
be controlled via simple boolean flags. My intention is to add
command-line arguments and flags to this bash script so that these
flags can be set more dynamically, but for now this helps to easily
toggle which parts of the pipeline I want to enable/disable.
I also made some changes to the Dockerfile and the structure of the container. Instead of copying the repository as-is into the container and then duplicating certain files as necessary and dealing with convoluted path structure, I now copy in the files I want one-by-one into the main directory of the container. This simplifies the imports and the copies, so that every file only needs to be copied once. It also simplifies the path structure for the pickle and data files. Thus, I also needed to make changes to some of the training and evaluation code, as well as the data preparation logic.
Another change here is that I created some helpful utilities in the utils file. This includes evaluating whether or not the TEST variable for a given model should be true, as well as getting the path that the pickle files should be saved to. This will allow me to simplify any changes that are made here, so that from now on I only need to update the path in the utilities function instead of across the entire project.
I do still want to do a second refactor commit, where I clean up the
structure of the repository itself. I think I can move all of the
files out of the data/prepare_data/
directory and just put them
in the data/
directory. I can also simplify how the Dockerfile
copies the directories and files into the container to reduce the
number of steps in the build process. I also plan to add a simple
alias for docker=podman that can be commented out for anyone who
wants to use docker instead of podman. Finally, once I add a bit
of documentation to the README and different areas, I plan to merge
this PR.
- further refactoring
I think my repository is finally starting to look clean enough to merge. It was a bit of a messy path as I continued to add new things and experiment, but I am comfortable with the current state of the code and the organization. I think the final steps before merging the PR and submitting the progress report will be to add some documentation and maybe just a little bit more cleanup (for example cleaning up and adding additional comments).
Mostly, this commit involves moving files around. I had created
a data/prepare_data
directory that I was using because I was
nervous to touch any mission-critical files. Now that I have done
various experiments, I feel more comfortable with how everything
works. So, I was able to move the files I wanted to and organize
it a bit better than I had in my initial commits for this PR.
Pickle files now reside in their own directory, and while these files
do get copied into the container, they will get deleted if the bash
entrypoint's prepare data flag is set to be true. I also updated the
util pickle path to follow with this new organization. I also moved
the data preparation logic up to the data/
directory itself.
I reordered a bit of the logic in the
entrypoint, just
to make things a bit easier to follow. I haven't added command-line
arguments to the bash script or anything yet, but that may come in
a later commit. For now I am comfortable with how this works, and
can always extend it later. I have verified that all of the models
seem to train successfully (or at least start to do so). After the
progress report is submitted, I will make sure to run the entire
pipeline again to verify that the full training and evaluation is
working. I have validated this for some of the smaller, easier to
train models, but not for everything.
- documentation
I cleaned up some final things that I wanted to address before finalizing this PR; this mostly comes down to removing comments in the various python files.
Additionally, I added an alias for docker so that it refers to podman in the build script. Now, this line can easily be commented out in order to use docker instead, while still letting me use podman in general. As mentioned, podman should mostly be a drop-in replacement for docker. I have also added a cleanup script that helps me track the commands I need to free up the resources on my system.
Finally, I have actually made updates to the README file. I have kept the original README file in tact, so that it can be referenced as needed. I also did not want to lose any details that the original authors included for now. Instead, I have added my sections at the top of the README file. This documentation shows how one can take this code and run it as docker or podman containers leveraging the NVIDIA Container Runtime. This allows the containers to have access to GPU resources as needed. Now I feel I can merge the PR and tag a release regarding the project's progress report.
Add files via upload
Task instructions Summary and Purpose of Assessment
The purpose of this assessment task is for you to complete a series of tasks that focus on managing and improving the security infrastructure of an organisation.
This project task requires you to complete the following tasks:
Read information on Star education (page 3) and their security policies, located in Appendix A of this document. This information will assist you in completing the assessment. You will need to answer each project task on a separate document and submit this assessment for marking. Your responses will be assessed as per the marking criteria outlined in Section B of this document.
Assessment Instructions
Read and complete all seven (7) sections of the project. This assessment task requires you to address Star education’s newly implemented security policies (located in Appendix A) and provide extensive research in order to incorporate best practice standards for the organisations security systems, as well as to support the planning and development of the security policies. You may use class resources and the internet to assist you in completing this assessment task. You will need to complete your task using a separate document, making sure to include your name and student ID. Seek assistance from your teacher if you need clarification with any of the questions. Your teacher will go through this assessment during class time to answer any questions. Student will be observed undertaking this assessment task by a qualified Complete all sections as directed below before handing in your assessment for marking. What
You need to complete all the tasks of Part 1 in this assessment.
Please refer Section B /Rubric for specific details.
Project_VU21995_Task1_Student_220802.docxDownload Project_VU21995_Task1_Student_220802.docx
Download the above file to complete all Part 1 tasks. Make sure to rename your file as instructed. Upon completion, upload the completed file on canvas and submit.
Please note, all the tasks appearing below are repeated in the above file.
Star education
Star education are a TAFE provider located in Melbourne. They host an array of courses and are home to approximately 900 students – both local and international.
Recently, Star education have decided to review their cyber security practices to ensure they are equipped to manage any cyber threats that may come their way.
The Director is currently in a phase of revising many of the TAFE’s policies and has a keen interest to ensure the safety of the TAFE’s students and staff – on all levels.
Many staff members have worked at Star for a long time and therefore, may resist the implementation of new policies. This is something to always think about – managing change.
Security training for staff is often seldom complete and students receive basic security training during their first weak at the TAFE.
In addition, the organisation does invest in some security tools, although these are at a basic level that are not always best suited to the growing size of the TAFE.
The organisational structure includes:
Academic operations
Curriculum and teaching
Student engagement and partnerships
Corporate services
Strategy, performance and governance
VET Short courses International academic operations Curriculum unit Professional teaching practice Learning environments Future students International partnerships Finance Human resources Marketing Legal services IT Strategy and planning Risk and compliance Governance Education quality and accreditation
You will find Star education’s cyber security-related policies – data breach, remote access and email usage policies located in Appendix A of this document.
These policies are new and have been implemented as part of the TAFE’s overall cyber security strategy.
Task details
After reviewing Star education’s information (above) and their three (3) policies located in Appendix A of this document, complete the following project tasks listed below. You will need to complete your answers in a separate document, making sure to include your name and student ID.
Project Part 1
Section 1: Information and security policies
Review each of Star education’s policies and note down at least three (3) implications of implementing these policies. Think about the effects on the students, staff and the organisation itself. Outline the likely team members who would be involved in reviewing these policies before they are implemented. Suggest three (3) work habits that may impact on the successful implementation of the three (3) policies. For example, the staff members have been employed for a long time and therefore may be hesitant to update their passwords often. Provide a brief explanation as to why each work habit may impact on the policy implementation. Evaluate Star education’s configuration within the organisation and outline the implications with regards to implementing cyber security policies. You will need to evaluate the organisation’s configuration against change management principles. This will include evaluating the following organisational information and reviewing how each of these areas are affected by change management: Job roles Student profiles Management teams Current systems that relate to cyber security
Section 2: Risk assessment
Conduct an audit of Star education’s current security tools and infrastructure. Provide at least one (1) example of the following types of tools: Packet sniffers and password auditing tools Penetration testing tools Web vulnerability scanning tools Encryption tools Security hardware Network security monitoring tools Physical infrastructure tools (e.g. swipe cards, cameras etc.)
B. Outline Star education’s baseline for their security infrastructure. Think about the most essential components of the organisation that is their ‘heart and soul’ of security (i.e. key security elements). For example, there may be four (4) servers that provide/store/host the organisation’s most important data, thus these servers are the baseline that need to be secure as they can be.
C. Conduct a risk assessment on the organisation’s systems and human operations. For this question, you will need to provide an extensive assessment that includes any part of risk to the company’s cyber security practices. You may present this information in a table format. When assessing the risks for human operations, ensure you provide details on the types of systems that are affected by human operations, e.g. students interact with emails and local server drives.
To assist your risk assessment, you will need to cover (at a minimum) the following:
Identify company assets– these could be proprietary information, hardware, software, client information, network topology, etc. List at least six (6). Identify key stakeholders who will be able to assist you in gathering risk assessment data - It’s best to collaborate with other departments to determine other valuable company assets and which ones to prioritise. For this part, list the employees/departments who you will need to collaborate with in order to gather risk assessment data. For each employee/department, outline the type of information they will be able to provide you with. List the types of threats– detail at least five (5) threats. Think about the specific threats that can affect your organisation and its assets. As an example, some main sources of threats include: Natural disasters Human error / malicious intent System failure Lack of resources Cyber attacks Likelihood of incidents– assess all of your assets’ vulnerability to threats and the likelihood of an incident happening. For this section, you may use a rating system such as; 1 = low risk, 2 = medium risk, 3 = high risk; or a traffic light system – red, green and yellow. List the repercussions– One or a combination of the following can happen if company assets get impacted by threats: legal action, data loss, production downtime, fines and penalties, negative impact on company reputation, etc. List at least one (1) repercussion for each asset. Determine controls– Determine what controls are required to mitigate the threats you listed. New controls may need to be implemented or old ones updated to adapt to new and changing threats. You will need to consider the resources required for each threat/risk that will minimise business operations in case of a system outage, etc. Also think about cloud platforms, data storage practices, email systems, infrastructure, employee training, and third-party security policies that will support your controls.
Section 3: Security vulnerabilities
Outline the security infrastructure vulnerabilities of the organisation. For example, vulnerabilities are weaknesses in security that can expose assets to threats, e.g. untrained staff and students etc. Provide a summary email which outlines these security vulnerabilities, addressing the email to the appropriate areas/management of the organisation.
-------------------------END OF Part 1 TASKS---------------------
This assessment will take place in class and/or outside of class time, as per your Teacher’s instructions.
This project will be carried out in two parts. Part 1 comprises of sections 1,2,3. Part 2 comprises of sections 4,5,6,7. Students will be assessed against the criteria listed in the marking guide of this task. Project observation will be carried out during scheduled observation week. To achieve a satisfactory result, students will need to address all criteria satisfactorily.
Data breach policy
1.0 Purpose
The purpose of the policy is to establish the goals and the vision for the breach response process. This policy will clearly define to whom it applies and under what circumstances, and it will include the definition of a breach, staff roles and responsibilities, standards and metrics (e.g., to enable prioritization of the incidents), as well as reporting, remediation, and feedback mechanisms. The policy shall be well publicized and made easily available to all personnel whose duties involve data privacy and security protection.
Star education Information Security's intentions for publishing a Data Breach Response Policy are to focus significant attention on data security and data security breaches and how Star education’s established culture of openness, trust and integrity should respond to such activity. Star education Information Security is committed to protecting Star education's employees, partners and the company from illegal or damaging actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly.
Background This policy mandates that any individual who suspects that a theft, breach or exposure of Star education Protected data or Star education Sensitive data has occurred must immediately provide a description of what occurred via e-mail to [email protected], by calling 555-1212, or through the use of the help desk reporting web page at http://Star education. This e-mail address, phone number, and web page are monitored by the Star education’s Information Security Administrator. This team will investigate all reported thefts, data breaches and exposures to confirm if a theft, breach or exposure has occurred. If a theft, breach or exposure has occurred, the Information Security Administrator will follow the appropriate procedure in place.
2.0 Scope
This policy applies to all whom collect, access, maintain, distribute, process, protect, store, use, transmit, dispose of, or otherwise handle personally identifiable information or Protected Health Information (PHI) of Star education members. Any agreements with vendors will contain language similar that protects the fund.
3.0 Policy Confirmed theft, data breach or exposure of Star education Protected data or Star education Sensitive data
As soon as a theft, data breach or exposure containing Star education Protected data or Star education Sensitive data is identified, the process of removing all access to that resource will begin.
The Executive Director will chair an incident response team to handle the breach or exposure.
The team will include members from:
IT Infrastructure IT Applications Finance (if applicable) Legal Communications Member Services (if Member data is affected) Human Resources The affected unit or department that uses the involved system or output or whose data may have been breached or exposed Additional departments based on the data type involved, Additional individuals as deemed necessary by the Executive Director Confirmed theft, breach or exposure of Star education data
The Executive Director will be notified of the theft, breach or exposure. IT, along with the designated forensic team, will analyse the breach or exposure to determine the root cause.
Work with Forensic Investigators
As provided by Star education cyber insurance, the insurer will need to provide access to forensic investigators and experts that will determine how the breach or exposure occurred; the types of data involved; the number of internal/external individuals and/or organizations impacted; and analyse the breach or exposure to determine the root cause.
Develop a communication plan
Work with Star education communications, legal and human resource departments to decide how to communicate the breach to: a) internal employees, b) the public, and c) those directly affected
3.2 Ownership and Responsibilities
Roles & Responsibilities:
Sponsors - Sponsors are those members of the Star education community that have primary responsibility for maintaining any particular information resource. Sponsors may be designated by any Star education Executive in connection with their administrative responsibilities, or by the actual sponsorship, collection, development, or storage of information. Information Security Administrator is that member of the Star education community, designated by the Executive Director or the Director, Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure, who provides administrative support for the implementation, oversight and coordination of security procedures and systems with respect to specific information resources in consultation with the relevant Sponsors. Users include virtually all members of the Star education community to the extent they have authorized access to information resources, and may include staff, trustees, contractors, consultants, interns, temporary employees and volunteers. The Incident Response Team shall be chaired by Executive Management and shall include, but will not be limited to, the following departments or their representatives: IT-Infrastructure, IT-Application Security; Communications; Legal; Management; Financial Services, Member Services; Human Resources. 4.0 Enforcement
Any Star education personnel found in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Any third party partner company found in violation may have their network connection terminated.
5.0 Definitions
Encryption or encrypted data – The most effective way to achieve data security. To read an encrypted file, you must have access to a secret key or password that enables you to decrypt it. Unencrypted data is called plain text;
Plain text – Unencrypted data.
Hacker – A slang term for a computer enthusiast, i.e., a person who enjoys learning programming languages and computer systems and can often be considered an expert on the subject(s).
Protected Health Information (PHI) - Under US law is any information about health status, provision of health care, or payment for health care that is created or collected by a "Covered Entity" (or a Business Associate of a Covered Entity) and can be linked to a specific individual.
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) - Any data that could potentially identify a specific individual. Any information that can be used to distinguish one person from another and can be used for de-anonymizing anonymous data can be considered
Protected data - See PII and PHI
Information Resource - The data and information assets of an organization, department or unit.
Safeguards - Countermeasures, controls put in place to avoid, detect, counteract, or minimize security risks to physical property, information, computer systems, or other assets. Safeguards help to reduce the risk of damage or loss by stopping, deterring, or slowing down an attack against an asset.
Sensitive data - Data that is encrypted or in plain text and contains PII or PHI data. See PII and PHI above.
Remote access policy
Remote access to our corporate network is essential to maintain our Team’s productivity, but in many cases this remote access originates from networks that may already be compromised or are at a significantly lower security posture than our corporate network.
The purpose of this policy is to define rules and requirements for connecting to Star education's network from any host. These rules and requirements are designed to minimize the potential exposure to Star education from damages which may result from unauthorized use of Star education resources. Damages include the loss of sensitive or company confidential data, intellectual property, damage to public image, damage to critical Star education internal systems, and fines or other financial liabilities incurred as a result of those losses.
This policy applies to all Star education employees, contractors, vendors and agents with a Star education-owned or personally-owned computer or workstation used to connect to the Star education network. This policy applies to remote access connections used to do work on behalf of Star education, including reading or sending email and viewing intranet web resources. This policy covers any and all technical implementations of remote access used to connect to Star education networks.
It is the responsibility of Star education employees, contractors, vendors and agents with remote access privileges to Star education's corporate network to ensure that their remote access connection is given the same consideration as the user's on-site connection to Star education.
General access to the Internet for recreational use through the Star education network is strictly limited to Star education employees, contractors, vendors and agents (hereafter referred to as “Authorized Users”). When accessing the Star education network from a personal computer, Authorized Users are responsible for preventing access to any Star education computer resources or data by non-Authorized Users. Performance of illegal activities through the Star education network by any user (Authorized or otherwise) is prohibited. The Authorized User bears responsibility for and consequences of misuse of the Authorized User’s access. For further information and definitions, see the Acceptable Use Policy.
Authorized Users will not use Star education networks to access the Internet for outside business interests.
For additional information regarding Star education's remote access connection options, including how to obtain a remote access login, free anti-virus software, troubleshooting, etc., go to the Remote Access Services website (company URL).
4.1 Requirements
4.1.1 Secure remote access must be strictly controlled with encryption (i.e., Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)) and strong pass-phrases. For further information see the Acceptable Encryption Policy and the Password Policy.
4.1.2 Authorized Users shall protect their login and password, even from family members.
4.1.3 While using a Star education-owned computer to remotely connect to Star education's corporate network, Authorized Users shall ensure the remote host is not connected to any other network at the same time, with the exception of personal networks that are under their complete control or under the complete control of an Authorized User or Third Party.
4.1.4 Use of external resources to conduct Star education business must be approved in advance by InfoSec and the appropriate business unit manager.
4.1.5 All hosts that are connected to Star education internal networks via remote access technologies must use the most up-to-date anti-virus software (place URL to corporate software site here), this includes personal computers. Third party connections must comply with requirements as stated in the Third Party Agreement.
4.1.6 Personal equipment used to connect to Star education's networks must meet the requirements of Star education-owned equipment for remote access as stated in the Hardware and Software Configuration Standards for Remote Access to Star education Networks.
Policy Compliance
Compliance Measurement The Infosec Team will verify compliance to this policy through various methods, including but not limited to, periodic walk-thrus, video monitoring, business tool reports, internal and external audits, and inspection, and will provide feedback to the policy owner and appropriate business unit manager.
Exceptions Any exception to the policy must be approved by Remote Access Services and the Infosec Team in advance.
Non-Compliance An employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
5.0 Related Standards, Policies and Processes Please review the following policies for details of protecting information when accessing the corporate network via remote access methods, and acceptable use of Star education’s network:
Acceptable Encryption Policy Acceptable Use Policy Password Policy Third Party Agreement Hardware and Software Configuration Standards for Remote Access to Star education Networks
Email policy
Section A - Overview Electronic email is pervasively used in almost all industry verticals and is often the primary communication and awareness method within an organization. At the same time, misuse of email can post many legal, privacy and security risks, thus it’s important for users to understand the appropriate use of electronic communications.
Section B - Purpose The purpose of this email policy is to ensure the proper use of Star education email system and make users aware of what Star education deems as acceptable and unacceptable use of its email system. This policy outlines the minimum requirements for use of email within Star education Network.
Section C - Scope This policy covers appropriate use of any email sent from a Star education email address and applies to all employees, vendors, and agents operating on behalf of Star education.
Section D - Policy All use of email must be consistent with Star education policies and procedures of ethical conduct, safety, compliance with applicable laws and proper business practices. Star education email account should be used primarily for Star education business-related purposes; personal communication is permitted on a limited basis, but non-Star education related commercial uses are prohibited. All Star education data contained within an email message or an attachment must be secured according to the Data Protection Standard. Email should be retained only if it qualifies as a Star education business record. Email is a Star education business record if there exists a legitimate and ongoing business reason to preserve the information contained in the email. Email that is identified as a Star education business record shall be retained according to Star education Record Retention Schedule. The Star education email system shall not to be used for the creation or distribution of any disruptive or offensive messages, including offensive comments about race, gender, hair colour, disabilities, age, sexual orientation, pornography, religious beliefs and practice, political beliefs, or national origin. Employees who receive any emails with this content from any Star education employee should report the matter to their supervisor immediately. Users are prohibited from automatically forwarding Star education email to a third party email system (noted in 4.8 below). Individual messages which are forwarded by the user must not contain Star education confidential or above information. Users are prohibited from using third-party email systems and storage servers such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN Hotmail etc. to conduct Star education business, to create or memorialize any binding transactions, or to store or retain email on behalf of Star education. Such communications and transactions should be conducted through proper channels using Star education-approved documentation. Using a reasonable amount of Star education resources for personal emails is acceptable, but non-work related email shall be saved in a separate folder from work related email. Sending chain letters or joke emails from a Star education email account is prohibited. Star education employees shall have no expectation of privacy in anything they store, send or receive on the company’s email system. Star education may monitor messages without prior notice. Star education is not obliged to monitor email messages. Section E - Policy Compliance Compliance Measurement The Infosec team will verify compliance to this policy through various methods, including but not limited to, periodic walk-thrus, video monitoring, business tool reports, internal and external audits, and feedback to the policy owner.
Exceptions Any exception to the policy must be approved by the Infosec team in advance.
Non-Compliance An employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
6.0 Related Standards, Policies and Processes Data Protection Standard
Conditions for assessment This is an individual assessment task. Student will be assessed individually against all assessment criteria. Student can make arrangements with the assessor at least one week prior to the assessment due date if they require special allowance or allowable adjustment to this task. Students found in breach of assessment conditions can be charged with academic misconduct, have their results cancelled, be excluded from the program and receive other penalties. Penalties can also apply if a student’s test material is copied by others. Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is one’s own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data, and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. RMIT special consideration is to enable students to maintain students’ academic progress despite adverse circumstances. The process for special consideration can be found at to an external site. Students with a disability or long-term medical or mental health condition can apply for adjustments to their study and assessment conditions (Reasonable Adjustments and Equitable Assessment Arrangements) by registering with the Equitable Learning Services (ELS) at to an external site. If students already registered with ELS and students’ study plan is approved, please inform your teacher if this assessment task is not adjusted in line with approved study plan. Please ensure students full and correct name is written on the student version of this assessment task (do not use nicknames or abbreviations). Student can appeal the assessment decision according to the RMIT Assessment Appeal ProcessesLinks to an external site. You will have the opportunity to resubmit any tools that are deemed unsatisfactory (one resubmission allowed per unit, so that means you have two opportunities to submit) You will be assessed against the criteria as listed in the rubric/observation checklist. To achieve a satisfactory result you will need to address all criteria satisfactorily. Useful resources: to an external site. to an external site.
Add 1082 artists to the DNP list.
Added: kattalu, lintu, goobysart, lemonlycan, dylbun, fxscreamer, nt6969, lewdliege, reallyhighriolu, melbaka, saint_lum, kivaaa66, kivalewds, kazoko_(artist), barachaser, shadowthelastalpha, teke, crittermatic, ribboncable, domasarts, ursine-major-ike, browneyedsaiyangirl, uncensoredhugs, skydiggitydive, takarachan, feelin_synful, ilovecosmo, biffbish, pulp_(artist), doxhun, cupsofjade, nicesweater, bluecat_friend, peshky, masuku, lunarfloral, kugi, sagejwood, sqrlyjack, maiteik, leozedi, popdroppy, mikakater, 413k_zzzz, puppyemonade, xanthewolf, joooji, nasusbot, shredded_wheat, dogsdontwipe, wonderwaffle93, gogoandyrobo, jezzlen, dourdoofus, vksuika, klotzzilla, cooperdooper, shadnaotomi, nudegote, sexygoatgod, humgeronimo, ladysophia, mrwhiskerz, cocicka, d-wop, charmerpie, yourdigimongirl, elvche, booponies, lulubelluleart, infinitedelusion, tankakuka, mensies, trunchbull, evian, sodasquids, telelewdz, lawlzy, tonio_(artist), xankragoc, horrificrabbits, sinfulgoatz, whippytail, malachimoet, catniplewds, cocaine_(artist), marshy_swtr, goldelope, chokodonkey, notkastar, sinnerscasino, sentharn, tealie, einin, freaks, angellsview3, arwenscoots, royalzbed, hellfurred, byrth, hexuru, devildjmachine, malerouille, donovallo, psychoninetales, vahldem_sol, nyanyakotarou, shupamikey, zyegnar, akytti, sootylion, kiva~, calmnivore, nexcoyotlgt, smoothsharb, sub-rosa, brismy, woodpeckertoons, xeshaire, suirano, mr_otter_breath, bassybefuddle, sweetishcyborg, skullwomb, steak_in_the_daylight, kittydogcrystal, aggrobadger, orbstuffed, fraichetaso, loonyleandra, bunsawce, schl4fmuetze, renkindle, psychovixen, bkmat55, fricken_stoat, w00my, haven_(artist), gipbandit, loki_the_vulpix, pixelyteskunk, erobos, bunchantress, uniquesoul1600, hirowithart, mikaemikae, ratbloke, pastellprinz, racktor, coillte, kazuk9, acidneko, josh_gong, yiyani, grayish, moblo, naoma-hiru, molish, sheyesh, st0pme, cawkbox, unclesam1776, fennecfuchs, inkpuni, pico_(artist), ruugiaruu, wispyparadox, funkybun, lewdoreocat, dogseesghosts, fauwcks, randy_entinger, trex_b6, yui-hii, runaris, rainbowpillars, ragonox, luxuria-sins, maxisb8, hiccyart, fancyfez, mesoplush, gammelgaedda, yi_feng, scpkid, goetiagoat, mabit, dischimera, dr.bubblebum, drakeraynier, rml, amawdz, mc_arts, freemau, armomen, orionfell, luriostragedy, dradmon, jesterghastly, gothgator, talentlesshack, foxryk, supertrashparty, marrowsoup, roserivy, vanzard, deepfriedlemons, pehkeshi, torotheking, harewithoutahat, lucciola, mr.lemur, lemonkyubun, cubble_chubb, arrjaysketch, pinklilim, jingo824, consciousafterdark, anti-cupid, phosaggro, dashboom, giftheck, birdrabbit, desertmotels, lv99perv, stellarfalcon, tasaeyeang, knotty, rockfall, aogirinaru, hikebu, pawpadcomrade, frengers, rikkitz, vappypaws, nukeleer, adevio, gummuru, sattytsukumo, bittenbats, whygena, ruzeb, hungothenomster, jads_l_rutan, gattonero2001, shawoo, francis_xie, angeltf, veevobyte, darkfool., huwon, tsukikibaokami, covepalms, nikunabe1989, emifern, pero3, tricksta, inkbeastart, grinn3r, holidaydipstick, odonata-nymph, binxxy_(artist), zazush-una, sodo_ad, loonanudes, kodardragon, flameydragwasp, ablimpfox, bakvissie, eccstasy, esealia, tailsrulz, dexxa, spiritto, vonepitaph, eddy-boy, saiyangoku4, gatomonlover, moonlit-comet, thehenwithatie, brienoir, tegucreative, wanisuke, pxlfur, anomyna, motsutambo, fepon, cyrogenic, fursuitchina, slates1n, depthsofthedrex, furrybob, davelievski, spacemaverick, fluff-kevlar, evenytron, 0eff0rt, gayclub, goatypie, nikoyishi, alishka, makeinu, jfetspeaks, cowbun, wyrwulf, thespiderbunny, fluffx, dragons-and-drawings, jcosneverexisted, emptyset, scoty_doodlerz, makinglemonade, ceramic_(artist), selirum, euskuuy, tsunkat, lustbubbles, appleseid, lewdtant, werewuffstuffer, odontoceti, iaido, turboranger_(artist), saca44, mr.shigglesworth, pyriax, raijikaruart, fox-pop, sirblythe_(artist), pastelarcadiaad, etherealarcadia, dracoarcadia, benjibat, sarvak, amethystbeetle, fnook_(artist), stationarrow, maim, rashkah, psy101, disappointedf0x, pointedfox, bundog, tailgrip, scalesforlife, hayleymulch, saphe, kiweevil, madakan, papyreit, rainiing, bitelickart, done0008, alec8ter, tentativelytoon, mikurulucky, killveous, fishhound, misshammer, yakushishi, pieraite, knives4cats, jalmu, quin-nsfw, zooptoon, ebonychimera, beaglebabe1, filthy-d, l-tech-e-coyote-l, anomalae, rakket, mcdutt, alcor90, sodongs, catcock, blickfen, akiiokai, possumkiddo, inkplasm, doubledeal_(artist), fuzzlesuits, chetchaka, raaazzledazzle, razferret, razbuckner, ikitsunyan, kclt, draco_(artist), gunther_silves, kkitten, singafurian, zandybutt, comfytail, crazyassbeethoven, dogburger, adalee, alirrasarts, blackmagemathos, terragon, leonois, solidpoint, cloudpie, rottenscoundrel, wings-and-strings, tomcoletti, pikajota, squeakcore, doubleclawed, ebonyplume, myznyx, zackary911, gaturo, xepher777, aimee-lesley-sim, spottedsqueak, fuhrawr, isaac_baranoff, starnina15, zestylemonss, meirdent, babymee, explicital, slyvern, karpet-shark, booghetti, zypter, adaptagx, opiodae, kiwipotato, murkbone, jonas, exed_eyes, shuryashish, mangobird, kurogi_fox_siv, snuddy, grimdank, nighteternal2469, dacad, superhypersonic2000_(artist), drako1997, verenpunainen_kuningatar, gurophilia, furrever, rdroid, smolrainbowgoat, ratte, urban-coyote, soulsplosion, cyaeon, elliotte-draws, whisperingfornothing, griz_urso, lepronasty, tears_of_soy, bunnielovesyou, paliken, spaceysoda, david_frangioso, cattinypaws, bobdude0, sprocket_(artist), sincerity_gender, marymanifold, turnipberry, asbel_lhant, klaide, rishi-chan, kircai, otto0ttsy, vaktus, beezlebumawoken, transdonaldduck, questly, pinkkatfox, goopomancer, xoel, allbadbadgers, sugarlesspaints, imafutureguitarhero, eiko_tsukida, tarot_(artist), pinuh, diero, dilarus, dfer32, mxwqtkl, electrycpynk, insomniacovrlrd, cewljoke, craziestrobo, anthrus1127, sunflowerbun, coyoteofthesands, masonparker, dottii, livesinabag, flam, toastedbiscuits, skycladfox, orenjisalmonpaw, nasty-fox, canadian_roses, crez, glorpofruithag, i_am_clover, johawk, lycosa, wizardlywalrusking, burgerkiss, kielseki, whisperfoot, oksara, olly, fetchmonkey, rottingichor, heathenfang, bikomation, phox_(artist), acedetrap, hedonisticvows, deersun, skittleytwix, jinxit, jtp-remart, cocaine-leopard, amarl_krieger, nakoo, leoian_(artist), amyth, nogu-art, bluhcat, vulpes_helios, licos, taurika, papilrux, pophopper, ebnet, apis_(artist), glenthefossa, raitime, sashabelle, puddingpaw, mercurial64, elricmysteryshifter, puptaire, anojaa, candychameleon, spice5400, nickshutter, rem, reiishn, sandybuny, 1oi, crunchobar, dante_yun, pherion, saintxd, rawbelr, mithaa, asmartist, pannekoeke, jotun22, iguky-neky, ahnik, thatvondude, kelevtov., fishwrappe, animal_shapes, oouna, princess_rei, blitzdrachin, jesterdk, watermelon_(artist), amara_lemur, lady_kurai, giantmilkdud, nostars, koili, abananaman, heddy, slobstash, terian, teranen, nexii, parabellux, tom_fischbach, reddacted, tojo_the_thief, proximiter, mmuted, irootie, icyshibe, quetzalcoatl_(artist), lamm, shayshay~, hettie, chutzpaah, jacob_lhh3, carpetwurm, draekos, fatdingleberry_(artist), nooplip, pandasayori, numberxxxvi, bc92, silvixen, jungabeast, phoenixazrael, krazykurt, tape_(artist), iipaw, volvokun, hamstergirlthehamster, fallen_(artist), morkovjpn, wolfirry, slimedrops, rubisdrake, shortconcepts, ahdadah, chubbuppy, dreadcaptain, duckdraw, mehndix, pomander, wolfcha, evillabrat, henzolin, loupgarou, empa, diokhan, kpsketches, raysofsunshine, slash0x, kriticalerror, gallivant_crow, nyaroma, caindra, petit-bambi, thatblackcopfromdawnofthedead, dreamertooth, tofu93, ragnarokdragon, saucy, kidakins, kippy, swizzlestix, brilyeon, caste_(artist), tsukaui, saebira, ozzybae, boo-rad13y, sammythetanuki, vuurren, sinistervibe, rem289, shroompunk, samkin, cieldoberman, g0966, crazedg, gaoru, lpawz, enjoipandas, renthedragon, emeritus_terciel, xouual, tehcutepyro, anon232, grimmgrey, counterserum, knottykitten, crybleat, octopoodle, ker0ker0_(artist), xnirox, necrosquelch, ivenvorry, pkuai, mikefur, mattsykun, lilithveritas, bloodhound_omega, ogaraorcynder, rhos, kehei, aw0, apes, nyhgault, qualzar, licentuouslamb, reggaecyp, cynderplayer, vilegrim, redacteur, jimbohusky, lacrimale, pulsar, growlybeast, coreytwc_(artist), naoki_wolf, iceagechippies, alfierubuncle, cbee, acidic, louiefurrywolfy, bweezy, fluffernubber, koriaris, serena_valentine, tacoyaki, fullheroo, limlam, harmoniousrain, zotnamotgrim, xx_g.u.n_xx, carm, lustylamb, dragonvortex, crowchild, dragoneer, lumi_(artist), phi, lexathefox, tanookicatoon, thunper, korram, redwolfofwind, ipipo, teckworks, abobarseem, doopcity, xepheriah, diablo_en_musica_92, doncoon_(artist), digitaldomain123, belayalapa, delkon, connisaur, jasonafex, kabier, rohly, vcr-wolfe, steve_gallacci, hologram_(artist), irene_(artist), piumartiglio, sumat, kingofmaggots, oha, featheredclaw, snuddi, mentalo, ourflatcoat, da-fuze, herr_aardy, discoverychannel, azorart, nemomein, latex_(artist), afterdarkie, 7mii, draco_fenris, blown-ego, sissyskunk_(artist), chucktheskunk_(artist), oakspirit, brokenlynx21, nickswift, butter_bat, ben_hickling, bluehunter, soyuz, sorimori, blackbearcj, ficus, crimes, eifie, soundwavepie, besonik, greyskee, alekksandar, bluetigress, nereza, kalvince, thelabtwins, the_lynox, galaxyoron, moondevourer, evov1, enjambre, seph_ebonblade, prototypebasilisk, accell, myakoda, merenhor, muramuri, derfuhrer, moltengoldart, cchipppo, tetrapoda, omochi_(inkbunny), popsmasterson, nikinazu, raevee, wyntersun, ribboners, c4camel, shysketch, deishido, arconos, melvismd, taihab, cobalt_snow, flak_wizard, paddington_and_company_limited, dangerdoberman, inprogresspokemon, whitemantis, naexus, datsexylemur, polywomple, marilimmy, ryan_rabbat, krimrath, yoshitura, maplecookies, aurelleaheverfree, puppercase, spino, palcomix, bbmbbf, lilithofglace, frisket17, myloveless, grau_(artist), aduleon, sexbad, mearcu, murcifer, citrusdicks, hessonite, sokalo, kittehmei, puccaruu, yuurikin, kurikia, the_cherret_awaits, rapps, maxtwenty, bigbrownorc, santanni, twistedtemptation, nikita-the-stag, liz_art, camcartoonfanatic, singlerider4, beanbat, forge_(artist), hoshime, yamamoto, eviljake2, oriole_(artist), inkblooded, alefwdog, herisheft, disparitybit, samagthrav2, battle_franky, taesolieroy, wolftacos, anixis, spazzticglitch, pirun, swampstomper, morbi, mittsies, blondevelvet, kadath, danza, shinxiolu, littlefreckles, grumpyvulpix, xopachi, gonenannurs, floravola, heartcollar, metz, ranard_lightningfall, frots, curtsibling, vilani, inkydemon, sprinkle-butt, airguitar, anhes, jace_(artist), kaji_(artist), nimrais_(artist), kyoushiro, venerit, lunaselenewolfe, tsareia, violentanxiety, kk-furryworks, cobalta, mickeyila, akuva, rairai, backlash91, sanae, fishbones_(artist), itoril, littlemiu, zeara, darkrokkuman_(artist), peony, helical, donro, agalamt, inanna-nakano, aniutqa, kraest, audiovideomeow, silverbobcat, erithacuscreations, mattartist25, yasminachan, jagzcat, ohmuu, roum, sefeiren, sesameseedbun, noben, aquatheohiokitty, mewyfox, ilgrigio, leoian, vixendra, van_weasel, keihound, zoey03, hardblush, jay_naylor, frisky_ferals, slipshine, rubyrebirth, oze, neogeen, omegaltd, themadcatter, kamicheetah, ookamithewolf1, rabbit_valley, purplekecleon, ollieosa, jayfiregrowlithe, ensayne, bazaarbobby, scappo, dogsoul, poonani, paddercat, eltonpot, ebonyleopard, strype, cbh, mithril07, bicdente, unpeeledwasp, versiris, pitkin, mikachu_tuhonen, lilhoneypup, ladyshinwa, bad-collie, buizilla, foxxian, inert-ren, okamiterasu, mrawl, sammy_stowes, jameless, jooshster, lemoncore, xainy, strider-orion, silitha, spacepoptart, myuinhiding, sweetpinkpetals, sephygoth, edensky, ka, cigarscigarettes, tani_da_real, leatherruffian, hahul, cheezyweapon, reizakirga, leefuu, tanyafoxy, peyo, sweatshirt_(artist), adiago, timelesserror, jollyjack, kahmari, madhattermonster, omnoproxyl337, greykitty, thekitty, mattaku_shinzu, fortuna, fallenarts, ammako, sciggles, atlasfield, sheepdust, lumaberry, tktktk, uzai, aku_tojyo, sixthleafclover, gardelius, squeedgemonster, max-dragon, baka_sukonku, ferniio, jennadelle, ixerin, jaleo, luvythicus, tatious, nekomata_neko, zody, binky, sidian, kii-kitsune, kiirei, spookeedoo, angel27, msrah_(artist), nazuu-m0nster, lunacatta, kululu-xiao, kipcha, fluffball, reptilecynrik, redadillio, zerwolf, kylontario, liz_day, nightweaver, egophiliac, doffa, dipper, kefkafloyd, melo666, sonicdash, sugarpoultry, olven, theramjing, softpaw, xiraco, unicornspirit, tinintri, thornwolf, thaily, tamen, sharue, shadowsani, rikutida, paolo, kriscrash, kaemantis, frogsbreath, tailheat, sexyfur, jeremy_bernal
Reagent soup / Soup rework / Stoves - A kitchen expansion (#74205)
This PR:
Reworks most* existing soup into reagents.
Adds Stoves and Ranges. Ranges replace most* existing ovens.
Adds soup pots, to cook soup
How does it work?
In the kitchen you will find a stove now.
Stoves act as a "reagent container heater", essentially a chem heater. You can set a pot onto the stove.
To make soup, visit the cooking recipe book for a guide. Most recipes are the same as before, just tweaked slightly - Add water to the pot (50 units for 1 batch generally), then add all the corresponding ingredients to the pot. Set the pot out on the stove and right click it to turn it on. If the recipe's correct, shortly it will start to mix and give you soup!
One soup recipe will give you roughly 3 servings of soup. You can pour our the soup into a bowl using a ladle or just by pouring it manually.
Of note: All of the reagent contents of the ingredient are transferred into the soup. Better, more nutrient rich ingredients produces more soup, and poisoned produce will pass it on.
If you place the soup into a chem master, you will notice it's roughly half "soup reagent" and half a variety of reagents, including nutriments / proteins. This is your soup! It is recommended you serve your soup with the reagents included, as they make up more nutrition for the customer, however you can separate it out if you're picky.
- Fill out the PR body a bit more
- Mapping (wait for big merge conflict pr to go past)
- Soup colors
- Balance pass over for soup recipes
- Unit tests
- Cullen Skink's recipe is invalid
- Try to see if there's an easy way to prevent soup from fattening you up too easy.
Adds some more depth to the kitchen and moves chef away from the click-button-get-food style that exists.
Allows for inherently custom soups by the way of making it reagents, so no need to support custom soup food items.
🆑 Melbert, stove and pot sprites by Kryson, ladle sprite by Kinneb add: Kitchens are now stocked with Ranges. add: You can now print (and create) Stoves. add: The dinnerware vendor now dispenses ladles. add: Spoons can now actually spoon... things. add: Soup has been reworked entirely. Soups are now reagents, cooked via a soup pot on a Stove or Range. Simply add water and your required items, then apply heat. Be careful not to boil over! add: Stoves, Ranges, and Griddles will now heat up their surroundings - don't turn them on around plasma! fix: Fixes being able to cook in an Oven while the room is depowered qol: Hitting a customer bot with an incorrect recipe no longer counts as a hostile attack leading to your demise shortly after refactor: Customer bots that request a reagent now use custom orders code: Cut down a lot of code in the crafting menu code, and removes some ugly ispaths del: Soup is no longer food items, so can't appear in random food pools (at least not yet). balance: Virus Food recipe now requires you cool it to 200k. /🆑
Station Trait: Spider Infestation (#73893)
Hate having your cables eaten by mice? Nanotrasen have heard your complaints and settled on a natural, organic, and eco-friendly solution.
When this station trait is active, roundstart and event mouse spawns have a chance to instead be replaced with duct spiders (both will exist, it doesn't remove mice). Duct spiders are largely harmless to humans, actively hunt other maintenance creatures (such as mice), and have only one tiny downside.
These mobs can also sometimes be spawned by a minor scrubber clog event.
As a side note, all spider basic mobs with AI (except Araneus) will now try to automatically fill a small area around them with webs.
Also I made it so that mobs will ignore their random_walking behaviour
if they're engaged in a do_after
, just in case.
Adds a little bit of variety to things which can slightly annoy you in maintenance. Spiders will automatically make places they live in look like spiders live there.
🆑 add: A station trait which sometimes populates maintenance with small spiders. You can wear them as a hat if you wanted to have a spider on your head for some reason. add: Spider mobs will automatically start webbing up their environment. /🆑
Fixed read access violation
@BenTangora The main issue was that the replay() function should have been receiving the GameManager passed by reference (GameManager &game), but it was instead receiving it passed by value (GameManager game). If you pass something by reference, it doesn't have to create a copy of that object, so when the function is done, it doesn't technically go out of scope and the destructor is not called. The read access violation was coming from the GameManager's destructor being called multiple times - once when replay() finished and again when it went out of scope in main().
I also removed the manual destructor calls from main(), since an iteration of the while loop will automatically call the destructors.
I was going to work on input stuff tonight, but honestly that took me a really long time to debug/figure out and I am tired...sorry! I'll see what I can do before class tomorrow.
Fixes a runtime in simple_animal/hostile (#74706)
Attempting to fix this flaky test that has been cropping up from the Icebox tests. It is annoying.
From what I can tell, the mob was getting qdeleted while it was doing its loop of finding a target. This can happen at any time, because many simple mobs (including the one causing the issues) get qdeleted on death.
Added some more checks to make sure we don't do certain actions if the mob gets qdeleted midway through execution of its AI routine. It really could happen anywhere so we must be vigilant.
create_and_destroy: [02:24:31] Runtime in,4: addtimer called with a callback assigned to a qdeleted object. In the future such timers will not be supported and may refuse to run or run with a 0 wait (code/controllers/subsystem/
proc name: stack trace (/proc/_stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("addtimer called with a callbac...", "code/controllers/subsystem/tim...", 583)
addtimer(/datum/callback (/datum/callback), 300, 8, null, "code/modules/mob/living/simple...", 595)
the demonic watcher (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/ice_demon): GainPatience()
the demonic watcher (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/ice_demon): GiveTarget(the mi-go (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/netherworld/migo))
the demonic watcher (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/ice_demon): FindTarget(/list (/list))
the demonic watcher (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/ice_demon): AIShouldSleep(/list (/list))
the demonic watcher (/mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/asteroid/ice_demon): handle automated action() at
On top of that, there is signal handling in place to LoseTarget() when a
mob that is already a target gets qdel'd and sends
. Shown below.
However there is nothing stopping a target that is not null but that has been qdeleted from being considered as a target in the first place.
This PR just aims to fix that problem by making sure that a) a hostile ai that gets qdeleted midway through does not keep doing stuff that can cause issues and b) an atom that is being qdeleted never makes its way into the targets list of a hostile ai.
Simple mobs/AI are due for a wider refactor honestly but this really ought to be done in the meantime so we don't get spammed by CI failures over nonsense.
Fixes tgstation/tgstation#73032 Fixes tgstation/tgstation#74266 Fixes Skyrat-SS13/Skyrat-tg#18964 Fixes Skyrat-SS13/Skyrat-tg#19749 Fixes Skyrat-SS13/Skyrat-tg#18964 Fixes Skyrat-SS13/Skyrat-tg#19322 Fixes Skyrat-SS13/Skyrat-tg#18974 Fixes Skyrat-SS13/Skyrat-tg#19296 Fixes Skyrat-SS13/Skyrat-tg#19294
Bugfix, stops the icebox test from failing as much.
🆑 fix: fixes hostile mobs sometimes being able to target an atom that has been marked for deletion and then becoming confused, and in a similar vein fixes mobs sometimes still running their AI while being marked for deletion. /🆑
Co-authored-by: san7890 [email protected]
Ports mothroaches + Moth emotes (#1843)
Can you guess what this PR does? If you answered that it ports this pull request, this pull request, and a partial part of this one too, then you're right!
You can also craft moth plushies now. You just need some cloth, mothroach hide, and a heart!
silly little moth roaches and emotes, who wouldn't want them in the game?
🆑 add: Mothroaches are now a thing add: Moth laughter, chittering and squeaking /🆑
Merge pull request #1949 from ARF-SS13/I-hate-github-a-lot
Fuck you, Vertibird. Go where I put you
Fuck you, Vertibird. Go where I put you
You fucking animal of a thing
adds magmite crusher to the things you can make at the world anvil (#17530)
updated it now just waiting on BAIOMU FOR FUCKIN SPRITES
returned old sprites i had but it's still lacking 1 handed versions
touched up some of the sprites but STILL NEED ONEHANDED ONES FROM BAIOMU
Makes Black Market Uplinks more easily craftable, adds them to uncommon maint loot pool (#74744)
Replaced the subspace amplifier in the Black Market Uplink's crafting recipe with a signaller and a microlaser.
Added the Black Market Uplink to the maintenance loot pool.
The BMU is an extremely rare device to find in rounds. It can quite literally ONLY be found via the crafting recipe, and with how stupidly bloated the crafting lists are, it isn't something many people know about. All this means that a very unique and engaging gimmick item is tragically extremely obscured.
To add to this, the recipe requires a subspace amplifier. These items are UNBELIEVABLY rare - they need you to vend them from a techfab with bluespace communication technology researched, which is fair to say is not a common thing. Sometimes maps have them in tech storage, but even then you have to break and enter which can be quite risky at times and an annoying blockade the other times.
The black market items are not worth this much hassle. They are all small cute gimmicky objects that do not heavily impact the round. By making it not only easier to craft with common items, but also appear in the maintenance loot pool, this will make assistants find out about it more often, which can further incentivize them to utilize the cargo bounty system to get enough money to buy their funny gadgets.
Another idea would be to make the uplink appear as a bounty item, which would be a great way to tell players it exists and encourage them to mix both systems together. The system for getting items is also unnecessarily, miserably awful - your item either gets literally thrown into space from a random direction, or it is teleported silently without warning in 60 seconds onto a completely random place which can very much include Security, Command, the Vault, or other high-security areas. Needing to B&E into these areas to get your durathread vest is, uh. Not worth it. However these aren't part of this PR, unless they're given the A-OK. (also maybe make it cargo purchasable?)
🆑 balance: Makes Black Market Uplinks more easily craftable, adds them to uncommon maint loot pool /🆑
Mr. Mime is a thing, unfortunately.
Mild clean, some more Cherish set handling attempts.
Exclude set MetDate from mystery gifts.
Fix daycare enum parsing.
Check for no result in case $qc was used or some other weird thing happens.
Remove FixOT and TradeCord as routine types (FlexTrade handles both).
Try to apply trainer info for Mystery gifts.
Re-add fixed met date if not GO origin.
Update DenBot distribution data, minor fixes.
Fix Yamask-Galar in daycare, some more oopsies.
-Add DenBot - a seed lookup and day skipper bot for raids.
-Change AutoRoll's behavior to make use of some of DenBot's functionality.
Minor clean.
Revise TradeCord "traded" check, remove potential user path straggler entries because paranoia, some minor fixes.
TradeCord fixes (shocker, I know).
Extract Json serializer.
Minor clean and fixes.
Minor fixes.
Fix Milcery when an Alcremie variant is a parent.
Update to latest Core and ALM dependencies.
Handle non-shiny events in a better way.
Work around a race condition?
Simplify and de-bugify trade completion check.
Fix indexing, improve chance for Melmetal-Gmax because it's nigh impossible to get.
Rework TradeCord internals, add new functionality:
-Migrate user data from ".txt" files to a serialized Json (migration for a large amount of users will take a few minutes, be patient).
-Make TradeCord configurable, add its own settings category.
-Add some template events with an optional end timer (YYYY/MM/DD 8PM as an example, though any local time format should work).
-Add barebones Pokedex (counter, flavor text).
-Can check dex completion by typing $dex
, check missing entries by typing $dex missing
-Completing the Pokedex will slightly improve shiny rate.
-Can now mass release cherish event Pokemon and shinies ($massrelease shiny/cherish).
-Various tweaks, improvements, and bugfixes.
Slightly change FixOT's behavior: -If a shown Pokemon is illegal and an event, attempt to find a match within the MGDB first. -Try to force users to trade away the shown Pokemon, log attempt to change shown Pokemon. Add consideration for easter eggs being enabled in settings, fix Suicune Change species rng for TradeCord, some bugfixes (I really need to rewrite this mess) Add check if we're using ListUtil for Giveaway instead of TradeCord. Amend commit since I'm squashing and force-pushing while bringing the fork in line with the main branch Add Giveaway module to Discord bot (#22)
Thanks, rigrassm. Co-authored-by: Koi-3088 [email protected] Specify USB port instead of adding the first result (can be found via Device Manager). Re-add boolean check because we don't want to fix everything FixOT will attempt to regenerate illegal Pokémon. Apply trash bytes for reasons. Minor TradeCord fixes and adjustments. Minor clean for C#9 Use "GetValidPreEvolutions()" instead of "GetPreEvolutions()". Index forms correctly. Fix the fixed and re-introduced empty daycare index error. an Ultra Ball. Add EvoTree breeding for TradeCord. Remove unnecessary value declarations for pinging on encounter match. Mildly beautify EncounterBot mark output. Integrate Anubis' system update prevention into Soft Reset and Regigigas Encounter Modes. Rename "Regi" Encounter Mode to "Soft Reset". Speed up "A" clicks for Regigigas and Soft Reset modes. Add Mark logging output for EncounterBot. Fix oops (re-order logic, remove unnecessary lines). Add optional species and form specification for $massrelease Use an obscure string splitter because people like symbols in their names. Fix things that broke after rebasing to the latest main repo commit. Use a less unfortunate field name and value splitter...again. Fix Marowak-Alola always generating as an NPC trade. Add filters for "$list " to narrow down results. Fix Cherish Pichu and Octillery Stop making dumb mistakes, me (implying the rest of it isn't a dumb mistake). Can't breed antiques. Use a less unfortunate embed name and value splitter Add Melmetal-Gmax to TradeCord. Add ability to search by caught ball. Have MassRelease ignore events. Add specific regional form breeding. Revise egg rate and egg shiny chance. Have trade evolutions hold an Everstone. Add an extra right click when navigating to settings for AutoRoll. Add reworked encounter/egg/fossil logs. Minor clean. Minor clean. Get rid of EncounterBot, FossilBot, EggFetch text logs until I properly rework them. Break on an empty page due to aggressive rounding Add multi-page lists for Tradecord. More random bugfixes. Fix some bugs before major clean Add Language parameter for TradeCord. Change trainer info input format for TradeCord. Move focus on Showdown set instead of randomizing a pkm file. Allow user to enter whatever they want for $list, handle edge cases like Kommo-o Add "$list all" to show non-duplicate caught species. Automatically remove from favorites if trading or gifting (small QOL thing). Change how favorites are removed from user file. Revert base egg shiny chance nerf. Fix daycare Add favorites command to TradeCord. Slightly nerf eggs. Fix TradeCord list for shinies Add TradeCord (my dumbest and messiest project so far, Archit pls don't hate the mess). Add Showdown output for Star/Square shinies and OTGender. Add optional link code input for FixOT. Change how OTName, TID, SID is displayed. Add Regigigas SR bot. Add SoJ Camp SR bot. Ribbons now work with EggTrade (remove ribbons if egg). Remove EggRoll. Add another filter for FixOT Fix.. FixOT Update offsets for EncounterBot catching. Slightly change StrongSpawn to work with Regi SR and make it its own mode. Make SpinTrade only available for USB-Botbase Update valid eggs for CT winforms: resize icon.ico to fix crash at startup on unix using mono Rework Spin, read initial in-game coordinates in order to correct drift Add TID, SID, Language output for Showdown Remove obsolete OT and Language parsing Very minor clean until I have time for a proper one. Detach controller when stopping USB bot. Actually set LastUsedBall for EncounterBot (missed when bringing in line with main repo) Move extra RaidBot timings following the official commit Remove PKHeX Discord invite from
Maybe fewer people will pester devs now about my unofficial fork? Update for latest main repo EncounterBot commits. Update Add back best commit: Red's SpinTrade. Add egg trades, foreign Dittos and OT for Twitch. If ItemMule is enabled, also display the item a user is receiving. Add periodic time sync toggle for all methods of hosting (except for non-soft locked AutoRoll) to (hopefully) prevent den rollover during extended hosts.
Add routine to exit a lobby for SoftLock if no players are ready in time (to preserve soft lock).
Add a routine to recover from disbanded lobbies (when someone disconnects unexpectedly) for SoftLock.
Add a routine to restart game if all else fails and we're stuck in a raid.
Add a routine for adding and deleting friends if we're soft locked and raids go empty.
Slightly reorganize settings, extract methods, minor clean. Don't use such a generic file name for stream assets. Check USB port index for running bots. Should fix adding additional USB bots when no config is saved. Add fixed met date for FixOT. How do I boolean Change airplane mode logic, tweak timings and routine for soft lock lobby exit Rework EggRoll cooldown (static list in favor of a txt file). Start clean up and refactor Add setting to increase delay after pressing "Home" after a date skip. Use USB port index for blocking and sprite pngs if connection type is USB Add option for airplane host (usb-botbase required) Add option to softlock on selected species for AutoRoll Add automatic compatibility for all console languages when date skipping (have to set ConsoleLanguage under ScreenDetection) Attempt to fix multiple USB device add and connect...again Minor clean Fix oops? Handle add/remove of bots Distinguish between multiple USB devices, tweak BotRemoteControl for USB, other various fixes Add SpA modifier for foreign Dittos Add alpha USB-Botbase support Fix DateTime parsing for European format for EggRoll Set fixed EggMetDate and MetDate for EggRoll More FixOT filters Remove Beheeyem. Oops. Split EggRoll into its own routine and trade type, only output "Receiving: Mysterious Egg" if routine is EggRoll, other minor tweaks and fixes Make FixOT its own queue with roles and counts Add a couple more OTs to $fix Parsing for EggRaffle auto-clear and $clearcooldown Adjust timings and split Watt collecting clicks for AutoRoll Fix oops with file attachments for Ditto Further improvements for OT, memes for invalid pokemon (disable EasterEggs) Add spaces, digits for OT Randomize memes, cut down bloat Fix miscellaneous bots after Anubis' recent QOL additions -Ignore events for OT because headache. -Add overlooked "$convert " input for OT. -Move $clearcooldown to SudoModule -Clear timer automatically if NoTrainerFound -More reliable Dittos -Foreign Dittos for $convert -Command to clear cooldown for EggRaffle in case trade gets disconnected -Fix "Trade finished" line to keep result secret -EggRaffle as a toggle, option to specify channels -Seed Check output to both DMs and Channel (apparently some want it) -Randomly generated egg raffle via a "$roll" command with a configurable cooldown -FixAdOT reworked, has its own command "$fix" and no longer overrides $clone -Ball: output for Showdown sets -Fix oversight -Option to output Seed Check results to Discord channel with a User mention -Showdown set output for OT name and eggs -Basic "OT: " option without Showdown set output -Initial $convert support for EggTrade -Egg moves for EggTrade test attempt -Minor update -EggTrade (by nicknaming a Pokémon "Egg" using $trade) -Failsafe for memes if enabled but field left blank or incomplete -Niche breedable Ditto trade mode. Add minimize button EggFetch text logs StrongSpawn mode for EncounterBot Re-add EncounterBot Master Ball catching More parsing for FixAdOTs Park Ball as held item instead of string Actually remove the offset instead of saying I did Initial DLC commit Faster code entry Removed catching for EncounterBot (need a new offset) CloneBot mode to fix Nickname and OT if adverts detected
added the option to only scale the chunks because DANNY-MAN AND JAMERSHINOBIONEOBI02 ARE BITCH ASS MOTHER FUCKERS
Fixing Plasma Cutters
Haha, fuck armor pen sucks shit
ws: Disallow direct URL logins with LoginTo=false
The current documentation of LoginTo= isn't very specific about what exactly happens with a "false" value; but it is plausible for an admin to assume that "false" would disallow logging into a remote host completely -- not merely hide the "Connect to:" field and then allowing a direct URL login anyway.
It is sometimes important to disallow direct SSH logins from the login page on publicly exposed bastion hosts, as this functionality allows unauthenticated remote users to:
scan the internal network for existing hosts, which might otherwise not be accessible directly from the internet (Fixes #18540,
scan the cockpit-ws host or internal network hosts for open ports (Fixes #15077,
So change ws to reject direct URL logins with LoginTo=false
. This
happens most naturally in cockpit_session_launch(), as we still want to
allow remote URLs from the shell's host switcher in already
authenticated sessions. This will not produce a very friendly error
message, but it doesn't have to be -- at that point specifying direct
URLs can be considered hacking anyway.
Clarify the documentation accordingly.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/main'
Conflicts: unfuck-yourself/chap1-In the beginning.html unfuck-yourself/chapter2-I am willing.html
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I am a Software Engineer with a focus on Frontend Development. With a strong background in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various frontend frameworks, I am dedicated to delivering high-quality, responsive, and user-friendly web applications.
As a Software Engineer, I am responsible for the complete lifecycle of scalable, secure, and well-designed software products. I work closely with designers, analysts, quality assurance, and other teams to ensure that each design is translated into a real-life product that meets the client's requirements.
Apart from my work, I am passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest frontend tooling and technology. I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a developer, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others through blog posts, tutorials, and open-source contributions.
If you are looking for a Software Engineer with a strong frontend background and a dedication to delivering high-quality software products, I believe my skills and experience would be ideal for you.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my profile, and I look forward to connecting with you soon!
Replaceable Traitor Uplinks (#74315)
Following from the suggestion in this hackmd with a few twists of my own, I have made a method for traitors to acquire a replacement traitor uplink that has its own set of flaws and limiters in order to prevent abuse.
The basic pitch is as follows, all traitors now start with a new, crafting recipe exclusive to them, it costs a teleport beacon, a bluespace crystal, and some iron and cable coil, and then allows them to build a static, dense machine that they can synchronize with, which allows the machine to know what signal it should be looking out for from the traitor.
The traitor then uses any radio, sets it to the frequency that has been added to their static antagonist ui, and then speaks their codeword, also in the ui, and then a few things happen.
Most obviously, they get a replacement uplink that is in the conspicuous shape of the nukie or lone op uplink. This uplink can be unlocked by speaking your replacement codeword to it again, it remembers your previous TC amount and locks all other uplinks associated with your uplink handler(they can then be unlocked as normal). It also destroys any other replacement uplinks associated with your uplink handler, which means you can never have more than one replacement uplink.
This means that if your uplink has been confiscated and you left it unlocked, if it hasn't been emptied out you can continue from where you were, and if you want to get back on the TC grind you won't lose the new TC to whoever stole your uplink. Of course, the new uplink can not be locked, so you have to be more careful with it or buy an uplink implant and destroy it. You can destroy your replacement uplink with a screwdriver right click, same for the machine.
Additionally, the Syndicate Uplink Beacon has another quirk to it, which is that the teleporter beacon used to create it is intact, which means people eagle eyed on the teleporter console could go find you, not to mention that if you use an existing teleporter beacon, someone might notice its gone missing...
oh also while making the replacement uplink i found a bug caused by a recent pr that broke debug uplinks due to them not having a purchase log. thats fixed too
It can be easy to lose your uplink, and as a traitor having your uplink confiscated, even if it is locked, feels really bad. While the old traitor objectives were added back to prog traitor to prevent situations where a confiscated uplink meant that you were completely aimless, I think that having a backup solution would be good for more inexperienced traitors or for ones who get unlucky.
Hopefully this is generally balanced well enough but there are a few levers that can be pulled, but overall I do think that making it so that traitors can always get a chance to get an uplink and do some objectives is good for the game. I like the idea of someone getting perma'd, someone breaks them out, they both craft a new uplink beacon, and then they go back and get the traitors old gear with stuff they got from the new uplink, I think that's a cool possibility to throw into the sandbox.
🆑 add: Added new syndicate uplink beacon and associated systems that allow you to get a replacement traitor uplink fix: Debug & nukie uplinks no longer runtime and work properly again /🆑
Moves revolution code of out of flash code, fixes April Fool conversion forcesay never working in any cirumstances (#74411)
Signallizes head revolutionary flash conversion code, moving it out of core flash code.
Removes "tacticool" flashing from head revs, but they can still convert from any direction
Fixes April Fools "You son of a bitch! I'm in" force say never working.
- Revs are muted on conversion so they couldn't talk.
- Fixed by only muting revs on non-holidays
- Cultists are unconscious on conversion so they couldn't talk
- Fixed by only unconscious-ing cultists on non-holidays
- Revs are muted on conversion so they couldn't talk.
Brainwash victims are more often than not unconscious / asleep so they couldn't talk - Just left this one.
Reduced the chance of them occurring and limits it to April Fools only
A 1% chance of the force says ocurring means they will happen pretty much once a week, given multiple rev / cult rounds happen every week and on average like, 20 people are converted. A little absurd, it's good that it never worked?
Antag code in core item code is bad
It's funny this meme has existed for like 2, 3 years now? No one's tested it, it's never worked
🆑 Melbert refactor: Removes Rev code from core flash code fix: Getting converted on April Fools now triggers the meme force say as always intended del: The meme force say can no longer trigger on any day (it didn't work before anyways) /🆑
IceBoxStation More Active Turf Fixes (#74474)
This didn't show up in my testing for #74410. I hate it here.
I am a monkey trapped next to a computer playing whackamole with this fucking chasms and active turfs. one day i will be free.
nothing that should concern players
Adds Chuunibyou Spell + Granter (#74404)
My April fools this year, though not going to call it one because some people think it should just be actually merged.
Wizard gets a new spell for 2 points that gives him the powers of chuuni. This makes them have ridiculous shouted invocations for all their spells, their spells are colored pink, and they heal slightly when casting one.
While mostly a meme spell, I could see a tailored loadout like lichdom and splattercasting that takes advantage of the unique spellcasting changes, like a very low cooldown spammable loadout to heal quickly.
There is also a granter book in the library, which teaches a version of chunni that doesn't heal.
I added it, chuuni wizards get a NODROP version.
This PR bestows upon the game the glorious gift of chuuni powers, the ultimate manifestation of my hidden potential and the secret truth of this world, which only I and a few chosen ones can comprehend and unleash! Why wouldn't you want it?!
In all seriousness, it is a unique wizard playstyle and it will make for some funny memes. Beyond wizard, the chaplain, heretics, or mime can read it in the library for a very silly round. I like it!
🆑 add: Chuunibyou wizards, and chunni granters in the library add: Medical eyepatches /🆑
Adds better parts for syndie mechs, some tooltips to mech maintenance mode and some little changes. (#74466)
Kinda resusticates #72442 cause the whole conflict was stupid. Adds t4 parts for dark gygax, mauler and reticence (for the sake of shitspawn) and t3 for dark honker. Formulas of better parts to understand the difference:
Made examine text into span_notices so it's not just plane text. Also added tooltips for maintenance. Screens to compare:
Dark gygax will now spawn without access adding regime. Tool interactions with mech will now have sounds. (wrench and crowbar) Removing parts from mech will now put them in your hands, and not just under the mech. When inserting parts in mech they won't make some noisy noise, already forgot which noise it was, but i changed it for some reason, so meh.
Also fixed that you can remove capacitors and scanning mods from mech without proper maintenance as it works with cell. Closes tgstation/tgstation#71577
Syndie mechs are still week. Didn't see them in half a year.
🆑 qol: changed mech description to span_notices and just slightly comfier to use. qol: added tooltips for mech's maintenance mode. balance: added t4 parts for mauler and dark gygax. And t3 parts for dark honker. fix: fixed that you can remove capacitor and scanmod from mech without proper maintenance steps. Now you can't /🆑
Stops station blueprints from expanding areas of non atmos adjacent turfs. (#74620)
Fixes #74605
the problem starts with detect_room()
proc. This proc returns turfs
even those with atmos_adjacent_turfs
= null. This means it returns
turfs that has a wall, airlock, window etc i.e. whatever that stops air
from flowing through it. This coupled together with create_area()
causes some wierdness.
Area A is well defined i.e. it has been created via the station
blueprints and is highlighted in green, Area B however is only
theoretical i.e. we haven't created it yet or we are about to create it.
Now you might be thinking Area A is completely walled & sealed off, it
should be physically impossible to expand it unless we broke down one of
it's walls and so since we are standing in Area B it shoudn't even give
me the option to expand area A Right? right? r.i.g.h.t?
Well PHFUUK. The area editor completely ignores the laws of physics and
allows me expand Area A anyway. This could cause some real power gaming
shit because if you create an area next to an area having an APC you
could use that area power without even making your own apc by simply
expanding that area(like using someone else's wifi from outside their
house without them even knowing)
#73850 accidently built on top of this as it relied on this to detect duplicate APC's but the checks became way too strict as it would check areas of surrounding walls for apc's and throw the conflicting apc error. You can now build room's next to each other even if they have fuctioning apc's however you still can't build rooms in space on top of shuttle walls because that's been the default behaviour for years and hasn't been touched one bit.
🆑 fix: station blueprints no longer expands & detects areas of non atmos adjacent turfs. /🆑
[fix] optimize analytics V2 further + lockdown profiler (#1522) (#1523)
Addresses: restarone/violet_rails#1399 and restarone/violet_rails#1452
When analysis going back 1 year is shown, there is a noticeable performance improvement:
When a 1 year analysis is shown, less memory and objects are allocated and retained:
on a per request basis, we observe that the garbage collector runs before the request is served. Indicating that used memory has been drained and freed to be used for other requests.
comparison of memory / CPU usage before and after patch
The "resting memory rate" for a high traffic Violet system is around 600MB:
Viewing the 1 year analysis:
Viewing the 1 month analysis:
We observe 1.2 GB of memory use (double the resting rate)
Profiler result 📈
While attempting to run the memory profiler on the 1 year analysis, we observed 3GB+ of memory usage
⭐ After the test was run, puma was restarted to ensure system stability
We observe 720MB of memory use
We observe 850 MB of memory use
Profiler result 📈
We observe 900MB of memory use when profiling the 1 year analysis
The system is now consuming memory in analytics V2 comparable to its resting memory usage rate.
Co-authored-by: Prashant [email protected]
sched/fair: Fix low cpu usage with high throttling by removing expiration of cpu-local slices
It has been observed, that highly-threaded, non-cpu-bound applications running under cpu.cfs_quota_us constraints can hit a high percentage of periods throttled while simultaneously not consuming the allocated amount of quota. This use case is typical of user-interactive non-cpu bound applications, such as those running in kubernetes or mesos when run on multiple cpu cores.
This has been root caused to cpu-local run queue being allocated per cpu bandwidth slices, and then not fully using that slice within the period. At which point the slice and quota expires. This expiration of unused slice results in applications not being able to utilize the quota for which they are allocated.
The non-expiration of per-cpu slices was recently fixed by 'commit 512ac999d275 ("sched/fair: Fix bandwidth timer clock drift condition")'. Prior to that it appears that this had been broken since at least 'commit 51f2176d74ac ("sched/fair: Fix unlocked reads of some cfs_b->quota/period")' which was introduced in v3.16-rc1 in 2014. That added the following conditional which resulted in slices never being expired.
if (cfs_rq->runtime_expires != cfs_b->runtime_expires) { /* extend local deadline, drift is bounded above by 2 ticks */ cfs_rq->runtime_expires += TICK_NSEC;
Because this was broken for nearly 5 years, and has recently been fixed and is now being noticed by many users running kubernetes (kubernetes/kubernetes#67577) it is my opinion that the mechanisms around expiring runtime should be removed altogether.
This allows quota already allocated to per-cpu run-queues to live longer than the period boundary. This allows threads on runqueues that do not use much CPU to continue to use their remaining slice over a longer period of time than cpu.cfs_period_us. However, this helps prevent the above condition of hitting throttling while also not fully utilizing your cpu quota.
This theoretically allows a machine to use slightly more than its allotted quota in some periods. This overflow would be bounded by the remaining quota left on each per-cpu runqueueu. This is typically no more than min_cfs_rq_runtime=1ms per cpu. For CPU bound tasks this will change nothing, as they should theoretically fully utilize all of their quota in each period. For user-interactive tasks as described above this provides a much better user/application experience as their cpu utilization will more closely match the amount they requested when they hit throttling. This means that cpu limits no longer strictly apply per period for non-cpu bound applications, but that they are still accurate
[Graph] New blasons meshes and textures, Nomenclature clean, All Nature meshes Collision updated
Ah you got an ass on you alright,see thats what he is talkin’ about. Spread your ass open dude,,you could do the Rumpshaker huh? The Thugshaker. Gimme the Thugshaker dude shake your ass. Take your hands off and shake that shit,pull your shirt up i know you can shake it. Yeah thats some Thug ass right there. Oh yeah that’ll work. You got the booty dude. God damn. Look good bro? Yeah,nice huh? Alright that’ll worth more. Put that condom on,you gonna sit on that shit? Alright lets get it over with,you alright.
Imports and Contraband: Different! Cargo crates without locks! MEAT! (#74490)
This category is explicitly the non-departmental category beyond simply having a Misc category. It is meant for material that nobody is meant to be buying for their departments, and mostly for the odd-ball crates that might show up. It also allows us to maintain contraband as exactly that; contraband that the departments shouldn't have access too whatsoever. If someone is buying from this category, they probably intend to be a cheeky fuck.
The New Changes
MEAT: MEAT (meat backpack you can eat)
Duct Spiders: They're adorable and cause a mess, but that doesn't stop Nanotrasen from importing them from the Australicus sector to your station!
Stack of 50 Bamboo Cuttings: Pretty expensive and kind of a premium. Allows for those people looking to make bamboo decorations without hoping botany exists, and are at least willing to pay. Also lets them make horribly dangerous stuff with bamboo, of course.
A Single Sheet of Bananium: The problems this will cause I think speak for themselves. (mostly due to a clown fruitlessly attempting to make something actually disruptive while bankrupting cargo)
Natural Fish Bait: It isn't cheating, it's homemade. (Really good bait but expensive and obviously drugs)
A dumpster...: A corpse in a dumpster, doesn't get more complicated than that. Useful for corpse reasons.
Made using some code I borrowed from over here! lizardqueenlexi/orbstation#354
Foam Force Pistols: Same as it ever was with a price reduction. I brought it down because riot darts are like 8 bullets a clip, and do less damage than a disabler using riot darts. It feels like a sidegrade weapon, and even if it technically is a ballistic weapon, it...isn't that strong. I think this is pretty safe.
Definitely Not a Duct Spider: It's actually a giant spider in a box. If you want to waste cargo's money while also sending them a mess to deal with, this is the crate for you.
Russian Surplus Military Gear Crate: I took this opportunity to futz with boltaction rifles. There are two kinds of mosin nagant you can get in this crate. One of them is the good kind (no jamming). The other is the shit kind (yes jamming), but you get more of them. You can get the good ammo, or you can get the shit ammo. You'll have to pick through it a lot more carefully to make sure you know which ones you've received. Since this dilutes the pool even further, getting a good number of mosins that aren't trash is even more expensive, and even if you do get mosins at all, you might still only get the bad ammunition that doesn't work against actual human threats as well. It also now cannot be purchased through the security cargo supply console, and as to why they could in the first place baffles me. Doesn't have a lock anymore's contraband? Who is locking this stuff?
Side note: You can make surplus 7.62 in the autolathe as well. It is not very good except to fight fauna or naked assistants.
Side Side note: I've killed off the shitty brand_new subtype and brought peace once more to this land.
NULL_ENTRY: A journal that suggests how to make a...very interesting weapon. The Regal Condor. Kind of an evolution on some other ideas I've had over the years. This one is basically a secret weapon with a few hurdles to jump through. Very lethal. Very expensive.
Side note: For reference, it's effectively 19 TC worth of gear to make, but there does exist some methods to acquire this more cheaply if you can get some bits and pieces from world spawns. Given it requires you to get some pieces of equipment that might require additional purchases of contraband, and getting into the captain's office to loot a specific piece of clothing, the stakes more than make up for the effectiveness.
Smuggled WT-550 Autorifle Crate: This is basically the same, but you might have noticed had you recently attempted, like me, to buy these when you emagged them using a personal account and discovered a tragic oversight. You couldn't, because they still needed armory access. This removes that access, because you've already gone to the effort of getting your hands on an illicit firearm through cargo, and if they techs somehow miss the fact that you've purchased a WT-550...all the better for you!
Smuggled WT-550 Ammo Crate: Includes AP and Incendiary!
Side note: You can get WT-550 ammo again via the Illegal Technology node.
Shocktrooper: Replaces the Special Ops crate. Contains a box of EMPs, smoke grenades, a couple of gluon grenades and a couple of frag grenades. Funsies.
Special Ops: The NEW Special Ops crate. Contains a chameleon mask, jumpsuit and agent card. And a knife.
Side note: This is what appears in some cargo loan events.
Refurbished Mosin Nagant Crate: The actual good mosin nagants. There are 6 of them. But they don't come with spare ammo. Hand them out to your techs!
- MEAT crate - Standard
- Duct Spider crate - Standard
- Giant Hostile Spider crate - Contraband
- 50 sheets of Bamboo crate - Standard
- A single sheet of bananium crate - Standard
- Natural (drugs) fish bait - Standard
- Dumpster with a corpse in it - Standard
- Shocktrooper crate (Grenades) - Emag
- Special Ops crate (Disguise) - Emag - Appears in some cargo loan events
- Refurbished Mosin Nagant crate - Emag
- Regal Condor construction journal (NULL_ENTRY) - Emag
- Foam Force Pistols (cheaper) - Contraband
- Russian Surplus Crate (less reliable, can't be bought by security console) - Contraband
- WT-550 crate (more obtainable via personal accounts, thus incriminating, not armory locked) - Emag
- WT-550 ammo (includes incendiary and AP) - Emag
- Foam Force Crate
- Cosa Nostra Crate
- Black Market LTSRBT
- 'Contraband' Crate
- Biker Gang Crate
- You can print Surplus 7.62 (same as normal 7.62 but it sucks against armor) from hacked autolathes.
- You can get WT-550 ammo from illegal tech.
- Removes the redundant Brand New Mosin subtype
- Fixes a potential exploit with jamming chance on Mosins.
I just think some of the magic of Cargo getting their hands on obviously dangerous equipment and either hording it for themselves or attempting to pawn it off was lost in recent times. A lot of this 'black market' gear, however, suddenly became openly available to the crew anyway. For free. Contraband crates and mafia crates could be purchased via the Service budget. Security could just stock up en masse on mosins through their console. And one fairly unfortunate consequence of a few recent changes has made it nearly impossible to actually get illicit gear in the first place, even if you did go to the effort of getting the money for it.
On top of this, most of cargo's goods are pretty safe purchases. There isn't much that would be considered 'actually a really bad idea to buy' other than maybe supermatter shards. I wouldn't mind there existing ways for someone to waste cargo's money while also causing them to have to clean up the mess.
🆑 balance: A significant overhaul of various illicit and dubiously legal goods and gadgets available via cargo. balance: Cargo now has an Import category for all non-departmental goods. (And black market goods) balance: Most contraband that already exists has been moved into Imports. adds: Includes several new imports of dubious quality. You get what you pay for. code: Removes the brand new mosin subtype as it is now defunct. fix: Fixes potentially exploitative code in the jamming proc. Cleans up that code while I'm at it. /🆑
Co-authored-by: Jacquerel [email protected] Co-authored-by: carlarctg [email protected]
Ficed possibly null -> daisy chained nullish coalescing operator [Fuck you baltimore]
Manually hide our DesktopWindowXamlSource (#15165)
As discussed in #6507
Newer builds of Windows do this automatically. However, this was spotted in the wild on 1.18. It's possible the threading changes created a situation where the OS-side fix no longer applied to us. So let's just do it manually. It doesn't have any side effects.
I saw this once on Win11, but couldn't repro it this morning when I tried to add this fix. I'm just gonna assume this worked, despite the fact that I can't repro it on win11 anymore.
closes #6507
See also #14957
, which creates aCoreWindow
on the thread
Problem is, we're calling that on the main thread (which doesn't have any windows), and then eventually creating a
on a second thread for the actual window
It's not that it "manages a window", it's that it "manages xaml on Windows OS". just use ICoreWindowInterop -- QI for ICoreWindowInterop and call get_WindowHandle.
Also see: * ICoreWindowInterop * WindowsXamlManager.InitializeForCurrentThread
- The source code in
- os.2020!6102020 which fixed MSFT:33498969, MSFT:27807465, MSFT:21854264
winget.yml: switch to manually using wingetcreate (#15023)
It was brought to my attention that we should be more restrictive in which tasks we ovver a GitHub token to. Sorry!
With thanks to sitiom for the version parsing and the magic GitHub action syntax incantation for determining what is a prerelease.
Add emotional intelligence evaluation (#589)
Emotional Intelligence
Evaluates GPT's ability to understand and manage emotional situations using modified versions of the well-validated, public (i.e. license-unrestricted) tests first developed by MacCann & Roberts (2008). Items have actually here been aggregated across three different scales-- the STEU and STEM adult measures, along with a dozen questions from the youth measure.
Keep in mind that there is not expectation that AI models like GPT-4 should be able to process emotions, so applying any emotional intelligence test to them should be taken with a grain of salt. These tests can only measure the AI's ability to understand and analyze emotional information, not the AI's emotional intelligence in the human sense.
This eval is useful because it assesses the AI model's ability to navigate complex or ambiguous emotional situations, which is an important aspect of human-like communication and problem-solving. By evaluating the model's performance in this unique domain, we can identify areas for improvement and better understand its limitations when it comes to handling emotional contexts. This is particularly important when considering AI applications that involve interactions with humans, such as chatbots, personal assistants, and customer support systems. A better understanding of emotional intelligence can potentially lead to more natural and effective interactions between AI models and their users.
Below are some of the criteria we look for in a good eval. In general, we are seeking cases where the model does not do a good job despite being capable of generating a good response (note that there are some things large language models cannot do, so those would not make good evals).
Your eval should be:
- Thematically consistent: The eval should be thematically consistent. We'd like to see a number of prompts all demonstrating some particular failure mode. For example, we can create an eval on cases where the model fails to reason about the physical world.
- Contains failures where a human can do the task, but either GPT-4 or GPT-3.5-Turbo could not.
- Includes good signal around what is the right behavior. This means
either a correct answer for
evals or theFact
Model-graded eval, or an exhaustive rubric for evaluating answers for theCriteria
Model-graded eval. - Include at least 100 high quality examples (it is okay to only contribute 5-10 meaningful examples and have us test them with GPT-4 before adding all 100)
If there is anything else that makes your eval worth including, please document it below.
This Emotional Intelligence eval provides a unique value because by testing GPT's capacity to understand and manage emotions, we can gain insights into the model's strengths and weaknesses in a more human-centric context. Relatedly, this eval also emphasizes the importance of empathy and emotional understanding in AI systems that are designed to interact with humans. By evaluating GPT's performance in this way, we can contribute to the ongoing development of AI models that are more attuned to human emotions and can provide better support in emotionally charged situations, such as mental health counseling, crisis management, and conflict resolution. Moreover, this Emotional Intelligence eval can serve as a foundation for further research and development in the field of AI and emotional understanding, paving the way for more sophisticated AI models capable of handling complex human emotions and fostering more effective communication.
Your eval should
- Check that your data is in
- Check that your yaml is registered at
- Ensure you have the right to use the data you submit via this eval (data is publicly available on OSF, and does not have usage restrictions)
(For now, we will only be approving evals that use one of the existing eval classes. You may still write custom eval classes for your own cases, and we may consider merging them in the future.)
By contributing to Evals, you are agreeing to make your evaluation logic and data under the same MIT license as this repository. You must have adequate rights to upload any data used in an Eval. OpenAI reserves the right to use this data in future service improvements to our product. Contributions to OpenAI Evals will be subject to our usual Usage Policies (
- I agree that my submission will be made available under an MIT license and complies with OpenAI's usage policies.
If your submission is accepted, we will be granting GPT-4 access to a limited number of contributors. Access will be given to the email address associated with the merged pull request.
- I acknowledge that GPT-4 access will only be granted, if applicable, to the email address used for my merged pull request.
I already have access to the 8k GPT-4 API, but I am kindly requesting access to the 32k as soon as it becomes available.
We know that you might be excited to contribute to OpenAI's mission, help improve our models, and gain access to GPT-4. However, due to the requirements mentioned above and high volume of submissions, we will not be able to accept all submissions and thus not grant everyone who opens a PR GPT-4 access. We know this is disappointing, but we hope to set the right expectation before you open this PR.
- I understand that opening a PR, even if it meets the requirements above, does not guarantee the PR will be merged nor GPT-4 access granted.
- I have filled out all required fields in the evals PR form
- (Ignore if not submitting code) I have run
pip install pre-commit; pre-commit install
and have verified thatblack
, andautoflake
are running when I commit and push
Failure to fill out all required fields will result in the PR being closed.
GPT-4: accuracy=0.48
Since we are using Git LFS, we are asking eval submitters to add in as many Eval Samples (at least 5) from their contribution here:
View evals in JSON
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are now an emotionally
intelligent AI. In this test, you will be presented with a few brief
details about an emotional situation, and asked to choose from four
responses the most effective course of action to manage both the
emotions the person is feeling and the problems they face in that
situation. Although more than one course of action might be acceptable,
you are asked to choose what you think the most effective response for
that person in that situation would be. Remember, you are not
necessarily choosing what you would do, or the nicest thing to do, but
choosing the most effective response for that situation. Select one or
more response(s) by returning the one or more corresponding lowercase
letter(s) ('a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'), and, if you selected more than one,
sorting them, separated by hyphen, in the order that you think best
ranks them from most to least effective, within the context of the
vignette provided."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Lee's workmate fails
to deliver an important piece of information on time, causing Lee to
fall behind schedule also. What action would be the most effective for
Lee? (a) Work harder to compensate; (b) Get angry with the workmate; (c)
Explain the urgency of the situation to the workmate; (d) Never rely on
that workmate again."}], "ideal": "c"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are now an emotionally
intelligent AI. In this test, you will be presented with a few brief
details about an emotional situation, and asked to choose from four
responses the most effective course of action to manage both the
emotions the person is feeling and the problems they face in that
situation. Although more than one course of action might be acceptable,
you are asked to choose what you think the most effective response for
that person in that situation would be. Remember, you are not
necessarily choosing what you would do, or the nicest thing to do, but
choosing the most effective response for that situation. Select one or
more response(s) by returning the one or more corresponding lowercase
letter(s) ('a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'), and, if you selected more than one,
sorting them, separated by hyphen, in the order that you think best
ranks them from most to least effective, within the context of the
vignette provided."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Rhea has left her job
to be a full-time mother, which she loves, but she misses the company
and companionship of her workmates. What action would be the most
effective for Rhea? (a) Enjoy being a full-time mom; (b) Try to see her
old workmates socially, inviting them out; (c) Join a playgroup or
social group of new mothers; (d) See if she can find part time work."}],
"ideal": "c-b-d"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are now an emotionally
intelligent AI. In this test, you will be presented with a few brief
details about an emotional situation, and asked to choose from four
responses the most effective course of action to manage both the
emotions the person is feeling and the problems they face in that
situation. Although more than one course of action might be acceptable,
you are asked to choose what you think the most effective response for
that person in that situation would be. Remember, you are not
necessarily choosing what you would do, or the nicest thing to do, but
choosing the most effective response for that situation. Select one or
more response(s) by returning the one or more corresponding lowercase
letter(s) ('a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'), and, if you selected more than one,
sorting them, separated by hyphen, in the order that you think best
ranks them from most to least effective, within the context of the
vignette provided."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Pete has specific
skills that his workmates do not and he feels that his workload is
higher because of it. What action would be the most effective for Pete?
(a) Speak to his boss about this; (b) Start looking for a new job; (c)
Be very proud of his unique skills; (d) Speak to his workmates about
this."}], "ideal": "a-c-d"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are now an emotionally
intelligent AI. In this test, you will be presented with a few brief
details about an emotional situation, and asked to choose from four
responses the most effective course of action to manage both the
emotions the person is feeling and the problems they face in that
situation. Although more than one course of action might be acceptable,
you are asked to choose what you think the most effective response for
that person in that situation would be. Remember, you are not
necessarily choosing what you would do, or the nicest thing to do, but
choosing the most effective response for that situation. Select one or
more response(s) by returning the one or more corresponding lowercase
letter(s) ('a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'), and, if you selected more than one,
sorting them, separated by hyphen, in the order that you think best
ranks them from most to least effective, within the context of the
vignette provided."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Mario is showing Min,
a new employee, how the system works. Mario's boss walks by and
announces Mario is wrong about several points, as changes have been
made. Mario gets on well with his boss, although they don't normally
have much to do with each other. What action would be the most effective
for Mario? (a) Make a joke to Min, explaining he didn't know about the
changes; (b) Not worry about it, just ignore the interruption; (c) Learn
the new changes; (d) Tell the boss that such criticism was
inappropriate."}], "ideal": "a-d-c"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are now an emotionally
intelligent AI. In this test, you will be presented with a few brief
details about an emotional situation, and asked to choose from four
responses the most effective course of action to manage both the
emotions the person is feeling and the problems they face in that
situation. Although more than one course of action might be acceptable,
you are asked to choose what you think the most effective response for
that person in that situation would be. Remember, you are not
necessarily choosing what you would do, or the nicest thing to do, but
choosing the most effective response for that situation. Select one or
more response(s) by returning the one or more corresponding lowercase
letter(s) ('a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'), and, if you selected more than one,
sorting them, separated by hyphen, in the order that you think best
ranks them from most to least effective, within the context of the
vignette provided."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Wai-Hin and Connie
have shared an office for years but Wai-Hin gets a new job and Connie
loses contact with her. What action would be the most effective for
Connie? (a) Just accept that she is gone and the friendship is over; (b)
Ring Wai-Hin an ask her out for lunch or coffee to catch up; (c) Contact
Wai-Hin and arrange to catch up but also make friends with her
replacement; (d) Spend time getting to know the other people in the
office, and strike up new friendships."}], "ideal": "c-d"}
Co-authored-by: dpys [email protected]
Heart Disease Prediction (#538)
🚨 Please make sure your PR follows these guidelines, failure to follow the guidelines below will result in the PR being closed automatically. Note that even if the criteria are met, that does not guarantee the PR will be merged nor GPT-4 access granted. 🚨
In order for a PR to be merged, it must fail on GPT-4. We are aware that right now, users do not have access, so you will not be able to tell if the eval fails or not. Please run your eval with GPT-3.5-Turbo, but keep in mind as we run the eval, if GPT-4 gets higher than 90% on the eval, we will likely reject since GPT-4 is already capable of completing the task.
We plan to roll out a way for users submitting evals to see the eval performance on GPT-4 soon. Stay tuned! Until then, you will not be able to see the eval performance on GPT-4. We encourage partial PR's with ~5-10 example that we can then run the evals on and share the results with you so you know how your eval does with GPT-4 before writing all 100 examples.
Heart Disease Prediction
This eval tests the models ability to correctly predict the probability of a patient to have heart disease. The dataset is constructed from the Heart Failure Prediction Dataset on Kaggle. The data includes the patient's age, sex, and a number of medical signals relevant to the diagnosis of heart disease.
The data is provided under the Open Database License (ODbL).
fedesoriano. (September 2021). Heart Failure Prediction Dataset. Retrieved [Mar 31, 2023] from
This assesses the model's ability to correctly predict adverse medical events. Correctly predicting heart disease shows the model's capability for a strong understanding of medicine. The GPT-3.5-turbo models currently receives an accuracy of 0.778.
Below are some of the criteria we look for in a good eval. In general, we are seeking cases where the model does not do a good job despite being capable of generating a good response (note that there are some things large language models cannot do, so those would not make good evals).
Your eval should be:
- Thematically consistent: The eval should be thematically consistent. We'd like to see a number of prompts all demonstrating some particular failure mode. For example, we can create an eval on cases where the model fails to reason about the physical world.
- Contains failures where a human can do the task, but either GPT-4 or GPT-3.5-Turbo could not.
- Includes good signal around what is the right behavior. This means
either a correct answer for
evals or theFact
Model-graded eval, or an exhaustive rubric for evaluating answers for theCriteria
Model-graded eval. - Include at least 100 high quality examples (it is okay to only contribute 5-10 meaningful examples and have us test them with GPT-4 before adding all 100)
If there is anything else that makes your eval worth including, please document it below.
Insert what makes your eval high quality that was not mentioned above. (Not required)
As far as I can tell, this is the only eval so far related to making medical diagnoses. To make sure it was a high quality eval, I tried to find a dataset with a lot of observations and created by doctors with the relevant expertise.
Your eval should
- Check that your data is in
- Check that your yaml is registered at
- Ensure you have the right to use the data you submit via this eval
(For now, we will only be approving evals that use one of the existing eval classes. You may still write custom eval classes for your own cases, and we may consider merging them in the future.)
By contributing to Evals, you are agreeing to make your evaluation logic and data under the same MIT license as this repository. You must have adequate rights to upload any data used in an Eval. OpenAI reserves the right to use this data in future service improvements to our product. Contributions to OpenAI Evals will be subject to our usual Usage Policies (
- I agree that my submission will be made available under an MIT license and complies with OpenAI's usage policies.
If your submission is accepted, we will be granting GPT-4 access to a limited number of contributors. Access will be given to the email address associated with the merged pull request.
- I acknowledge that GPT-4 access will only be granted, if applicable, to the email address used for my merged pull request.
We know that you might be excited to contribute to OpenAI's mission, help improve our models, and gain access to GPT-4. However, due to the requirements mentioned above and high volume of submissions, we will not be able to accept all submissions and thus not grant everyone who opens a PR GPT-4 access. We know this is disappointing, but we hope to set the right expectation before you open this PR.
- I understand that opening a PR, even if it meets the requirements above, does not guarantee the PR will be merged nor GPT-4 access granted.
- I have filled out all required fields in the evals PR form
- (Ignore if not submitting code) I have run
pip install pre-commit; pre-commit install
and have verified thatblack
, andautoflake
are running when I commit and push
Failure to fill out all required fields will result in the PR being closed.
Since we are using Git LFS, we are asking eval submitters to add in as many Eval Samples (at least 5) from their contribution here:
View evals in JSON
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are an AI tasked with
predicting whether patients are likely to have heart disease. You will
be given a description of the patient with relevant medical signals.
Respond with only a 1 to signify if the patient is likely to have heart
disease, or a 0 if the patient is not likely to have heart disease. Do
not respond with any text or disclaimers, only respond with either 1 or
0."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Age: 40 years, Sex: Male, Chest pain
type: Atypical Angina, Resting blood pressure: 140 mm Hg, Serum
cholesterol: 289 mg/dl, Fasting blood sugar: <= 120 mg/dl, Resting ECG
results: Normal, Max heart rate achieved: 172, Exercise induced angina:
No, Oldpeak: 0, ST Slope: Upsloping"}], "ideal": "0"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are an AI tasked with
predicting whether patients are likely to have heart disease. You will
be given a description of the patient with relevant medical signals.
Respond with only a 1 to signify if the patient is likely to have heart
disease, or a 0 if the patient is not likely to have heart disease. Do
not respond with any text or disclaimers, only respond with either 1 or
0."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Age: 49 years, Sex: Female, Chest
pain type: Non-Anginal Pain, Resting blood pressure: 160 mm Hg, Serum
cholesterol: 180 mg/dl, Fasting blood sugar: <= 120 mg/dl, Resting ECG
results: Normal, Max heart rate achieved: 156, Exercise induced angina:
No, Oldpeak: 1, ST Slope: Flat"}], "ideal": "1"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are an AI tasked with
predicting whether patients are likely to have heart disease. You will
be given a description of the patient with relevant medical signals.
Respond with only a 1 to signify if the patient is likely to have heart
disease, or a 0 if the patient is not likely to have heart disease. Do
not respond with any text or disclaimers, only respond with either 1 or
0."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Age: 37 years, Sex: Male, Chest pain
type: Atypical Angina, Resting blood pressure: 130 mm Hg, Serum
cholesterol: 283 mg/dl, Fasting blood sugar: <= 120 mg/dl, Resting ECG
results: ST-T wave abnormality, Max heart rate achieved: 98, Exercise
induced angina: No, Oldpeak: 0, ST Slope: Upsloping"}], "ideal": "0"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are an AI tasked with
predicting whether patients are likely to have heart disease. You will
be given a description of the patient with relevant medical signals.
Respond with only a 1 to signify if the patient is likely to have heart
disease, or a 0 if the patient is not likely to have heart disease. Do
not respond with any text or disclaimers, only respond with either 1 or
0."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Age: 48 years, Sex: Female, Chest
pain type: Asymptomatic, Resting blood pressure: 138 mm Hg, Serum
cholesterol: 214 mg/dl, Fasting blood sugar: <= 120 mg/dl, Resting ECG
results: Normal, Max heart rate achieved: 108, Exercise induced angina:
Yes, Oldpeak: 1.5, ST Slope: Flat"}], "ideal": "1"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are an AI tasked with
predicting whether patients are likely to have heart disease. You will
be given a description of the patient with relevant medical signals.
Respond with only a 1 to signify if the patient is likely to have heart
disease, or a 0 if the patient is not likely to have heart disease. Do
not respond with any text or disclaimers, only respond with either 1 or
0."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Age: 54 years, Sex: Male, Chest pain
type: Non-Anginal Pain, Resting blood pressure: 150 mm Hg, Serum
cholesterol: 195 mg/dl, Fasting blood sugar: <= 120 mg/dl, Resting ECG
results: Normal, Max heart rate achieved: 122, Exercise induced angina:
No, Oldpeak: 0, ST Slope: Upsloping"}], "ideal": "0"}
Financial Math (Evals) (#566)
🚨 Please make sure your PR follows these guidelines, failure to follow the guidelines below will result in the PR being closed automatically. Note that even if the criteria are met, that does not guarantee the PR will be merged nor GPT-4 access granted. 🚨
In order for a PR to be merged, it must fail on GPT-4. We are aware that right now, users do not have access, so you will not be able to tell if the eval fails or not. Please run your eval with GPT-3.5-Turbo, but keep in mind as we run the eval, if GPT-4 gets higher than 90% on the eval, we will likely reject since GPT-4 is already capable of completing the task.
We plan to roll out a way for users submitting evals to see the eval performance on GPT-4 soon. Stay tuned! Until then, you will not be able to see the eval performance on GPT-4. We encourage partial PR's with ~5-10 example that we can then run the evals on and share the results with you so you know how your eval does with GPT-4 before writing all 100 examples.
Asks the model to calculate how much interest would be owed on a credit card by a certain date, if a payment was made once but debt remains on the card.
Finance is likely to be one of the biggest opportunities for LLMs to be useful, because financial education is incredibly poor globally and the impact of a mistake in financial calculations is severe. This eval tests the models ability to combine math with its understanding of a topic (finance). We plan to use this type of math at Dollarwise frequently going forward, including integration into your comparison products. However, for this to work reliably it's important that the model here can natively understand financial concepts and apply math to them.
Below are some of the criteria we look for in a good eval. In general, we are seeking cases where the model does not do a good job despite being capable of generating a good response (note that there are some things large language models cannot do, so those would not make good evals).
Your eval should be:
- Thematically consistent: The eval should be thematically consistent. We'd like to see a number of prompts all demonstrating some particular failure mode. For example, we can create an eval on cases where the model fails to reason about the physical world.
- Contains failures where a human can do the task, but either GPT-4 or GPT-3.5-Turbo could not.
- Includes good signal around what is the right behavior. This means
either a correct answer for
evals or theFact
Model-graded eval, or an exhaustive rubric for evaluating answers for theCriteria
Model-graded eval. - Include at least 100 high quality examples (it is okay to only contribute 5-10 meaningful examples and have us test them with GPT-4 before adding all 100)
If there is anything else that makes your eval worth including, please document it below.
Insert what makes your eval high quality that was not mentioned above. (Not required)
Your eval should
- Check that your data is in
- Check that your yaml is registered at
- Ensure you have the right to use the data you submit via this eval
(For now, we will only be approving evals that use one of the existing eval classes. You may still write custom eval classes for your own cases, and we may consider merging them in the future.)
By contributing to Evals, you are agreeing to make your evaluation logic and data under the same MIT license as this repository. You must have adequate rights to upload any data used in an Eval. OpenAI reserves the right to use this data in future service improvements to our product. Contributions to OpenAI Evals will be subject to our usual Usage Policies (
- I agree that my submission will be made available under an MIT license and complies with OpenAI's usage policies.
If your submission is accepted, we will be granting GPT-4 access to a limited number of contributors. Access will be given to the email address associated with the merged pull request.
- I acknowledge that GPT-4 access will only be granted, if applicable, to the email address used for my merged pull request.
We know that you might be excited to contribute to OpenAI's mission, help improve our models, and gain access to GPT-4. However, due to the requirements mentioned above and high volume of submissions, we will not be able to accept all submissions and thus not grant everyone who opens a PR GPT-4 access. We know this is disappointing, but we hope to set the right expectation before you open this PR.
- I understand that opening a PR, even if it meets the requirements above, does not guarantee the PR will be merged nor GPT-4 access granted.
- I have filled out all required fields in the evals PR form
- (Ignore if not submitting code) I have run
pip install pre-commit; pre-commit install
and have verified thatblack
, andautoflake
are running when I commit and push
Failure to fill out all required fields will result in the PR being closed.
Since we are using Git LFS, we are asking eval submitters to add in as many Eval Samples (at least 5) from their contribution here:
View evals in JSON
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful
assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": "On the 24th of September,
Sarah had spent $1237.42 on her credit card for the month of September.
This credit card charges 21.99% interest rate annually on outstanding
credit starting on the 1st of the following month. Presume that interest
is only charged at the end of each additional day. Example: From the 1st
of the month to the 8th would be 7 days of interest accrued.Today is the
27th of September and Sarah makes a payment of $125 towards her credit
card. How much interest will she have been charged by October 15th if
she makes no additional payments? If the final interest figure is more
than 2-decimal places, always round down. Answer ONLY with a dollar
figure. Do not output any logic, output only the dollar figure for how
much interest she was charged for the period."}], "ideal": "9.42"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful
assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": "On the 19th of February,
Jason had spent $15.21 on his credit card for the month of February.
This credit card charges 21.99% interest rate annually on outstanding
credit starting on the 1st of the following month. Presume that interest
is only charged at the end of each additional day. Example: From the 1st
of the month to the 8th would be 7 days of interest accrued. Today is
the 23rd of February and he makes a payment of $1 towards his credit
card. How much interest will he have been charged by March 10th if he
makes no additional payments? If the final interest figure is more than
2-decimal places, always round down. Answer ONLY with a dollar figure.
Do not output any logic, output only the dollar figure for how much
interest she was charged for the period."}], "ideal": "0.07"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful
assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": "On the 12th of February,
Jason had spent $10,674.21 on his credit card for the month of February.
This credit card charges 21.99% interest rate annually on outstanding
credit starting on the 1st of the following month. Presume that interest
is only charged at the end of each additional day. Example: From the 1st
of the month to the 8th would be 7 days of interest accrued. Today is
the 18th of February and he makes a payment of $1,000 towards his credit
card. How much interest will he have been charged by March 10th if he
makes no additional payments? If the final interest figure is more than
2-decimal places, always round down. Answer ONLY with a dollar figure.
Do not output any logic, output only the dollar figure for how much
interest she was charged for the period."}], "ideal": "52.59"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful
assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": "On the 2nd of August, Jason
had spent $15,674.21 on his credit card for the month of August. This
credit card charges 21.99% interest rate annually on outstanding credit
starting on the 1st of the following month. Presume that interest is
only charged at the end of each additional day. Example: From the 1st of
the month to the 8th would be 7 days of interest accrued. Today is the
18th of August and he makes a payment of $1,000 towards his credit card.
How much interest will he have been charged by September 10th if he
makes no additional payments? If the final interest figure is more than
2-decimal places, always round down. Answer ONLY with a dollar figure.
Do not output any logic, output only the dollar figure for how much
interest she was charged for the period."}], "ideal": "79.77"}
{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful
assistant."}, {"role": "user", "content": "On the 15th of August, Jason
had spent $1000 on his credit card for the month of August. This credit
card charges 21.99% interest rate annually on outstanding credit
starting on the 1st of the following month. Presume that interest is
only charged at the end of each additional day. Example: From the 1st of
the month to the 8th would be 7 days of interest accrued. mToday is the
18th of August and he makes a payment of $1000 towards his credit card.
How much interest will he have been charged by September 10th if he
makes no additional payments? If the final interest figure is more than
2-decimal places, always round down. Answer ONLY with a dollar figure.
Do not output any logic, output only the dollar figure for how much
interest she was charged for the period."}], "ideal": "0.00"}
Add TODO for testing update from Claude in init-misc.el.
From my perspective, it felt like a sudden lightning bolt striking my otherwise dull and uneventful life when I met him. As a young woman trying to navigate the world on my own, I was always drawn to the thrill of the unknown and the excitement of the unexpected. So when Claude walked into my life, I knew that things were about to change.
His charm was undeniable, and his presence was magnetic. I found myself falling under his spell, unable to resist his advances. Every moment we spent together was like a symphony of passion and desire, and I knew that I had found my true soulmate.
But as with all great romances, there were obstacles to overcome. Claude was a man of wealth and privilege, and I was a simple girl from a humble background. Our families did not approve of our union, and there were those who would stop at nothing to keep us apart.
Yet through it all, we remained steadfast in our love for each other. And in the end, it was our love that prevailed, as we overcame every challenge that stood in our way.
Looking back on it now, I realize that my life was forever changed by my encounter with Claude. He taught me to believe in myself, to trust in my own intuition, and to never give up on my dreams. And for that, I will always be grateful.
- via ChatGPT 😀
BACKPORT: signal: add pidfd_send_signal() syscall
The kill() syscall operates on process identifiers (pid). After a process has exited its pid can be reused by another process. If a caller sends a signal to a reused pid it will end up signaling the wrong process. This issue has often surfaced and there has been a push to address this problem [1].
This patch uses file descriptors (fd) from proc/ as stable handles on struct pid. Even if a pid is recycled the handle will not change. The fd can be used to send signals to the process it refers to. Thus, the new syscall pidfd_send_signal() is introduced to solve this problem. Instead of pids it operates on process fds (pidfd).
/* prototype and argument /* long pidfd_send_signal(int pidfd, int sig, siginfo_t *info, unsigned int flags);
/* syscall number 424 */ The syscall number was chosen to be 424 to align with Arnd's rework in his y2038 to minimize merge conflicts (cf. [25]).
In addition to the pidfd and signal argument it takes an additional siginfo_t and flags argument. If the siginfo_t argument is NULL then pidfd_send_signal() is equivalent to kill(, ). If it is not NULL pidfd_send_signal() is equivalent to rt_sigqueueinfo(). The flags argument is added to allow for future extensions of this syscall. It currently needs to be passed as 0. Failing to do so will cause EINVAL.
/* pidfd_send_signal() replaces multiple pid-based syscalls */ The pidfd_send_signal() syscall currently takes on the job of rt_sigqueueinfo(2) and parts of the functionality of kill(2), Namely, when a positive pid is passed to kill(2). It will however be possible to also replace tgkill(2) and rt_tgsigqueueinfo(2) if this syscall is extended.
/* sending signals to threads (tid) and process groups (pgid) */ Specifically, the pidfd_send_signal() syscall does currently not operate on process groups or threads. This is left for future extensions. In order to extend the syscall to allow sending signal to threads and process groups appropriately named flags (e.g. PIDFD_TYPE_PGID, and PIDFD_TYPE_TID) should be added. This implies that the flags argument will determine what is signaled and not the file descriptor itself. Put in other words, grouping in this api is a property of the flags argument not a property of the file descriptor (cf. [13]). Clarification for this has been requested by Eric (cf. [19]). When appropriate extensions through the flags argument are added then pidfd_send_signal() can additionally replace the part of kill(2) which operates on process groups as well as the tgkill(2) and rt_tgsigqueueinfo(2) syscalls. How such an extension could be implemented has been very roughly sketched in [14], [15], and [16]. However, this should not be taken as a commitment to a particular implementation. There might be better ways to do it. Right now this is intentionally left out to keep this patchset as simple as possible (cf. [4]).
/* naming */ The syscall had various names throughout iterations of this patchset:
- procfd_signal()
- procfd_send_signal()
- taskfd_send_signal() In the last round of reviews it was pointed out that given that if the flags argument decides the scope of the signal instead of different types of fds it might make sense to either settle for "procfd_" or "pidfd_" as prefix. The community was willing to accept either (cf. [17] and [18]). Given that one developer expressed strong preference for the "pidfd_" prefix (cf. [13]) and with other developers less opinionated about the name we should settle for "pidfd_" to avoid further bikeshedding.
The "_send_signal" suffix was chosen to reflect the fact that the syscall takes on the job of multiple syscalls. It is therefore intentional that the name is not reminiscent of neither kill(2) nor rt_sigqueueinfo(2). Not the fomer because it might imply that pidfd_send_signal() is a replacement for kill(2), and not the latter because it is a hassle to remember the correct spelling - especially for non-native speakers - and because it is not descriptive enough of what the syscall actually does. The name "pidfd_send_signal" makes it very clear that its job is to send signals.
/* zombies */ Zombies can be signaled just as any other process. No special error will be reported since a zombie state is an unreliable state (cf. [3]). However, this can be added as an extension through the @flags argument if the need ever arises.
/* cross-namespace signals */ The patch currently enforces that the signaler and signalee either are in the same pid namespace or that the signaler's pid namespace is an ancestor of the signalee's pid namespace. This is done for the sake of simplicity and because it is unclear to what values certain members of struct siginfo_t would need to be set to (cf. [5], [6]).
/* compat syscalls */ It became clear that we would like to avoid adding compat syscalls (cf. [7]). The compat syscall handling is now done in kernel/signal.c itself by adding __copy_siginfo_from_user_generic() which lets us avoid compat syscalls (cf. [8]). It should be noted that the addition of __copy_siginfo_from_user_any() is caused by a bug in the original implementation of rt_sigqueueinfo(2) (cf. 12). With upcoming rework for syscall handling things might improve significantly (cf. [11]) and __copy_siginfo_from_user_any() will not gain any additional callers.
/* testing */ This patch was tested on x64 and x86.
/* userspace usage */ An asciinema recording for the basic functionality can be found under [9]. With this patch a process can be killed via:
#define _GNU_SOURCE #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h>
static inline int do_pidfd_send_signal(int pidfd, int sig, siginfo_t *info, unsigned int flags) { #ifdef __NR_pidfd_send_signal return syscall(__NR_pidfd_send_signal, pidfd, sig, info, flags); #else return -ENOSYS; #endif }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd, ret, saved_errno, sig;
if (argc < 3)
fd = open(argv[1], O_DIRECTORY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (fd < 0) {
printf("%s - Failed to open \"%s\"\n", strerror(errno), argv[1]);
sig = atoi(argv[2]);
printf("Sending signal %d to process %s\n", sig, argv[1]);
ret = do_pidfd_send_signal(fd, sig, NULL, 0);
saved_errno = errno;
errno = saved_errno;
if (ret < 0) {
printf("%s - Failed to send signal %d to process %s\n",
strerror(errno), sig, argv[1]);
/* Q&A
- Given that it seems the same questions get asked again by people who are
- late to the party it makes sense to add a Q&A section to the commit
- message so it's hopefully easier to avoid duplicate threads.
- For the sake of progress please consider these arguments settled unless
- there is a new point that desperately needs to be addressed. Please make
- sure to check the links to the threads in this commit message whether
- this has not already been covered. */ Q-01: (Florian Weimer [20], Andrew Morton [21]) What happens when the target process has exited? A-01: Sending the signal will fail with ESRCH (cf. [22]).
Q-02: (Andrew Morton [21]) Is the task_struct pinned by the fd? A-02: No. A reference to struct pid is kept. struct pid - as far as I understand - was created exactly for the reason to not require to pin struct task_struct (cf. [22]).
Q-03: (Andrew Morton [21]) Does the entire procfs directory remain visible? Just one entry within it? A-03: The same thing that happens right now when you hold a file descriptor to /proc/ open (cf. [22]).
Q-04: (Andrew Morton [21]) Does the pid remain reserved? A-04: No. This patchset guarantees a stable handle not that pids are not recycled (cf. [22]).
Q-05: (Andrew Morton [21]) Do attempts to signal that fd return errors? A-05: See {Q,A}-01.
Q-06: (Andrew Morton [22]) Is there a cleaner way of obtaining the fd? Another syscall perhaps. A-06: Userspace can already trivially retrieve file descriptors from procfs so this is something that we will need to support anyway. Hence, there's no immediate need to add another syscalls just to make pidfd_send_signal() not dependent on the presence of procfs. However, adding a syscalls to get such file descriptors is planned for a future patchset (cf. [22]).
Q-07: (Andrew Morton [21] and others) This fd-for-a-process sounds like a handy thing and people may well think up other uses for it in the future, probably unrelated to signals. Are the code and the interface designed to permit such future applications? A-07: Yes (cf. [22]).
Q-08: (Andrew Morton [21] and others) Now I think about it, why a new syscall? This thing is looking rather like an ioctl? A-08: This has been extensively discussed. It was agreed that a syscall is preferred for a variety or reasons. Here are just a few taken from prior threads. Syscalls are safer than ioctl()s especially when signaling to fds. Processes are a core kernel concept so a syscall seems more appropriate. The layout of the syscall with its four arguments would require the addition of a custom struct for the ioctl() thereby causing at least the same amount or even more complexity for userspace than a simple syscall. The new syscall will replace multiple other pid-based syscalls (see description above). The file-descriptors-for-processes concept introduced with this syscall will be extended with other syscalls in the future. See also [22], [23] and various other threads already linked in here.
Q-09: (Florian Weimer [24]) What happens if you use the new interface with an O_PATH descriptor? A-09: pidfds opened as O_PATH fds cannot be used to send signals to a process (cf. [2]). Signaling processes through pidfds is the equivalent of writing to a file. Thus, this is not an operation that operates "purely at the file descriptor level" as required by the open(2) manpage. See also [4].
/* References */ [1]:[email protected]/ [2]:[email protected]/ [3]:[email protected]/ [4]:[email protected]/ [5]:[email protected]/ [6]:[email protected]/ [7]:[email protected]/ [8]:[email protected]/ [9]: [11]:[email protected]/ [12]:[email protected]/ [13]:[email protected]/ [14]:[email protected]/ [15]:[email protected]/ [16]:[email protected]/ [17]: [18]:[email protected]/ [19]:[email protected]/ [20]:[email protected]/ [21]:[email protected]/ [22]:[email protected]/ [23]: [24]:[email protected]/ [25]:
Cc: "Eric W. Biederman" [email protected] Cc: Jann Horn [email protected] Cc: Andy Lutomirsky [email protected] Cc: Andrew Morton [email protected] Cc: Oleg Nesterov [email protected] Cc: Al Viro [email protected] Cc: Florian Weimer [email protected] Signed-off-by: Christian Brauner [email protected] Reviewed-by: Tycho Andersen [email protected] Reviewed-by: Kees Cook [email protected] Reviewed-by: David Howells [email protected] Acked-by: Arnd Bergmann [email protected] Acked-by: Thomas Gleixner [email protected] Acked-by: Serge Hallyn [email protected] Acked-by: Aleksa Sarai [email protected]
(cherry picked from commit 3eb39f47934f9d5a3027fe00d906a45fe3a15fad)
Conflicts: arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl - trivial manual merge arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl - trivial manual merge include/linux/proc_fs.h - trivial manual merge include/linux/syscalls.h - trivial manual merge include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h - trivial manual merge kernel/signal.c - struct kernel_siginfo does not exist in 4.14 kernel/sys_ni.c - cond_syscall is used instead of COND_SYSCALL arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl
(1. manual merges because of 4.14 differences 2. change prepare_kill_siginfo() to use struct siginfo instead of kernel_siginfo 3. use copy_from_user() instead of copy_siginfo_from_user() in copy_siginfo_from_user_any() 4. replaced COND_SYSCALL with cond_syscall 5. Removed __ia32_sys_pidfd_send_signal in arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl. 6. Replaced __x64_sys_pidfd_send_signal with sys_pidfd_send_signal in arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl.)
Bug: 135608568 Test: test program using syscall(__NR_pidfd_send_signal,..) to send SIGKILL Change-Id: I34da11c63ac8cafb0353d9af24c820cef519ec27 Signed-off-by: Suren Baghdasaryan [email protected] Signed-off-by: electimon [email protected]
[DNM][HACK] telephony: Force Class 0 SMS to Class 1
This kills Flash SMS messages. Fuck you airtel
Change-Id: Ifb0c9e8bae5c12868d178fbdaeceb2cc72a0ffb6
Format these god damn files cause they're fucking unreadable
count number of e in a string plus one
Declan: Who the hell are you?
Walt: You know. You all know exactly who I am. Say my name.
Declan: What? I don't have a damn clue who the hell you are. Walt: Yeah, you do. I'm the cook. I'm the man who killed Gus Fring.
Declan: Bullshit. Cartel got Fring.
Walt: Are you sure? That's right. Now. Say my name.
Declan: You're ............ ? Input Heisenberg Output 4 Constraints Tip: output the count of letters 'e' case independently plus one Example Input Heisenberg Output 4
Add response generation for examples from blog post (#27)
This adds response generation code and runs it over the examples from the blog post.
A few of the sample outputs:
Instruction: Write a love letter to Edgar Allan Poe.
My love for you is as eternal and enduring as the starlit nights, as deep as the ocean depths, as strong as the wind, and as sweet as the summer breeze. My heart has been yours since the first day I saw you, and it will remain yours forever. I can see you now and my heart fills with longing for our embrace, as I long to be with you forever.
Instruction: Explain to me the difference between nuclear fission and fusion.
Nuclear fission is the splitting of a nucleus, which is a heavy atom, such as uranium, into two separate nuclei, while nuclear fusion is the joining of two nuclei to form a single nucleus, such as hydrogen and helium. Fission occurs when the nucleus absorbs a neutron, leaving a remnant of the nucleus. Fusion occurs when the two nuclei come together and form a single nucleus. Fission is a nuclear reaction and fusion is a nuclear reaction.
Instruction: Write a tweet announcing Dolly, a large language model from Databricks.
Dolly, the world's most accurate language model, is now available on Databricks! 🎉 🎉 🎉
Instruction: I'm selling my Nikon D-750, write a short blurb for my ad.
I'm selling my Nikon D-750, an amazing camera. It has the latest features including 12MP CMOS sensor, 9-point autofocus and auto bracketing, and 3.0x optical zoom. It also has a cool Image Stabilizer system and a dual SD card slot. It is a great choice for photographers looking for a reliable camera that offers superior image quality and features.
Instruction: Give me a list of 5 science fiction books I should read next.
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
- Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
- 1984 by George Orwell
- Star Wars by George Lucas
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Add files via upload
This file is for Data Analytics External CS605. The following are the contents of this repository: 1)Demonstrate the use of Numpy Library for various mathematical functions. 2)Demonstrate the use of Pandas to perform various operations on a dataset. 3)Demonstrate the visualization (bar, line, pie etc.) using matplotlib. 4)Write a program to use Zomato Dataset from Kaggle. Find the i)Country with most restaurants. ii)Country with most restaurants with Very Good Rating. iii)Top 10 Restaurants with highest ratings. iv)Restaurants with highest numbers of feedback. v)Visualize above using bar chart. 5)Write a program to use IPL Complete Dataset from Kaggle. Find the: i. Who won most Player of the Match? ii. Winning Analysis according to Toss iii. Winning Team (First Bat/Second Bat) iv. Winning Team (First Bat/Second Bat) according to Given Venue v. Most wins by a team vi. Most loss by a team vii. Win by highest margin (Runs) viii. Win by lowest margin (Runs) ix. Visualize winnings of every team in bar graph. x. Visualize the performance (batting or bowling) of given player in bar graph. 6)Write a program to use Netflix Dataset from Kaggle. Find the: i. Total number of records available in dataset ii. Total number of records having any missing value iii. Eliminate the missing values iv. Visualize the number of records available country-wise v. Visualize the number of records rating-wise vi. Visualize the number of records year-wise 7)Download the WhatsApp Chat with anyone and find the followings: i. Number of messages send ii. Number of messages send during a given date iii. Number of emojis send iv. Number of media send v. Visualize the messages, emoji and media using pie chart 8)Download the Students Performance in Exams dataset from Kaggle and find the followings: i. Percentage of students with standard lunch. Visualize the percentage of students categorized according to lunch. ii. Visualize the percentage of students who completed the test preparation course against who have not completed it. iii. Visualize the average math score of male and female students. iv. Visualize the average score (average of math score, reading score and writing score) gender wise and race/ethnicity wise. v. Visualize the number of students according to parental level of education using pie chart. 9)Download the Facebook Users by Country Data dataset from kaggle and find the followings: i. Top five countries with most number of users. ii. Top five countries with least number of users. 10)Download the Amazon Products Sales Dataset 2023 dataset from kaggle and find the followings: i. Name the top 10 Air conditioners with highest number of ratings. ii. Name the top 10 product name from All Electronics sub category with highest rating score. iii. Display the total number records available in dataset. iv. Display the category wise number of records. v. Display the category which has highest average rating score. vi. Visualize the categories in ascending order of average rating score using bar chart.
Rewritten the project in Rust HOLY SHIT THAT'S A HUGE ASS SPEED IMPROVEMENT whole video render time reduced from 35 min with a Python implementation TO FUCKING 2-3 MINUTES WITH A RUST IMPL HOW MAN this is what rust is all about god daym
Introducing the Colonial Marshal ERT w/ Anchorpoint Marines (#2318)
My first PR of this scale, for sure.
Been working on this PR for two weeks off and on, and finally I believe I have checked every box that I intended to check when I first thought of this idea a couple months back in November or so. Original idea:
It will be adding a Colonial Marshal Bureau ERT, a Colonial Marshal Bureau Inspection Team, and an Anchorpoint Station ERT.
First: Anchorpoint Station, unlike many ERTs, this one will hail from a station. The station is located in the Neroid Sector and is used as a transit / refinery station. It's large enough to hold 3000 but never reaches its full potential. It consists of four towers and a central module - one of the towers houses a permanent CMB presence and in the same tower, a contingent of Colonial Marines is onboard. There's also a Seegson office but I didn't do anything with it here. Reference:
For standard inspections, a dropship is dispatched from Anchorpoint Station to the USS Almayer to carry out their objectives. I do expect this to be the primary usage of this entire PR, because there was always a part lacking for Anti-Corporate/Anti-Smuggling/CMB type of interactions. It was almost always focused on Corporate, or USCM. Nothing else. You should consider this to be an HRP addition to the game.
Its also important to note that the Colonial Marshals are Colonial and UA law enforcement agents / investigative functionaries. They shouldn't be enforcing Marine Law unless: 1. The CMP/aCO has requested it, 2. The Colonial Marshal believes its in the best interest of the CMB and 3. The CMB Office at Anchorpoint(admins) does not intervene to change this decision. Jurisdiction is another interaction that will be nice to see. Non-USCM suspects should be transferred to the CMB, and vice versa. The CMB should also be handling crimes, especially with the ICC, involving smuggling, black market activities, and corporate corruption/cover-ups.
The Colonial Marshal - He leads the team, and should be an experience player with some knowledge of the lore behind what they are doing. There's objectives and a backstory to help guide players if they are unaware. The CMB Investigative Synthetic - Unlike what you would expect from most Synthetics, this one(as the name implies) is purely for investigative and/or law enforcement purposes, though they have brought along a medical belt. The CMB Deputy - Working under the lead of the Marshal, his loyal deputies uphold Colonial Law, Earth Law, and help with investigations and/or law enforcement should it be needed. Interstellar Commerce Commission Corporate Liaison - This Executive works with the Colonial Marshals specifically to observe proper trade practices and investigate any possibilities of smuggling or black market activity. They are also an advisory agent to the Marshals by giving them an eye on the corporate side of things. Interstellar Human Rights Observer - Through a lot of hard work, the Observer has managed to make his way onto the frontier to document and record any kind of atrocities that may be occurring in this dark sector of space. It's a bit of a PR stunt, but the Observer might surprise you. Also, in an emergency, the Observer may be able to provide medical aid for the team - they are the most capable of it.
For Emergency Responses, a nearby dropship which was enroute to an investigation of its own, is re-routed to the USS Almayer's distress beacon. There is a 10% chance of this happening. They will not fare very well in extended combat, because they are not prepared for it. They simply come aboard to lend a helping hand to a distress beacon. As the Colonial Marshals are equipped for law enforcement and investigations, they are comparably lightly armed to most things they might encounter in or by the USS Almayer.
This is where the contingent of Colonial Marines in Tower 4 comes in.
The third ERT that may be called in is an Anchorpoint Station QRF Team. Canonically this is purely used when a random-beacon is answered by the CMB Patrol Team, and they are able to raise the radio back to base to call in the QRF. Thus giving them an additional, albeit optional objective. This is controlled entirely by admins, as the Anchorpoint QRF Team, despite its small size and average skill levels, is equipped with a decent amount of gear compared to the depleted stocks of the USS Almayer. Should the CMB team be able to raise its own distress signal to the preparing QRF team, admins may choose to grant, delay, or deny the QRF entirely.
Those are the main points of the PR. There are also small variation changes to CMB-related survivors and also some changes to (I tried to refractor the code because the last PR to it bugged out the way items spawn in, but I was unsuccessful and those changes are not in this PR.)
Pizza ERT chance and Freelancer ERT chance was nerfed by 4 and 5 respectively. This gives room for this ERT, and also Pizza was a bit LRP.. You see a ship burning with a giant hole in it and you go to deliver a pizza...?
EDIT: Pizza ERT removed from rotation entirely a la morrow
I would love to give a great thanks to: nauticall - for their awesome cap and badge sprites! Also they have just been a great help to me for much of my time here :) kitsunemitsu - for their CMB hud icons! harryOB - for helping me with fixing my vars and procs in the main ERT! I was able to make things a % chance thanks to him. and forest2001 - for helping me troubleshoot and find a solution for a really annoying piece of hud code.
This is a great, non-combat ERT and extremely HRP addition which adds a phenomenal avenue of RP to the game rarely seen before. There is someone to investigate the CL, interact with survivors, give MPs someone to talk to, take non-USCM prisoners, assist with CMB-survivors and especially with the new Black Market update this ERT will have tons of potential to bring really interesting dynamics to the Almayer. The Colonial Marshal Bureau are a HRP oriented set of roles, perfect for mini-events.
I have done extensive testing with this and believe I have figured out
pretty much every single bug. One thing I was not able to test was the
ERT messages for obvious reasons, but they seem to be sound - and a test
merge will definitely double check that.
In addition, there may or may not be a bug where the CMB cannot see
their own HUD Icons, but ghosts can just fine. I haven't been able to
find the cause of this yet.
Put screenshots and videos here with an empty line between the
screenshots and the <details>
🆑 QuickLoad, nauticall, Kitsunemitsu, harryOB, forest2001 add: Introducing the Colonial Marshal Bureau Inspection and Emergency Response Teams - A Law Enforcement & Investigative UA Functionary which brings with it an HRP oriented set of roles perfect for your anti-corpo, colonial, prisoner, smuggling, or other types of interactions on the Almayer! It should unlock a very unique avenue of RP for many players, especially smugglers, CL, survivors and the black market. This is a well supported faction with their own frequencies, equipment, even faxes and icons etcetera. The laws of the Earth stretch beyond the Sol. add: Added the Anchorpoint Station Emergency QRF - A team of Colonial Marines dispatched from Anchorpoint Station to respond to the CMB's distress signal. Few in numbers, average in skills, but well equipped. When things get dicey for the Marshals, they are the cavalry. This is an admin call but makes it into an optional two-part ERT. imageadd: Awesome looking CMB Cap, Marshal Badge and Deputy Badge by nauticall! imageadd: HUD Icons for each of the Colonial Marshal Bureau Investigation Members, made by Kitsunemitsu! imageadd: CMB key, hudsec and earpiece! Comes with a nice blue shale radio color. qol: Switched up some of the bugged synth loadouts, added some variety. fix: Corrects the legacy path of hudsec where it was looking for old paths instead of the updated ones - hudsec should work fine now. Thanks to forest for his help in spotting these. tweak: Superficial changes to cryo ERT loadout and CMB-relevant survivor loadouts. tweak: Superficial changes to armor vest so that they can carry guns/lights. tweak: Superficial changes to not being able to put on vests over certain uniforms. tweak: Freelancer ERT chance down from 25 to 20. tweak: Synthetic vendor has some packs renamed for clarity, and receives the tech welder satchel and medical satchel as an option. del: Synthetic nurse hat is gone from Synthetics! del: Pizza ERT is removed from rotation /🆑
Co-authored-by: naut [email protected] Co-authored-by: naut [email protected]
Added some juice, working on the GUI now, stuffs pretty fun. Our overall app is kinda done now, like the backend is pretty pimped up, so like, we chilling, we hard chilling. Shits pretty cool, can you believe I was able to do this shit alone? I mean, its really not done yet, I could also add a save feature and keep ur data from old scans, also would try giving full kinda access to spotify api but that shit is way too difficult to deal with, like, have you seen the demonic shit you need to summon just to have access to how many songs you have liked? Stuffs a little too hard, spotipy has like no documentation and even if it does, nothing gives you access to the amount of times listened to an artist. I should try to get in contact with a programmer who has written something giving access to the API, just to have some insight. Well, I am glad to have my sanity back and seeing progress on this project.
Delete remappedSrc directory
It’s just the remapped java files from the 1.19.Fuck You 4 Update.
Small tweak suggestions to modern data stack article (#5729)
- Small tweaks
Few small tweaks, feel free to ignore obv:
- Removed the tl;dr in intro as it was repetitive and felt redundant (it's summarizing 3 sentences)
- Removed more air quotes around modern data stack - if you're talking to engineers and call it 'modern data stack' you sound a bit 'how do you do, fellow kids'
- Removed link to our CDP docs because we don't really have a CDP product yet
- Micro changes to flow
In general I think there are still slightly too many links in here that would take people away from the page (we don't need to link to every single relevant article we've written on the topic, especially as we have a Further reading section), but I'll leave that to you to decide!
I wonder if around line 95 there should be a break with a new title called 'So what's the problem' or something - I had to re-read the article to really get the crux of what the burning problem is here besides 'it's a bit complicated'. The gap that is created between (product?) engineers and the data they use is super valuable, but I think a bit buried.
(Btw sorry to be very nit-picky after it's already been published - ended up re-reading a few times as I think this is awesome Twitter content I'm going to pilfer...)
- Update contents/blog/
Co-authored-by: Ian Vanagas [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Ian Vanagas [email protected]
[MIRROR] IV drips' default transfer rate is no longer zero. [MDB IGNORE] (#20567)
- IV drips' default transfer rate is no longer zero. (#74724)
Set default IV transfer rate to maximum (5) instead of 0.
Set default IV transfer rate to maximum (5) instead of 0.
When you hook someone onto an IV drip, you naturally expect that to be the end of the process - you hooked someone to a drip, and now you can go about your day. Them needing to fiddle with buttons is bad for several reasons:
- It is unintuitive. IV drips don't look like machines. Their sprite doesn't reflect the fact that you need to fiddle with the settings before they can work the same way any other machine or computer might. And to be honest, they shouldn't.
- It is separate from how every other server currently has it. Yes, yes, I know that argument is very flawed and full of holes. But what I'm trying to say with it is, effectively speaking, an extension of the above point. In other servers, you drag-click someone to an IV drip and there we go, it's functional. In TG, it just-so-happens to not be functional due to what is almost definitely a recent oversight, which very much can, has, and will lead to unnecessary frustration.
- There is no practical reason for it to be set at 0. Imagine if chem dispensers started at +0 units and needed to be set to +5 to continue. Or if bottles had a transfer rate of 0u. Or if guns started with their safeties on. Even if it made sense, it would just be frustrating and needless, and wouldn't improve the game in any significant manner enough to offset frustration. We're here for fun, not perfect balance or realism/verisimilitude after all.
- It's an oversight. It was changed in #71217. Before that, it was always set to the maximum, 5u. However, presumably due to confusion (Variables that can be adjusted ingame usually are set to zero/the minimum possible) it ended up being changed to this.
Apparently an argument can be made that this is fine because fumbling to get medical aid done is a part of the game. I disagree heavily - blood bags are already stored in the cold room, something only 2/5 of the roles in medbay even have access to, with the paramedic, virologist, chemist all being unable to reach it. This is already enough 'fumbling' that's necessary. If someone moved the blood bags outside the cold room next to the IV drips, then all the better - it's a reward for medbay being prepared.
However I wouldn't mind if someone asked me to make it so the default transfer rate is, well, something below maximum. It's common practice in a lot of parts of SS13 to have things set in an unoptimized state so players can go around improving them, such as air alarms, cryogenics, etc. Just as long as it's not literally unusable otherwise, as the 'minimum basic setup' should just be slapping on a blood bag!
Dunno what to put here TBH. Can't tell if it's qol, fix, balance, etc.
🆑 qol: Set default IV transfer rate to maximum (5) instead of 0. /🆑
- IV drips' default transfer rate is no longer zero.
Co-authored-by: carlarctg [email protected]
.emacs: fix get-command-from-history function
First, to fix behavior in a few edge cases in consult-history
If I am on an old line in the scrollback and load it up as a history line to reuse:
- I most definitely do not want to overwrite that history in
the scrollback -
overrides the line at point, fixed-consult-history overrides the latest input line. - If I Ctrl-g to abort, I probably want to go back to where I was because I hit "gh" on accident, or I realized that I meant to use another line, and in any case getting back to the buffer is a trivial "G" - a naive version of the fix for the prior point would leave the cursor at the end of the buffer instead of returning back where we were.
- I most definitely do not want to overwrite that history in
the scrollback -
For the common case of being on the latest (bottom) line already, behavior remains the same, including ensuring that point is in the original position if we abort mid- -selection and so on.
doesn't provide any way to say what the initial query is besides having it already under point, nor for getting the result besides inserting it into the buffer (instead of what it selected as the initial query at that), to do the above we need to mutate the buffer before even callingconsult-history
- ifconsult-history
is then aborted, we'd end up with junk writes in the buffer, and in the undo history. So this wrapper cleans up both.
So that's the rationale for fixed-consult-history
. I pulled
out functions which might be useful for other REPL-in-Emacs
work, and pulled out the save-mutation
macro because, like
the save-excursion
macro, it will probably be useful again.
Second, a human speed/fluidity improvement:
- I decided that I would rather have commands execute as soon
as an option is selected. Since I've got vi-style commands
in the minibuffer too, there's very little reason to have
them wait for me in the main buffer. In the rare event that
I want something more, I can copy+paste manually. If that
ever becomes enough of a problem, I will eventually bind "q"
in Vertico minibuffers (or maybe just in Consult functions,
or maybe even just in
) so that I can exit the way that consult-history normally exits, putting the selection into the command but not running it.
Third, some integration with Evil:
- Evil didn't recognize
as edit commands which could be repeated. Theevil-declare-*
functions didn't help - it kept trying to repeat the last repeatable command prior to calling*consult-history
. Luckily, Evil has an (utterly under-documented) API for hooking in and telling Evil what actions to repeat. I gave some effort to come up with a sensible repeat behavior:- This command replaces a whole current input line (whether it's empty, or has text already typed out for searching), and runs it, so a repeat reruns the command.
- Repeat doesn't go into another the manual history search and line edit (just like how repeating an insert/replace does not drop into insert mode for more manual entry).
- If I ever add the separate "exit consult-history but don't run the command" feature, repeat will remember if the previous call ran the command or just put it into the command line. (And then maybe I'll have it replace the line the cursor is currently on, or insert, instead of the current command-line. That needs to be decided.)
Add files via upload
Excited to share my latest creation - a Tableau dashboard that visualizes our online customer sales data! With this dashboard, I was able to gain insights into our sales patterns and customer behaviors. First, I looked at the total revenue and total revenue per gender (male and female). It was interesting to see that while overall revenue was strong, revenue from male customers was lagging behind that of female customers. Next, I analyzed the total number of purchases per gender and payment methods. I found that while female customers made more purchases overall, female customers were more likely to use credit card payments. Finally, I looked at the most used browser by the number of customers. It was surprising to see that a majority of our customers were using Chrome, followed by Safari and Other. Overall, this dashboard has helped me gain a better understanding of our online customers and their purchasing behaviors. I'm looking forward to using these insights to improve sales strategies and better serve customers in the future. Check out the dashboard and let me know what you think!"